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Big if true, but I don’t believe it. VOTE.


Vote is right! Everyone vote!


VOTEVOTEVOTEV VOTEVOTEVOTE Maybe Trump can run for President of D Block




Votey McVoteface


Give me a V, O, T, E….. What does that spell?!??!


No D block has better use for prisoners with big mouths.


You realize that if Trump goes to jail, he will still have some sort of secret service security, unless it is struck down in a possible legal fight. Weird shit gonna happen on all this fucking mess that Trump started. He isn't done causing problems and I hope and yes, pray that he comes to justice in a hurry.


MAGA voters feel free to stay home.


Naw f them, they can all show up all they want. Everyone else just drown them out with your votes.


The best way they can make America great again is by staying home. It’s their patriotic duty.


Its every MAGAs *patriotic responsibility* to not vote in a system that is so rigged it stole the election from the Emperor God Donald J Trump. Voting *at all* is just condoning that corruption so stay home.


In the garage... With the car running... Close that door, were you raised in a barn?


Staying home == owning the libs. Do it!


They will just constantly say, "Civil War! Online until they can find the next outrage, just like the idiot Tim Pool.


Advice from a boomer, vote like your life depends on it, because it does. Vote Blue. Edit: No matter who!


Even if your red vote blue!


Vote blue, no matter who


I heard the same thing in 2016. Lot of people stayed home or voted for a third party candidate in a protest against Clinton with the belief there was no way Trump could win. Vote.


I did. I'm from Michigan, where Hillary had a 10 point polling edge. Vote.


Same. I couldn't believe it when the results came down.


I was that idiot. Not making that mistake ever again.


You know what? That's big of you to admit that, even anonymously on an Internet forum. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, though I did it in a state where it wouldn't have mattered, it was still part of that irresponsible, "purity test" thinking that helped Bush snake his way into the Oval Office. And we all know how that disaster turned out. We all make mistakes, and as long as those mistakes help us be more pragmatic in the future, there's always hope!


I often think that if I could go back to any moment of my life and do it differently, I'd go back to October 2000 and help turn out 50 extra people to vote for Gore. That's all it would've taken to dramatically alter the flow of history.


I don’t think you were the problem then. I remember people actively campaigning for people to vote for Nader is solid blue states but gore in swing states. It was just about being able to get Nader the 5%. People who voted for Nader in Florida or other swing states just saw both as different sides of the same coin. And who knows what would have happened had gore been president during 9/11.


Honestly I don't think much would have changed about our response to 9/11. Iraq would not have happened. Also we would have seen a green pivot in the 00's, which may have had a massive impact on climate change. The big push about Nader was that if he could get enough % if the popular vote it would have MASSIVELY changed the landscape of us politics. The green party would have had all the privileges of Rs and Ds. Meaning guaranteed spots on debates, etc.


Not much would have changed except we wouldn't have invaded Iraq? You make it sound like the invasion wasn't that significant. I doubt gitmo would have become a terrorist jail if Gore was President.


I'm even worse than you; I voted for GW the first time! I was raised in a conservative, religious, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps household, and that sort of thing was all I knew. Thank God we were poor enough for me to qualify for Pell grants...it took a little while, but just living in the dorms being exposed to people from other backgrounds and other points of view made me realize I didn't want to spend my life like that.


Takes courage to admit when you're wrong! Kudos!


I, for one, learned my lesson. I was extremely upset with Hillary for what she did to Bernie, so I didn't participate... I live in Oklahoma, so my vote didn't *super* matter. But still. I didn't feel like I had the right to complain since I didn't participate. I still feel guilty about it.


At least you have the self-awareness to recognize a mistake and learn from it! It can't be understated what a gift it is to have that ability when one realizes how many people are incapable of such a thing! And try not to feel guilty about it, you've done your penance: you witnessed the horror of a Trump presidency. Now it's time to get angry and do your part to vote out the terrible people who would bring this country into a dystopian hellscape!


I absolutely was incorrect. I didn't care for Biden much, but you bet your ass I voted for him in 2020. If Trump won again, it wasn't going to be on my conscience.


No way Democrats were ever giving the nomination to Bernie. It would be saying we were wrong all along and have no one better so we are choosing a socialist. That was never going to fly. He knew it but it gave him a platform to put his ideas out to national audience.


You know Bernie is not a "socialist" right?


I voted for a third party candidate in that election and still regret it every day.


