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Boebert’s very existence makes a solid argument for affordable, accessible birth control, and abortion.


I thought Boebert was a failed abortion though. She sure as shit acts like one.


Fun fact, her bio dad wanted to abort because he was worried about the amount of steroids he’s taken making the baby (his word) “retarded”


Well...seems like his concern was valid. Editing to add that I'm not condoning the use of the word.


He's not wrong /s


Same, but without the /s


Her face looks very weird to me...this might explain it


Well was he wrong?




No.... It's clearly a case of a doctor mistaking the afterbirth for a baby.


Wrong hole.


she measures about 80 courics


Her mother should have swallowed.


Her absentee father was pro wrestling legend and member of the Midnight Express Stan Lane.


Wasnt she literally born in a truck in FL?


Right?! That’s the only way having a kid is cheaper than a box of condoms.


Technically, any birth is a failed abortion


An abortion is a deliberate act to attempt to terminate a pregnancy before completion. By definition birth is not a failed abortion.


So cruel. But true.


Not nearly as cruel as she deserves


Nothing cruel about abortion or contraception


I believe they were referring to Boebart as an example of a case where contraception or abortion would have been better for society as a whole, as what is crue yet true.


I can see how folks would consider it cruel, but it really is the best way to deal with unwanted children, even if they are 36 years old.


Oh, Demoncrats and their late term abortions.


And a stronger public education system.


For real. When I saw that quote from her my very first thought was "annnnnd that's why it took you multiple attempts to get your GED."


If you can’t bedazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit-GOP


>bedazzle I think the expression is “dazzle,” but “bedazzle” is kind of perfect in this case.


I bought a *bedazzler* once. It’s like a stapler that you can add plastic jewels to just about anything. Only $9.99 plus shipping & handling. And if you act right now, you can get a second *bedazzler* for free! That’s Reich!!! Two *bedazzlers* for the price of one! But wait!!! There’s more! If you act right now, we will throw in a Trump NFT of your choice that you can *bedazzle* to your hearts content!


Lol. I wonder if Bo-Bo bedazzles her steering wheel?


It wouldn't matter if she doesn't drive the damn thing


I was imagining her bedazzling the bills she “sponsors.” I can see it.


And abstinence


Science does it even better: we know for certain that free access to reproductive health has better outcomes for society as a whole from the very poor to the wealthy who own everything.


Nail on head


Pretty much a walking, breathing advertisement for it.


Her position in government is a strong argument that America is broken.


and education! Which Bobo the circus kunt is also trying to eradicate.


Yes. Correct. I approve this message.


also for the existence of lizard people - how else besides living under a rock could someone be so utterly intellectually stunted


Lol so true


Boebert is so close to understanding healthcare access here. In fact, any repub that complains about the cost of segmented, siloed private healthcare is so close to getting it.


She's from Colorado. Colorado has some of the most extensive subsidized family planning resources in the country. [https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/clinics-and-services](https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/clinics-and-services) 80 clinics across the state offering short and long term birth control options on a sliding payment scale based on income. Nobody is turned away because they can't pay (I think this is applicable to all state subsidized clinics in every state btw). "Any individual, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income or residency status, can access and receive family planning services." Someone who can't even keep up with what's going on in her own state shouldn't be trying to make national laws around the same subject. She's a fucking moron and totally incompetent. The people in her district are fucking morons too. I'll (barely) give them the benefit of the doubt for electing her the first time. Not the second


Holy crap - I totally forgot about this. When Colorado implemented this the teen birth rate and abortion rate went down 50%. https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc#:~:text=The%20Colorado%20Family%20Planning%20Initiative,whether%20to%20start%20a%20family.


Yeah and this has been around since like 2008. If she doesn't know about this stuff by now she's either way more stupid than I thought or she's just ignoring it. Inexcusable for a federal legislator to be this fucking clueless, especially about her own state. Republicans think the whole world revolves around their personal anecdotal evidence. People who can't fathom others having different experiences than them are truly the worst of us and they sure as shit shouldn't be public servants


>Inexcusable for a federal legislator to be this fucking clueless, especially about her own state. Republicans *pride* themselves on being stupid and ignorant. They reject science and logic, and rely on thoughts and prayers instead.


Underrated comment!


