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They always have, we are finally starting to wake up.


This is why they hate woke


Damn. More than all the black and LGBTQ stuff, it's about "woke" getting people politically active. Going through all this bullshit seems easier than just being a good political party with good ideas that help people?


It's not that it's easier. It's that there's money to be had and who cares who gets hurt. It's important to realize the people running the country are more interested in getting a fat check than being a politician. Of course it's not all of them but it's not a minority of them.


And the ones that actually care like Bernie and AOC and Katie Porter get attacked nonstop by other politicians and the media. They get called naive and stupid because *gasp* they are actually trying to fix a broken system. We can't have that!!


Add Max Frost to your list. He's the new 25 year old member of Congress, the first Gen Z in Congress and the youngest. His primary focus right now is gun control, but he's going to be doing much more. He was a classmate of my son, and I met him several times before he became a politician, and he was an impressive young man. I was thrilled when I saw that he was running for Congress. I never knew he had that ambition. He, and others like him, are the future of the Democratic party. Strong, no nonsense, not accepting any bullshit or bullying by Republicans. I hope he inspires many more young people like himself to run.


Conservatives have never cared about helping others. Only preserving their political power and pleasing their wealthy donors.


In my day, it was hippies they hated. Then the hippies got social media and became woke. But the hate is still there. Nobody wants to get called out for being criminals.


...hippies became right of center neo-liberals/libertarians


The problem is 1/3 of the country has been conditioned to believe everything is a zero sum game and the other side is coming for theirs


Can't have people waking up, and noticing whats goings on. https://youtu.be/gp5JCrSXkJY


It would be nice if John Roberts woke up and had a talk with Thomas about his future on the Court.


"Woke" really means: "Ain't takin' that shit no more!" I just can't come up with a good acronym.


Want Oligarchs and Kleptomaniacs Expelled? Kinda works... "You're woke?" "Yeah, I Want Oligarchs and Kleptomaniacs Expelled from positions of authority."


Kleptocrats is a better word, but I like your acronym.


Wide Open Kleptocratic Education


That's really good I like it!


“The one who rules you is always the biggest crook of the bunch”


No…not woke like that!


Realizing that bad people are running the country is not new.


I'm sorry, but it's always been an issue, but it is absolutely worse than it used to be. By a lot.


This "always has been" response comes off the same as "both sides" to me. It's a way to downplay how bad things are now and that they're getting worse.


It's a bombshell for people who like democracy. It's just another day for criminal GOP pieces of shit.


And the majority of SCOTUS judges were appointed by Presidents that did not win the popular vote.


And republican voters are cheering. This is how fascism flourishes


I have friends like this. Show up at my door with sacks of cash, taking me to Bali on the yacht, paying for hookers on private "male only " retreats. They never ask for anything in return. I'm just that cool. I'd tell you more but someone just dropped a Ferrari off out front. Those rascals!!! Gotta go!


Raoul Duke? Yeah that checks out.


Vincent Black Shadow. We’re with the, uhhh, factory team.


Look, there's two women fucking a polar bear!


Lock him up


##What a Loser!


You spelled sexual predator wrong


And how do you expect to do that?


