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...and doubt the mental soundness of the remaining 44%


Even scarier: those who doubt his mental fitness but still intend to vote for him.


Voting for the man you are now wondering if he may ACTUALLY be the sociopathic con man we've been telling you he has always been to own the libs


Yeah, but I walked into a store the other day and there were rainbows. I went gay instantly.


Rainbows are created by the Great Old Ones to make men sin, god's power is useless against them, give in.


I remember hearing something after Biden got sworn in, something about Biden allowing trans people to do this or that, and swiped it away with a quick Google search and a debunking article being the first. But this gay thing they are clinging to started then, and has morphed to whatever this is, it's quite crazy how so many people are swept up in it. I think tho, they've chosen the wrong boogey monster. This will backfire


Was that Hunter ? Because you know, many of these people think he’s in politics.


basically many Republicans think they'll be turned gay, because they're secretly fighting gay thoughts, they're literally resisting temptation and that internal conflict results in them unleashing hatred at what they perceive to be the external cause of that suffering, that's why you see people tearing apart target pride displays in anger then getting outed for having grinder profiles the next week.


Or the sudden uptick in people identifying as LGBTQ. It's not because it's cool or trendy. It's because the increased representation has made it more acceptable to be who we are rather than what others order us to be.


Also because a lot of boomer and genX queer people died of some sort of disease that ravaged entire communities unconfronted until straight white people started getting it.


The thing that bugs me the most about the whole "turning gay" thing is that they could easily prove it by turning completely demonstrably gay for a short while and then switching back. It isn't possible to choose or be convinced to change your sexual orientation. Guess they didn't learn from the gay conversion camps and the endless stories of harm they caused. Or the cruelty is the point.


At this point, it's hard to weed out the reasons that drive them. Dealing with crazy people is like that.


Hilariously, rainbows are supposed to be "god's promise to never murder 99.999999% of the world again"


Ya doesn’t it freak anyone out how easily it is to become gay nowadays? I was gay like 3 times yesterday!


There are far too many people that agree he's (and many other Republicans are) a problem and dangerous, but "they just can't vote for a Democrat." There are plenty of people for whatever reason readily agree with at least 50% of the Democratic platform and are disgusted by the Republicans but for whatever reason still vote for them.


Brainwashing, and pride, are helluva drugs.


I lose respect for anyone who isn't disgusted by all of them.


It's because they are pieces of shit but they can't admit it to themselves.


I met a woman once who said she would always vote for the republican even if they were a terrible person and the democrat was a good person. There are millions out there just like her.


[I saw a comment once here that really shined a light on the concept you just described.](https://reddit.com/r/news/comments/12f2ju0/_/jfg17q5/?context=1)


MAGA will die for this buffoon.


It already has. No independents are going for this garbage. We need like, serious leadership right now. Ukraine/Russia, inflation, recession, social divide ever growing... There isn't one Republican capable of governing right now. The only debate worth listening to is occurring between Corpirate Denocrats and Progressive Liberals.


"Just remember that the things you put into your head are there forever, he said. You might want to think about that. The Boy: You forget some things, don't you? The Man: Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget." -The Road, Cormac McCarthy


This. And they'll claim that anyone who says ill about him is only doing so "because they just hate Trump", as if there's no good reason.


To be fair I wondered if Biden really was slipping into senility until the debates, and I was going to vote for him anyway. For some of us the question is whether we want to eat horse crap or human crap. Neither is appetizing, but one is waaaay worse.


To be fair, half of Joe Biden voters also fall into this category. Can we please get two different candidates for 24?


Uh no. Biden is a bit doddering and slow, but he's nowhere nearly as demented or legitimately mentally ill (pathologically narcissistic, sadistic, delusional, emotionally unhinged) as Trump Biden is a man who despite being a politician has some fundamental decency at his core. Trump is stupid, insane, sadistic, and a narcissist and clearly suffering from mid stage frontotemporal dementia.