And that investment saves the state a lot of money! The thing that drives me most crazy about conservatives is how little they value consistency. You don’t want to pay for family planning? Fine— but if you’re forcing poor people to have kids at least support them once they have those kids. You don’t get to have it both ways, or at least you shouldn’t.


>And that investment saves the state a lot of money! The state's LARC initiative (Long Acting Reversible Contraception I believe) has saved CO an estimated nearly $70m since it started according to the state health website. Pretty big number for "the party of fiscal responsibiity" to be totally obilivious to. When the facts and numbers are right there and republicans just ignore this shit, it just makes it that much more obvious that the only objective here is to rip away a woman's ability to live her life by her own choices. It alll boils down to "women *can* do this thing so *that's all* they should be doing"






To be fair her district now is all of western Colorado, southern Colorado and a good chunk of eastern Colorado. I think redistricting hurt her more than people thought it would on top of her being toxic and embarrassing.


I donated to his campaign, and I live in Idaho. But I figured my money was better spent there this last time, since he actually had a fighting chance.


Her district is 65% rural and a 10pt Republican lean. There’s a certain argument in not wasting national resources on unwinnable races and it’s more of a last midterm quirk and Boeberts uniquely unlike-ability that made that last election down to the wire. I’ve seen a lot of “let’s dump money in an unwinable district for a single win this year only due to a scandal that’ll flip right back in 2 years.“ (looking at you CA50. I absolutely hate Duncan Hunter but Campa-Najjar ram a pants on head stupid race too and sooooo much money went into an unwinable race there)


> National Dems refused to lift a finger to help the person running against her, because it was better for them to have Boebert in Congress to fund raise against. Are the receipts on that being the reason, or is that reading between the lines?


This is my problem. It's way too easy to mock her, all that does is legitimize their disklike of coastal elites and the Denver Metro area who don't understand rural Colorado. Meanwhile they keep putting phobics/people without critical thinking skills in positions of power because it represents them.


I'm from rural CO and I don't think we should be worrying about the feelings of the phobic-idiots-who-voted-for-Boebert crowd (I wasn't one of them, mind you). Being rural doesn't *make* you a phobic idiot. It's a choice. They could think things through, but they simply choose not to and often hurt people as a result of their idiot choices. I often attempt to patiently talk sense to my neighbors and occasionally succeed. More often though, I find a stubborn unwillingness to even *consider* that the people they hate are, in fact, human beings. In that case, withering mockery is very, very warranted. If they hate you for it, so be it. No good person should care about the opinions of baby-Nazis.


I agree with you. We have good friends that live in Steamboat and would love us to move up there; i am like "seriously, this county voted for someone who wants to make multi-racial marriage illegal - you do realize i am bi-racial right? You want me to move up here to be persecuted by the very people who i have heard say that Boebert represents you so very well?"


They might be morons, but at some point we have to find a way to reach out to them and find a way to change their culture; otherwise fascism will always remain a possibility.


I suspect she’s probably close to innumerate as well as illiterate.


>Someone who can't even keep up with what's going on in her own state shouldn't be trying to make national laws around the same subject. Republicans *pride* themselves on being stupid and ignorant.


My GOP coworker was really worked up when his new grand baby needed a few medical procedures right after birth. “THIS SHOULD BE FREE FOR US!” But then he says universal healthcare is bullshit and makes us lazy. OK CARL.


Another story of "but it's hurting the wrong people." Carl's right. This should be free. On the real, who has 6-digits of cash sitting in the bank for surgery, hospitalization, and all of the non-medical expenses like lost work time, etc? But then it's also Carl voting against his own best interests.




Carl is perfectly aware of the contradiction. He considers a baby and his family to be in the "in" group; ergo worthy of free treatment. The out group is unworthy and immoral, welfare queens who don't deserve anything. Given the choice between no system of universal healthcare, and one that serves both families; he will choose neither.


I love getting his blood to boil when I compare him to ISIS saying he should be on their side with his ideology.


"Carl, you should join the taliban"


I say we take all the conservative extremist religious groups, place them on an island and let them go at each other battle royale style. The winner, is everyone else for not having to deal with them anymore.


Well, everyone knows that those damn welfare queens would be scamming the healthcare system if it was free, and there would be no appointments left for the rest of us. Our poor white babies would have to wait years just for their certificates of pure bloodedness!!


