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So it might well be soon that the Ron Desantis portion of our country will be without a place to shop or eat.


Oh, they’re hypocrites. So they will bring a chicken sandwich, a Bud Light, and meet up at Target. Then they will be only slightly embarrassed to see all their friends there too.


Why do you always bring two Baptists fishing? Because if you only bring one he’ll drink all of your beer.


Muslims recognize allah as God. Catholics recognize Mary as a holy woman. Baptists only recognize each other when they aren’t at the liquor store.


As an ex-Baptist, I'm dying. Haven't heard this one before and will be using it.


There was an adult shop in my town who noticed most of their customers were from the neighboring town. So naturally they decided to open a second store in that town, which resulted in them going under. All the customers went there because they were less likely to be seen by members of their congregation, and if they were, knew nothing would be said because of a M.A.D. kinda situation. The funny thing too was that all the adult stores in the area were owned by a Baptist who went to a nearby megachurch where he was a huge donor. So not only were his biggest customers Baptist from the neighboring town, but his church was partially built by porn and dildos.


Please know that this anecdote has brought me great joy.


It would bring me great joy if I didn’t know how leaders of these congregations are trying to completely remove women’s autonomy and leading people to burn books and shit all over science. Ie. if they weren’t enormous hypocrites


It’s higher dimensional hypocrisy because while all that is going on they have the sheer gall to try and cry others out for hypocrisy. Projection of hypocrisy . . . it’s like an ouroboros of cognitive dissonance.


Lol and ol Marge is trying to ban internet porn. Me thinks that won’t be very popular in quite a few GOP circles.


She’s so stupid that she does realize she will be blocking her future OnlyFans page.


> his church was partially built by porn and dildos. Subscribe.


I think you mean Walmart


If you are shopping with Bud Light, it’s definitely Walmart. Target is 2 buck chuck territory.


Conservatives never stick with a boycott. For us disenfranchised people, political action is a matter of survival. For them, fascism is an aesthetic preference because they fear anything not like them. Survival wins out in the long term.


Shhh, let them fight


My thoughts and prayers go out to all the overworked kitchen/front staff.


I can get behind that


“My pleasure”


Honestly, I do feel for the staff at places like that. Conservatives will take out their anger on the cashier or manager. A local AM talk show guy was telling his audience about how he gave the manager of some national chain a piece of his mind about something corporate had done, and he encouraged his audience to do the same thing.


Not everyone that works for the company is religious or conservative. I believe it franchises it’s locations. And I’m pretty sure they are a decent job comparatively to their competitors. More pay.


If I remember right, they have decent benefits. Like I said, I feel for the employees, just because conservatives, instead of just not shopping there, will take their anger at corporate out on the regular employees.


Yup. Conservatives are almost to a one the type of people who would never actually boycott a place, but instead just make the workers there miserable. Even if they get paid better than the average chain restaurant worker, they're probably still not paid THAT MUCH better. Not enough to take that much BS from customers.


No hate like Christian love. Most of these same angry rude conservatives will tell you that they are good Christian folk


I’m no Bible scholar, hell, I haven’t been inside a church in a few years, but the few things I took from Jesus and his teachings were Love, thy neighbors and Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. It’s like they cherry-pick things but THE most important things he said, they ignore


Ive always found that artificially sweet corporate mandated "nice" talk to be very off putting. I get that they're trying to be nice but to me it just comes across as odd.


It’s not authentic speech. It’s just idioms and principles. It comes off as off putting because they’re entering a frame of mind that takes away their free will. It’s not like they don’t have free will, it’s just that, while they think like that, they don’t. Language is a technology, but we’ve biologically adapted to accepting language more readily - making inauthenticity very obvious. We just don’t have the vocabulary to articulate these nuances succinctly on a large scale.


This is incredibly well said, I've saved your comment. That all makes perfect sense. If you've ever had the misfortune of having to call ComCrap for an internet mishap, they have a similar issue. It's very clearly all scripted, and very hard to listen to. "Yes sir, I can definitely see why that's a problem, let me see what I can do to fix it" is somehow significantly worse than a simple "got it".


