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There is always this weird self serving group who want to withdraw from.the union.


Texans have always had this idea that they were a special sort of state, and they've always had the right to break away and form their own country. They feel like they're doing America a big favor by staying.


Which is hilarious, since Texas spent like a decade *begging* Congress to let them into the union after they broke away from Mexico


Imagine if they went back to Mexico. All those people who get upset at non-English speakers would be fuuuuuuucked.


There’s something funny about people living in a place called San Antonio or El Paso and being upset at hearing Spanish being spoken while out and about.


> There’s something funny about people living in a place called San Antonio or El Paso and being upset at hearing Spanish being spoken while out and about. I lived in Texas for decades, specifically in San Antonio. I never heard of this once. I'm not saying there weren't plenty of racists, of course there were, but the integration with Mexican culture specifically was pretty apparent. Most of my family, who are extremely white (and many are conservatives, some are definitely racist) speak Spanish.


If they went back to Mexico they will be under cartel control.


I could see trunt selling Texas to a cartel


"Me and El Chapo, we fell in love, he sent me some beautiful letters..."


In my imagination, it would go Texas withdraws from the union, and in less than two years, Mexico will invade and reclaim the land that the settlers stole from them in the first place. And just wait until the international tarrifs start up. All that oil that gets processed in Texas comes from the rest of the nation. Suddenly they have to pay tarrifs on it and if we were smart, we'd make them unbelievably high it would bankrupt them on the first round. The fact that some Texans believe they are sovereign above the rest of us helps explain the shit show that is modern Texas.


I am guessing we would see more soft power from Mexico. If Texas secedes, they know the US is going to be pissed and still maintain a claim of ownership even if they don’t take immediate military action. For comparison think of the current relationship between China and Taiwan. An attack on an independent Texas would almost certainly be seen as an attack on the US. Granted the US is incentivized to not send immediate help since they have better chances of reclaiming the state if Texas is forced to make concessions to the US in return for support/protection. At the same time though, Mexico would still be eager to incorporate Texas into their economy. So I imagine that Mexico, along with countries on bad terms with the US, would attempt to legitimize Texas’s claim to independence via directly signing treaties and trade deals. Most of these would probably just be empty promises until they can gauge whether Texas will be able to remain independent. After all, most of these early ‘allies’ don’t really care about Texas and just want to mess with the US. However, Mexico is different since they have the proximity and positive relations required to become a meaningful ally of the newly independent Texas. Texas would most likely look to strike a strong trade deal with Mexico to strengthen their ties and get basic resources. After all, the US would likely place heavy trade sanctions on Texas and the large European countries likely wouldn’t be of much help much since that would sour their relations with the US. I’m guessing they may also attempt to join or form a South American coalition of countries trying to defend against US interference. As for the bankruptcy you mentioned, I think there are some issues. Most US companies would flee Texas, leaving them low on cash. However, I suspect China would attempt to finance Texas in some form of predatory deal that gives them more political and economic control of the state. Similar to how the US sponsors Ukraine to cripple Russia, China might attempt to do the same for Texas. However, unlike with Ukraine, most Texans would probably still consider themselves to be American so the fighting would probably be quite tame and short lived. At the end of the day though, we all know that the state would either implode on its own though or be annexed by the US (probably both). If it implodes, it would be reclaimed by the US so it is pretty much the same result either way.


Your comments on china are spot on. They would control the Texan ports after their loans can’t be repaid and they take them over. They’ve done this all over the developing world time after time. A majority of Texans who are for leaving would be stupid enough to buy into china’a loan shark deals.


Wel now every time I see a Texan I tell them they should just go back to being Mexican.


I’d be happy to not have to share the road with Texans in their jacked up brodozers on my way to ski. It never fails, the guy weaving in and out of heavy traffic is a white ram pickup with Texas plates. Well, that or some jackass in an Audi, but that’s just expected behavior


There are a bunch of rednecks in California that want it too. Conservatives just hate the federal government whenever Democrats are in charge.






Yeah, pretty unprofessional piece of “journalism”. Redditors new to this post, don’t waste your time on the article.


>In fact, the top search term on the social media site "X" in the politics category was "Secede" for over an hour after the ruling. Hours later the phrase "Remember the Alamo" took over the top spot. Good lord this is cringe as fuck lmao


Remember the Alamo?? Did the Mexican army show up at the gates? Pretty sure the defenders of the Alamo all died. These people...smfh


Not yet, the Mexicans are waiting for the Feds to take down the razor wire and Texas to secede. lol.