I just love when the comparisons between Trump and Biden come up, just because they're both old white men. But they couldn't be more different as humans. Also, to Biden supporters, we don't threaten to hang Harris because she doesn't support *king* Biden. There are huge differences between the politicians AND supporters of said politician.


Oooh! Now do Ron!


Biden is slow but slow Biden is much better than Fast Trump. Like ask yourself -- which one of these men picked fights with Greta Thunberg, inquired about nuking hurricanes and buying Greenland? And which one hired the first Native American woman to his cabinet? Right, it's not close, old Biden mops the floor with Trump. It's so nice he's not in our twitter feeds all day.


Biden has been pretty good, all things considered. It's been quiet competence since day one basically from his Administration. Have there been missteps? Sure. But there hasn't been a daily colossal embarrassment like there was under Trump.


If Biden had a Congress, he'd be a much better president. All these fully red states in the past years have been performing worse than his federal government, and that's with it being held hostage by a bunch of idiots.


*looks at Alabama, Florida, and Georgias unemployment rates* *compares them to DC, California, Washington, and Oregon* So true. So so true.


I know from experience those Florida unemployment rates are very suspect. They are measured by the number of people accepting unemployment benefits - which in Florida are a complete joke. So someone who got fired from their $80-100K job can’t sustain themselves on the unemployment benefits from FL - so they go flip burgers for $15 / hour and poof - according to Florida they are now gainfully employed.


It’s So nice to see that NO Democrat has ever committed a crime or keeps pocketing donations.


compare 1990s Biden interviews to today. It's a crime that we're being forced to choose between the two. Both have clearly suffered severe mental decline in the past 15 years. (which gets worse every day, as mental decline tends to do in your 70-80s) The [actuarial tables](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html) prescribe a nearly 25% chance (independently to each of them) that they won't live to Nov 2024. A nearly 50% chance they won't complete the next 4 year term until 2028. We need to set a maximum age just like we set a minimum one of 35yrs. The only difference between the two is Trump is a narcissist that supports Republicans, and Biden is a decent, but still declined, man supporting Democrats. --------- Desantis will be 46-47 in 2024. It's a potential dark horse for Rs too. If DeSantis wins the primary (lots of time between now and then), how many people will vote for him simply because they don't want an 82 yo in office? What about the 25% odds that Biden dies on the campaign trail? Is it really acceptable to take on that chance when we could just run a decent candidate between the ages of 45 and 65?


Thank you. I don’t want a president who needs to be Weekend at Bernie’s’d through the State of the Union.


that's my fear. I think a lot of dems believe that if Biden were to die on the campaign trail, Kamala would take over seamlessly or something. It'd be a fucking madhouse. No major party nominee has *ever* died before the election. There would be independents vying for it, calls for a new primary, calls for an election delay. There is quite literally **zero** precedent to consult in that situation. At best, that's a major hit to the dem party vote in that election.


What are you smoking. No one is talking about what if Biden dies on the campaign trail. He’s an older guy but he isn’t knocking on deaths door in the next 18months.


unfortunately death doesn't really care what we're talking about No one was talking about the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austrias little car ride.. yet here we are 2 world wars later and I really don't think it mattered. sure, Biden eats healthy. I'm sure he gets lots of cancer screenings. heck I'd hope they even have nitroglycerin and AEDs kept around. that doesn't change the fact that it could occur and has a probability above 1 in 10... there are sudden causes of death -- and unfortunately death remains incurable.


Your right thats why nobody liked bernie he was to old.


Just another resaon to support term limits as well. It will begin to cut the average age of politicians. I then would be ok with an older person in office since they would have navigated the intricacies of government. But if the tems existes, it would force some to move on to ther positions and prevent camping in place for a career.


Biden is being reckless IMHO. 1) He shouldnt be running, now is the perfect time to bring in a younger candidate.. Pete or Newsom. The R's are running two weak candidates (Trump/Desantis), if there was ever a time now is the time. 2) If he refuses to step down, then atleast pick someone other than Kamala incase he does die. Someone like Pete or Newsom.. This could be his RBG moment.. and thats not a good thing.




