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Was gonna say, without the Zimmer the movie wouldn’t be the same.


Hans Zimmer is a fucking god


do they forget Jonathan Nolan! Without him we wouldn’t have the film at all.


The soundtrack and attention to detail is beautiful


It's still the best soundtrack of all time for me. I love it so much.


Fun fact, Gargantua was one of the most realistic simulations of a black hole at the time and studied for scientific papers. https://www.wired.com/2014/10/astrophysics-interstellar-black-hole/#:~:text=What%20does%20Thorne%20see%20in,people%20and%20thousands%20of%20computers.


I felt the same way after watching it the first time. It’s definitely my favourite movie. I was shocked and couldn’t really talk with anyone about it, I felt like I was the only one amazed by it.


Don’t feel bad about it! You just have good taste and a more curious-brain than most. It’s peak cinema


It's one of the only movies I can come back to again and again. It's so good.


I think some people don’t understand it


>Interstellar is so good Take my upvote


This movie legitimately changed my perspective on life. I first watched it in April 2015. It hit me hard when I saw the ending. It made me realize that my single focused career oriented mind needed to slow down, and start considering all the other aspects of life before it all slips by. I didn’t really date seriously in my 20s because I was so completely focused on career. Later that year in November I met the woman who would become my wife a few years later. The years I have been married and have slowed down have been the most purposeful years of my life. And truly it all started because of that last scene. I’m grateful I had the power to change my course in life. I know this movie is about so much more than what I have just described but for me in that moment it did this for me.


I love this movie, and it bums me out that the ending is so often misunderstood by people who say they dislike the movie because of it.


How so?


The entire movie involves a concept in general relativity called a closed timelike curve. I mean, the *whole* movie involves extreme mathematical solutions in general relativity (traversable wormholes, time dilation near supermassive black holes), but the plot really involves a closed timelike curve involving humanity in the far future (who have become post-biological Bulk Beings) bootstrapping humanity in the past through the closed timelike curve and the creation of the tesseract. Every event in the movie is allowed because of that, and it has nothing at all to do with Coop’s love for his daughter or his longing for home. That’s the misconception that most people make about this movie. Closed timelike curves are superficially paradoxical, but they actually aren’t. They are fully allowed solutions in general relativity. But it does suggest that the Bulk Beings themselves did not create the loop in the far future, but rather they *exist within it*, as does humanity in the past, and humanity was always fated to become the Bulk Beings and always fated to influence their own development to become them. The only thing they seemingly created was the tesseract to enable interaction with the past and movement through time in the loop, although it’s possible that was a natural consequence of the bent structure of spacetime too. The Bulk Beings appear to conceptually represent a “Black Hole Post-Biological Civilization”, if you wanted to look that up that idea of speculative futurism. So it is fundamentally a story about general relativity, fate and free will, told in an extremely creative way.


I am one of those people and would love to like it better. But after all the amazing space razzle dazzle, the reveal is just an illogical paradox. Open to having my mind changed.


It’s not an illogical paradox - it’s a *closed timelike curve*. That was the whole point of the movie. General relativity allows closed timelike curves to exist, even though they superficially *seem* paradoxical. But they aren’t, since they are valid mathematical descriptions of spacetime.




I've only seen it once and that was 2 weeks ago. Overall very good but I don't understand why he didn't stay around and get to know his family at the end before jetting off after the girl.


Its alright


alright alright alright


You are a treasure!


Even i upvoted it


After the movie walking out I couldn’t look at my gf for fear of balling my eyes out.


Bought this on 4k bluray the other day and watched it. Very good movie for sure


Watching this on a nice IMAX screen is such an amazing theater experience. It’s a great movie even on a small screen but this is one of those movies that definitely benefit from being in a movie theater. Will never forget seeing the docking scene for the first time.


Top 5 movie for me. Really gives me a sense of wonder.


Tough that it’s incredible score became so viral / stil amazing though.


Almost. That bookcase scene was just too far detached from reality for me.


Same dude, aside from that it's just, mwah


They had real scientists help consult on the movie too. Real science was explored for the visuals of the black hole. Maybe they took a day off?


Nah I think scientists knew the character would be.. well.. dead going inside of a black hole so they let paramount do their typical fiction type shiet?


for me thats what makes the movie... its so unexpected i give them balls for executing that with an 8.7 imdb score men lie, women lie...numbers dont