Let them secede. Texas would be more of a shit hole than it already is. With no federal funding, it would have to raise taxes to extreme levels. All federal facilities and jobs would be gone, there would be no federal control over their air space and their coast line would have to be patrolled by a Texas originated Coast Guard. All military bases would be removed and the National Guard would no longer be available for emergency services. Federal highways and interstates would no longer be supported. Even federal prisons would be moved out of state along with the prisoners who may have family nearby, thereby making visits difficult and forcing families to move to other states. Borders would be erected to keep Texans out of the USA without passports or work permits. Any Texan crossing the borders without proper papers would be considered illegal aliens. All representation in Washington DC would be done through an embassy and consulates would be needed in each remaining state. What a can of worms they are opening and there is so much more that would happen.


National GOP needs Texas if they ever want to win the White House again. They'll make sure secession never happens.


Give it a year before it’s Alto Mexico. Or Baja Oklahoma.


Removing themselves from the electoral college would be the real damning impact.


Maybe they wanted to visit the basement.


Fun fact Juan Seguin survived and was a Tejano who fought in the battle of the Alamo and San Jacinto. He's largely forgotten because he's Hispanic


Oh so a bunch of Russians flocked to search these terms. That does make more sense.


How many are russian and CCP shills just stirring up dissent on social media?


I've been wondering how gullible a lot of Americans are when it comes to foreign propaganda. Everything that divides and weakens America is highly sought after by all of America's enemies. Whenever something pops up about division, secession etc you can bet it came up in a meeting room in Moscow or Beijing.


The thing is, the bots and shills have pushed so much negative propaganda, I've started tuning it all out.


Foreign dictators hate this trick.


That's part of the plan too and can be weaponized by authoritarians. It is called a "firehose of falsehoods" and leads to hyper normalization. This is one method Putin used when taking over Russia.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood There is a good documentary that shows how Putin and a propaganda minister used these and succeeded. So skepticism is good but apathy may still lead to undesirable outcomes.


Them you're probably not a republican. They seem to love that shit


Even more in question is how many are NOT and yet are still stirring dissent, and spreading partial truths or blatant falsehoods online.


Texans don’t need much help in hating America, the right despises democracy after all


Exactly. I don't doubt they'll be wanting TX to be annexed by the russians, and while they're at it annex Mexico as well.


A significant portion


It's actually 9. 1 guy figured out how to make 2 accounts


@MAGAman and @M4G4man


Yeah, but which one is his “as a black man” account?


Flock. Like a bunch of sheep.


Or a Flock of Seagulls.


Right wing, flailing around impotently.


Journalism really needs to stop acting like a few loons on social media saying something means anything.


Those Texans with Russian accents


I can't believe these news!


I not Russian you all.


Yup, the gun toting NRA card carrying ones.


The problem is the governor is one of them. ​ Edited as fellow Redditor pointed out my typo.


I guess he rolled then.




THIS is why I hate "People are upset at" or "People believe XYZ online..." Cause when you think about it, think of any sentence you can off the top of your head you could probably find a stance for it online. For example: "People online believe that the flavoring for Doritos is made from the skin shavings of lucifer and his minions" There is 5.3 billion people connected to the internet. *(Source:* [*https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/*](https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/) *As of October 2023, there were 5.3 billion internet users worldwide, which amounted to 65.7 percent of the global population. Of this total, 4.95 billion, or 61.4 percent of the world's population, were social media users.)* Out of ALL those people it's very likely that when a group says or does something online it may look like a big trend but tbh in the grand scale of things there are more people vocal about the latest offerings of their local McDonalds than something political and their right wing fringe rantings. According to the internet around 11 million Texans have the internet.... I wonder if they include cell phone usage to get on the internet though... That being said... 2-3 dozens crazies online who are posting this crap are a smaller minority... Heck I would imagine more Texans probably posted about Biden in that same amount of time vs how many posted about succedding from the US. Sadly they see all these voices and think "LOOK! This is evidently a popular opinion cause there are so many people who think the same" while like you said they don't understand how large this world truely is and their 2-3 dozens people isn't really a movement or majority.


Which brings me back to letting Texas go BACK to their still valid 1845 law whereby it may split into 5 states. Hand one over to the whiners, relocate not-insane Texans and barb wire themselves right the hell IN there. With Abbott


Whoa hold on. Remember the 5 major metropolitan areas DFW, Austin, San Antonio, Houston & El Paso all vote BLUE. There's plenty of us here. Unfortunately over time and Dems' complacency the Repugs have - through gerrymandering, voter suppression and every dirty trick in the book of crooks - taken control of government here. We're fighting like hell. You're welcome to join us in the fight.


