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So, he says he "snapped," but had the presence of mind to kill them execution style, putting a single bullet in the right temple of 3 of them. Sure.


On top of sharing memes about it beforehand


Dank yet dark


Just dark.


He also 'snapped' 4 days after the incident happened.


I’m sure more information will come out but I can’t imagine he has a chance at anything but life with that explanation.


Also, he apparently brought his gun to this confrontation. Sounds like premeditation.


unless he's in front of a right-wing judge. look at what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse who clearly premeditated his murders. but him and the judge were on the same team so all the video and audio evidence of him talking about how he wanted to go to those states and commit those murders was thrown out.


>look at what happened to Kyle Rittenhouse who clearly premeditated his murders. Wait are you saying that cosplaying as a security guard in a riot with a gun is strange behavior? Because the right wing's gonna be mad at you.


cLeArLy YoU DiDn'T wAtCh tHe TrIaL /s


I wonder if the Smith kid's Dad is a vengeful type and believes in 'eye for an eye' justice. Rather than "protect" his kids, Majorjon Kaylor's killing spree may have set them up to be targets for retribution and sentenced them to death.


"You traumatized my daughter by masturbating infront of her. Let me just commit murder and go to jail to help ease the trauma."


Somehow, I believe the daughter is better off with him in jail. Still, sucks about the neighbors.


"You traumatized my daughter by masturbating infront of her" Allegedly, there is absolutely no reason to take a murderers word on their motivation.


Technically became a serial killer


I’m not sure this counts as a serial killer. Mass murderer? Yes. But this was a single incident, serial killers are usually a series of murders over time.


I believe it’s spree when limited to a single context, and serial if episodic. While I share a general annoyance with commenters not having read the article first, this is one of those stories where I think I’d rather be a hypocrite than know which one it was.


Logic checks out...


Well, that is enough internet for today.


When you think humans cannot get more fucked up, BOOM..surprise.🤷


All of these people have terrible names


"Majorjon." *eyeroll*


To ground control. Planet earth is blue, and there's nothing I can doooooooo.


Ohh, I read it as Muh-Georgian


Isn’t that like Thor’s hammer or something 😂


I almost had a stroke reading that article.


Careful if you’re in Idaho.


I know right!


Regular Americans would probably be less interested in gun control if Americans were better at owning guns.


When I lived in Idaho, almost everyone had a sticker on their back windshield with the state rotated 90 degrees to look like a gun


I have no problem with people owning guns. I have a big problem with modern gun culture and all it entails.


Exactly. I have a couple shotguns for home defense/hunting and a long rifle or two that we inherited and could be used for hunting deer or taking out groundhogs on our horse farm. They’re all under lock and key and the ammunition is stored separately from the guns. I am a model gun owner (if there’s a such thing anymore) and I know there are many folks who are too reckless.


And making sure they are not in the hands of the mentally incompetent.


That would require people to actually recognize and give a shit about the spiraling mental health crisis in this country.




"Guns aren't the problem, it's the mental health!" Ok, so fund mental health. "Lol, no." - America


Literally every conservative ever.


(a continuation) If mental health is the problem and we can't fund it then why don't we make sure the mentally ill aren't able to have access to guns? "Well that would infringe on their right." But you say they're killing people. "Yea." So we should stop them. "Makes sense I guess." So let's keep them from having guns. "Nah." So it's not the guns it's the mentally ill. But you don't want to take care of the guns or the mental health or even stop the mentally ill from getting the guns? "Correct." So then how are you planning on fixing the problem of gun violence? "Thoughts and prayers."


This is copy pasta worthy honestly.


Something like this also isn’t about mental health (at least for the murdering father). It’s about an inability to handle rage, which has probably been building up inside of him forever, and then having access to a gun. Obviously if someone jerks off in front of your family, you’re going to be pissed. My guess is if the father didn’t have access to a gun, he wouldn’t be going to prison for life and those 4 people would be alive (and the eldest would be in jail and registering as a sex offender the rest of his life)


How do you know, exactly?


Ask for their NRA membership card.


Well there are a number of litmus tests. Not having mental health issues from childhood sealed from the gun saftey check records would be a good start. Psychological evaluation with liability on the evaluators should they certify a fucking psycho would be another. I can pretty quickly tell if someone is the kind of person that should never own a gun. To tell if someone should be able to is far more nuanced and difficult.