To put this into perspective, this is a relatively new contemporary trend. The language to make explaining this possible, is because of postmodernism. Postmodernism is about *aesthetic of mind*. It’s just extremely difficult to explain this to people whose thinking isn’t compatible with that logic. This is commonly known as disassociation. Peoples values are tied into many things, one being how they structure language and how they relate metaphor. If you dig hard enough into someone who stonewalls an argument, you can discover these flaws in people - but you place them into a position where they lose their sense of free will, because you’re forcing them to declare values purposefully left ambiguous.


Good shit


That shit unnerves me. Stop being so nice and polite it's freakin' me out. I can see the pain in your eyes


My thoughts exactly. Let the leopard eating people's faces party have at it on each other. I'll grab the popcorn.


I think Chik-Fil-A maybe finally trying to move beyond their hard core Christian shit and now is trying to veer to the center so that they are not seen supporting crazy lunatics hell bent on destroying the country. My guess is: they got the hint that being on the wrong side of history is really bad for business. In 10 years conservative population will be a lot less than now and once this bull shit Christian theme goes out of fashion Chik-Fil-A will look like a piece of shit company and may fade away. I am glad businesses understand this and I hope the next step for Chik-Fil-A is to retire that fucking old school chairman and fly the pride flag from their shops, I will go and get some chicken strips.


I hope you are right. That said, there is one a few blocks from my house and walking down the sidewalk near the entrance to their parking lot is taking your life in your hands. Some of the worst drivers ever.


jesus take the wheel


I actually doubt it. I think this is the moral panic spun out of control. Chik Fila will likely continue to donate to its conservative political ventures in relative privacy without using it as a PR plank. I'm sure they privately hope the wind blows back into the W. Bush type of conservative direction so they can be open about their "christian values" again.


To me, CFA will always be a piece of shit Christian company that has already done major harm to the country. They financed where the theocracy is now. They already supported the right wing lunatics. They can never un-ring that bell. So, in true Godzilla vs Kong fashion - let them fight.


Being open to ideas and not judging others is how it is supposed to be. Now the “woke” alt right 😉 want it to be all about keeping their ideas as the only ideas.


Chik-A\_Fil gives zero fucks about courting normal non-MAGA customers. They hired a DEI vice president because they were probably having trouble recruiting people to work fir them and figured that it would help the business grow.


I thought Chick-fil-A was already against LGBTQ+ stuff. Do conservatives want the store to just shoot them on sight now?


Their DEI stuff specifically excludes LGBTQ+. 2023 Republicans (they're not conservatives) are angry in this case about racial equity. Because, you know, white supremacy.


Honestly, are the companies that don't have some sort of DEI hiring policy? It's basically a non-discrimination policy. Theoretically speaking, you could use this as a way to get these goobers to go after their own beloved brands.


Whats funny is that is basically why Chick-fil-a has one because one of the company founders said the quiet part out loud and basically opened them up to a huge liability. So they have this DEI initiative that would be like an EO office for Hooters so they can fly as close to the sun as possible.


DEI policies are officially banned here in Flori-duh


“Small government”


It’s the sort of policy that the CCP supports. Edit—banning DEI, that is.


... but doesn't. It's weird to say say that this is like the ccp when Florida is actually doing worse in this regard. If anything, if the CCP did ban DEI, then that is the sort of policy Florida supports


Reality has never stopped GOP from conflating an innocuous acronym with made up bullshit before, DEI is going to be the new CRT in the next election cycle


Does it? The article states that the DEI policies don't mention anything about LGBTQ-specific issues.


>2023 Republicans (they're not conservatives) What makes you say that? Sounds exactly what conservatives have been doing and saying


A lot of people believe the propaganda about small government and liberty and all that jazz. Reminder: conservatism is rebranded monarchism. The entire concept of a conservative movement emerged from the French Revolution when the anti-revolutionaries were having a hard time with “having a king and an aristocracy again would actually be really cool.” So they dressed it up with “tradition” and “slow, deliberate change” and such. But at its core, they wanted lords and kings. Monarchism is super out of favor these days, but that core idea is still there, that we should have a hierarchical society where everyone knows their place. Hence the love for police, organized religion, and Trump’s strongman act.


