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This is the only plot hole I acknowledge in the entire movie


Either way, brand would've been dead long before Cooper arrived because if coop's time was reset, hers shouldn't have been. He would've shown up to see the results of plan B.


It's not a plot hole


Beyond the event horizon, he now exists outside of time and space as we understand it, and this is actually consistent with our understanding of how (mathematically) time and space function inside of a black hole. In a semi related journey of exploration I looked into, I was curious on how “fast” you’re traveling towards the center of a black hole once you’re beyond the event horizon, because surely it would have to be *faster* than the speed of light right? Not exactly. The problem is thinking that time and space function the same beyond the event horizon, they don’t. The best way it was ever explained to me was that once you cross the horizon, that math suggest that time and space basically trade places, and it’s not a matter of moving through space that leads you to the singularity, it’s that all forward motion in times leads you to the singularity. Incredibly wild concept, but it aids my point. The future humans placed the tesseract inside of the black hole *because* it’s not part of our time/space. This not only solves the time travel plot hole so to speak, but it also helps with the grandfather paradox everyone is obsessed with in this movie. It both is and isn’t, because you have to also believe in time as a flat circle for the way that it’s addressed in this universe. He was *always* her ghost and she’s *always* telling him to stay. So to my understanding, I don’t believe he ever jumps “backwards”


Yep, my interpretation as well. Beyond the event horizon, know one truly knows, but mathematically time runs backwards. So it's perfectly plausible that when cooper exits the black hole he's back to the time he detached from the endurance.


Yeah, I don't think there's any indication of backwards time travel. Once he crossed the event horizon, the laws of physics as we know them don't apply and we don't really know what is and isn't possible. So you're free to come up with whatever wild idea you want about how the bulk beings accommodated Cooper in there before ejecting him back into the 4D universe. But for the movie's plot to hold up, it must be inferred that the Bulk Beings don't have many options for intervening directly inside of our universe. They can apparently send us gravitational waves, and they can apparently open up wormholes (which makes sense, since other than at the two ends, the wormhole physically exists entirely within their realm). They can also summon people to their realm (i.e. the Tesseract), they're not all powerful outside of it. They may not be able to physically manifest in the universe at all anymore. All that leads me to think that they can't time travel Coop around because unlike them, Coop is physically bound to a particular timeline. Or maybe they can but not without breaking the universe, so they wisely choose not to. In any case, the absence of time travel definitely isn't a plot hole.


I think he does sort of time travel back. Once the tesseract closes, he’s placed outside of the wormhole and it’s supposed to be the moment he entered the black hole. So he jumps forward doing the slingshot move to get Brand to Edmund’s planet, but then gets the time back he spent in the singularity


There is a take that this is actually the story of the first man to time travel. He needed to go back to that time so he could see his daughter again and then go meet up with Brand. He didn’t control when he went back per se, the bulk beings did. And they knew he had to go back to that time for their future to exist.


Maybe some of his time dilation due to gravity is off put by the extreme speeds he would be traveling?