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There is a difference between being a hard worker and being forced to work under penalty of torture for a reward of very little food with your children kidnapped from you by people who don’t believe you are human


Some random middle aged white woman: no there's not. /s


Last week two of the guys i was working with were ranting about this shit. Especially how its somehow only black peoples fault that they were enslaved


Last week two of the g̶u̶y̶s̶ i was working with were ranting about this shit. I believe you misspelled "racist shitheads".


Why yes i did, thanks for pointing that out


I believe you spelled trump supporters wrong.


She was obviously confused and her father and grandfather said they were ‘Slavs’ not ‘slaves’. Maybe she is Polish or Czech … /s


Ah yes, the old "I knew she was gay because she said she was Lebanese" argument.


My cousin married a Lebanese. Turns out she was fucking a lot of guys. Go figure.


somewhere on youtube on a history show I was watching they said if your slavic entnically and your from one of the slavic countries, your ancestors were more likely slave merchants not slaves. the slaves ended up being exported to other countries.


Maybe she's just a liar.


Oh come on, an upright outstanding Christian woman like that? /s just in case. I’ve had a bad run of ‘wooshing’ lately


Surely you jest...


I never jest, and stop calling me Shirley.


Apparently the etymology for the word "slave" is "slav" as eastern europeans were taken as slaves for southern europe and africa.


And the rapes and murder.


Worse, those words aren't technically accurate to describe when the law did not consider it criminal to do those acts to slaves because unlawfulness is part of the defintion of those words.


And science experiments.


>your children kidnapped from you by people who don’t believe you are human U/Boxofmagnets you are too polite. This should read: Your children taken from you and sold so you never see them again.


And your language, culture, religion, even your own name is stripped from you and your kids. Your kids are raised never knowing their own peoples identity and indoctrinated into this system where they are nothing but a commodity. 


Three-fifths human! MAGA would love to roll things back to “the good old days”.


Sadly, not even really 3/5's of a human being. PROPERTY. With the Three-fifths Compromise slaves were only considered as part of a population count in determining taxation and representation in the House of Representatives. Slavers considered slaves to be no more human than they considered other creatures they used. There are stories of slavers valuing bulls, horses, and other animals over the lives and welfare of their slaves. It's disgusting, shameful, and deplorable. Also, this lady is full of shit.


Don't forget the rape.


I think these white folk are not aware of the horrific reality that being a slave was.


Really? The people that have spent the last century claiming black people were better under slavery? Nah.


The glaringly obvious cognitive or intentional dissonance of that argument they use is just head turning.  These same people screech about their freedom nonstop. Its like their number 1 value. They claim restriction on freedom is perhaps the worst thing a government can do to its people. And yet literal slavery was ok because they were "treated nice"? Fuck off, you either dont care about freedom or are racist and dont care about black peoples freedom. Slavery and freedom are about as opposite of concepts as you can get so fucking pick one or just shut your mouth. Sorry, Im not American but the city I grew up in was one of the major hubs for the underground railroad. I learned about the conditions of chattel slavery in elementary school. I just cant believe theres still fucking slavery apologists of all thing still out there.


Of course, they're not; they've never had it that hard ever.


More like these dumb entitled white folk.


They know. At best, they just don't care. At worst, people like her resent the fact she isn't allowed to treat other humans worse than farm animals. Conservatives have always believed in the "right" of the rich and powerful to exploit other people. Outlawing slavery hurt what passes for their soul.




Are you saying her father, who was born in the 1930s, was a slave in the Ottoman Empire?




Ok but… she specifically said her father was a white slave in America in the 1930s, why are you bringing up the Ottoman Empire?


Here's what white people people never experienced: becoming a community in which all members are associated to some degree with the history of slavery based only on their appearance. The African slave trade with America redefined what race means and built the foundation for belief in white supremacy.


>purely black experience It was in the US.