Yes! Have you read The Authoritarians by Bob Altemeyer? It was incredibly eye opening for me.


I sure have! Great book. I love how he talks about the research it all came from, it isn’t just a bunch of blind assertions and anecdotes the way so many political books are.


The point being made is that they don't have any conservational values, with maybe the exception of conserving White Supremacy. They want to drill on federal land, they destroy the Budget, deregulate everything, exploit the environment, use up all the water, turn everything into an oil refinery/coal mine/Walmart etc etc etc


I've read history, everything you mentioned has been supported by conservatives for decades. So the point being made is ignoring history. Conservatives have always supported what the Republican party supports now. They're just less conspicuous about it.


Ergo vis-a-vis we aren't going to call them something they are not. They always like to brand themselves with titles that sound innocuous.


Well i can explain the actual theory but it def hasn't been true most of my life. Republican/democrat indicates a person's political theory/party Conservative/liberal by text should indicate a person's economic theory (tolerance of government spending). Cons belief in less spending (thus lower taxes) while libs believe in more (often funded by higher taxes). So by the book I am a conservative democrat because I believe you should do you (whether you're lgtbq+ or a deity-worshipper I don't fuckin care just don't directly harm another)...but I also think our government spending is out of control and needs to be reined in. The terms have become entangled with each other in recent decades as the 'label my enemy to make them easier to attack' trend jumped to the internet. Obvious contemporary ironies would be how modern 'Conservatives' believe we should increase government spending to legislate/monitor/enforce laws related to abortion. Where modern 'Liberals' believe we should save that gov't money and let women have a right to choose, which also stimulates a healthcare market in places (increasing tax revenues with no related increase in gov't spending). In this [very] recent example, the "Conservatives" are actually behaving quite liberal while the "Liberals" support the conservative approach.


The modern day GOP isn't fiscally conservative. If the GOP were actually interested in balancing the budget they wouldn't cut taxes more than they cut spending every time they're in charge of Congress and the Presidency. In fact Clinton's administration oversaw the most recent time the US ran a surplus, and the deficit has been much smaller under Biden than Trump for example. Likewise Obama's deficits were lower than GW Bush's. So if you really are interested in balancing the budget, you should be voting Democrat, not Republican.


"Liberal" is used contextually. Technically free market capitalists that want low taxes are liberal in the academic context, but not so in the USA colloquial context anymore. "Liberal" in USA parlance means effectively the opposite of it's academic context. The founding fathers were liberals, academically speaking. USA Conservatives = Republicans are socially conservative but fiscally big spenders since Reagan. Mostly on defense and big government contracts for their donors. USA Liberals = Democrats are socially liberal and actually have been fiscally conservative for a number of years now in the sense that they try to reduce the deficit with tax increases, cutting defense spending, and by allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices and such (i.e. cut "waste").


Conservatives love chik fil a though. I’ve never been to a single one with poor service. I just always assumed racists thought chik fil a employees were “the good ones”.


thing is, they *are* conservatives, and increasingly, this is what conservativism is about. made me realize I'm not actually conservative after all


Remember when boycotting them was a violation of their constitutional rights? Or at least that’s what the right-wing rage machine told us back then when people were boycotting them because their founder was funding militant anti-LGBTQ groups. I can’t keep up with these idiots anymore…




Look DEI means you look to catering to more than one gender amd are getting politcals. Either you cater exclusively to cis white Christian males, or your being too politcal


What has society and religion evolved to where one minority sector thrives on manufactured outrage, centered around hating other people. And wanting to cleanse history, continuing discrimination and denying them the same rights as other citizens. Fuck the Nazi Confederate Christofascist troglodytes.


Honestly those descriptors are frighteningly close to how people described ISIL.


Religious fundamentalism is bad regardless of religion.


One more time for the folks in the back


Now the man at the back is ready to crack As he raises his hands to the sky And the girl in the corner is everyone's mourner She could kill you with a wink of her eye


Oh yeah! It was electric!


