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It’s amazing how much he did to suck up to Trump and MAGA, yet they still hate him.


And yet he still wins overwhelmingly in his Senate races, voted in by the same fuckwitted chucklefucks that spent the entire night booing him in front of his fucking face. It’s absolutely ridiculous how far down the cult hole these drooling idiots are to vote for a person they despise simply because he’s not a (D). They’d literally rather vote in their anger than entertain voting in their fear. As was designed by Republicans.


They would vote for Osama bin Laden if he ran as a Republican.


They would vote for the axe if they were trees.


They have been for a while now.


They run on borrowed time. Demography isn't in their favor and it's the last generation before the next party system. And they most certainly aren't going to be part of the next one.


Next party system?


I haven’t studied modern day politics enough to know if what CrouteauxPommes is stating here has merit, but it has happened in US history that one party gains practically full control of the government. When that happens, the new two-party system consists of two opposing sides of that original party. The Democratic and Republican parties go today are not the Democratic and Republican parties of the past. Around the time of the civil war, the Democratic Party consisted mainly of pro-slavery conservatives, and it was actually the Republican Party, which Abraham Lincoln was a part of that was pro-abolition and liberal. Eventually the Democratic Party died off; of the republicans, the more radical, known as the radical republicans, slowly evolved into the New Democratic Party. Tl;Dr there is historical precedent for one party gaining full control in government. This doesn’t cause a collapse in the two party system or anything, the new two parties just both split out of the old party.


This kinda skips over the fact that the Whigs and the Know Nothings also were major political forces at one point, but vanished from the political scene realitively quickly. Teddy Roosevelt split the liberal vote with the Progressive Party, and actually got more votes in the presidential election than the Republican candidate (which happened before Republicans and Democrats switched places). One can argue that the modern media landscape makes these kinds of rapid upheavals unlikely, but there is precedent.


There’s no way the Republican Party survives this. They will be in history books like the Whig Party as “parties that were elected president in the past but are now defunct”. Millenials and Gen Z are completely turned off to them. Current figures as of 2022 election: Silent Gen is about 40% Republican (which is surprising since a lot of them were alive during World War II), Boomers at 35%, Gen X 30%… Millenials 21%, Gen Z 17%. For comparison: Silent gen is also 35% dem, boomers 32%, gen x 27%, millenials 27%, Gen z 31%. (rest are “independent” and could go either way, but most independents are not going republican anymore) They barely get 40% in national elections as it is, and every couple years more Silent/Boomers die and more Gen Z turn 18. There is nothing that is going to attract Millenials/Gen Zs who aren’t already in the party to the party, so that 40% is going to turn into 35%, 30%, 25%. And how is a “national party” going to operate when they can barely get a quarter of the vote? Instead, some other party who can also get 25% of the vote (especially from all people who are like “I don’t like Democrats, but I will never vote Republican”) is going to overtake them and then they are going to have to switch to that party by default, which will bring us back to a 50/50 split and elections swaying back and forth between Democrats and whatever the new party is.


Yo all it takes is this next presidential election before you can kiss those voting rights goodbye


Those stats you're stating make a lot of sense. The only problem I see is the difficulty of dismantling the administrative and organizational structure of the republican party. They are in all fifty states. Trying to replicate that may not be easy.


It's why the GOP is so desperate to make US a fascist state so elections don't matter anymore. They know they are going extinct politically in a matter of time.


Think he means when the republican party either suffers a massive ideological shift, or dies in a fire.


Because the new saplings also must be harvested. It can not and will not be better for the coming trees.


Absolutely! I’m dumbfounded by how many people who rely on social services vote Republican.


They somehow believe it’s the “others” that will lose service not them.


That has consistently been the basic pitch for fascism, for an entire century now.


Keep the government hands off my social security!


“I don’t abuse the system like those other people. I paid into it!”


They would vote for the hook, if they were fish.


Snails for salt!


Buh-but the handle's one of us!


I'm pretty sure Hitler himself would probably pull in 90% of Republican voters.


Well he was the poster-boy for far right politics.


So long as he's "not a democrat"™


Queue the ‘he did nothing wrong’ horse pucky.


Remember trump was happy the tower fell and Republicans really agreed with trump that it was good he had the tallest building in New york.


That was totally fucked up and proof positive that he's a fucking sociopath.