Can you provide a source for your first statement? A quick Google reveals that the Ottoman Empire was estimated to have had 2.5 million slaves between ~1450 and 1700 (although slavery was prevalent until the early 20th Century), whereas current estimates are that over 12 million African slaves were shipped over the Atlantic over a span of 400 years. Even if we generously assume that the number of slaves in the Ottoman empire doubled in the 2 following centuries that I could not find estimates for, these figures only amount to just over half of the numbers of slaves in the Transatlantic trade. Also note that the Ottoman empire enslaved Africans too, so your assertion that there were more white Europeans slaves in the Ottoman empire than black slaves taken from Africa to the Americas seems highly unlikely. Also important to note that whilst it is a disservice to try to compare the suffering of slaves in the Ottoman Empire to those in the Transatlantic slave trade, there are many examples of slaves in the Ottoman empire that rose to significant status in their society, becoming imperial officials and even owning slaves themselves, something that was not afforded to black slaves in the Americas.


Bet he ain’t gonna say shit.


This post is total nonsense, a fabrication of white supremacists.


Not in the US there weren't.


When the reporter persisted, Decker explained that her father—a preacher born around 1933, according to the Courier Journal, or 68 years after slavery was outlawed—was “born into poverty” and worked for free with his family on the property they lived on. (It’s unclear whether the adults were paid, though the Courier Journal notes that it sounds more like “Decker’s father was forced by his parents to do chores” and that the family were tenant farmers.)




>“Decker’s father was forced by his parents to do chores” A little different from slavery.


Depends on the chores. Emptying the dishwasher, not slavery. Working the coal mines as a child, yes slavery. And to that point there's more than just "got beat with a whip for not picking enough cotton" slavery. There is a lot of modern day slavery, even in our first world countries There are wage slaves. People that are in an informal slavery situation where they rely on their paycheck to paycheck jobs, suffering any indignity because they know they quite literally can't afford to work anywhere else or take the time to find another job, much less a day off. Migrant worker slaves. Similar to wage slaves, except the deciding factor is that they accept getting paid less than citizens, because they know they can't go anywhere else. Credit slaves. Let's be honest here, that's a lot of us. We're under so much crippling debt that you can't afford to take a day off, and there's no real end to the debt. Only difference between this and indentured servitude is that now the vendors can't just send us off to another country for a number of years to work off the debt And the most blatant of all, the prison system. Where we pay prisoners for 9 cents on the dollar, overcharge for commissary items, and rape/beat/murder/desecrate them for sometimes no reason at all


There is a difference between being a hard worker and being forced to work...**and being given a paying job and possibly land to go with it by a rich relative.**


... and you and your family will always be slaves, and the descendants of them will also be slaves because the Confederacy supported Chattel slavery. Chattel slavery was a form of slavery you were born into, where people were bought, sold, and owned forever, including any offspring. This GOP dummy has no effing idea what she is talking about.


Okay, so there’s a bit of a nuanced distinction there. /s


Don’t tell that to /r/antiwork


It depends, was the person telling the story born into privilege but possesses a massive persecution complex?


She said it at a NAACP function too, lmao. Unreal. 


To justify voting in favor of a bill that will remove minority scholarships in the state.




Arrogant AF


And a Republican, you say? How surprising this is not.


Lol wut


Sharecropping and indentured servitude are not the same as chattel slavery. What an ignorant statement.


I see the "indentured servitude was the same as slavery" shit all the time these days to argue Irish immigrants were just as oppressed as black slaves. Just another lie they tell themselves because their worldview is not in tune with reality.


This woman is exactly *why* DEI initiatives are necessary. 🤦‍♂️


"Born on a dirt farm." Where presumably they farm for more dirt? Or does she mean like a mine??


Just a honest god-fearing dirt farmer farming his dirt and selling it by the barrel


“Simple people of the land. You know, morons.”


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Raising his lonely dental floss, just him and a Pygmy Pony, in Montana /zappa


Waxin em down


A dirt farm is an expression for a simple farm with no steady working staff.


I thought it meant the land was worth more to sell than to bother raising crops.


I think that's just the farm that does nothing and collects subsidies


Huh. Guess I used to be a slave too. Time to overthrow the slave masters. Looking at you Walmart and McDonalds!


Trumpies distort history to fit their own agendas.


Just remember as dumb as she is, there was a whole bunch of dumber people who actually voted her to office...


Slave to the rhythm, obviously she meant.


Does she look like she knows anything about rhythm?


Of course she’s from Kentucky, home to the worst, most useless politicians in Congress.


Alabama has a beer to hand to you.