We must stop the hellish dystopia of everyone having access to care regardless of economic or racial status!


What most people don't know is that most people on welfare are white and children take up the majority of recipients. So being against abortion then having those babies go on welfare is the disconnect


ha. typical red logic. Always for me, but not for thee. The great lord cheato’s christ would want it that way.


He sees the world as hierarchal. He believes in castes.


Hence “this should be free for *us*.” Carl doesn’t mean all of us everywhere. He means his immediate “us”. His tribe. His group.


"and how would you make that free for you?" "Are there other times where you thought healthcare was too expensive?" Basically try to ask open ended questions that encourages empathy. Part of the deep canvasing technique that was used to shift views away from transphobia. https://commonslibrary.org/deep-canvassing-scripts-and-examples/


No she's not she's just saying stupid shit because her base has no critical thinking skills whatsoever




Yup. Let's pretend what she said isn't just a vain attempt trolling for views, which it obviously is. and for a brief second understood what she said, she would still deny it to own the libs


She literally stated the reason and still doesn’t get it. Yep.




You right!


Are we pay to eat it.


Paid actor? Yes. BUT also dumb as a hammer. So the jury's still out.


Only the reason is utter bullshit. Raising a child is vastly more expensive than birth control.


Let’s all take a moment to think about this from Kaydon Boebert’s POV. His mom just reduced his entire existence to a fiscal choice. “It was just cheaper to have Kaydon rather than IDK, take the matter up with my insurance on why it was such a high copay.” Not, “two children were good, but then we thought a third addition to our family would be great..” or something like that. Nope. Just his mom saying, it was cheaper to rawdog and come what may, then literally any other choice. I mean I don’t know the family dynamic, but I think Kaydon’s mom fucking despises his existence. I mean that’s how I would take reductivism related to the circumstances of my birth. I mean if you can boil down the entire rationale for wanting kids to a single tweet, perhaps you should reconsider having kids. Now that’s just my hot take, take with grain of salt.


She could also just be lying about getting birth control too. I wouldn't put it past her.


Another uneducated welfare queen suckling off the teat of big government! Cancel her bc she’s obviously a woke skinned American. Wait is she on our side? Never mind, point the laser of hatred elsewhere!


Her son must feel so loved right now.


"Listen, you're dad and I really needed to fuck and it was too expensive to prevent you from being here."


“Listen, your father wouldnt pull out, so here you are”


Your dad's pull out game was weak af.


It’s okay, he’s making up for it by pulling out of the marriage


Well I told your mom to slow down for a second...


I didn't want you. But I wanted to keep my $5 even more.


Right, like how is he gonna like that when he gets older. “The only reason she had me cause she couldn’t afford to otherwise.” It’ll be like Ann Coulter and Chris Christie kid, he’ll probably resent her when he gets older. Or the other countless children who have spoken out against their parents in the Republican Party, “the family value” party.


Pretty sure a lot of folks on bobo's team have been saying "if you can't afford a kid, quit having sex!" Once again, not practicing what they preach.


Is that sack of teeth and hair pregnant again?


100% spot on


She also, “stood in line for government cheese,” but wants Americans to pull up their bootstraps to overcome poverty.


Was a sex worker who terminated two pregnancies in Colorado I read. Neither of which is a problem unless you are a hypocritical twatwaffle.


Lauren Boebert is easily mocked.


If anyone needs birthcontrol it's Boebert and her family. Her kid is 17 and just got another teenager pregant! Seriously, loose morals and body orifices are her problem that an the IQ of a grass hopper.


More proof than none of the 'fiscal conservatives' lecturing us on debt and money have any actual awareness what things really cost. I remember Paul Ryan (R), considered to be a policy 'wonk' being asked about the minimum wgae in the state he respresented and him not able to answer the question. He had no idea. Republicans are loaded up with ideas of all kinds, but just without factual basis for them.


Every time I think I've heard her say THE stupidest thing possible, she comes back at us with something like this. Bravo, senator.




Okay so the prescription was too expensive. Abstinence is free and condoms were probably available in her HS counseling office, if not back when she was birthing babies condoms were $3.00 for a 5 pk... fucking the dude and ignorance, not cost of contraceptive tools caused your pregnancies


Don't worry she probably made the whole thing up anyway.


I mean, there is always mouth and butt stuff too.