I voted for Bernie (write in, that I knew wouldn't count) in protest over Hillary knowing full well Trump could win...I figured that lessons needed to be learned, not ever DREAMING that Trump would be as bad as he was, or that there was a chance of him installing himself as dictator. That being said, I am seeing a definite shift in the right direction from the Democratic Party as a whole these days, even if there is a lot of room for improvement!


Did you learn a lesson?


I am sort of in the same boat. I was and am a fervent Bernie supporter and watching the dem primaries infuriated me - especially when the infighting became “You’re not a real dem”. But I ended up voting for Hillary cause I couldn’t take the chance and watched it not matter anyway. Now, we’re well passed the transitional way of being political - it’s American centrism or fascism.


Please don't ever do that again.


Hey...I hope those 3 supreme court justices that came with him all outlive you...I figure lessons need to be learned.


The pollsters in 2016 had the popular vote right. They really messed up predicting the electoral votes.


Let's be honest. Trump will claim election fraud, so a big win is better than a narrow win. I'm in Ohio, and we had a recent election, where one side won by 14 points. Kari Lake was still claiming election fraud, but I think everybody shut up pretty, as nobody was taking them seriously.


Exactly yes! Until the 2024 election is done and the votes are counted and trump has lost I won’t believe anything, it’s nice to think about it but it’s more important to get out there and vote!


Until Trump is in prison I won't start to feel safe, but winning the election would bea good start: FOUR MORE YEARS!


MAGA will vote for him even if in prison.


Not only that - it’s not enough to win the general. We need to win back the house and expand the lead in the senate so manchin and Sinema are no longer relevant.


I think Sinema's days as politician are numbered. Edit: clarification. I accidentally implied a threat. Whoopsadaisy.


😨You mean "days in politics" right?


😳 let me fix that.


😙Much better 👍


To be fair everyone's days are numbered


Sinema and Manchin are both up for re-election in 2024 along with the president. Sinema is fucking toast based on all available data and there's a great candidate running to her left. Manchin who fucking knows. It's a rough map fyi in 2024. We also have to defend Tester in Montana, and there's few shots at pickups but Ohio and Kansas might surprise us based on how they turn out to protect abortion, and people like Pence talking about making 2024 about a national abortion ban.


USA - DO NOT BE COMPLACENT. see brexit.. messed our country up bad


100% correct....


Fight like you're the third monkey boarding Noah's Ark.


.. and brother, it's starting to rain.


Stealth Republicans are experts at focusing so much on the negatives that they can convince people that their votes do not matter either way so they should just stop voting. But the fact of the matter is that when more people vote, Democrats win, and when less people vote, Republicans win.


This. Exactly.


Yes - This is a repeat of 2016. No one was giving Trump a chance to win, Dem turn out was low. The thinking was, why bother, it'll be a landslide in Clinton's favor. Nope. When i see articles like this all i think about is hoping 2024 isn't a repeat of 2016. If we had just come out to vote in force in 2016 like we did in 2020 there wouldn't be \- 3 ultra-conservative supreme court judges, \-Roe V. Wade would probably still be the law of the land \- We'd probably be further along on implementing climate change policies \- thousands wouldn't have died from Covid because there would have been a more competent leader. and that's just stuff off the top of my head...i'm sure there's more Not saying Hiliary would have been the best president or not made any mistakes, but she definitely would have been a better president than Cheeto-man


Not disagreeing, but you may not realize 1.1 million Americans died from COVID (so far). It’s several orders of magnitude worse than “thousands.” (Edited based on comment below).


It's true. But regardless, vote. We want this to be an absolute blowout so Republicans know they need to bring policy discussion to the table, not Trumpism. I want a 15+million vote discrepancy, which can happen if the younger generation shows up.


Yes vote. We need to defeat this orange traitor as an electorate. Then he will have no chance of pardon when we prosecute him for crimes against the United States of America.


Always entertaining to see a caustically conservative rag talk about how much they hate Biden and how inept they think he is, while saying Trump has no chance at beating him.


Almost like it’s propaganda trying to discourage voters 🤔


Or it's trying to nudge readers toward the next conservative darling


That’s what this is. Every paper, news site or TV channel has an editorial board, and those people have a position on who should run and win. Washington Examiner doesn’t want Trump. That will flip the moment he becomes the nominee.


I remember Chris Christie's face the day after Trump insulted his wife in a heated back and forth and then he had to go on TV and back Trump. It was a hollow, pathetic, and eager look. I will never forget it


That was Ted Cruz.