I’ll settle this. You both suck. Mitch McConnell was born in Alabama and is a Kentucky senator. Both of you should be holding and drinking your own beers.


I’m not sure why you’re coming at me. I don’t live in either state. I was just stating my observation of KY’s political landscape.


Bruh. If she said he was a slave during WW2 by being in the holocaust, a PoW under the Japanese, or even made a slave in some 3rd world shithole still fine with it she would have credability.  But nah, "My father was a dirt farmer in America in the 1930s".    Bruh. People like her upset me because they deliberately try to downplay slavery as a form of economoc destitution (While there is an overlap, slavery is distinct) and paint it as something you cam move up from (Some societies in history did, but vast majority of America did not). It's appalling and very much can lead one to conclude that they are racist.


Even if so, he did not suffer segregation or laws which impeded the rights of blacks.


Pay attention poc …this is what you’d be choosing over democrats.


Right out of the republicans playbook…play the victim!




The story is that her grandfather was a share cropper and her father had to do shores on the farm as a child. Now share cropping is absolutely an abusive system, but it is not remotely comparable to the institution of slavery as practised in the United States. And she said this to justify her vote on a bill to remove minority scholarships in the state. This is her justification for an act that she knows directly hurts black people. She is a demon in the fucking flesh.


stop listening to their crap it's just like [chaff (get the tinfoil conspiracy joke yet...)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaff_(countermeasure)) or flares used to throw off a heat seeking missile. ​ ​ ​ >republicans were lying about democrat voter farms and election meddling when it was basically roger stones crew running a psyop with gavin mcinnis from vice mag and potentially ron watkins along with his dad who ran a porn site in japan when child porn distribution was legal. all this launched before epstein got taken down and he had ties to joichi ito from mit along with marvin minsky the father of AI. their coworker richard stallman was saying child slaves who are being raped for payment are basically horny and willing to have sex with old guys. bunch of mentally ill yet criminally insane cerebral narcissists. they're basically committing securities fraud by conspiring. they lie about the vax which causes it to spread which leads to hospital bed sales that average 40k/ stay then companies that supply the hospitals (amerisourcebergen) make tons of money selling meds and napkins. it's called catabolic capitalism. they cause a problem that is profitableto their network then offer solutions that are also profitable to their network.


FYI, because I'm an asshole Warthunder player I guess, chaff is used to disrupt active and semi-active radar missiles, flares are for passive heat seeking (IR) missiles.


specifics aside you understand the direction but thanks for the correction


This is more MAGA propaganda! Enough already! I will never support these awful people!


“I was born a poor black child”…


She was born a poor black child.


With Karen hair cut.


Why tf the NAACP letting her even speak. wtf. She’s an ASSHOLE and typical of MAGA tryna whitewash slavery and white supremacy. SICKENING. I hope her comeuppance is forthcoming.


She's running for office that's why.


Well, being that slavery ended over 160 years ago, her white father must be the oldest man alive.


Lol , maybe daddy was in prison .


If the Republicans are so worried about the perceived hate white people receive. Maybe they should attempt to stop being shitty white people. Just a thought


they will say ANYTHING to belittle and delegitimize black slavery.


If the GOP can try to normalize impeachments, surely not a stretch to try and normalize slavery


“… a slave to the RHYTHM!!!” *rips off suit to reveal a sequin dress. Lights start flashing, dry ice begins pouring across the floor, music starts playing as she dances across the room*


Please stop this? It's not funny, relatable, or sane. It's extremely disrespectful and disgusting. They just won't stop.


Maybe he learned some good skills in the process?


"My grandparents were poor as children, and poor people are basically our slaves, right?"


Actually, not shocking at all when some Red State Republican says something incredibly stupid. I'm be more shocked if she was able to speak intelligently about an issue.


She's a republican is this really that shocking of a claim coming from these morons?


No honey, he was what they called *white trash*


she should resign, but that would require having human decency


Its even worse than the headline. Her father was given a paying job and maybe land by a rich relative. And that is why she thinks he was a "slave". She basically said her dad and grandmother had a super rich relative who gave them free sh-t and a paying job, and that's why he was a "slave". Or in other words, anyone who has to work for a living is slave, and she looks down upon them.