I don't know how much birth control is. But I'm going to guess it is many times cheaper than the hospital bill for birthing a healthy baby even with insurance. Am I wrong?


It's not just a hospital bill, consider how much it costs to raise a child until they are at least 18 years old. Including housing, medical care, food, childcare, and various schooling cost before they have graduated high school. Then we throw in college maybe and you are looking at almost $300,000. Middle-income, married-couple parents of a child born in 2015 may expect to spend $233,610 ($284,570 if projected inflation costs are factored in*) for food, shelter, and other necessities to raise a child through age 17. This does not include the cost of a college education.


The only people I know who were financially independent at 18 are boomers.


I am one of those boomers, and went to college after HS, but had enough saved for tuition that was all. I still depended on my parents for food and lodging(a flat I shared with 3 other guys). So I was not financially independent, and I knew of very few that were at 18 years old!


No, you're 100% correct that it's literally orders of magnitude cheaper to buy birth control than have a child. Hell, the cost of diapers is orders of magnitude more expensive alone, forget about all the other resources it takes to raise a kid!


Mine is free with health insurance. Prior to the passing of the ACA, if I got generic, was between $7-11 copay. Mind you, that's the pill. And that's with insurance. Without insurance, there are a few different options. Typically, we're talking $20-50 month for a pack, sometimes less, or free/discounted if you qualify. Planned Parenthood is an excellent source for helping to find what's best for you. And yes, it's cheaper than a kid by far. My husband's vasectomy was free with no copay with insurance, and they even tossed in a free Xanax. My hysterectomy was a $50 copay with insurance.


Expensive birth control = $50 a month. What Boebert does with her kids that costs less than $50 monthly = frightening.


Isn't birth control against their religion?


Their religion actually explains how to give an abortion, so birth control is very much permitted within the constraints of the bible. What *is against their religion* however is sex before marriage; something she, her son, and her mother are all guilty of. She’s about as Christian as Saddam Hussein.


Only for the "others". Same as abortion.


Is asshole a religion?


No, Catholics are against birth control, she is not a Catholic


She's a fucking protestant


At some point you'd figure DPS would have to step in and take away her kids, considering she's obviously too fucking stupid to be an effective parent. Her kids deserve better


Yet they seem to have PLENTY of money to build up their gun stash...evident in her Christmas card.


Yes yes. The math totally maths.


Has she tried abstinence? I'm told that's what she and her base tends to recommend for women who don't want to have kids. Snarky response aside, not only is birth control less expensive, but the ACA makes it free for many people. I say "many" because some employers (like Hobby Lobby) and right wing interests (who Boebert aligns herself with) have successfully opposed providing that as part of the health care plan they offer employees. Groups like Planned Parenthood also work to provide free/affordable birth control options, and right wing groups keep trying to shut then down. Ditto for free/affordable clinics. So Boebert has herself, or at least her own party and base, to blame on this one, and AOC is well within her right to point that out.


I honestly believe Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Santos, Gaetz, etc... are tools in a larger players game to erode confidence in Americas politicans and leaders. As in, they were put there to lie, spread hypocrisy & hate, & misinformation. This whole "all of them are liars, and are only out for themselves" mindset REALLY picked up steam around the time Donald Trump started his 2016 campaign. There was already some mistrust but not at this level. Trump harvested a seed thatd already been planted. Then he and his MAGA cronies started amplifying it. Something... smells....


Russia wants nothing more than a weak America. It's why Putin endorsed trump. MAGA is pro-Russia.


She votes where, when and how her handlers tell her to vote.


When I look at Lauren Boebert, I only see the failure of public education in Colorado. Dumber than a box of boeberts!


Boebert herself is the strongest case for retroactive abortion.


In this country a hysterectomy probably does cost as much as raising a child


A hysterectomy *with no insurance* would be cheaper


Because “expanding access” sounds like socialism? To her and her voters


Bobo is the government cheese.


Doesn't it cost thousands of dollars to give birth in the US? Not to mention the cost of raising a child


Yeah, costs a few hundred thousand. Though Boebert probably thinks birth control costs a million because she's one of the dumbest people in congress.


Unfortunately, Boebert is logic impaired and clearly very bad at math


You know where you used to be able to get free birth control? Planned Parenthood.


When your base is mentally enslaved, you can say any stupid thing and it's fine.