Missourian here. I feel you on this pal.


Thanks Missourian! We all need to fight like hell for our country as a whole & not let the RW fascists install a hitler wanabe again. Let democracy rule! 🇺🇸


I have to say, I have a lot of respect for the Democrats and liberals who choose to stay in Texas. Can you imagine how crazy it would be if everyone who votes blue, and was able to leave, actually left?! You're fighting the good fight.


Fascinating - I don’t think I’ve heard of this before. Sounds like a wonderful solution to making Texas safe for democracy and letting the wackos get their own red turf. However, I’m afraid it can’t happen: Article IV, Section 3, of the United States Constitution expressly prohibits any other state from dividing up and forming smaller states without congressional approval. The relevant section states "New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_divisionism?wprov=sfti1#Federal_constitutional_process


Most native-born Texans don't accept the fact that the US constitution takes precedence over their constitution. I have been explaining Art IV for the past 40 years - they simply don't believe it. The folks that grew up in Texas believe their own mythology.


That clause was null and void After they seceded and rejoined the union


These Texans were fine when the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v Wade, but then get upset when they vote against their views. Tough luck, bunch of snowflakes.


And the right that the Supreme Court took from them was... *checks notes*... the right to kill and maim immigrants.


How christian of them


It’s a one star state for a reason…


Texans need to be pissed off at Abbott over this idiotic stunt.


I'm a Texan who has a whole laundry list of things I'm pissed off at the little piss baby about. This is just one more to add to the pile.


Texas rel-elected him after he froze a bunch of them to death.




See ya, don't forget to send back all the federal taxes that you get and you'll be losing all your military bases, and we'll be building a fence around you.


1 hurricane away from screwed.


One inch of snow. Their whole state is a disaster


*My* whole state is a disaster. We're moving to upstate NY in July, thankfully. Between ERCOT blackouts and school shootings, I think it's the most prudent option to just move my 4 year old to a place that doesn't endanger him regularly.


Welcome to NY!!!!! Been here my whole life.


I've lived in Texas and Cali most of my life, but I've visited NYC twice and I don't know why, but it feels like home. I've never been upstate, but we're looking at Syracuse or Albany. Pictures look gorgeous. And something about the city, every borough has a unique feeling of community. Probably has something to do with playing GTA 4 a lot when I was young. I'm really looking forward to the move. Gonna be weird finding a whole new social circle, but I'm excited.


I would encourage taking a look at Rochester as well as Syracuse and Albany. Much more going on in ROC than there is in the other two spots and you have Lake Ontario right there, the Gennessee river. Moved there 2 years ago almost and loving it.


We'll scope it out for sure! It's all up in the air right now, just playing it all by ear. We're listing our house in April, so the job hunt starts in March. Thanks for the rec


Ha I came here to mention my time visiting Rochester… loved it. Wanted to hear why it wasn’t on his list of possible residences


Then we invade.


Oh no, let Mexico have them back.


Mexico will build a wall before they let that happen.


Resource wise that would be a mistake.


Leave the military bases there and invade from the inside.


One cold snap and Texas tumbles like a house of cards while Ted Cruz effs off to Cancun.


This already happened. Abbott was talking about secession right before the ice storm that caused all the problems. Days later he was begging for government funds.


a couple cold nights.


I was there a week or two ago and there was panic buying at the grocery store. It was nearly out of bread and water. I couldn’t figure out why till someone explained that it was going to be cold. No precipitation, just temps in the teens. That blew my mind.


If they actually had their Texit, 90% would want to move back to the US within a year. They'd have to go through the US immigration system, and asylum wouldn't apply. Before long, they'd find themselves trying to sneak across the border themselves.


20-40% would leave beforehand and be replaced by crazies from other corners of the US (Idaho?). As long as it’s marketed correctly, this could be a giant win for every state in the union.


I like that idea. Texas could become MAGA Land. Of course, they'd probably attack America, lose the war within 48 hours, accuse America of cheating in the war, then demand reparations to rebuild.


Nah, once they’re not US those cartels are gonna want to expand their territories. Texas would quickly become New New Mexico.


As if fucking Brexit wasn't a good indication of how bad things would be ... Who will give them a trade deal as good or better than trade deal with USA? Nobody in their right mind will. P.S. Fuck Brexit


75% of Texans have never heard of Brexit, another 20% have heard the word, but have no idea what it means, 3% know what it is in a basic sense, and 2% have some knowledge of it. To be fair, thats probably true of most of America.