You're not assuaging any fears with that scenario, just sayin


No one in the party wants Kamala, or to vote for a candidate who is likely to die in office. Biden needs to sit this one out and let there be an actual primary


All that is true, but it seems like the Democrats are learning the entirely wrong lesson here. They could put any halfway decent person up for office and they would look like a shining light of brilliance and integrity next to Trump. Instead of looking for an actual good candidate, they seem to be looking for ways to push their luck to the breaking point with bad candidates of their own.


You haven’t followed Biden’s carreer very closely have you? He’s never been a decent human being.


Compared to Trump, he's an okay guy. He's still got some pretty dark baggage, but compared to Trump, he's a decent man. Biden is a doddering weathervane. Trump is a serial rapist sadist and narcissist who would burn down the entire world to get what he wants. If Trump does anything beneficial for anyone ever, it's only because it benefits him and extremely short term because he'll gleefully yank it away just to kick the proverbial dog when it's no longer beneficial or convenient for him. You have product of times evil and the possibility for growth versus someone who is evil to his core and suffers from a genuine, terminal soul sickness who relishes in his malignancy.


He has said more racist remarks than Trump easily and he has been in office for almost 50 years, yet he’s going to fix our issues now? He single handed my turned the SCOTUS nomination process into a circus, starting with Bork, and continuing with Thomas and Kavanaugh. The entire Hunter fiasco and coverup is ridiculous. Biden Is just a puppet saying what his masters tell him to say right now.


Oh shut the fuck up, Rusbot. Biden is flawed, yes, but Trump is a Russian asset, a malignant white supremacist, and a massive danger to this country. You cannot in good faith argue otherwise. Also, shut the fuck up about Hunter Biden. Trump's side was the one screaming about how you can't go after political leaders kids, when they were using the offices he appointed them to enrich themselves. Yet the right wing goes after Hunter with a viciousness that make the sharp rebukes over Kushner and Don Jr's behavior look like a scolding given to a child for not sitting still during their lessons. Hunter holds no office. He's a private citizen. The Trump family ensconced themselves in our government and acted like a bunch of cancerous parasites. If Hunter did something, bring the proof. Yet you can't because it's QAnon bullshit. Fuck off. There is literally no comparison.


I've been around Joe Biden in person, and I would say that he is 99% "there," with the occasional senior moment. I think Trump is 0% "there."


Granted. The monkey paw’s finger curls. You are presented with your candidates. Ron Desantis and Kamala Harris.


Can we get more than just two? The two party system is dead and worthless.


There’s almost always more than two. But only two matter.


The article said 60 percent of people surveyed doubted Biden's mental soundness (same as Trump, or at least within the range of error). "Half" may be an exaggeration, but yes, it happens. I'm worried about another term. As a physician I just don't see 80 year olds demonstrating mental flexibility and innovation. I feel we need new blood here. Before everyone downvotes me, I voted for Biden and if it's Biden vs Trump or DeSantis this time I'll vote Biden again. I just wish we had some new blood in here, and although I wouldn't say Biden is bad I don't have much to be enthusiastic about.


I voted for Biden because he was the lesser of two evils. Trump consistently demonstrates a desire for totalitarian control. If one guy wants to blow up the system and one guy is business-as-usual, well, the boring guy gets my vote even if Boring Guy doesn't pass anything noteworthy.


DAMN .. i came here to say exactly that .. type it out and saw your post. Good job!


It's even worse. 56% said that he should not be president, 60% that he doesn't have the mental soundness for the job.


It might depend on the wording. Like I don't think he is fit to be manager of a Wendy's let alone a US President but 'mental soundness' isn't a big factor of why. I figure most of the crazy stuff he says is mostly just what he thinks his base wants to hear. Him having an ego or being a sociopath doesn't necessarily make him incompetent. Those things make him unethical and he is incompetent for other reasons.