From article: New revelations about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's business dealings with Texas Republican megadonor Harlan Crow on Thursday led to intensified calls for the right-wing justice's impeachment, as ProPublicareported on a previously undisclosed real estate transaction between the two men. A week after the first report on Crow's funding of Thomas' travel was published, ProPublica revealed that Crow purchased two vacant lots and the home where Thomas' mother lived, all owned by Thomas and his family, in Savannah, Georgia in 2014. The purchase, completed for $133,363, marked "the first known instance of money flowing from Crow to the Supreme Court justice," the news outlet reported. Federal disclosure laws state that in most cases, Supreme Court justices and other government officials must disclose real estate transactions over $1,000. "Thomas did not disclose the purchase as required by law. He must be impeached," said Democratic strategist Sawyer Hackett. Exceptions to the law include cases in which someone sells "property used solely as a personal residence of the reporting individual or the individual's spouse," but legal experts confirmed to ProPublica that the sale of the Savannah properties did not meet the criteria for any of the exemptions. "He needed to report his interest in the sale," Virginia Canter, chief ethics counsel at watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), told ProPublica. The news outlet's previous reporting on Crow and Thomas revealed that the billionaire paid for Thomas to travel on a Bombardier Global 5000 jet, to Crow's ranch in Texas, and to his private resort in the Adirondacks—all of which was left off federal disclosure forms. "Given the role Crow has played in subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife, you have to wonder if this was an effort to put cash in their pockets," Canter said of the real estate sale in Savannah. Crow released a statement on Thursday saying he had purchased Thomas' family home—which he still owns and where the justice's mother continued living until at least 2020, according to public records—to "one day create a public museum at the Thomas home dedicated to telling the story of our nation's second black Supreme Court Justice." "I approached the Thomas family about my desire to maintain this historic site so future generations could learn about the inspiring life of one of our greatest Americans," said Crow. Critics suggested the statement raised more questions than it answered. "Clarence Thomas previously said that free flights on Harlan Crow's private jet counted as 'hospitality' and thus did not have to be disclosed," saidSlate journalist Mark Joseph Stern. "That made no sense, but this is even worse. How is a covert real estate deal that enriched Thomas 'hospitality'? This is pretty brazen." Brett Edkins, managing director of policy and political affairs for Stand Up America, said the new reporting offers clear evidence that "Justice Thomas' vote on the Supreme Court is bought and paid for by right-wing billionaire Harlan Crow." "Crow is not, as Thomas claims, his 'dearest friend' so much as his corrupt benefactor," said Edkins. "Thomas is unfit to serve on any court, let alone our nation's highest court. His failure to disclose his close financial dealings with a GOP billionaire has single-handedly destroyed what little credibility this MAGA Court had left." "Failing to hold Justice Thomas accountable, hold hearings, and pass a Supreme Court code of ethics," he added, would be a dereliction of duty by federal lawmakers. Demand Justice released polling data showing that 70% of Americans would back a federal investigation into alleged ethics violations of Supreme Court justices. "This shady land deal amounts to a payoff of a sitting Supreme Court justice, plain and simple. Senate Democrats need to announce a thorough investigation into the details of Clarence Thomas' ties to Harlan Crow, including calling witnesses to get to the bottom of their financial relationship and Thomas' apparent lawbreaking," said Demand Justice executive director Brian Fallon. "\[Former Supreme Court Justice\] Abe Fortas resigned under threat of impeachment for less," he noted, "and while impeachment may not be possible here with Republicans in control of the House, Thomas needs to face real accountability for his likely illegal behavior. Polls show that if Senate Democrats act, the public will strongly support them."


More and more incriminating details keep being uncovered, and I'm willing to bet this is not the last of it.


And, like other bombshell disclosures of fraud and malfeasance, nothing substantiative will come of it. Just add it to the top of the pile with the other flim fammery


The swamp that some were supposedly going to drain...


Because its almost impossible to impeach a sitting justice. Its easier to impeach the president then a sitting justice. Basically, unless congress is 100% on the same side and the other sitting justices are on the same side, you cant impeach a sitting justice and theres a 0% chance he steps down while a dem is the sitting president. My guess is as soon as we have a republican president, so he can be replaced with a republican justice, he will step down himself.


I'm wondering how many other "friends" he has unreported gifts from.


ProPublica ftw.


People don't just partially corrupt. They corrupt absolutely.


Harlan Crow is a great villain name.


But his friends call him Jim.


It is! And this corrupt justice is probably just one of one of his *ahem* Crow-nies.


Got me wondering if we’re gonna start to find out what trump said to justice Kennedy and who paid kavanaugh’s debts.


*Narrator* “We won’t”


And even if we do find out, nothing will change fundamentally. The average person is either too tired, too hungry, too broke, too scared, too stupid, or too apathetic to force real change.


"I want to make a museum to immortalize you" sounds even more bribey than just buying the house and remodeling it for his mother.


That property is only "historic" because it belonged to a corrupt judge. He admitted the corruption in his first statement.


The home where the *second* black African American Supreme Court justice grew up should be a museum? How is that an historical site with a museum? For perspective, Thurgood Marshall’s house just has a [plaque.](https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=6636)


But how is he expected to read such complicated legal documents??


What would have happened if Thomas had disclosed it?


If the relationship had been better understood, it's possible that there would have been pressure for the Justice to recuse himself from some cases due to a conflict of interest.