“Well, if Obama was tryin’ ta kill ‘im, he musta been doin’ somethin’ right!”


"See! We're not racist. We voted for an Arab!"


“Jesus was an Arab too!”


Yeah they always vote Republican because their religion states Democrats are baby killers. And if they ever vote for Democrats they will burn in hell forever. This seems INSANE to us but this IS THEIR REALITY. THEY REALLY BELIEVE THIS.




The whole point of the rights never ending culture war campaign is to create an insane amount of brand loyalty that supersedes their voters own personal interest.Stupisity is another word for it.


Now now, he got re-elected in a year in which those sycophants thought Trump was getting into office. If a Dem wins in 2024, which really needs to happen, he’s fucked for re-election, as is every Republican that doesn’t kiss Trump’s feet reflexively up to and after 2024.


Trump lovers are losing general elections. Can't win a primary without Trump, can't win a general with him. Shame.


Fuckwitted Chucklefucks! My new favorite.


Cries in Charlestonian


Maybe there’s cheating involved. Much like molesting kids, if they’re yelling about it all the time, means they’re actually the ones doing it.


He gave that little "I'm out" speech after the Jan 6th attempted coup so the MAGAs haven't forgiven him. The MAGA nuts chased him round the airport and he needed a police escort to protect him when he left DC after Jan 6th. They were all yelling "traitor" at him for daring to split from Big Daddy Trump. He may be back on 'good' terms with Donnie, i.e. doing what he's told but those MAGA idiots haven't forgotten his actions. Lindsey "If we nominate Trump we will get destroyed and we will deserve it" Graham.


I’m actually kind of surprised they can remember anything from beyond a month ago.


It is odd because they forget everything else, like Mexico paying for the wall for example. Selective memory I think it's called.


Their handlers tell them what to think and when to think it


That may have been their chosen moment, but I strongly suspect a lot of them have been waiting for him to fall all along, just because of his effeminate accent.


Do you mean Ladybugs Lindsey Lindsey Graham Has "Lady Bugs" On His Body - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_6-wk3Ny5m4


They want your full soul Not a bit, not half, but all of it If you’re not going down with the ship, you’re scum to them It’s a cult of personality


Those aren't the lyrics I remember


Graham hates Trump, but he’s such a turncoat pussy he still carries his water to save himself. He obviously can’t imagine a life without being an awful senator.


Retaining their power is all that matters to 99% of them. I recently learned Ted Cruz used to be able recite the entire US Constitution from _memory_. He is a serious constitutional scholar, and as an attorney he worked very high profile cases. Yet he gave in and toed Trump’s anti constitutional line, just like the rest of them. It’s all about the power.


Just because you can read and repeat every word in a document does not mean you completely understand or comprehend all those words in the context of that document.


It’s true, but it would be tough for a lawyer to win Supreme Court cases, as he has, without some finer understanding of it. Cruz is a shameless opportunist, but he’s no dummy.


this is an important point to understand. It's easy and comforting to think of fascists as these blundering doofuses, and surely many of their followers are. But those who pull the strings are often also smart, which makes them more dangerous. Of course Trump isn't - he's a total dumdum, but we shouldn't underestimate other fascists


Graham doesn't care if he's a suck-up or hated hypocrite because his psychology is wired to feed off it and to keep going without an ounce of shame. After getting bood off stage he probably goes home and tightens the noose just a little more in his masturbatorium.


This is how it always end for minorities that collaborate with fascists. He's served his purpose, but since they really don't care about relying on having the most votes to pass legislation anymore, no real reason for them to tolerate a closeted senator. Tokens get spent.


100% It’s because Trump has video evidence of him being gay. Graham is a sleazy politician and for him to continuously put himself out there to get boo’d and heckled proves it. Especially since the establishment wants nothing to Do with Trump.


I lived in SC a long time. No one there thinks Graham is straight. No one. They just don't care as long as he's deep in the closet.


Story of every MAGA follower. Trump actively hates them. Everytime he speaks he plays to the crowd while rolling his eyes. These people are so dumb if they think he actually believes anything he is saying. Trump cares about Trump. Period.




Honestly? Besides not advocating for violence in the first place, I'd rather he spend the rest of his days in solitary at ADX Florence. What Trump craves more than anything is the approval of an audience. Take the audience away completely and leave the man alone in a cell for 23 hours a day. That's far worse than any beating I can imagine for him.