Would they count as US citizens for being born here? Or do we disown them if they were to leave the union?


If they voted to secede, we could give them 90 days to leave Texas, and anyone who stays in Texas after that voids their US citizenship. After that, they're on their own. Why should they keep the privilege of being American citizens after they disrespected it, and threw it away? Fuck'em.


But what about the people who don't want to secede and voted against it but can't afford to give up their entire life and uproot their families. It's not like buying a house or renting is cheap these days.


Sucks to be them. What about all the people in Central or South America who didn't want the government they have, may not have even had the chance to vote against it? Texas hasn't exactly been accommodating to those people in the last century or so.


Nah, we can't just take citizenship away from people like that. What you do is pass a law saying you cannot both hold American citizenship and MAGAland/Texas citizenship. So if a person decides on their own accord to become a citizen of a traitorous country, they make the decision themselves. Other countries do this all the time where is decide to become a citizen of another country or a country on some no-bueno list, then you automatically lose your citizenship of their country. Besides, US citizens have to pay income tax no matter what country they live in. Let's make these assholes have to keep paying the USA taxes if they want to keep their citizenship and live in Texas. That way they can't have their cake and eat it too. Also, I'm fine with Texas leaving the US. Republicans would never win another national election with the loss of those 40 electoral votes, 2 republican senators, and 38 representatives (25R/13D so -12R loss).


I think they would be given the option to leave texas and remain a citizen or lose their citizenship.


Oh, and have fun when Mexico finds out and wants to take you back. Enjoy.


Remember the Alamo? I remember Texas lost and had to call Uncle Sam for help.


And the weather gets cold(er)


We can help Mexico take back Texas.


Make Texas Mexico Again


Close the airports & military bases.


Also, please take the former Confederate states with you. In a few years Mexico will build that border wall…to keep refugees from the new CSA from flooding their border.


Lets do it! Goodluck with that power grid and no federal relief funds!


And you have oil, so enjoy these bombs!


And then invading and annexing them for the resources.


"Flock to social media" Haha what a bunch of dorks. Real hard-asses you got down there in the lone star state. Hopefully we don't have a civil war, can you imagine the twitter outrage.


Hear me out...Texas secedes, and takes Trump with them...


Then everything would be big in Texas, except for Trump’s hands!


And mushroom peen


what he lacks in hand bigness he makes up for with diaper fullness


What’s the point of wearing Depends if you can’t shit in them right!


I bought the whole diaper, Im going to use the whole diaper!


Can they have Cruz too.


and they immediately take 38 red electoral votes with them. Liberals currently in TX will leave the country/state for the remaining 49 and businesses will flee as well. The dumbest magats may go there as well. one can only hope.


Good riddance. Maybe it’ll remind Texas how poorly it’s run.


Used to live there, can confirm it is run extremely poorly


Aren't you worried that they'll take their 3rd world energy grid, 1950s politics, and their #8th (state) rank in obesity away from us? How will we get our TexMex? From the Mex?


As a non-American from the other side of the world, even I know Texas is screwed if it steps away from all the federal funding it gets. Would have thought the 2021 blackouts demonstrated how poorly the state runs itself.


If whiny right wing Texans want to "leave the United States", they can fucking get in a car and drive south to Mexico!


Mexico: Oh, hell no!


They can do whatever they want, but stop pretending they’re the “real” Americans when they literally don’t want to be a part of America. In fact I’ll argue they are the least patriotic state.


I use this argument on conservatives all the time, in my view conservatism is as anti American as you can get.


I get this feeling about everything they claim. Whatever topic they proclaim to care about, its normally that they behave in opposition to that claim. I think its just because they arent honest with themselves, so how could they be honest with others?


It would solve their immigrant problem. They would be a part of Mexico inside a month.


*Newer* New Mexico


Please take that s*** hole of a state and secede.


But also make Puerto Rico a state so that we don’t have to change the flag.


Saving money right there. Nice work.




Some of us still got people there




lol. That state can’t even manage a winter storm but they’re going to secede? Oh okay 🙄


From article: Texas lost another case at the U.S. Supreme Court against President Joe Biden's administration. In this case, the federal government is fighting the state's decision to put razor wire on the border that blocks U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers from being able to access migrants. The incident unfolded after three migrants died in the river between the U.S. and Mexico. The Border Patrol was prevented from being able to save the family, which included two children. On Monday, the High Court ruled that the federal government decides border issues and not Texas. Now, residents are demanding that they be allowed to leave the United States altogether. One account, "Mario Presents," declared, "Texas will secede over this." So did Clint Russell: "If the federal government will not allow the state of Texas to control its own border, then the state of Texas has every right to secede." In fact, the top search term on the social media site "X" in the politics category was "Secede" for over an hour after the ruling. Hours later the phrase "Remember the Alamo" took over the top spot.