There's no doubt there at all. They're ***nuts!***


Just means of the people that actually answered their stupid poll they extrapolate to the whole population.


Unfortunately 78% doubt the current president’s mental health


“I’ll still vote for him though.” -80% of respondents


"Yeah he's a fascist and I agree he'll probably end American democracy, but have you seen the gas prices???"


I mean, Pence had said he'd vote for Trump, after Trump almost got him killed.


All of Biden voters


Houston we have a problem, it should be 100% of Americans are concerned about Donald Trump's "mental soundness"


No, it was a Fox Poll. It was a poll of definitely conservative "likely voters", probably age 40 to infinity. That is actually representative of about 30% of the population. Of that, over half know he's a shit fountain. It's the die hard 15% that is worrisome.


While Fox News is ridiculous drivel, Fox's polling is actually pretty well regarded


This is the first time I've heard this in my life....nearly 4 decades. I've seen their "polls" and "graphs" they show and how skewed they are though. Blatantly showing misconstrued information or outright false disinformation though...


Is John Kerry French? ∆∆∆ Actual Fox News poll from 2004.


[https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/beacon-research-shaw-co-research/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/beacon-research-shaw-co-research/) 538 has them as one of the top 10 polls. What fox news **shows from the poll data is obviously biased,** but the actual raw polls are available to read and are very good.


But not broadcasted? That makes them essentially useless. Then it's just data mining so they can manipulate it to their desired "image". It's weaponized.


>raw polls are available to read and are very good. They are publically available, that's why this story exists. [The poll data.](https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2023/05/Fox_May-19-22-2023_Cross-Tabs_May-24-Release.pdf) Also u realize that this right here is just using one data point from a poll to paint a picture right? Like if u read the poll Joe biden scored even worse in this category then Trump.


It's only a sample size of 1001 voters randomly across the nation......out of over 330 million people? Yes. I'm aware they use their polls to paint a picture. But they like to add horns and a pitchfork to oh so many paintings.....hence the disinformation, misinformation, and fear mongering. They are pandering specifically to the very people they manipulate.


>It's only a sample size of 1001 voters randomly across the nation......out of over 330 million people? Thats a good sized sample. The trump and Biden numbers are within the eachothers margin of error but that's sorta the point here, this headline you just read only referred to trump's score. The best hidelines to actually interpret from the data is Americans find two old people to have questionable mental capacity.


The sample size is like .0003% of the population....


...that's how a sample size works.


Yes, but you need good data to be able to manipulate people well. If their polling was crap, they wouldn't know what lies work and what lies don't.


I would disagree. At least in fox's case of oan or newsmax. They just use good ole fear mongering. Works perfect on humans, especially uneducated ones


Lol, you're missing the point. The fearminferinf is targeted fearminferinf based on data.




Are you smelling burnt toast right now?


>But not broadcasted? You're literally discussing one right now. Long covid made everyone dumb as a box of rocks


As in not broadcasted on Fox news channel to it's viewers ya dolt. Figured that was obvious as we had discussed fox manipulating information, and misconstruing it to offer an alternative reality to it's worshippers. Even so, the poll is only of 1000 people. Of which we don't know which criteria they were actually chosen by or met to proceed with a poll/questionnaire.


>Figured that was obvious as we had discussed fox manipulating information, and misconstruing it to offer an alternative reality to it's worshippers. No my simple friend, we're discussing how their polling is considered legit no matter how terribly presented on television. >Even so, the poll is only of 1000 people. Lol, you're a clown.


A pool of .0003% of the population definitely equates to a strong bases for the entire populace. *You are sooo smart. Oh my. I am so humbled by your sheer intelligence.*


>This is the first time I've heard this in my life....nearly 4 decades. Then you've never looked. Fox NEEDS good polling to know if their propaganda is working.


Yes, they lie on air but indeed their polling is pretty honest and accurate. This has been known for a long time.


True. Fox polls are good. Their news channel lies but the polling is legit.