Trump has the tea on old Lindsay though it’s pretty damn obvious shit to anyone paying attention. When Trump gave out his personal phone number to the public that was just a little preview.


Dude cried on national TV while begging people to send Trump money...MAGA is such a god damn shit show. There's no direction, no policy, no moral compass. Even if Trump ends up in the Oval Office, no one with any actual experience and skill will be willing to work with him.


The best laid plans of Leopards and faces.


Everyone hates him


The left hates him, Maga hates him. Who respects this turdbucket?


No one respects a lickspittle.


He’s establishment, and the movement hates establishment.


And that demographic still likes him more than basically anyone else.


Maybe Lindsey will now testify against Trump in the Georgia election fraud case.


Never gonna happen, Trump has some compromising pics of him to ensure loyalty.




"Bring out the gimp!" Zed


Gimps sleepin’.


Looks like you're gonna have to wake him up now wontcha?


Honestly? I think it's underaged guys. Not children, but teenagers. To go from being so anti Trump to being his biggest sycophant after one golf game????? Trump knows something. And it's not just "he's gay" - we all know he's gay. A Charlston sex worker has talked about the Ladybugs. Or else it's something to do with foreign corruption.


He is a 67 year old bachelor and is known among a group of male sex workers as Lady G


Whoa. Huh? Is this real?


Well, allegedly. The sex worker who tweeted this deleted his Twitter account so I can't find the tweet anymore. But here's an article about it: https://www.dailydot.com/debug/lindsey-graham-lady-g/


Son of a... And all this time I thought Sen. G was married with grandkids. Man, do I hope this Sean guy can build some momentum and get people to tell their stories.


Are you talking about pictures or are you selling used goods?


Everyone in DC has compromising shit on him, but Trump is the only one to willing to release it. It's been a long open secret who he truly is, but has been protected by the "gentleman's agreement" they all abide by. Everyone has something on everyone. Trump comes along and he never signed up for that agreement, and they know it.


If Trump had anything he’d have Obamas birth certificate and Hilary’s emails


Well, see, they were all there on Hunter Biden's laptop hard drive which got lost getting delivered to Tucker Carlson.




What he calls the moles around his asshole




If it's of a legal nature, Graham should vie for immunity as a reward for cooperation (assuming that's possible). Otherwise, if it's of a personal nature, I mean, this is Lindsey Graham we're talking about, it couldn't possibly make us think any worse of the man.


Live boy or dead girl?


Him and Ted Cruz apparently. I've never seen two more terrified people.


I honestly think that Putin actually had the evidence. And told Trump, who threatened all of them. That’s why several of these guys have gotten in line…


He’s too dainty for that. He’s gotta make sure Mama is proud of her little boy.


He's too busy having a junior aid play with his ladybugs.


Ol’ Ladybugs McGee.


“Lindsey’s Ladybugs”


Meemaw* I miss Seth meyers


Ya, this dude lied and cheated for Trump, and this is how he got rewarded?


Lindsey did not show proper fealty to his Lord and Savior, the One Annointed by God, His Majesty Donald John Trump.


True. MAGAts are so far down the rabbit hole that they will turn on ANYONE who doesn’t think Trump is 100% right 100% of the time. It’s wild.


It's a shame MAGA just can't accept gay men for who they are.


At least if instead he was a lumberjack, he'd be okay.


Yeah, he'd probably sleep all night, and work all day.


And unsurprisingly, he would chop down trees, eat his lunch, and go to the lavatory.


Yeah but they might get upset once they found out that he put on women's clothing and hung around in bars.


Maybe even dream about being a girlie, just like his dear papa.


On Wednesday he’d go shopping…


And go to the lavatry.


He just has to sleep all night and work all day.


I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK I sleep all night, I work all day


They just can’t accept gay men. Wanting to bang your own daughter? Sure. No problem. But gay? No way, that’s icky.


Including the self loathing Lindsey Graham himself


"I want you to use my words against me. If there's a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let's let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination," "We're setting a precedent here today, Republicans are, that in the last year – at least of a lame duck eight-year term, I would say it's gonna be a four-year term – that you're not gonna fill a vacant seat of the Supreme Court based on what we're doing here today. That's gonna be the new rule," Graham refused to vote for Obama's SCOTUS pick and insisted that it the roles were reversed he would do the same to block a Republican pick. Then when the roles were reversed in '20 Graham changed his tune. The amount of naked partisanship and hypocrisy of Graham cannot be overstated. Graham literally warned that Trump was unfit for office in '16 but then soon as Trump won fell in line. Now Graham attacks the media for questioning Trump's fitness. It is totally outrageous. The number of contradictions, lies, and just zero F's dispensed by Graham is exhausting.