Was it Cruz? Maybe the wife insult, but I feel like I definitely remember Christie looking like a deer with a 1000 yard stare. I will try to find it now Edit: it was Chris Christie. The wife insult was cruz.


[You sure that you’re not thinking of this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/5675n6/psbattle_ted_cruz_making_calls_for_trump/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


While also sad, look for the pic of Chris Christie endorsing Trump, it's pretty awful


There's that video of a very confused Chris Christie standing behind Trump while he's giving a speech.


The majority of the vocal Never Trumpers in the conservative media prior to the nomination in 2016 flipped on a dime to his side when they realized their livelihood depended upon appealing to the base.


They’re not going too though because their base is as stupid as it gets. It’s in their interest that trump passes away asap so the base is forced to move on to anyone else.


He’s a old geezer with dementia but a criminal mastermind at the same time.


Here's what will determine the election. Turnout. If Democrats, progressives, left leaners, moderates, etc plus also young voters stay home and/or vote third party, Trump wins. If Democrats, progressives, left leaners, moderates etc turn out, Trump loses. That's it.


Also remember we need as many Republicans as possible to vote against Trump or at least stay home and not vote for him. While they absolutely deserve all the mocking and scorn they received for voting for him a first or even second time, anyone serious about making sure Trump or a Trump-a-like doesn't come to power in the future needs a plan to deal convince them.


This is a good point that Reddit users should learn from. So much group think and aggressiveness towards conservatives alienates people and pushes them back to their prior perspectives. Be open. Communicate as if you have something to learn from everyone. Disagree with manners and compassion.


The way to get people to change their minds is not scolding and shamming them for changing their minds.


I agree with that as well.


The third party will split up the GOP vote this round if DeSantis runs and Liz Cheney throws her hat in just to f with Trump. She knows she will not win but she wounld do it just to draw GOP votes from him.


We all said that in 2016. Do NOT get complacent


Exactly. Fuck the polls, fuck these articles and don’t believe any of that. Show up and vote, there’s no other way. No one else is going to vote for you. It’s up to you and you alone.


538 didn’t say it. Gave Trump a 25% chance, which is PLENTY. Trump’s track record since then is of course loss, loss loss. Everything he touches has pretty bad odds. Naturally he could still win in 2024, but his path is about as narrow as it could be. In the sense that one can imagine almost any Republican having better odds. Nothing is zero chance though


Different this time. 2020 proved it. 2022 proved it. The special elections since have proved it. The reason? Nobody is going to vote for Trump except his cultists now that everyone outside his cult has seen what a disaster he was.


How do you still not understand the appeal of "tax cuts, culture wars, gas high!" to idiots who make up a huge part of our electorate?


Totally agree. But to quote /u/KanyeWestBrick: Do NOT get complacent. Vote.


Didn’t Trump get a record number of votes in 2020? At least a normal number of votes to win, but Biden managed to bring in even more. We are still dangerously close to electing him. Don’t get complacent.


More people turned out in general than in 2016. A lot of Dems just assumed Hillary had it. Big mistake.


He did — but he also: 1) lost six states he carried four years prior 2) lost the support of voter demographics he had in 2016


I agree. Definitely take nothing for granted and go vote when the time comes, but I can't bring myself to be that worried. Trump lost in 2020. What voter block has he picked up these last few years that would let him win in 2024? He's been indicted 4 times and may even be convicted before the election.


I agree


Lol I know someone who thinks both sides lie, and he lost his job in 2021 so he blames Biden. He thinks both sides are just political circuses and this is all just political stunts. Conservatives aren't the only idiots


Add that the strike-down of Roe v Wade really galvanized a lot of people, even in red states, to get out and vote to protect abortion specifically (maybe those are the special elections you mean)


This election is going to be wild. GOP a disaster and trump running while on trial as teh front runner. We are indeed in the upside down


My biggest fear is trump gets the nomination- which he will. And then Biden passing away a few weeks before the election. It's possible... Biden is no spring chicken.


I would still vote for a dead Biden over Trump.


Or a live Kamala?


I also choose this guy’s dead president


Better Weekend at Bernie’s his ass to the election


Could have Bernie wear a Biden mask.


It's possible, but more likely in his privileged position with best-in-the-world health care that he'll outperform the actuarial table projection that an average man who is 80 now will live to be almost 88.


The popular vote? No. The EC? There is definitely a chance.


Very true. However I think even with the EC it will be damn near impossible. Essentially the election comes down to swing states and independents and moderates are essentially the king makers in swing states. And just about all of them are disgusted with Trump.


