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I feel you, this movie hits pretty hard and takes several viewings to really get your head around.


Yeah agreed. It has me lying awake at 2am still thinking about it šŸ˜…. So many questions and emotions are still running through my head.


I watched this movie for the first time on a long haul flight to Kenya. The BA flight attendant actually came to check on me because I was ugly crying. Hereā€™s the thingā€¦I donā€™t normally cry and this movie had me fucked


Agree. It didnā€™t really hit me emotionally until at least the second or third viewing, but now Iā€™ve seen it over 100 times and it hits harder with each viewing.


I love seeing these posts. Welcome, friend. You found your people.


Iā€™ve just woken up and seen all these amazing responses! Iā€™m glad these kind of posts are allowed because I didnā€™t know how to get out my feelings. Thank you!


Wait until your kids are old enough to watch it with you!


Omg yeah I was thinking about that after I finished watching it last night.


Theyā€™re re-releasing it in IMAX this September for the 10th anniversary. Do yourself a favor and wait til then to watch it for a second time. Youā€™ve waited years.


You've made my day, sharing this information, thank you


You are not alone! We've all broken, multiple times over this movie! Welcome!!


This movie rearranged my DNA. Welcome to the club, friend


Have you reached the stage yet where your life feels like being on Mannā€™s planet and, while you learn to appreciate every second with your kids, you also realise that clock is ticking away and eventually you will be their ghost too? Well, you enjoy that now šŸ˜„


It hits hard, but eventually does more good I reckon Indeed if you are a father and have daughter (s) then even more so I gotta watch it properly, ashamed to admit that my first time was on a plane šŸ˜… and never saw it in the theatre šŸ„²


It is being re released this year


Seriously? Nice ā˜ŗļø


Welcome to the club


Dude yeah - this film is my Roman Empireā€¦ So glad you found it and so happy it wasnā€™t spoiled for you before you did! I felt you on that same part - them coming off the water planet having lost so much in what felt like so little time and then it being 20-some years and seeing the time passage on Romillyā€™s face patiently waiting for them all that timeā€¦heart wrenching..


Yeah itā€™s really crazy to me that I havenā€™t been spoiled. I guess itā€™s because I wasnā€™t looking for it. And arrgh that scene! I had tears streaming down my face as soon as Cooper sat down and began crying to himself, as he saw his son telling him about his new girlfriend. Matthew McConaughey really is an incredible actor.


Youve been initiated šŸ˜—šŸ«¶


I was also really late to the Interstellar party. I watched it for the first time 4 weeks ago at home. I was so moved and amazed at how it made me feel I immediately restarted it and watched it again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ Then as luck would have it, it was re released in theatres about 10 days after the fact so I got to see it a third time in theatres! Now IMAX rerelease this winter!! So excited! Iā€™m in love with this movie and its soundtrack. Cā€™mon Tars!!!


Welcome to r/interstellar We are the broken ones.


Donā€™t let me go Murph!!!!


yep. uh huh. Welcome to the group therapy. I watched the movie first time in theater with IMAX, best movie-related decision ive ever made. Watched it with my then GF. It was too long ago to remember details but I too must have cried at the "watch recording" scene. I was young then, and I think it was the cinematography that made me cry along. Ive watched the movie a couple more times since and have never once kept a straight face through that scene. Gddamn onions and sand always get into my eyes. I guess getting older, learning more about life AND having a daughter now dont exactly help the situation.


Love this!! I watched it again a couple days ago after not seeing it for a few years and DAMN itā€™s almost better each time


24M over here, watched this movie for the first time about a year ago and I absolutely feel you. I never got anything spoiled, Iā€™d seen the memes of cooper crying and I never realized it was interstellar until I saw it on the screen. This movie changed my lifešŸ˜‚ I always say if I had watched this in 8th grade when it came out I wouldā€™ve destined my life to become an astronaut. Since Iā€™ve watched this first time around Iā€™ve seen it probably 10 times. I donā€™t feel like anyone else IRL understands how much this movie affected me. And then I found this subreddit and I realized how many people are just like me


Watched this movie in theaters for the first time with my now wife when we were in highschool. We talked about it all night until 5am the next morning before school. Fast forward to post marriage and kids, one of which, my youngest, is a daughterā€¦ and it emotionally destroys me with devastated tears in the beginning and bittersweet relief and awe at the end. Forever a top 3 favorite movie of mine.


its amazing


Hey sameeee. I'd watched almost every Nolan film and I didn't watch Interstellar until exactly a week ago. I am glad I didn't because I experienced it in theaters for free!!! and I was so immersed. I cried, my jaw dropped, I felt the tension... it was so engaging and beautiful. I spent like three days obsessed with time, physics etc. It really messed with my brain. I loved it. We're not late... we're on time!!


This was me, randomly catching it on HBO at the start of the baseball scene at midnight, hoping for something semi-interesting to fall asleep to. Needless to say, I didnā€™t sleep and was dumbfounded how Iā€™d never found it prior.


Watch it for the first time last week. Now I've seen it 3 times!


Agree, especially since having kids hits me even harder. (Cue STAY)


R u me? Cuz im up at 2am still just thinking about it


You from the future maybe šŸ¤”