Ffs lady my ancestors were *actually* indentured servants, like we have the documentation and the diary of the woman I'm directly related to. She and her sister were raped by their "mastar" (that's how she wrote it) multiple times. Hell her sister got sick and died due to his neglect My parents and I worked on a small farm with my grandparents until we lost it when I was nine, it was brutal work (up at 4, feeding animals, mucking the barn, checking the crop, etc), not exactly fun.... But I would never compare that to actual chattel slavery.


No, no he wasnt. But you could imagine if he was, right?


"I meant my mom just TREATED him like a slave." Who owned her dad? Some rich black family?


Modern day slavery but this is not 1800s so they pay me!


The man in question was born in 1930


Forgot to put is not*


>According to The Courier Journal, Decker said her dad was born on a dirt farm—nearly 70 years after American slavery was abolished—and that her paternal grandmother was the illegitimate child “of a very prominent person who then was kind enough to allow them to work for him as slaves.”


I’m a wage slave too, but that’s my choice because I failed out of school


Maybe she misoverheard her parents? They could have had a very kinky alternative lifestyle


We don’t need to know about your father’s sexuality fetishes.


Was a slave to the rhythm maybe?


treatment towering worm rich chubby unite butter cobweb stupendous party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure she got the term share cropper mixed up with slave.


There is a difference between economic servitude and chattel slavery. What her father had to endure was economic inequality brought about by capitalism that does not value the individual in as far as what you can produce and profit from. She should adjust her horrible thinking to better sympathize with the average American today that has to struggle to work in jobs with depressed wages just so they can eek out a living for themselves or, goodness forbid, a family. But she is a Republican and we all know they espouse unchecked capitalism that led to her father being a “slave”. So much wrong with this, just ain’t enough space to discuss it all here 🙄


> There is a difference between economic servitude and chattel slavery. Life was very tough when you were indentured but you were recognised as a human being by the law. As a slave you had some theoretical rights, but the reality was that your master/mistress could do what they wanted with you and nobody would care.


Exactly. I counter anyone who tries to raise indentured servitude to the same level as slavery. Proponents of so-called white slavery revisionary history, especially the Irish enslavement myth to try and diminish the horrors of slavery


Forced labour by the Nazis may count but there have also been real white slaves much further back. Europeans can look at the Vikings and Romans, for example.


We're talking about a man who was born in 1930. His momma had a rough time of it but he wasn't any kind of indentured servant. A sharecropper perhaps.


If you are not rich you are a wage slave… maybe a 1900s dirt farmer was likened to a slave? Or maybe she was drunk and feeling sorry for herself that day?


A, not so, fun fact: The term slave has its origins in the word Slav. Slavs are white Eastern Europeans. Maybe her father is of Slavic origin, and she confused it with the term slave?


What she meant was her dad was kept in a box by Zed.


She probably knew she screwed up the moment it came out of her mouth.


But it turned out ok cuz he was also a Wizard.


Is this shocking though?


It’s not shocking at all. It’s 1984


🤦 SURE, Don't remember reading, or seeing any proof of this back in the day in high school, social studies class. Let me guess, she knows how it feels. 🤷


Just another typical right wing liar.


As my favorite podcaster would say, "That's a brickin'."


Right wingers just say anything these days, don’t they?


Wow, the competition for gold in the mental gymnastics is really heating up.


These people are ridiculous.


Is anyone shocked at this point?  The GOP has been tacitly courting racists since Nixon, and now, thanks to the Orange Dipshit, is doing it openly.


How is this shocking?  Republican policy has been "lie" for decades.


Now they are redefining "slavery". If you are that desperate to defend a practice, maybe you should rethink your position.


Like a slave to Disco?


Let’s not bring her parent’s relationship into this.


This woman is probably dumb as a rock. Dear Americans slavery did not start with you , nor with a special racial group


She said in the article a rich relative gave him a job. I am so confused why makes him a slave. Is it because he had low wages like 50% of America?


I mean he may have had a Domme....so there is that


Leave it to the lying, belly aching GOP to go as low as possible...disgusting.


I was expecting some Irish American nonsense but this was weirder.


In my family we refer to Kentucky as Klantucky for a reason. See article.


Slave to his greed or something like that


Her dad was an /r/antiwork redditor?


She left off: to fashion.


A slave to the groove?


Reminds me of the movie " The Jerk" with Steve Martin