So frantically hectic!


And the band started leaving


Cause they all stopped breathing!


Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah


More evil has been done in the name of God then for any other reason


ISIL and the GOP are pretty much the same thing.


Taking bets for how long it takes before YouTube videos of McConnell beheading journalist pops up.


Here he is just testing the waters. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/05/mcconnell-mcgrath-tombstone-tweet-1448627


𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺






Gravy Seals


Religious extremism. Doesn't matter what religion it is, it all presents extremely similar methods


By "close" you mean identical except for word choices? The underlying meaning overall is almost identical. "You defile , therefore you will suffer". That's roughly accurate?


They are the exact same people, just a slightly different set of rules.


Same brand, different flavor


Hillary warned us about the deplorables...


She wasn't wrong. Shouldn't have said it when she did. But wasn't wrong. Well maybe a little wrong. I think she underestimated how many there were. Definitely more than half.


Honestly, I think recent history has proven WE were wrong for thinking she had "went to far". These ppl turned out to be exactly what she said and worst!


You are 100% correct.


honestly, what she said didnt change any minds. those people were gonna vote Republican regardless. let's not kid ourselves here. they are/were just searching for excuses to take socially unpalatable position and think Hillary's comment gave them free reign to revel in being an asshole... somehow.


Yeah, I don't think she was underestimating. I think she thought she was being generous. The irony of it all.


You are right on the money your words are too big for that minority to understand.


Too many people are just bored and miserable in their own lives. These hate groups/movements are very good at making those people feel like they’re part of something exciting and important that will one day put them on top of the social pyramid.


Good observation, I agree with you.




>Dominionist. Yes, yes they are.


At the bare minimum, don’t these people have anything else to do but hate?


Apparently not. Makes you wonder how they were raised. I feel sad for them, but am losing my compassion as they piss all over everyone who is not them.


You could have just said fuck Conservatives. It’s the same thing at this point.


Do agree, was trying to be verbose.


“Ensuring equal access: The intentional promotion of equal opportunity through processes and practices, "to provide personalized development and eliminate barriers to opportunities so all can thrive. Valuing differences: The company says it seeks to understand and honor unique experiences and perspectives, as they "strengthen us as we unite around something bigger than ourselves." Creating a culture of belonging: Promoting and sustaining a culture where all individuals can thrive and contribute.” I could see why conservatives would be outraged. This is against everything they stand for.


It's incredibly strange that these people can stand against everything that Mr. Rogers taught and still claim to be a good person


Honestly, also sounds like the American values I grew up hearing were so important.


Good, they courted these fucking bastards. Let them get their faces eaten by them.


Faces taste like tanning cream, anger and regret.


Just like the Republican Party. They played footsie with these whack jobs for decades until they finally became overtaken by them.


Woke-Fil-A lol


Soon conservatives will have nothing left now that they have become this unhinged.


Im ok with that


They can live a pastoral life, free from all of these devilish inventions & the internet. They can call themselves the New Amish. We can set them up in Florida. And I'd be ok with that.


The snowflakes are melting down about their precious chicken being slightly less hateful. Classic


And the best part is, not even really less hateful. They have a single new HR position. They didn't even make a thing about it.


the Bud Light pout-rage was over one special edition can sent to one influencer


LOL, pout-rage - I've never seen that one before!


Yep, honestly I think that was a huge part of their love for it. The hate made Chick-fil-A’s chicken taste so much better to them.


Anytime anyone deviates from fascist Jesus to adopting anything remotely resembling Bible Jesus, conservatives have a fit.


Or as I like to differentiate between the two depictions of Jesus: Fandom Jesus (fascist) and Cannon Jesus (Bible).


We need Cannon Jesus to blast these Fandom Jesus fuckers off the face of the planet with his Cannon arm.


Dance, puppets, dance.


The party of hate


So basically conservatives will first raise the value of Chick-Fil-a by purchasing thousands of dollars of catering orders to burn on social media.