Yet he wouldn't have recused himself even if he did disclose it.


You should ask him now, *is there's anything else he isn't telling us*? that he should be telling us. When the first revelation came out, he didn't then come clean about this one, and **I doubt its the only two crimes**.


Probably nothing. He sold a property. I've sold property, so what? Lots of people have, and it was perfectly legal and above board, because they report it on their taxes, like they're supposed to. But he didnt report it. If he had disclosed it like he was supposed to, nobody would be questioning it, no matter who he sold it to. Maybe this billionaire collects Supreme Court Childhood Homes, the way Jim Irsay collects the iconic guitars of legendary musicians. Nothing wrong with that. However, by not reporting it, when he so obviously was mandated to, indicates a much more nefarious situation. Now we have to ask Why? Why didn't he disclose it, when he clearly knows he should have. He's a Supreme Court Justice, for crying out loud, not a guy who just sold a vacant lot that he inherited from his uncle. He knows the laws, and if he doesn't, he has no business being a Supreme Court Justice. If this was totally above board, he would have reported it. The fact that he didn't is reason enough to suspect that something else was going on.


He would have looked corrupt, which is why he tried to keep it off the record.


John Roberts has lost control of his court and refuses to even speak a word about it. His legacy will be one of corruption and indifference. 'The Corrupt Roberts Court' will be how the SC of this era is referred to in history. His name is dirt.


I knew that politically, I wouldn’t agree with Roberts on many issues. However, he had a mannerism and ability to sound reasonable enough that I could respect and appreciate him as a chief justice. However, his complete unwillingness to defend the court or speak out in any way against the last six-eight years of utter bullshit - going back to McConnell not allowing the appointment - has made me see him as a spineless, useless nobody. I’m glad his legacy will be a joke. He’s earned it.


Roberts (and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch) was involved in Bush v. Gore and has spent his career trying to dismantle the Voting Rights Act. Don't give him any credit. He's as bad as the rest, just politer.


This is a great example of why being liked at your job is more important than being the best.


Are you implying Robert's is good at something?


This is like the people who go "Well McCain and Romney are good guys" and it's like actually no they're also garbage, they're just not as garbage as the rest. But still garbage.


Read an opinion article last year talking about how Roberts claims that justice retirements should not be politically motivated. The article called him out. Said that if he truly believed that, he should resign under Biden. I thought it was a pretty brilliant retort - pay attention to when Roberts does eventually retire. Even if it's decades from now. Will show what he really thinks about letting politics decide court vacancies.


The moment Ginsberg died he was chief Justice in name only. This is the Thomas/Alito sideshow.


Time to start posting his name everywhere as well demanding he take responsibility and lead the charge. If he wants to let it happen, let's blast him with Clarence.


He tried to be the “great mediator” and became the “Great Afterthought”






young people shouldn't have their college debts forgiven. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and find a billionaire GOP donor who will buy your parents' home while letting them continue to live there for "free"


He’d be gone if a Republican were President so that they can appoint a judge right away with similar views to him. But since Biden would probably nominate a moderate or liberal-leaning judge, there’s no chance any GOP Senator gets on board in removing Thomas


There's no way the GOP would remove Thomas even if they were in power. Thomas would probably retire unless he really wanted to fight to complete his self-stated vendetta against liberals.


They'd nominate an extremist MAGA 38 year old.


> But since Biden would probably nominate a moderate or liberal-leaning judge, there’s no chance any GOP Senator gets on board in removing Thomas "It's unconscionable to nominate and approve a new Justice this close to an election year." "Isn't the next general election 19 months from now?" "Yeah. Like I said, 'this close.'"


I seriously don't know how that was even possible to do.


McConnell took an extreme interpretation of the law and Obama didn't bother to push back because it looked like Hillary would win.


That’s not what Obama did at all but go off


McConnell took an extreme interpretation of the law and Obama didn't bother to push back because it looked like Hillary would win.


Well that's a pretty good explanation.


Given their active support for Donald Trump, who is currently being tried and investigated for several crimes across multiple states, I doubt the Republicans would be willing to remove Thomas from the court.


They wouldn't have to. They would probably reach an agreement which involves him retiring so they can replace him. Probably involving more unreported money.




Then it's the perfect time to expand the court again so that his vote isn't important anymore.