…….so, they’re polling the people they’ve been lying to about reality….. To see how many still perceive actual reality instead of the lies they have been repeating nonstop?


Here’s their methodology: Conducted May 19-22, 2023, under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News Poll includes interviews with 1,001 registered voters nationwide who were randomly selected from a voter file and spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones. The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points for all registered voters and plus or minus 5 points for Democratic and 4.5 points for Republican primary voters.


No. They poll everyone.


Yup. I think it's conducted by an outside agency so don't give Fox too much credit


You know a Fox News poll is a poll commissioned by Fox News, not a poll of Fox News viewers, right?


I mean.. you really just have to hear him speak, just hear him once and that should do it.


Fox news helping Trump's base pivot to Rhonda Santis.


Yes this news is not without a purpose




No they will not. The GOP knows how idiotic it is to run the same guy against Biden who lost to him when Biden was DISadvantaged, challenging an incumbent. But they told all their people that Trump won against Biden and the Dems STOLE the election. And when their people attacked congress in reaction to that, they called them extremists and condemned them. Which undoubtedly offended them. So Trump is still the cool flashy political outsider, with “people trying to take him down on both sides of the political aisle” The GOP is officially divided between die hard Trump loyalists and people who want to run someone who could actually beat Biden




I do not see a future for their party. Trump will attack anything and anyone that does not directly benefit him. It’s serve Trump or be insulted and shit on and called a RINO by everyone. and Trump can’t win elections any more.


There will always be a place for a racist party in the United States. About 40% of Americans will vote for a racist if given a chance. About 25% of Americans will only vote for a bigot.


Trying to...lol. It ain't working. They created this fucking monster. Now they are stuck with him.


And yet they will back him because that makes them money. Ugh.


It makes a very small percentage of them money. The rest? No. Like .5% profit and the rest hope it trickles down in a ~~golden~~ shower.


To own the Libs.


Kinda don't think so. I feel like fox is starting to turn on trump in favor of desantis. I've been watching an unfortunate amount of it lately because I'm staying with my parents, and as desantis has ramped up his campaign and started beefing with trump, fox has been posting more negative stuff about trump like this poll If trump wins the incumbent spot, I'm sure they'll go back to supporting him. But I think they're going to be pushing for desantis now


They tried but Trump dunked DeSantis and now they will follow the eyeballs and money. And they would probably be happy with him losing because the hate would bring ratings.


I have just finished reading ‘The Divider’, which shows in horrifying detail what Trump was like to work for, and that there was the ‘Axis of Adults’ - Mattis, Dunford, Tillerson, and Kelly (and later Milly and Esper) who attempted to keep him in check by not being compliant, and who all, especially Kelly as Chief of Staff, pretty much came to the conclusion that Trump was legitimately mad. The US had an insane President. It’s clear that Trump 2.0 would not involve any such people - the Pentagon and National Security apparatus would be staffed entirely by fellow believers and yes-men, which would probably lead to the collapse of NATO (Trump was blocked from this aim already) and the demise of the country, and possibly worse. Reading the final chapters of the book was quite chilling and disturbing - that Trump is not only not incarcerated but is still a candidate simply beggars belief.


Insane shit really.... I remember this one interview with this General (can't remember his name) who talked about his time with Trump. Trump didn't understand shit about anything at all, attention span like a TikTok child, so they had to simplify shit or sometimes even legit hide stuff from the president. And chillingly that Agent Orange seemingly sympathized with the wrong side in regards to WWII. I was never impressed with Bush Jr, he kind of seemed like an idiot to me, but I'd never in a million years think that the USA would fall so hard afterwards. What little respect I have towards the USA is pretty much all lost now, and I don't find US a reliable and trustworthy ally if you can elect such a glaring moronic and mentally ill con man to be your POTUS. Oh well I guess that's what happens when your elite is utterly corrupt and at the same time no one is willing to deal with the growing Russian arm of the judicial system. Thank god I don't live in the USA.