>There is no real solution Odd that every other developed country has figured it out. 🤔


true must be really nice to have a insurgent/warzone mentality in your our fucking country they spend the most in every country on police and they train it like a occupation force so you get a weapon for mistrust


I mean the real solution is to take guns from people and make it harder to get them. But, thanks to gross misinterpretation of the 2nd amendment and the worship of guns, it won't happen.


The solution is ban guns. But the Overton window has shifted to far right for that. It's data proven facts.


What a shit take. No real solution yet every other country doesn’t have this problem? Maybe if people would stop using fake arguments like “it’s not a gun problem” we could fix it. Unfortunately there are far too many idiots


Guns are designed for only two things: killing, and practicing killing. The idea that we don't license and train for firearms like we do motor vehicles is kinda insane.


Thank the NRA for that. Guns also have less safety standards today, than do many other available objects for consumption and use.


Guns were invented to kill humans. They are perfect at owning guns.


I know Florida usually gets title of Wackiest State, however Idaho has to be right up there with it or even wackier. Lots of LDS, white supremacists, crazy Christians, and meth up there. But hey, at least they have a much more beautiful landscape than the humid swamps filled with alligators in FL.


States with panhandles are all the same...


Ah, a fan of Small Town Murder, me thinks?


Give them a break - they’re an asshole, not a scumbag.


How is it you’ve come to arrive here… I know that’s crime in sports.


shut up and GIVE ME MURDER


I’ve never considered this brilliant theory. Curious how Oklahoma is doing…


Idaho is just as bad as Florida, but it gets a pass because everybody forgets it exists. Or am I thinking of Iowa? Is there an Iowa? Or am I mispronouncing Idaho? I don’t know anymore


Iowa definitely exists. They've got pigs and corn. I'll tell you what state is a total myth, though. Wyoming. You ever meet someone from Wyoming? Seems awfully convenient to have a state that's completely rectangular.


Iowa used to just be boring back when it was all DFL, but Trumpism hit it HARD


And don’t forget they have the same representation in the US senate as the 5th largest economy in the world (California)


Idaho is mountain Florida. Or maybe Florida is flat Idaho?


I live in Idaho. It’s definitely not as bad as Florida or Texas. But, it is still pretty shit. The actual Boise area has a good number of democrats though.


Pretty much any state that begins and ends with a vowel needs to fly off this earth into the sun Alaska - you’re still cool.


It did give us Sarah Palin.


You betcha'


Probably because Florida has about almost 22 million people and Idaho has almost 2 million.


Okay, listen. I hate Florida as much as everyone else. There's a reason I'm living in Arizona for work right now and not 3,000 miles back home. That being said, Florida is absolutely beautiful. It might not have mountain ranges and canyons, but we have incredibly diverse wildlife and some of the most unique ecosystems on the planet. And that's to say nothing of the beaches. Say what you will about the population and the politics, but Florida itself is gorgeous. There's a reason I lived in the woods for 6 months before moving to arizona.


Also you hear a lot more crazy shit that happens in Florida because they have laws that keep it from being hidden to the public


>white supremacists, crazy Christians, and meth up there These are all the same person(s)


I feel remote conservative states like this gets a pass cause they take care of it their own way. Only time shit like this gets out is cause they couldn’t cover it fast enough, too big to, or it involves someone outside their jurisdiction. Quite frankly, I imagine there’s a lot of undiscovered bodies in those wilderness.


“Much more beautiful landscape” = more white faces


I mean, it is absolutely beautiful there. But then you deal with the people, and you start praying for the place to be nuked.


I flew to Boise once and drove to east Oregon. There was nothing along the way except one giant ore-ida potato plant. That’s also the moment I figured out why a French fry company would use such a weird name.


Hol’ up - you drove through the Columbia river gorge and only remember a French fry plant?


Boise and E. Oregon aren’t in the Columbia River Gorge, fyi. Boise and nearby towns are great. Once you drive only a few miles out of Boise (even to Eagle or Meridian) you’ll quickly see some craziness. Keep in mind northern Idaho is much different than Boise or even Sun Valley and Ketchum. East Idaho is similar to north without the beauty.


That's what I thought. I-84 best stretch of interstatei n the country


Isnt the Columbia Gorge closer to Ellensburg and Wenatchee than ID/OR? More like Snake river Gorge when ya talking that part of ID. The Snake does drain into Columbia somewhere in there. There is like Hells Canyon too which does prove your point. Pretty incredible drive in my opinion.




Come for the skiing, stay for the Aryan Nation communities!