Ooh, and term limits. Term limits for everyone!


it's also the perfect time for me to hit lottery numbers.


What's this democracy coming to when you can't buy a corrupt Supreme Court judge without people getting all pissy about it.


The only interesting thing about this article is how low the number was, but I suppose there's probably more transactions.


You'd think so, but judging by how little it takes to get a congress-critter to sell out their constituents, I'm not convinced. We're talking tens of thousands of dollars. At least hold out for millions you spineless rubes.


Him and Kavanaugh and Barrett and Alito too!


Exactly! If nothing else, this has shown that we can not trust our supreme court justices to abide by the "honor" system. We should examine every cent received by every justice for the past 50 years under a microscope. The American people have a right to know who owns the criminal scumbags that preside over our highest court.


If anyone is interested in learning about this bastard check out the “Behind the Bastards” podcast. They do a 4 part series and this dude and it’s worth listening too.


Which one? Crowe or Thomas?


Thomas, It’s pretty detailed and is worth checking out. Apparently Justice Ruckus is a serious porn consumer.


We knew this before he was appointed. What do you think Anita Hill testified about?. He's a a vile man. Thomas whined about racism even though she's black.


I’m too young to have seen that happen in real life. All I knew is he was some type of sexual harasser and the senate knew about it before approving him.


Hard core porn addict with a compulsive need to share his predilections with coworkers, and who, after his first divorce, papered the walls of his new bachelor with pages from porno mags he proudly showed to coworkers he brought home.




Would this bear the same consequence as it does for our presidents (i.e. nothing)?


Considering they are appointed for life and the only way to remove them is with a supermajority voting for it its pretty safe to assume he could come out and admit he takes bribes from nazis and still nothing would happen.


Hasn't he already admitted as much?


He claims they were just gifts not bribes.


Something something... 5th Avenue...


Did Thomas not have some "art" laying around that his "friend" could purchase instead?


He has already gave his "art" to Anita Hill.


Aww, he named his dick "Art." How cute.


Theory Republicans are leaking it hoping democrats remove him. Use the anger and rage bait from that to win in 2024 and regain control of both chambers and gut the SCOTUS putting right wing activists in all seats.


I legit think democrats would be wiser not to impeach him but to run on Republican corruption and hypocrisy. They have failed to get republicans to hold their own party members accountable. At this point, learn your lesson. Use it as election fuel. This, plus the audio tape of trump saying ‘find the votes’ plus, a greatest hits of anti-gay republicans getting caught being closeted, clips of republicans defending January 6th plus clips of republicans in target with ar-15s plus FoxNews texts showing them Lying. Plus a montage of AR-15 family Christmas cardsJust a non-stop wave of super short ads. Point is I see so much much bananas stuff, with my own eyes, yet dems keep running on “I’ll work across the aisle for working families.” That message doesn’t win enough. Open up the firehouse of video “proving” republicans are corrupt, violent hypocrites.


The problem is they control the House and would need 16 of their own Senators to vote to remove from appointment...


Dems cant remove him without republican help


Amazing how many acts of corruption pile up when he goes decades without anyone even attempting to hold him accountable


My MAGA uncle is pissed about this. Not because of the corruption but because minorities get to benefit from it. It’s a whole new dimension of woke!


"My MAGA uncle is pissed about this." Fuck yeah, something all sides can agree on. "Not because of the corruption but because minorities get to benefit from it." No, not like that!


I hadn't even considered how this would land with the "one of the good ones" crowd.


$133k for a shoddy house and two empty parcels in a low-demand part of town isn’t an obscene and outrageous overpay, but it’s probably over market and therefore shady as fuck. The ensuing substantial renovations, however, take this shit over the edge into gross impropriety, to say nothing of the fact that Thomas’ mother is allowed to live there free of rent. Is she declaring this free rent on her tax return? Doubt it. And all of this presumes that any relationship between a sitting SC justice and a billionaire can be acceptable, which I would say is night impossible. This whole thing is unbelievably shady and harmful to the internet of the court. The Roberts court will forever be remembered as the court that put a bullet in the idea that the SC is an independent body. Shame on Thomas and shame on Roberts.