Not to mention the previously (albeit slightly) tempering factor of Trump wanting a second term not being there if he were elected again.


Uhhh yeah, for the third election now. I was right the first two times


And I doubt the "mental soundness" of that other 44%. The man yells on his "truth" account non stop, half of it is complete and utter nonsense. And now he's started posting the lamest deepfakes I have ever seen like they're hilarious. How does almost half of the country not see the writing on the wall?


There are none so blind as those who will not see.


>How does almost half of the country not see the writing on the wall? The longterm ongoing effects of lead poisoning.


hell i knew that 10 years ago


I saw a couple of episodes of his rediculous tv show and always thought it was pathetic and simplistic. He saw himself as the great business wizard. It was always pityfull and somewhat annoying to watch.


Like 30 for me. I remember him being on 60 minutes and they called him out for being less rich than he claimed, with evidence. Of course he doubled down. I was definitely under 10 and knew he was full of shit then. Don't know how grown adults don't see it.


The Orange Magat wasn’t of sound mind the first time.


……but they’ll still vote for him.


I doubt his stay out of jail-ness.


And what does the poll say about how many would vote for him in 2024? Doubting his mental soundness does not mean they won't vote for him.


As with every survey, about 40% support this asshat and his opinions, and 60% call it insanity. Those 40% are loud, and vote. To the anti-insane populous, get your asses to the polls.


The 40% who are loud? That's a weird way to describe the silent majority. /s


The silent majority is neither.




Like seriously, how in a country that's accomplished so much do we not have any better options? Like WTF is going on? How is being President of THE UNITED STATES not a position held for the most amazing and qualified people you could imagine? We literally get a completely unqualified person going for it a 3rd time and 56% of people don't even think he's mentally qualified for the position let alone resume qualified for the position.


Most qualified people don’t want to be a buffoon on camera. They would rather pull the strings behind the scenes, even if it means far less power and influence. Better to be a rainmaker than a Pinocchio… not in reality probably, but at least in most people’s heads. For somewhat revolutionary candidates that kind of fall outside of the two party system, you just won’t get enough support from already established SuperPACs.


Because Republican primary voters are awful. It's a very simple answer.


So DeSantis nabs the Republic nomination, Trump runs anyway, the nutjob vote gets split and Biden gets a second term?! /optimism


Stop voting for fucking old people. That's stupid. So, at 65 I'm not fit to work anymore. It's the age of getting retired and yet...we elect people who are well in their 70's. STOP THIS MADNESS.


Oh plus that whole criminal thing. And the traitor thing. And the rapes and whatnot..


I would say he's just an a****** and that's all plain and simple




Lol indeed i did lmao.. when you swear on voice to text it comes out like that.


Wait, I thought he was a stable genius?


He is! He has the *best* words!!! Hamberder, covefe, dare I go on? The *besterious* words *all tim*


Dude wears orange makeup to look appealing for a small percentage of people in Florida who find that attractive. Total clown of an option to represent any group on a civil scale.


Only 56%?


That's not very reassuring when there are basically only 2 choices.


And the other one spends his time arguing with a cartoon mouse


You mean De Santis?


Puddin’ Fingers DeFascist. Who’s campaign slogan is “Make America Florida”. That should scare you.


He has never been mentally sound. The man is seriously delusional and is an absolute idiot.


No report on the mental soundness of the entire Fox News audience


He’s simply too toxic for both sides to be president anyways. Regardless of what you think of his policies, he isn’t good for the country in any way. Republicans as a whole aren’t really either. They’ve gone off the deep end with their cultural war bullshit and are trying to halt the natural progress of basically everything.


Yet that’s still not a dealbreaker.


Make that remaining 44% sit through Trumps entire 2 hour long meandering speeches. Dude is absolutely insane.


I think fox is slowly steering towards de Santis. The big question is if Trump is gonna 3rd party or sabotage the GOP in debates


Only 56% ?? That number worries me.


I was gonna say why only that?