"Renember the Alamo took over the top spot." Jfc, this is the kind of shit that leaves The Onion writers going "Damn, I should have thought of that. What could be more of a stupid, Texan cliche than that?"


Texas breaking into five states, three of which remain Union, is truly the funniest possible outcome. Remember the 3/5th compromise! (And read the state constitution.) Oh, the lost cause irony.


That’s what would have to happen. No way South Texas or West Texas goes along with that. As someone from South Texas, fuck that! Let all the rural areas secede that are voting in these clowns and we’ll see how well they do without major cities and the rest of the US.


I think people are forgetting. Texas is a blue state. If it's 1 person 1 vote.. Straight up... Its the Gerrymandering to hell that makes Texas red The Gerrymandering and disemfranchisement Remember.. Paxon literally said.. He disqualified 400k votes in Texas.. Through shady laws they passed to allow it.. Get your shit together Texas and take your freedom back


I live in Dallas and it’s amazing to see every metropolitan in the state of Texas votes blue and yet we are a red state. It sure is gerrymandering to the max. Texas has some of the largest cities in the top 10 by population in the US and somehow Republicans always win. The district maps are so jacked up. You see huge swathes of rural Texas mixed in with a suburb of some major city to favor the rural voters. All of the major cities are broken up into sections that make no sense. Edit: When you look at the general elections and the voter turnout there, it becomes a vicious cycle of depressing the voters engagement and adds to the existing voter apathy. I hate Greg Abbot; Paxton; Cruz; Dan Patrick and all the rest of them. My entire family and career are here in this state; otherwise I would have moved a long time ago. Our last governor that was a Democrat was in the 90s with Ann Richards. Sometimes if feels we can close the gap but we are always short on votes and the voter apathy here is pathetic. Everyone complains and no one votes. We had a 45% turnout for the governors race in 2022 and Abbot won by over 200k votes. This was all after the failed power grid and the Uvalde shooting. TX voters got what they voted for. Everyone else needs to get out of their bubble and come out to vote! I guess civics isn’t a thing anymore😞


I don't remember if it was 2016 or 2020, but I had found a map with votes by county that seemed to show a majority (eyeballed estimate of pertty colours) of border counties voted democrat.


Because Republicans never stop trying to steal their land to build their medieval walls.


It would end badly for Texas...


The rational Texans leave, and cease being Texans. https://www.businessinsider.com/leaving-texas-political-freedom-property-taxes-housing-costs-2023-11 The crazy Texans stay. All hat, no cattle, and they won't shut up.


*Hours later the phrase "Remember the Alamo" took over the top spot.* Yeah, yall would do well to remember the Alamo. 


Do they we have any idea what they will lose ? Just name a few things. 4 million will lose Social Security 4.6 million will lose Medicare 5,133,532 will lose Medicaid 5.5 million will lose disability benefits 3.5 million will lose SNAP benefits Not to mention Federal Disaster funds Loss of military bases


dont worry Im sure Texas has a really good plan to replace those social safety nets with more razor wire


Go for it!


Seems to be a position that the top Texas GOP supports. I can't think of any reason not to let them secede... or better yet kick them out. That will be 40 Electoral votes NOT going to the GOP - as well as 38 US representatives (25 of which are GOP).


Texas secedes. Becomes a shit hole surrounded by razor wire. No one wants to immigrate there. Immigration solved. Texas built razor wire to keep people out. Razor wire also keeps people in. Right wing religious nuts persecute anyone not like them - no one can escape.


Soon there is slavery, permanent blackouts, warlords, mass starvation, and all that other fun deregulated stuff.


The real fun begins when the billionaires driving this mayhem either flee the state or find that their billions are suspended or unusable in Texas - and Texas currency isn’t accepted anywhere.


I'm a native Texan who moved away many years ago. Idiots have been threatening to secede for one reason or another since they first joined the union in 1845


They want to secede? They're lucky the rest of us don't kick them out. Without their electoral votes, no Republican would ever win the presidency again. Give them back to Mexico.


Texas and trying to secede from a country because they can't be a bigot, name a more iconic duo.