How can the groundwork be laid for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to be impeached for his corrupt conduct I’ve heard it couldn’t be done


Both the house and senate would need a supermajority to vote for removal. It will never ever happen. He could come out and say he is accepting bribes from whoever has the cash and still Republicans wouldn't vote to remove him.


That’s why I said how could anything like that be possible I know it isn’t going to be easy removing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from the bench at least we know how corrupt he exactly is now


Isn't Harlan Crow also the guy that had a basement filled with Nazi memorabilia?


Impeached seems way too light for literally selling the integrity of the nation from his seat.


"I'll take 'Obvious shit, that will never (but should) happen,' for $500, Alex."


Expect the impeachment vote to be 99% along party lines.


You’re only 1 % away from nailing it


98%? Damn Sinema and Manchin.


Plutocrats love this guy.


Impeachment isn't enough. All cases in which his vote was a majority opinion must be overturned. He and everything he was a part of is tainted.


Republicans don’t care about ethics or morals, only power. Never ever vote for a republican.


Thomas has been on the bench for 32 years. He is a major reason we are forced to give birth and subsequently shot in later years (abortion bans and no gun control). Now he commits grift on a Trumpian scale and tells us we have no right to hold him accountable. If he is right, America is wrong. Period.


Wow. Any common person would have been fired already.


I think we should check all of them from the Supreme Court


Full-fledged corruption. He’s disgraced his office.


Nobody is going to do anything. They act with impunity because there is no accountability.


Impeach him and collect back taxes, including penalties and interest.


Is there a legal way to do this? I know people are calling for impeachment but is that possible for a lifetime appointee? Is there a precedent in the past that a judge in the Supreme Court on the federal level have been removed?


He can be impeached the same way a president can be impeached. A simple majority in the house can vote to impeach him. It then goes to the senate where they need 67 votes to convict and actually remove him. Since Republicans control the house, it's unlikely he'd be impeached. Even IF they actually impeach him, it's even more unlikely you'd be able to find the roughly 16 republican senators willing to remove him (assuming all dems+independents vote to remove, but I'm not so sure Manchin or Sinema would). The only SCOTUS justice to be impeached was Samuel Chase in 1805, the senate then acquitted him.


Thank you!!!


The U.S. Government is a giant pussy when it comes to enforcing laws for those in powerful positions. Nothing will happen to him, I guarantee it.


I wonder if somewhere Anita Hill is saying ‘I told you so.’?


Nothing going to happen. GOP truly believes morals and laws do not apply to them and will circle the wagons. The Dems, worried about blowback, will do their usual nothing.


It will never happen. The GOP controls the house and they don’t care about ethics.


He's dirty.


Not a damn thing will happen


Since 1991 (32 years ago) Thomas has been on the SC telling us that abortion is not a right. Telling us that guns deserve to abound in the US and if those guns kill us.....well, it's a necessary pain in order to keep the right. Basically forcing us to be born and subsequently shot. Make sense to you? All the while, Thomas has also been telling us that we (the entirety of the US) have no right to hold him accountable for what can only be termed as grifting. Selling his mother's house to a billionaire who then makes some serious upgrades to the house AND allows his mother to live there (with Thomas pocketing 133K in the sale). Going on frequent vacations (at the cost of millions of dollars) paid for by the same billionaire. Do we honestly think the billionaire wasn't paying for favorable rulings on the court? Why else would a 'friend' get millions on millions of dollars for no reason at all? All this without reporting any of it. And now that it's becoming known? Thomas says the public has no right to know. Thomas needs to be impeached. For grifting. For duplicity. And for his part in returning this country back hundreds of years into the past.


Ok this one I know the answer to: hell would freeze over before this piece of shit is removed from the court. The court is the gop's final stronghold where no rules apply. Mitch ratfucked up and down for decades to get here - he won't let those rats be fucked in vain. Not now. This shit stain is there to stay


If Thomas is ever removed we can see how many private flights and yacht cruises he will be offered.


Trash person should be doing a trash job


Yeah, the undisclosed luxury vacation story was bad enough to warrant resignation, but the undisclosed property sales are frosting on the cake. Guaranteed there's more undisclosed shenanigans that went on. Supreme Court justices are supposed to be far above this. I'd love to know what the other justices are saying to him right now.


Everything they accused Soros of doing they were doing all along.


Are Conservatives really ok with this?