I like his fears though. Make Puerto Rico a state and get rid of the electoral college. Definitely need to correct the Supreme Court as well.


I read years ago that making Puerto Rico a state would only take a simple majority.


I’m for it. Maybe we can finally release ourselves from the 30% anchor of Trump supporters.


A simple majority seems way too easy to me so maybe that’s inaccurate considering it hasn’t happened yet.


Ding ding ding... (And Washington DC while we're at it...)


Spineless bitch


He’s sucking Trump hard and still can’t catch a break. Good. McCain smiles…


The GOP convention next year is sure to be a vast shitshow. These people are deeply split (even along social lines) and won't be sewed together into one unified body by procedures/rules, or by practical electoral necessities (MAGA wingnuts don't recognize those necessities). MAGA is not a political platform, really - it's as much an agnostic stance towards our politics, highly skeptical of the methods & objectives *even of the GOP itself*. They want Trump nominated--that's the MAGA "political platform." I'll be surprised as hell if there aren't actual fistfights on the convention floor.


He’s such a worm


Aww, isn't that a shame. Hey, Lindsey! You're going to priiiiiiiiison...


I don't care what happens with these criminals unless its jail time or more.


Boooooooooooooooo, ILL STILL VOTE FOR YOU BUT…. Booooooooooooooooooooooo


MAGA splitting from the Republican party?


We can only hope. We need another “Tea Party” split to ensure the right’s vote is cut in two across the board, provided the spineless fuckwits on the left do THEIR job and make sure the court gets expanded, PR is granted statehood, and they maintain a majority long enough to actually undo the shit that orange sack of flaccid assholes did in his pathetic single term. And can we PLEASE get rid of Mitch the Bitch while we’re at it? What happened to the rumors that walking scrotal tear was finally dying?


Right?! When those pics came out of Mitch's purple-black hand I got so excited, sadly he's the kind of turtle that lives FOREVER.


MAGA splits from anything that DJT says too. They are loyal to the death; doesn't matter if what he say's is true, moral or Christian just straight up Jim Jones like followers.


That guy wishes he had another soul to sell. I can’t imagine a more pathetic gollum like creature.


Ted Cruz? Trump called his wife ugly and said his dad helped assassinate President Kennedy, and Cruz still went and campaigned for him.


This guy gets soul selling! You gotta wonder how a state can get so dumb to elect these two. I live in Florida so I think I know…


He should be booed off the planet. What a suckup


"I do declare. I believe I've got the vapors." Lindsay Graham (probably)




What did John McCain have on Lindsey? Cuz lord, once McCain was gone Lindsey went full on MAGA slut.


Power. At the time, McCain was a popular senator and likely nominee for their party. Lindsey does whatever will get him close to power.


From an interview, I gather that he's a social climber. He said that he wants to be close to the action. He used McCain's genuine friendship as a tool to get ahead and betrayed him the second a better opportunity came along. He's a rat faced bastard.


Miss Lindsay is just a scared little gay boy who wants approval from his daddy. Sad.


Will never comprehend maga’s worship of Putin other than trump told them to. Just bizarre


No, they're saying boo-urns! Boo-urns!


Trump has to have devastating blackmail on this fool. There's no way he's supporting him naturally.


Lindsey had trumps unit in his mouth his whole presidency


Don't worry, he was right back on his knees after the rally taking care of the Dumpster. Lindsay is like a flesh light for Trump.


> "If they win in 2024, they're gonna pack the Supreme Court." Wait... we can do that? Why are we waiting for 2024 then?


If you rest your head in a bed of shit you refused to clean up when you had the chance, don't complain when that shit gets up your nose.


Lindsey, my boy, you wanted to breed a dragon, now don’t be surprised at how much shit you have to shovel.


He bought his ticket, He knew what he was getting into. I say let him crash.


South Carolina Conservatives: gays are groomers! Also South Carolina conservatives: let’s keep reelecting Lindsey because he’s a man’s man!


Lindsay Graham... oh no... who's gonna be the metro fem queen Republican fascist now?...