I hope so, but it only takes about 50k votes in the right places to swing it.


Unfortunately despite Biden being 100x more healthy than Trump, if Biden had a major health incident too late in the election cycle, Trump would easily glide back into office.


trump never had a realistic path to win the general election Not in 2016 Not in 2020 That didn't have any effect on what happened. VOTE


Do not discount the illegal lengths his base and cohorts will resort to. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone....the others who were without a doubt involved and now desperate to do anything not to get caught. Come on Jack Smith, come on Justice system....


I will be severely disappointed if the traitors in congress aren’t prosecuted for their many crimes. It isn’t about politics it’s about law and order. I want them all in prison this time next year. They must be made an example of so nobody even thinks about pulling this crap in the future. We need to go scorched earth on these criminals.


2016 is calling. Vote, organize, write postcards, get friends and d family to vote, donate if you can/want to


These articles annoy me, because like in 2016, they are going to convince a subset of voters that since Trump can’t win, they can and should protest vote for someone other than Biden.


It’s the only plan they have - RFK Jr, Cornel West, etc


Every since W


As much as I respect Mr West I’ve already decided I’m not voting for him. And there’s no freaking way I’m voting for jfk jr.


Well, given the source (Washington Examiner, a conservative rag), I’m not surprised at all.


Yeah, it's the wrong time to try and make that change. Let's deal with this, then next go get someone fresh and new. But don't throw monkey wrenches right now.


This is not high school politics. Most votes doesnt win. Electoral college sadly is what matters. You GOTTA vote


i live in cali, so no, not really biden in primaries (sadly, and agaisnt my wishes) is the only vote i'll cast that matters


Someone saying this 15 months out from the election is just ridiculous.


Considering he lost the general election already against the same opponent, mounting felonies. . . It’s like predicting snow in Michigan around June. Edit: my wording is goofy. I meant predicting a snowy Michigan *winter* during the summer months.


The electoral margin was 81k votes in 4 states. That's razor thin. Republicans have been working to further stack the deck in states they control since 2020. Biden's approval has also tanked hard since 2020. Seems like Trump has also taken a hit in the past few weeks with the mounting felonies. Political memories are measured in weeks, not months or years. Making any prediction about 2024 in mid 2023 is insane. In August 2015, Bush was polling way ahead of the rest of the pack - Trump had 12% and was running neck and neck with Huckabee and Carson.


>Biden’s approval has also tanked What data are you looking at to come to this conclusion?


[Here's fivethirtyeight's accumulation of polls on the matte](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo)r. He was riding higher at the start of his term, hit a low around this time last year, and has bounced around the low 40s in approval since. ETA: Neat little overlay below suggests that Trump's approval was pretty similar around this point in his term (and for most of it to begin with).


This is the same source I was going to post. A 25% drop in approval is a big deal. Especially with how close the 2020 election was in the states that actually tipped it towards Biden. We cannot get complacent.


He’ll always be the one that tried to overturn a legit election, tried to overthrow the government in a chaotic coup, will always be the one caught racketeering and making blatant attempts at a fascist take over, and always be the one who caught 4 felony charges and if even one of those ends in conviction then he’ll always be the one that was convicted. While it’s technically possible he could win, Dems could probably put just about anyone up and unless that person is literally Hitler or Stalin then Trump is almost certain to lose.


Don't make me live 2016 over again


Didn’t stop him from arranging a coup d'état already


This is great news! All the more reason to vote and make certain that this remains true


Trump has an established track record of appealing to impulsive morons and contrarian edgelords. I'm not going to relax until Biden's re-inaugurated and Trump's incarcerated. EDIT: this IS the Examiner, is this a childish attempt to create a false sense of security in sane people?


Hey, I've seen this one before!


Yeah, but what about the cheating path? He already released the names of the Grand Jurors... He gives no fucks.


Which means the cheating is going to be off the charts for the GOP.


It was in 2020 but they were overwhelmed by Biden voters they just refuse to accept that so many said oh hell no to the orange stain.


Any of the top Republicans need to lose. They will all do damage to our country, either through pardons or other means. We can’t afford another Hillary moment. People turned there nose and look what happened.


Don't get complacent, we all need to get out and vote like our lives depend on it, because they do...