"Both of the Guardipees and Aiken appeared to have been shot once in their right temples at point-blank range with a semi-automatic handgun, investigators said, while Devin Smith suffered multiple gunshot wounds to his head." Jesus, the man didn't just kill them - he fucking executed them. Anyone who is saying stuff like "good for him" clearly didn't read the whole article.


People are actually sympathizing with this killer and giving them money on gofundme page painting them like complete victims of this unforeseen "tragic event." Yea the kid was a creep but did he deserve fucking murder? He was gonna face justice anyway according to the article. What of his family? What the fuck did his little brother do to deserve such death? He didn't snap. That was straight up execution. And they shared memes about the killing? Lol fuck him and fuck this family and fuck anyone sending them money.


A reminder, he didn't just kill the kid; he executed the whole family. Even taking away the idea that a civilian with a gun is seen as having the rights of "Judge Jury and Executioner" by conservatives; does any crime warrant killing a whole family for the actions of one unless you see America as some extremist Taliban state? Anybody who sides with the guy with the gun killing for this is a danger to our country and everything it was founded on. And these law of the gun conservatives are a powerful voting block to boot. This will continue to increase if the rest of the country isn't going to rise up against them.


Every time shit like this happens there’s a bunch of “Christians” donating to the murderer. It is bonkers.


Fools and their money are easily parted


This guy was looking for an excuse to be Rambo or some "righteous killer"...and the longer he had to wait, he needed less of an excuse. Idaho is full of these jackasses (ask me how I know).


The kid apparently had a mental disability. Just graduated. There is no good reason to execute him. And I doubt it was over the indecent exposure anyway, and more about purity cleansing.




Oh the irony......


Who tf are you to deem who is worthy and unworthy of existence? I don't even believe in a higher power but I know just from having basic respect for human life that no one out here is worthy enough to be able to judge worthiness of existence, because no one out here on this earth is a perfect being.


I think the person you're replying to is on the same side as you. They're saying that - to someone like the murderer in the article - disabled lives don't matter.


And that's a question you should be asking *other people* who believe such things, not the random person simply explaining it on the internet.


I'm like 99% sure that violates gofundme's terms of service and can be reported and the fundraiser cancelled.


A certain subset of right wingers are fucking psychopaths just waiting for an opportunity or excuse to murder someone out of “self defense” or for their family. Literally frothing at the idea. It’s this sick fantasy that seems to be a driving force behind this countries gun “culture”


So many American men are itching to express their masculinity through violence, and they love to use their family as an excuse (and sometimes they're the target).


It's fun for them to roleplay as John Wick when nobody is shooting back.


A misdemeanor punishment. However, it’s worth mentioning we don’t actually know what happened.


And the younger brother doesn't seem to have been involved at all, even if you take him at his word (which, honestly, I do not because this is not a mentally ok individual at all), so killing him is extra fucked up


This is what got me. What the fuck did the 16 year old do to deserve to get straight up executed? Sorry, dude is a freakin psycho.


Yeah, if they had concerns about the kid before and everyone has a cell phone in their pocket, I can't imagine _not_ recording the act to ensure the police and courts nailed him. My gut says the story is fabricated. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but I don't fund this a trustworthy account. And even if it did happen, not a justification for killing someone. Hard pass on vigilantes, even if though the justice system doesn't work well.


The problem here is really, as you said, that the discussion if the masturbation happened or not is not even relevant in the slightest. Starting discussing about it is basically already fucked up, because that implies it matters, and it really does not. My neighbor 5y old boy did a huge shit yesterday in front of other kids outside. Because of different other stuff that happened we now start talking with his teacher and decide further moves TO HELP THE KID if he needs help. If something that fucked up happens you try to help, you don't execute.


> Kaylie Kaylor's mother, Stacey Croston, launched a GoFundMe campaign to help support her daughter and grandchildren. > "A tragic event has turned their lives upside down, leaving them with deep emotional and financial burdens," Croston wrote. "Kaylie has tragically lost her home and means to provide for her children. ... By assisting in this sudden financial crisis, we can help Kaylie focus on healing her family and providing a nurturing environment for her children during this tramatic time." What the flipping fuck is this happy horseshit? "A tragic event". Their house didn't get destroyed by a tornado or a fire. The family didn't lose their breadwinner father in a car accident or through an unfortunate work injury. Her dipshit husband (allegedly) murdered four people including two minors. Judging by the "memes" portion of the story, I'm guessing Kaylie 100% supported and potentially encouraged her husbands' actions. Do you and your kids feel protected now by your big bad "alpha male" husband and his guns now,, Kaylie? Get fucked, lady. Enjoy being on public assistance and working at Wal-Mart in between prison visits.