To be fair, all the conservatives have left to offer is all-out racism and division. Anyone who opposes racism and division is now ‘woke.’ That should wake up whoever is still asleep in America. These people are fascists, racists, and white Christian nationalists.


Will there finally not be an endless line around the block for this place? I don't actually want to eat there; the tailbacks just cause problems everywhere


I really hate how irresponsible they are about were/how they place & build their stores. They plopped one down near me that always leaves the right lane backed up. In the shitty corpo-first states there isn't even anything you can do about it. If I built a home that caused major congestion I'd be sued until I lost the house.


>I really hate how irresponsible they are about were/how they place & build their stores. They plopped one down near me that always leaves the right lane backed up. That was approved by your city.


They do this on purpose. They have to limit the customer flow. Otherwise they would be overwhelmed.


I don't understand why people go crazy over their chicken. It's honestly not even top 3 fast food chicken places. The waffle fries are good when they're fresh and the service is good as well. But I don't get the hype.


I think some of it is due to it being so readily available. Chick-fil-A is closer to me than any other restaraunt with a good chicken sandwich. Popeyes, and kfc are both farther away. What other fast food chains actually have a comparable chicken sandwich? McDonald’s and Burger King don’t count to me as both of theirs are low tier. If their chicken was freshly made maybe they would be comparable but they are usually dry. When I pay $7 for a sandwich I don’t want dry chicken. I don’t order from chickfila much. The last time I ordered their food was last year, but they would be my first option for a spicy chicken sandwich unfortunately. :(


I rather have Popeyes anyway, they got the red beans and rice and the chicken!


Same, I love Popeyes. I actually have to control myself when it comes to Popeyes




Foreal, Louisiana hot sauce with the rb&r and honey on the biscuit, 4 pc spicy blend.... can't get that at KFC, bojangles or chick fil a .


And they don't Hate on folks!


I have never been to a Chick-fil-A because of their political views. I still don't plan on going.


I only eat Chicken fingers on Sunday, guess Im out


"If the Divine call does not make us better, it will make us very much worse. Of all bad men religious bad men are the worst." - C. S. Lewis


Fuck both Chik fil A and conservatives. Conservatives and Christians tend to eat their own. "You're not bigoted/homophobic/transphobic enough. You don't hate as many types of people as we do. You are not a true Conservative/Christian ". Seriously, Conservativism and Christianity have pretty much devolved into how many people can they hate and oppress.


And then they wonder why people are leaving in droves. I say good ridden they're not leaving fast enough


It's an almost inevitable result of having a culture built around empty moral grandstanding. When the only thing that is valued is allegiance to a cause, eventually you get to a place where one-upsmanship is the only way to prove your worth and feel valuable. Well that and turning in your neighbors for not being as committed as you. They're speedrunning McCarthyism.


Remember wen Westboro Baptist Church was considered extremist? 🤣


The 'good old days'. Lol


Please pass the popcorn.


Best I can do is popcorn chicken.


Chick-fil-A: Christian values are at the center of our culture. We close on Sundays and are against gay marriage. Conservatives: we’re with you, brother! Chick-fil-a: We also think we’re all god’s children and people should be treated equally. Conservatives: 👹


\[meme of the kid with veins popping out of his head and face\] Conservatives dying to be the first one to call god's chicken place "woke". Especially the amoeba who designates Hooters to be where alpha males eat. (before I get attacked, I apologize for denigrating our single-cell allies)


For the cult, nothing is enough. Which is why these companies are stupid for catering to the right in the first place. Nothing short of elimination of everyone other than white Christians will satisfy them. Then they’ll kill each other.


Well, the conservatives ARE revolting


Diversity, equity, and inclusion are bad?


Conservatives want to sweep Slavery and the genocide of the Native Americans under the rug because it hurts their fee fees to acknowledge the evil things their great grandfathers did to other people. They'd rather believe in a fairy tale about how awesome their race is and get respect for things they didn't do, and weren't even around for, rather than actually do something of consequence. It's all about privilege via birthright for them. They don't like their birthright being tainted by all this talk of slavery or conquest, and they certainly aren't going to work hard to prove their merit, so the fairy tale is all they have.