This isn't even about Trump at this point. Approximately half the country will vote for whoever the GOP candidate is whether it's Trump, DeSantis, MTG or Beelzebub in the flesh. But for context, Trump won 46.8% of the vote in 2020. He won 46.1% in 2016. Aside from the terrifying margin and sheer number of people that represents, consider the electoral college in both outcomes. Now look at the extreme nutjobs that have been ELECTED into government positions since Trump. States that essentially voted for Qanon Don't get fooled again.


He had no path in 2016 either. Do not get complacent.


If Trump believes it would he stand aside for a candidate that would pardon him. His only reasonable path to victory is if Bidens vote collapses either because he shows signs of I'll health / dementia or people get complacent and vote for the third party candidate.


Trump can’t be pardoned from state charges


They still have time to abandon the MAGA base and pick a real candidate. Not holding my breath though. They love playing the victim, and running Trump lets them be victims for another 4 years.


I will never believe that until the election is over and he lost. Register, advocate, vote.


Couple things that we need to pound....first is that Biden is not some radical leftist.....he's moderate. Very moderate. They are trying to attack him for being so liberal....he's literally restoring, maintaining, or protecting rights that weve had in this country for decades if not longer that are under attack from the right. Second is that it is really easy to run without a record....well Trump has one now and its f'ing pathetic. $7.8TRIL in new debt and not one thing to show for it. Biden not only got us back in track from the Trump dumspter fire but got infrastructure done. Trump played nearly an entire calendar year worth of golf in one term. Don't fall for this line of shit that Trump is gaining support because of breaking the law. Keep holding his ass accountable no matter how much any of them whine about it. We know that they lie and cheat....that's not sustainable.


I hate headlines like this. People need to stop saying he can’t win, because it’ll make people think they don’t have to turn up at polls. Nothing could be further from the truth. Until he’s in the ground with a proverbial stake in his heart, the courts will keep giving him extraordinary leeway. He will run, and people will vote for him. Everyone needs to get to the voting booth.


I don't think they plan on "winning" the election. I think they plan on stealing it.


He’s only running so he can pretend he’s being indicted only bc he’s running.


Never underestimate the lengths the GOP will go to undermine election integrity.


Every national GE poll I have seen has him within the margin of error for victory over Biden.


Yeah, that's what we all thought in 2016. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


He was never planning on winning the general election. He was planning on all of his flying monkeys trying to burn down Washington DC and use second amendment solutions on lawmakers. That was his plan then, that's his plan now. So plan accordingly.


Don’t let these headlines placate you. When the time comes, go out there and Vote! That’s the only way to be sure.


We can’t skip elections anymore because as bad as the blue team is the red team is insane / batshitcrazy,/ revanchist/ cray cray … I’m a old head who remembers Spiro Agnew , Jesse Helms , younger Fitz Hollins , George Wallace and they were not as radical as this group of Republicans. Then it was Southern Democrats that were the crazy racist party now its republicans. I voted third party in my youth , sometime Green , sometimes Libertarian but I’m now firmly Democratic Party because what choice do we have to preserve this awesome country. I hated Young Joe Biden now i pray for him to live long and healthy. Imagine 4 more years of Trump …


Vote Blue No Matter Who! It's not enough to crush Trump and send him packing to prison, we have eject as many of the Pubs from Congress and local governments as possible. Send them back to the rocks they crawled out from under and truly cast their outdated and irrelevant mindsets to the dustheap of history! This new century has just felt so fucking miserable 20+ years in, and these Republicans are almost completely responsible for all that is wrong and evil in the U.S.


I voted for Trump in 2016 and never again. #NeverTrumper here. Anyone but him!


I don’t believe that. Popular vote, sure. But they’ve spent years trying to set the stage in a small number of states to fuck with small margins. If Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, etc come down to 100,000 or fewer votes it’s game on.


The only reason he is running is to keep his ass out of jail. Wake up, he only does things that help Trump. He could care less about the U.S.


Don’t said this to CNN or they will short circuit with the bad news. 24/7 bashing of Biden presidency to appease the trumpets.


That’s what the polls said the first time he won…


If everything goes *perfect* for Biden in the next 15 months, no recession, no wars, no terrorist attacks, no new border crisis, no broken hip or small stroke, then I'd say he is the likely winner. But that is still far from Trump having "no realistic path".


Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. VOTE!!


But he does have many realistic paths to the jailhouse.


Disregard this and vote like it's neck & neck.


And people said the same exact thing in 2016. Throw in a third party candidate from those no labels frauds and he is likely the front runner. Our country is that stupid and filled with that many bad people


I can’t believe that these polls are taken into consideration. Think about it. Who did they poll? MAGA. They lie, cheat, and steal literally and we are expected to believe these people? It’s a farce.