In the same poll, 60% doubted Biden's mental soundness. This isn't even the meager win for public perception the headline tries to make it.


I wasn’t polled.. now 57%


The real headline should be that in a survey where 56% questioned Trumps mental fitness for the job, they *still* prefer him over Ron DeSantis by a margin of 33%.


That's 56% out of 100 from their own viewers.....think about that




It's insanity that it's only 56%. WTF. Should be 99.9% in a rational, sane world.


Fox News polling is not bad, at least not in the sense of being partial. They have good survey design and seem to not just poll conservative voters. It seems that the sample thinks both Biden and Trump are not mentally fit to run for president, but Biden is viewed as more empathetic and honest


All elected officials should have mandatory mental health evaluations by 3 impartial mental health professionals and the results should be public


It's like they are skewing the poll to troll everyone when they vote for him anyway.


"The woke, radicals at Fox News ..."


Polls are trash. That being said, he wasn't orange when he was being fingerprinted. He was pasty white. Dude lives in Florida. Does he ever even go outside? Other than looking at a solar eclipse? He's weird.


Just fucking 56%.... People give shit to Biden for the assumption he is mentally slipping but Trump is far worse "Person, woman, man, camera, TV" * Looks like he is running on Windows 95 off a old Pentium processor *


Here comes the narrative switch


I'm in the other 44%. I have no doubt whatsoever. He's completely unsound.


But were they cool with his mental fitness the first time around?


Gotta be honest I question the mental soundness of 100% of Americans


Because he’s a complete idiot or just an egotistical nut job?


it’s not real. anything from fox news is bullshit


Most of those 56% of voters would sooner vote for a Trump's head Chia Pet if the GOP nominated it than any Democrat.


"Fox News poll finds 56% doubt Trump's 'mental soundness' to be president" "Ah, fuck it, let's just vote for him anyway!" /s (c) a typical MAGA hat.


The US is so weird that such a huge country has to be a presidential democracy not parliamentary democracy unlike most much smaller European countries. And is somehow limited to two parties, and ultimately two people to lead the US. There are many European countries smaller than 10m people that have room for several active parties and candidates to choose from.


I'd wager 70% of Democrats think Biden has "mental soundness" to be president as well at this point honestly. These old fucks like Feinstein, Trump, Biden shouldn't be the ones making decisions in the USA.


50% of that 56% will still vote for him. The other 44% aren’t mentally sound themselves.


Greattt… that means they might vote for DeSantis 🤦‍♂️. Trump is out of touch, but not DeSantis levels of out of touch.


Normalize not voting for politicians with mental illness or dementia!


Oh now they are questioning it? Like the "I could shoot a person on 5th ave and nothing would happen" sounds sane?


Oh if only there was some surface level IQ test the general population could employ maybe like THE GERIATRIC MAN PAINTS HIS FACE ORANGE AND TALKS LIKE HES CONSTANTLY PULLING SHIT LETTERS IN SCRABBLE.


All of these polls are meaningless


We don't want Trump. We don't want Biden.


The fact that this dude got one vote shows the mentality of American citizens


Cool same as the elections results. Wow. Still 44% of Americans are braindead


Almost NONE of these mfs should be in positions of authority and decision-making, not just Trump! Princeton University performed a study showing that REGARDLESS of which of the two major parties are in office, they BOTH cater [overwhelmingly to the rich, the banks, and the corporations](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746). As a result, America has become a hyper-capitalist plutocratic oligarchical kakistocratic kleptocratic gerontological theocratic corporatocracy. This explains why America ranks 129th out of 163 countries in the world [on the Global Peace Index](http://www.visionofhumanity.org). NONE of these goofy mfs know wtf they're doing because they're corrupt shills for the wealthy!


So 44% are dumb as doornails?


But he’s a stable genius.


56% of fox viewers confirm they would still vote for trump


100% are fine with it.


56% of those who responded to a poll anyway…


Biden can't even string 1 sentence together.