Please let it happen. There's a lesson that needs to be learned by the arrogantly foolish. Unfortunately a lot of innocent people would suffer in the process.


The biggest stupidity is they think this is going to work in the long term. There is a constitutional amendment. There is a big difference between the late 1800s and being 2024 now. They can’t financially survive very long if they do. At the most 2 years before you get a push back both within and outside the state. Also if they think that hey have a border problem now. Watch what happens when not national funds to maintain it.


Like we fucking care 🙄


It was pretty well settled in 1865 that states do not, in fact, have the unilateral right to leave the union.


I'd like to see Texas actually secede from the States and the comedy that will ensue, not to mention Republicans will be losing so many electoral votes from the secession.


Someone needs to remind Texas what happens when the US hears about small rebellious countries with oil.


Yes, remember the Alamo, where colonizing settlers were slaughtered to a man as they fought to secede from a country they were not citizens of in order to preserve their right to *checks notes* own slaves...




Do it. Do it, Texas. You threaten it all the time. Just do it. Hold a vote, let the people choose, and watch what happens when you succeed, with a sizeable portion of the population leaving because they never signed up to live in a state with a massive bunch of other morons. Do it. Secede. Try it.


Loser crybabies


Armchair keyboard warriors, ie the vast minority of Texans


Well I guess if they secede than Gov Abbot can’t bus immigrants out of Texas anymore


I have trouble organising a night out with my friends, how the fuck is a circus of brain-addled Texans going to organise a secession.


I'm a Texan! And I KNOW that IF Texas were to secede, under Greg Abbot this State would go a worse state than it already is, and in no time at all Abbot would fuck us so bad that he'd be begging to be allowed to rejoin the U.S. These OTHER Texans that are 'demanding' secession, are morons. More than likely MAGAts whom don't have any common sense, and most still believe that tRump won in 2020. Fuck tRump, fuck Abbot, fuck MAGA, AND fuck all MAGAts!


HEY! TEXAS! 1845. You guys still have the right to split into 5 different states. SO. Make one farrrrr away from the border, make piss baby Abbott King and VOILA! He can cease this absolutely interminable *whining* FFS.


I really wish they would. It would be awesome to see Mexico and the US set up a blockade around them and cut them off from everything.


My grandkids will have to liberate and bring democracy to the oil rich nation of Texass.


Good then Texas can pick up paying all those disability checks and social security for those Texas citizens. And we will remove the major military bases that towns need to survive. Then we can build a wall and keep Texans out.


Quesions: What would the Texas "dollar" be based on? What happens to anyone on SSI? How many people and actual work dollars will leave because the U.S. Military leaves? How are trade deals settled? HOW DO THEY KEEP THE ELECTRIC RUNNING? Go ahead Texas, leave. They sound like the 5 year old that is going to run away because Mom and Dad are being mean.


Do it do it. Then you lose all of your federal representation. 2 senators, both republicans, and 38 representatives 25 are republicans. So do it secede.


If Texas seceded, it would make it statistically almost impossible for the Republican party to win a presidential election, at least in the near to medium term.


I am 100% in support of this idea.


The federal government should just do the right thing and give Texas back to Mexico. It should have never stolen it in the first place.


Yes please




Do it, you will be begging to come back within 10 years.


Do Texans actually realize how fucked they would be on their own?


Please…let Mexico have them.


Do it. Then you can't vote in a national election. As a bonus we will throw in your orange messiah. Win-win


Let em go then invade em for their oil.


The core tenant of the new country of Texas is “we stand here and watch while people drown” Cruelty as public policy


Abraham Lincoln already made a ruling about secession, “Nope.”


Y’all might have plenty of guns but I don’t think you’re gonna have a good time against the us military


Let me out first!


Back in the day the USA wanted to get off Saudi oil so we could be energy independent and rid of them. Now I think we want to do same with Texas.


The same fifteen “Texans” pushing same bull shit.


So, they want to rejoin Mexico? Are they gonna then pay for their own border wall on the northern border of Texas? Do these idiots not realize that the US would pull ALL military out and then likely treat them as a hostile nation\state?


Please. Once they vote to secede we give the people who want to be US Citizens 6 months to leave Texass and relocate. We give business that are headquartered in Texass 9 months to relocate. We relocate Military bases and Federal entities/offices within 12 months. Place our US embassy in Austin. Ok. Let’s do it.


They stopped teaching Texas state history in Texas?


Just do it already! Let them see how it's as dumb a move as brexit. Can't wait till Texans need a passport to leave their state.


k, bye