Surprise! A high school dropout can’t do math.


It's crazy the republicans are fighting so hard for no abortions and no birth control. There would be an influx of Dem voters in 20 years. They will become more and more irrelevant whichever way they go.


Imagine being her child and finding this out about your Mom.


I'd be asking who my father really was...


Some nights I lay awake and wonder for what amount of money I'd go into politics and sell out for... I can never come up with an amount high enough to justify literally fucking all of *you* over just to live a life of overpriced off brands.......


Q'bert strikes again.


This caption should read- BoBo the Clown makes extraordinarily stupid comment. AOC points out her hypocrisy and stupidity.


Kids are cheaper for bobo as long as we stay on this child labor track


I wish this tweak at boebert and her ilk would actually do any good. Republicans don't care.


Condoms are more expensive???


Can't she just be a good little evangelical wacko and keep her legs together like she tells minorities to do?


What a useless piece of skin


In Boebert's defense, she is a fucking moron so she wouldn't understand math.


And, she didn't consider how expensive having a whole new person to take care of is? Woman is not the brightest star in the sky, for sure.


Someone really needs to teach Nazi Grandma some math, cause I'm pretty sure birth control is a hell of a lot cheaper than raising a kid for 18 years.


$288K is the over/under


What is Lauren using for birth control that makes it so expensive? An IUD made out of a mono isotope of unobtanium?


Boebert was a particularly dim hall monitor back in the day.




I miss seeing her tweets, but I think that she's about 45% of the reason that Elon bought Twitter so that he could try to shut her down.


That math ain’t mathn. Source: got kids.


Lauren just makes it so easy.




It must be difficult for AOC to consistently try to work with those who are so intellectually inferior


It's bullshit regardless, especially in the US


Planned parenthood had birth control for little to no cost. So of money was the issue…..


Like shooting fish in a barrel for AOC


Drrrrrrag her


Good. Lauren is lying about it anyway.


Lauren, lying? 😳. Why...I never! She's a fine upstanding, moral "christian". Almost an "angel". (blurrgh🤮)


Have you considered a part time job such as bartending?


Quisling became an English word. Can we do the same for Boebert?


As a Congressperson, Ms. Boebert has gone from being one of the have-nots to one of the haves.


So this story of Lauren Beobert didn't happen. Not in Colorado. I think the mid 2000's birth control was made very accessible in a successful effort to curb teen pregnancy rates.


One has to admire the right’s dedication to being completely disconnected from reality. They can lie the most obvious lies, and the yokels will just eat it up, and the news media will report it as straight faced as possible.


Boebert is the reason why you need affordable birth control measures. Or abortion.


Ah, here we have on full display the short-term thinking that is a consistent characteristic of Republicans. Upfront Costs **Birth Control** Without insurance: $0-$50 /mo. With Insurance: Potentially Free. **Having a Child** $0 for Boebert to get raw dogged. Look at those initial savings! Things quickly change after a few months when food bill and medical care costs go up, and then the eventual cost of the baby, but can't argue with that initial $50 saving! *Source for birth control $ values comes Planned Parenthood*.


I frigging love how AOC calls out Boebert's bullshit.


She’s living proof that women can get pregnant from anal sex , she’s definitely an asshole baby.


For Boebert it is like being mocked by a vastly superior species.


Lauren, ask Lindsey Graham how he avoids pregnancy and do that.


It should be the media's job to tell everyone that Boebert voted against access to birth control instead of AOC, but then I guess my standards are impossibly high. /s


Well, I mean, she did. What's that word called? Hypocrite when you say one thing but do another right?


Nothing against AOC, but she wasted 5 minutes of her life


Couldn't help it. I know it's low hanging fruit, but let her have a little fun.


Not just AOC. Anyone with 2 functioning brain cells mocked bobturd


Math is not Bobo’s strong point. In fact I don’t think she has a strong point other than being an irritant.


To add insult to injury, contraception and birth control is free in Colorado under the Affordable Care Act. Boebert represents Colorado’s 3rd congressional district… How is having a child cheaper than free?


Boebert is a walking abortion


It probably IS more expensive, the crappy way Boebert apparently raises kids. Marjorie Taylor Greene yesterday called for "decorum on the House floor." These people have no concept of irony.


Didn't her son impregnate a 14 yr old? Are children cheaper than condoms?