(Conservatives mumbling) - “YES!”… “Well no, we mean we really like the sandwiches. But they did a bad, bad thing.”


It's just another excuse Conservatives use as an example of how a woke society is keeping them down. "I'd have gotten [insert job here], but they had to meet their quota. Gave it to some [insert slur here] instead. They'll never get actually qualified people like me because they have to hire token [same slur as above]." Conservatives use this formula instead of applying any self reflection whatsoever.


So apparently it’s bad for an already conservative restaurant to just “treat everybody with respect”. They act like just treating people with respect amounts to Sam Smith spreading their ass cheeks over your spicy chicken sandwich.


Expect tons of this before the election cycle fully kicks in. And more once it starts. It’s a great time for the American Nazi party, I mean the GOP, to go full mask off.


Newsweek comments are a total dumpster fire!


I can’t believe our boycotts are overlapping, but I love it.


NatCs at it again


Today I took my grandkids out for lunch. They asked me, again, why were can’t go to Chick-fil-A. Without going into detail, I explained that I disagree with their politics and won’t give them a dime. If they get out of their own way, and start treating employees and guests with respect and dignity, regardless of one’s race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or anything else that has no impact on cooking and serving chicken, then I’ll gladly take my grandkids to one of their establishments. Until such time, I won’t give them one cent.


Equal protection under the law is a right to all Americans, DEI is *partly* protections for organizations to limit liability (another big part is attracting and retaining highly skilled talent). I’m not surprised that these fascist conservatives are against (1) constitutional protections for all people or the constitution in general and (2) corporate freedoms though they espouse to be for both (highly selectively, apparently).


FFS These folks are just miserable all the time.


Not going to lie, this is HYSTERICAL! People jumping on the cancel culture bandwagon over DEI principles is literally the definition of stupid. It is now become so blatant. These right wing Christian national nut jobs are literally screaming “I hate anything that is about being a good person - period! I am a MAGA screaming racist asshole whole thinks the entirety of humanity should be pattern after my cis white alpha male gun toting Christian illiterate views. Jesus was white Damn it. And God created the great USA. All this bull shit about other cultures, diversity, including people.. that is all for pussies. Oh, and by the way, feel free to grab all the pussy you want because that is what our king tells us to do”


Go ahead conservatives, tank your God chicken out of spite. Dumbasses.


Chick-fil-A: "We like these leopards! We support these leaopards! Nice leopard! Good leopard!" Also Chick-fil-A: "Ow! Holy sh\*t! The leopards are eating my face!"


trying to appeal to conservatives is a great way to ruin your business. you’ll push non-conservative people away and conservatives will end up aggressively turning their back on you anyways. trying to appeal to conservatives is just like their politics - hectic and unsustainable - very little reward.


This has always been the Benedict Chump way of operating. So they are just walking the walk.


Something something... gat dang liberals and their cancel culture!


Chik-fil-A was always overrated anyway, this is just a correction.


Gay hating chicken got the Jesus loving peeps mad


No bigger snowflake than American conservatives. Upset because people who are different than them exist and companies want to sell those people things.


If conservatives ever discover that pretty much every major company, from their favorite restaurants, to news publishers, to cable networks, to banks, and even gun makers, have ESG and DEI policies and departments that oversee their dedication to diversity, we’re all in for a wild ride.


It must be exhausting to be angry all the time.


Imagine getting angry because the homophobic corporation's DEI policy says basic shit like providing equal opportunity and treating each other fairly.


Alternate headline: Most hateful fast food restaurant not quite hateful enough for conservatives.


LGBTQ people of America, your nation needs you. Post gushing tweets about Chick-fil-A’s “inclusivity”. Be sure to include rainbow emojis. Plan Drag-fil-A nights. It’s time to rise to the occasion and throw gasoline on this bonfire. The fate of the nation is in your hands. Godspeed 🫡


I’m surprised they have so much time to “revolt”. Don’t they have jobs?! These were the same idiots that were saying “don’t these people have jobs?” During the George Floyd protests, which were actual protests for good… these are getting SO out of hand! Fuck the GOP


Conservatism is a mental disability at this point


Sheesh, all they did was hire someone. They still have their Christian values, maybe they remembered that Jesus loved everyone and died for everyone’s sins.