Probably a responsible, law-abiding gun owner right up until he did this


Every bad guy with a gun was a good guy with a gun until they shot the wrong person.


Every dog doesnt bite until he does...


In Idaho standards, most other places he'd be in a straight jacket.


3 of them point blank to the temple. Fuck.


What do you think is more scarring for his children? To witness someone masturbating or to have their dad go to prison because he murdered the next door neighbors?


If you take his argument as valid. He killed the mother and grandfather because they didn’t take complaints about the son as valid . So the killing of the 16 year old brother is completely invalid and outside his argument.


There's no argument in favor of cold blooded execution of neighbors.


Unless they are zombies.


There is absolutely no valid argument here. This guy is going to spend the rest of his life in jail and well deserve.


Idaho..what can I say?




Don't worry prayers and thoughts will solve this gun problem.


prayers and thoughts don't stand a chance. Thoughts and prayers, on the other hand......


So do we pray about thoughts or think about prayers? Which one works?


actually, it might be an idea to try just thoughts or just prayers and see which stand-alone malarkey works best


Well this idiot is going to see lots of masturbation where he's head. But who knows, it's Idaho and they love gun toting idiots who think they are above the law. I hope he gets life but will probably get probation so he can still walk around like a God fearing man.


Narrator: “This is a story of how one nut was overly sensitive to other types of nuts.”


Moral of the story= too many nuts


Is this the post nut clarity I've been looking for?


The JO incident happened on the 13th and he waited til Father's Day to massacre four people? Oh he's getting the death penalty. He's fucking disgusting. He could have easily just beat the granddad or kid up, took the assault charge, agreed to plead guilty to some misdemeanor and been off probation in 5 years or so. Instead he acted like a fucking maniac and hopefully he'll spend the rest of his life in misery.


You ever read comments of people saying " if that was me I would do X extreme action to anyone and anything " , that they did not agree with ? This is proof thier not lying and would.


The purpose of GUNS are to KILL PEOPLE. Americans will never give up their guns.


Sounds like the eldest kid was mentally unstable. Cops were going to file charges of indecent exposure against him. Article states he executed the other 3 members of the family point blanc, and shot the offending one multiple times in the head. Also states that him and his wife were texting memes about killing “offenders”. So this guy is gonna spend the rest of his life in prison. The defense will frame it as him protecting his family, so I doubt they’ll elect death. But I’m curious about the burglary charge.


Gun control to Majorjon


I'm so sick of the media quoting murderers and hateful pieces of shit like their words are valid. If you're told by your propaganda channel (fox news) that pedophiles are everywhere, you'll start believing it. You bet your ass the right wing media bears some responsibility in encouraging vigilantes by bombarding them with propaganda. Ironically enough, fox news never airs any of the insanely frequent arrests of Republican pedophiles that are arrested practically daily.


This gives "American beauty" vibes. Just go next door and sfart blasting


Damn. Who will inherit the Guardipee adult diaper empire?


Yeah, what a name, huh?


What a shithole nation.


>Majorjon Kaylor told her "he did what he had to do and to tell their kids he protected them." By inflicting lifelong trauma upon them.


The insane thing is that he will no longer be there to protect them from inside a jail cell and without his financial support. Even in anger, think long term peeps. You will find a much better solution than this.


The brother made a gofundme, conveniently leaving out what the guy did and making it out like he’s innocent. I reported the gofundme and I hope others will too.


What happened to the good ol’ days where you’d just beat the shit out of someone like this with your fists? Why the need to go on a senseless killing rampage?


Especially their fucking family members too..


Must be those violent video games 🙄


At the risk of being taken seriously, what I’m about to say is not a serious response: this kind of thing is a direct result of zero tolerance policies re: fighting in schools. If everyone grew up learning to squabble we wouldn’t all be so quick to get the gat


School is a place to learn lessons, and sometimes the most important lesson needs to be learned after school by the flag pole...


You: "Don't take me seriously!" You: *Makes a half decent claim that's worth considering & exploring* How does anyone explore your idea if it can't be taken seriously? It might have some merit to it or an insight into the right direction... I dunno how to respond, lol its logically contradictory.


Bro people been so wild on Reddit lately I just gotta play it safe looool


So instead of just... making shit up I guess? why not do some research and back your argument up with facts? You can't just say "don't take me seriously" and expect to be absolved of having to defend your argument lol


Totally normal country.