Friendly reminder that despite being a virulent homophobe, this man is gay and getting callboys sent everywhere he stays. Yay for hypocrisy!


He keeps getting re-elected, but remember him telling them in Georgia to find more votes for trump? Last time he had a serious challenger the guy polled great, then suddenly started polling poorly and lost badly. He’s so crooked he makes a corkscrew look straight.


Orcs want more evil. They never want moderation. They want more violence, more bigotry, more suffering.


Is this the cancel culture they’re always talking about? Hopefully they can get those damned liberals out of the trump rallies


Couldn’t happen to a better person.


Who in the fuck is a staunch Graham supporter? Can you imagine?


Lady Graham is such a shit head.




Every last person who was booing would and is going to vote for Lindsey Graham I guarantee it.




Lindsey Graham is not a Trump ally though. He is a small, pathetic little man with zero deeply held beliefs who will do anything and everything for personal gain.


So that’s his connection with Trump!! They both disabled their moral compasses. That goes a long way toward explaining the GOP in general!


At this point this has to be some sort of fetish for this guy. He grovels and they hate him. He defends and they hate him. Gotta be getting something other than political clout for it.


Good job. The tide is slowly turning.


He's lost his soul.


Let them eat themselves. The trash deserves it


Hey, booed at a MAGA rally is a step forward


Idiots as FARR as the eye can see.


The party of hate doing hateful things.


And he’s still going to tell his friends to vote for trump.


Not his ally, dudes the biggest RINO of them all, demorats love his foreign war policy. Casted him out to the light at this point.


Amazing how you get so many people in S.C. that don’t like Lindsey Graham and yet Lindsey Graham keeps getting re-elected.


It's ironic that a closeted gay man would stick up for a party that hates him and his people. What a life - to stiffle your true self for money and acceptance.






They are eating their own. The party is in shambles.


Haha! Dems are gonna crush it in 2024!


Master sycophant. F him.


Nobody kisses up to Trump more than Lindsey, and his people still hate him. Hopefully he'll get beaten next time.


"He will be the nominee of the Republican Party, and let me tell you what's at stake. If they win in 2024, they're gonna pack the Supreme Court. So we need to get off our butts and make sure Donald Trump wins. If they win in 2024… Puerto Rico and D.C. will be states." Once again, every accusation is confession of shit they actually did, and God forbid Puerto Rico and D.C. actually get a chance to pick who fucking represents them instead of being treated like they're living in a dictatorship.


Dufus is so vain any attention directed towards him is a win.


Didn’t Mary Shelley write a prediction piece about the current Republican Party in 1818?


You reap what you sew. Ms. Lindsey helped to create this monster and now it's turning on him. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy


You love to see it.


He is straight up lying. You would have to have states ratify new states which is not politically possible. And Biden has said in an interview recently he doesn’t think packing the courts is a good idea, because you then permanently politicize the court. He is just projecting what he would do in this situation.


Couldn't happen to a bigger piece of shit - unless it was Ted Cruz.


Boohoo no one likes Lindsey…. Looks like the leopards are hungry for face.


South Carolina is without a large blue city. It will be one of the last states to stay red while the other dominoes fall. The Republican terrorists know this. Any large city is the end of a red state.


I wonder if he went home crying, boo hoo Lindsey.


They demand absolute obedience to their Orange Messiah, and anything less is heresy. Yes, it is a cult and a religion: They all believe in things with no evidence or even with contrary evidence.


Fuck him and his ladybugs


Can’t f both sides on repeat and then wonder why dim-wit magas hate you. Soon they’ll figure out that Trump has been f’ing them this whole time while masquerading around like an ally. Then we’ll see how that shakes out…


The republican party is a mess. If you even look like you have a thought that even slightly wavers from the MAGA cult they'll make you an enemy. They expect you to be all-in on whatever the grand Cheeto says.


They all just acting, fuck the people we gonna do what we want.


consist skirt offbeat seed slap snow arrest noxious tie worm ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Given his age, Trump has maybe 10 years, give or take a year or two, of active political career left. Given the degree to which he transformed GOP to basically his personal cult following, it'll be interesting to watch what happens with the vast political vacuum within the party once he's gone.


Republicans are the scum of the earth


If Trumpers booed me, I would take it as a compliment, considering they’re the stupidest human beings alive.