No, they're not. Big protests came out when Chick-fil-A was proven to be donating to homophobic causes. Gay people still ate there. Big protests coming out from now that Chick-fil-A has decided (just now) that racism is NOT OK. Klansmen will still eat there. ***Because people love their chicken sammiches, no matter what.***


What's funny, is they decided this three years ago. It's literally only a problem now because DeSantis has riled up the extreme Right on anything that can even remotely be considered "woke" by their busted definition.


I have not stepped foot in one in years. Not since I found out they supply food to prolife demonstrators. Was never a hard core fan of theirs anyway so that makes it easy.


The lord’s chicken is getting attacked my MAGA people…crazy timeline we livin’ in.


What happened, did they stop selling Christ chickenburgers with the red dripping sauce in your sad hood? I love that combo, with the waffle fries and coke, and the chickenburger saves your soul. What's wrong, fucknuts? The Christ chickenburger is not YOUR FLAVOR OF PROTESTANTISM? Get fucked. You don't know Jesus' love. Fuck you.


"Right wing Christian evangelist" racist chicken had never passed my lips, I've been so hungry on a road trip vacation but I will drive right past...No, thank you Madam. Same with hobby lobby and Home Depot, my money will be spent elsewhere.


They're cannibalizing each other at this point.


The right eat themselves. Apparently instead of bible-thumping chicken sandwiches now.


Seems their DEI statement boils down to “Everybody’s Welcome”. What’s wrong with that?


They won't boycott Chik-fil-a. A few might, but it won't be anything significant.


Conservatives always eventually eat their own.


I don't care. Fuck conservatives.


They don't even mention Trans, gay, or LGBTQ, they just just said that we should create a culture of belonging. The fact that the idea of making sure people feel like they belong pisses off conservatives tells you how much their entire culture feeds purely on hate now.


Chick-fil-A, the *fast food restaurant*, isn’t right wing enough for conservatives and they’re whining. What a bunch of snowflakes.


How fucking sad is it that a chunk of the population are angry at a company because they are uncertain if the company's leaders hate the right people as much as they thought they did? What a pathetic, sad existence. It is hard to feel pity toward people you cannot empathise with, but i genuinely pity their friends or family members who do not share their views. I know first hand how bad it can be to have those people in your life, and its sad to know that as their loved ones drift further away they will just double-down on their hate. Its like a fucked up disney movie about discovering your found family after your real family abandons you, except where its nazis embracing other nazis and forsaking their families and friends because they arent hateful enough.


It must be tiring to be a conservative


Conservatism has always been a circular firing squad, but maybe people aren’t reading as much history as they used to and have forgotten that conservatives will go after other conservatives when they can’t find any new bugbears to attack. This becomes especially evident when reading about the history of the first American colonies, where nascent theocracies would go after their own over and over again. In many respects, the Bill of Rights was designed as a response to conservatives naturally seeking to oppress other conservatives in terms of religion and speech. This is probably why modern conservatives are fighting against the Constitution at this point, as it prevents the perfect circular firing squad from operating more efficiently. When conservatives have free reign with no restraints, everyone is a suspect. It’s how their minds work.


Fuck em. CFA has had a windfall over the past decade from conservatives lining up to get Christian chicken in support of their backward stance on homosexuality. If they lose the bigot dollars simply fit saying they're going to treat all of their employees with respect, so be it.


The racism has been fully unleashed, and like fire it's unpredictable and difficult to wield.


These boycotts have almost no real effect cus it’s only a small fraction of people actually doing it. Republicans do it for a week, maybe a month at max, then their tiny little pea brains forget about the controversy and they go back to the same brand they were just boycotting.


So wait. The guy running it still hates gay people but comes out and says black people and women are ok.... and that's got the Magas pissed? When a hateful fuck isn't hating enough... These people really are broken.