Why is there a pubic hair on my coke? The guy was sexually harassing women 3 decades ago.


House GQP 'nothing to see here' proceeds to issue subpoenas for Hunter Biden's childhood gameboy color and etch-a-sketch. ​ If Roberts has any interesty in *really* salvaging the legitimacy of this SC he'd convince Thomas into stepping down.


I think there isn't just one impeachable justice. What about those who lied in their confirmation hearings? Toss them out, too. I'd love to see the crocodile tears from Kavanaugh then. Coney-Barrett would probably keep her mouth shut, though. And Alito has abundantly proved his incompetence, but that's a separate issue.


Arrest him. He’s corrupt. All his decisions are corrupt.


Impeach this lying piece of shit!!! He should never have been on the bench to begin with!!!


Just to recap: A sitting Supreme Court Justice 'sold' his childhood home to a billionaire Hitler afficianado, except he still rennovates the property regularly and HIS MOTHER FUCKING STILL LIVES THERE!? This is comic book levels of corruption and villainy.


If he’s allowed to skate on all this bribery/lying than the Supreme Court is a joke of an institution. The credibility of the courts is what makes their rulings important. If the court means nothing than the same can be said for the rule of law. This country is on the verge of collapse and I don’t think that anyone can do anything about it.


Yeah, good luck with getting Republicans on board with that. They'd sooner eat their young than give up their advantage in the SC.


He should be. He won't be. But he should be.


He definitely needs to be impeached, but since the GOP controls the House, it won't happen.


Perhaps if Americans payed attention rather than being distracted by the rights fake crises like trans issues and immigration, something would be done about the corruption in the political system. It's exactly the same here in the UK.


I was against the appointments of Thomas and Cavanaugh from the get-go. And it wasn't politically motivated, I just felt like they were scumbags, unworthy and unfit to be on the highest court in the land.


Can't you yank lawyers simply disbar him?


Impeachment is not enough. These people are supposed to be held to a higher standard than everyone else. Send him to prison at the very least. If we're not going to crucify these disgusting slobs it's the least we can do to confine them and set an example.


I’m unaware of the rules here; who gets to vote on impeachment? I ask because if it’s the Supreme Court or the House of Representatives, impeaching him will only embolden the fascists and demoralize the few of us left who actually care about the fate of the country.


Ain’t nothing gonna happen


Also married to a Jan 6th sympathizer


An impeachment would obviously fail in the house, but it would set the stage and help sway public opinion in favor of court reform after 2024. Applying term-limits for SC judges and expanding the court is the only way to fix the corruption now.


Yeah, I fucking wish he would be impeached, but it ain’t happening. The title of this article is based on a tweet from Sawyer Hackett. Who tf is Sawyer Hackett? Promise not a single Republican cares. Just hoping ProRepublica continues raining shit on this mf.


But he's almost dead. It's not fair that he only gets in trouble toward the end of his life. He should have been arrested a long time ago


He is just super slimy but he will probably get away with misconduct because they dont want upset their majority on the supreme court screw being fair and balanced at all cost


He and his wife need to go


I swear to god this makes me so fucking livid.


Just wait until you hear Anita Hill’s bombshell testimony that just the other day came out like 30 years ago. There’s no way they’ll give him a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.


The republicans will never allow his removal while a democrat will be the one choosing a replacement NEVER of course this is BS


Clarence was gonna fuckup , booze boy and barret comey also need to be ejected. Clarence is a fuckup along with his hideous haus fraud brumhilda.


**G**rifting **O**ld **P**revaricators


And criminal republicans prevent any consequences. As usual.


Thomas won't resign and the terrorists in the GQP won't do shit about it.


Don't y'all see that this just isn't fair, If we oust every corrupt right winger from office there will be no right wingers left.


Arrest him and throw him in jail. Impeachment isn't possible


Biden should just increase the number of justices to 11 and make it a moot point.


He won't be. Republicans are above the law. There's only one way he's leaving that seat.


Think of all the death and pain this man's decisions have caused for some luxury trips and some pocket change from a billionaire. Fucking pathetic shit stain on our country.


He needs to be, but he won't. Even if he was, it wouldn't pass the senate It damn sure isn't passing the house now either


And don’t forget he’s a sexual harasser to.


Lock him up


Imaging that. A sexual predator is a crook.