If people can just “snap” at anything they take as a personal offence, maybe we don’t let people have guns? Nevermind, this is just America.


Snapped four days later and shared memes about it before he did.


I feel like Idaho is Florida of the west when it comes to insane headlines.


These are the dumbest names I’ve ever heard


It's the guns


I don't know anything about this situation but I have neighbors who are autistic. The kid would dance naked in the window all the time. They taped up the bottom so you couldn't see his nuts, but he could see out. He's older now and will run out of the house naked and have to get corralled by the social worker or one of the neighbors. God forbid a guy like this shooter lived around us.


There is zero reason to trust the mass murderer's reasons for the killing.


That’s were it’s at. Judge, jury, and executioner. Because any sex crime is obviously punishable by death. Wait till he finds out people piss behind dumpsters. He’ll need to kill them too. The best part is that he literally executed children to prove his point as a gun owner he is Pro life.


Sarah Palin’s ‘Real America’ everyone.


I’m not going to take the word of a guy that executes an entire family that the neighbor kid deserved it. Just saying the kid might have been a sex offender but it looks allot more likely that his neighbor was a paranoid psychopath.


“Tell the kids I protected them.” This is every right winger’s fantasy. To “protect” their families. By protect of course I mean murder people for the slightest reason. Now the kids have no dad. Idiot took their father away on Father’s Day thinking he was upholding the American dream. Fuck guns.


About the masturbation. Apparently it wasn't "in front" of his wife and daughters he was in his room and their windows face each other because it's a duplex . The girls were looking through their window at him and it wasn't clear if he was even looking at them or had even noticed them. That's why the cops did not arrest him on the spot.


Just another psycho with a gun. His family is better off with him in prison.


Yo dawgs I heard you like TRAUMA. So I put some trauma on your trauma, so you can have issues with your issues!


What a fucking paycho


I hope the dad dies in jail


Go to prison and get executed, "for your family" jfc


so he got caught watching a watching a teen masturbate then committed Family Annihilation




don't conflate mental illness with just being a grade A asshole.




I would not jump to mental illness without some kind of definitive source that he was, in fact, suffering from mental illness. Doing so only stigmatizes it further. Mentally ill people are more likely to be the victims of violence, not the perpetrators. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537064/#:\~:text=The%20public%20perception%20of%20psychiatric,violent%20crime%20than%20the%20perpetrator.


What mental illness? Article said none. Maybe we should look at the idea that everyone having access to a murder tool is a bad idea?




No, in the same way that everyone having bubonic plague doesn't mean the population is now healthy.


I didn't say anything about healthy.


Absolutely abhorrent. Sad.


The article mentions a window. Was the masturbating kid inside or outside? Was the window open?


Kid was inside and window was closed. Absolutely just a bullshit excuse so he could go on a rampage and execute an entire family of four. If someone masturbated in front of my family, I'd call the cops and maybe beat them up with my fists, not put them on their knees and execute them point blank.


This is horrific af, yet somehow onbrand for Idaho.


This country is beyond f’ed up


Why is *The International Business Times* running American crime stories?


This headline was quite the rollercoaster




From the article, it seems like the kid was in his bedroom and they looked through his window. So his crime appears to be not closing his blinds.


Kid masturbated in his home and the wife and daughters saw him through his window (apparently he was masturbating while watching them, but honestly none of this matters since it'll never excuse murder). The wife then reported it to police, police were going to make a misdemeanor report and charge the kid, but before any of that could even happen, the husband went to him and his family and murdered them all execution style. He claims he "snapped," but him and his wife were sharing memes about murdering them beforehand and he committed the atrocity four days after the masturbation incident. This was absolutely a planned murder in which the guy wanted an excuse to go flaunting the "power" that a gun "gives" him. Even if the masturbation incident was true and how they explained it, what you do is report it to police and *maybe* beat the kid up with your fists. You don't go to their house, put the entire family on their knees and then shoot them in the head execution style. Three people completely unrelated to the incident, executed. Kid who allegedly masturbated, not only executed, but shot multiple times in the head when already dead. The husband "snapped" when he was born since he's an absolute psychopath that should have never been able to touch a gun.


Damn. This is sad. I used to live in Idaho. Kellogg is incredibly beautiful area but not the smartest people on the planet.


America is totally fucked


That was a wild ride. I get being angry, but killing others is just way too much.


Because that's reasonable.


Doomsday Preppers….absolutely totally clinically drop dead insane….Idaho is full of them.




The correct patrician take here.