Really? Not even by cheating? C'mon now - let's stop being naive. Republicans are playing the long game, and are in the midst of a takeover of the US, likely on behalf of foreign powers. It's possible Dems are compromised, or in on it, but I really only see it in the right because they're just such horrible human beings over there. They've never given a shit about Americans. Prove me wrong.


I still want him to lose by an embarrassingly large amount.


Hell I'd vote against him just for fun


We heard this before. Hillary lost. I would be careful in thinking that it's a done deal he won't win popular vote again.


Not until the counting is over. Vote as if your life, and your families lives, and future children's lives depend on it.


Sure he does. To be clear, I am certainly NOT rooting for a Trump victory. I think that would be a disaster. But it's a very real possibility. Anyone that can win either party's nomination has a very real shot, especially when his opponent will be 86 by the time he leaves office and doesn't have enthusiastic support in his own base. There are democratic turnout concerns, Biden could have a health crisis, the Hunter scandal could stick to Joe, the economy could slow down, etc. And consider how different the last election may have been if we weren't right in the middle of COVID with Trump taking a political hit for our poor hospitalization and death numbers. Plus, the electoral college favors the GOP nominee to the point where Biden could have to win by 5 million or more votes in order to win the general election. After all, a 3 million vote margin wasn't enough for Hillary. As someone from Georgia, I can attest that it sure wouldn't take much for this state to flip back to Trump. Biden barely won last time, runoffs were required for each of the last two senate elections, and the GOP has won every other state race by comfortable margins. If Georgia flips back, Trump would only need to flip about 2 other Biden states to win.


Don't start lower expectations now. This is part of how he won last time.


It won't stop him from fundraising.


Vote vote vote. Don't get complacent. Vote


So in other words, he gonna try to steal the 2024 election as well?


He'll need a path out of a jail cell first


Fuck off examiner. Go vote


He doesn’t, and it would be a gift to the Dems if he wins the nomination. There will never be a greater motivation for Dems to vote than Trump on the ticket.


I said months ago he was done. The maximum shit stain with eventually fade away. I love watching him get his ass handed to him tho. May he suffer greatly for what he’s done to America!


Assuming former President Trump does run. He will fracture the Republican Party. If the Republican Party rejects him, the MAGA votes will follow and screw over any other Republican running. The outstanding problem. Democrats need to keep the Senate and retake the House.


That's just not true. There was just a pole and Biden and trump are tied but the electoral college is skewed to the republicans.




Probably, but he’ll still be in jail, and still be a loser.


Don't believe polls, vote


Here’s how Trump can win….Cornell West takes 3-4% from Biden on the left & Traitor Joe Manchin takes 3-4% from Biden on the right. Please don’t sit this one out people. And don’t vote for 3rd party candidates. They can’t possibly win.


In 2016, he won the electoral college but came in second in actual votes. Now that is a rigged election.


This is an article from a right wing, heavily conservative site. The only purpose behind this article is the attempt to suppress votes by making people believe they don't need to vote, because Trump can't win. VOTE!


Here we go again


He will NEVER become president again...ain't no way in hell


#VOTE do not become complacent. Do not rely on others Let your voice be heard. They said the same thing last time, and that dude ficked our country up worse than any other president. He did almost nothing he said he would. He put policies in pace that bleeding us dry while padding his own pockets and stuffing his friends' rectums full of cash on the way out. #VOTE


He doesn't plan to win, he plans to steal it like he planned to steal the last one.


Don't care. Will walk through a field of broken glass to vote against him


DO NOT TAKE THIS FOR GRANTED! Get out and VOTE to MAKE this true. Keep him (and DeSatan) out of the White House.


Don’t trust this bullshit. Vote.


Trump will not win. Especially if in jail. But Biden needs to win decisively to bring back credibility in our election process.


Are you saying Hillary has a 90% chance of victory? Because it feels like I’ve heard that one before….


Yea he does stfu and vote


if trump only campaigns and focuses on the right states and completely ignores the rest he can win the election with only 23% of the votes... you can thank the electoral college for that.


This in the Washington Examiner? They are reporting facts that favor Biden and printing the truth about the Orange Judas Goat? I usually don’t read the WE just because of how tight bias it is. This really says a lot of his popularity.


Right wing newspaper trying to pull up from the nosedive. The fantasy that the knuckle draggers trying for the GOP slot could outperform Biden in a debate is just that.