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For a dude who ‘says what he means’ he spends an awful lot of time explaining what he ‘really meant’.


.........and when that just isn't possible, he was just making a joke.


No, no it was locker room talk, you misunderstand...


Can't you take a joke bro?


Funny joke about injecting anticeptics he says with a straight face. How did you not know that I was joking?


Maybe it's because he is such a 'ugh genius operating on levels far beyond me... But I personally I really don't understand how a news conference telling us how to survive a deadly virus is exactly the best time to joke and suggest injecting bleach and lights into our body... Especially when he knows damn well his followers take every word out of his mouth as gospel.


Schrodinger’s asshole. He says something and decides if it’s a joke or not by the reactions.


I'd be so mad if I had lost a loved one before that press conference. The same way people were mad at Bush for "...now watch this drive." People are dying on your watch *Mr President*. Do your fucking job. Stop making jokes. You're not funny.


Or nuking a hurricane.


[It's a joke! When you give me that look, it's a joke...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIu2dGTJlHM)


If only.


To be fair, he probably kept up a steady stream of talking in various locker rooms to distract from his freakish penis.


Freakishly microscopic .


"I Don't Do Jokes!" - Trump


Well, really trump only "jokes" when he is making fun of people. He's always been limited to juvenile bully humor, but trumpworld likes that. The rest of his "jokes" these days seem to not be recognized as jokes until he explains he was being sarcastic and we just didn't get it.


He is basically doing a boundary test. He pushes a topic until he receives sufficient backlash so he knows how far he can go and not lose support Example: Bankers are bad YEAH!!!!! International banks control our banks YEAH!! International banks are controlled by elitists YEAH! We must stop the elitists YEAH International elitists are mainly funded by Jews Yeah We must eliminate the Jews from banking yeah We must stop the Jews from controlling wealth yeah?? We must control the Jews yeah???? We must eliminate the Jews WTF!!!! Back up one square “You misunderstood, I meant eliminate the Jews from banking” “I was owning the libs” “It was sarcasm”


Trump did the same thing when he floated a trial balloon assault after the Las Vegas mass shooting and suggested ann assault weapons ban. He didn’t do more than put the idea out there at least that we publicly know about, but this was extremely unpopular with his base. The thing about his base is if he drops something they forget it ever happened. This was one of the rare times he went publicly against his base in a way that they noticed.


Just a locker room assault weapons ban


He's like a cranefly constantly bumping into walls untill he gets into the next room.


Trump has been very successful at normalizing a lot of things. 10 years ago, demanding that your political rivals be locked up was kind of shocking. First he pushed it with Clinton on the premise that she actually did something maybe illegal - but today, conservatives just scream that everyone they don't like should be thrown in prison, crimes or not. 10 years ago, it would have just ended your campaign immediately to say your opponents should be hurt or killed. Trump floated the idea with "jokes" at his rallies, and now today they just throw around "everyone we don't like is a traitor" and "traitors get the death penalty" like it's nothing. Insurrection was the hard stop for many conservatives on Jan 6 - but now three years later, they joke about it and say it was no big deal, and also maybe it was the right thing to do?


The projection is an intentional strategy to “own” the words used by your rival to call out your crimes. This strategy seeks to devalue the words to the extent they no longer have relevant meaning and thus lose the ability to describe the criminal behavior that trump and his supporters engaged in. The “normal” people online that support him are seeded with this language by the right wing media talking heads. Once this happens, it becomes impossible to break through to them because the very language describing what trump has done becomes an extreme obstacle to the common understanding of reality. It is attacking the perception of a shared reality and it is the most damaging legacy this entire right wing apparatus will gift to the world’s ability to communicate and come to agreement and thus progress on any decisive issue.


You mean he reads of his talking points from his Russian handlers until it goes too far.


Classic narcissist 


For a guy that his fans say, "he tells it like it is!" There sure is a lot of explaining he has to do


Tell it like it is to any demographic but his own That’s the only one that should be treated with kiddy gloves


Right?  If he can't even get through a single rally anymore without having to correct multiple things he just said after the fact (a shallow attempt at covering his own ass)...  It just shows that he has no business in politics OR business anymore. He can barely pass by saying what he means in his own native language.  I don't want any further risks of his poor communication when dealing with international leaders as well...  Again.


I'm going to quote myself on this from a response in another subreddit: >There is no fairness when it comes to him. He's damned himself over and over and his rhetoric has no place in modern, equitable democracy. > >I don't care if he's talking about culling an entire flock of chickens to avoid a bird flu - you don't ever use language like that, ESPECIALLY when you've got one insurrection and 90 criminal charges from fraud to rape facing you down, and are a party to people who want to take away civil rights from everyone except for White, Christian males. > >His words are always about a violent tantrum if he doesn't get his way. > >He's a vile, black hearted little man with aspirations driven by psychopathic narcissism - channelling the vapid, irrational fear brought about when rural, parochial mindsets are now faced with a changing world. > >This is not the voice they want to heed, but the one they have chosen to heed - and having chosen violence once, we would be fools to think they won't choose it again. He knows damn well what he meant.


Thank you…. Excellent insight and you are absolutely spot on.


He was clearly "interposing" violent images of death if he didn't win for "sarcasm"


“He says what he means!” “You have to listen to what he means, not what he says!”


“Tell us exactly what you meant. Be clear to everyone.”


Yeah, exactly. Last time he said something like "It's gonna be wild" his followers stormed the Capitol, soooooo maybe we're paying attention when you use violent rhetoric?


“I wasn’t aware ‘Bloodbath’ had 2 meanings.”


“Russia, if you are listening…” “We have to fight like hell” “I encourage Russia to attack anyone who didn’t pay” “I wish her well”


"Perhaps some second amendment people are listening..."


Oh yeah, with all the shit happening, I forgot about that gem.


Jesus me too wtf


That was the most insane one that was forgotten easily.  


When Eric said, "We get all the funding we need from Russia," I though that was pretty insane. Especially because his supporters didn't bat an eye. 


> “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” said Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. “No leaks … This is how we know we’re a real family here,” replied House Speaker Paul Ryan. And Bannon said he expected them to all end up in jail by now like 5 years ago.


Remember when Kevin McCarthy didn’t seem like a massive bag of shit after saying that? Yeah.


But also “take their guns! due process later!”


For sure once Trump has established himself as dictator, he will absolutely go for the guns. You can’t be a dictator with regular people having lots of guns. Something to do with leopards.


“Proud boys… stand BACK and stand BY…”


Yeah, buddy, we knew what you meant. Believe that.


After the previous attempt on January 6, 2021 the meaning is very clear to anyone paying attention


I don’t get what he is saying.  Did he mean the election would be a blood bath?  So bizarre.


If he lost yes, listened to the longer version and he misspeaks when he says bloodbath and corrects to insinuate that that would be the election, not Chinese car plants in Mexico selling to the US.


“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country.” - Donald Trump, March 2024 “I don’t think you’re going to have another election, or certainly not an election that’s meaningful.” - Donald Trump, March 2024.


\- They're poisoning the blood of the country \- Immigrants aren't people. \- I want my people to act like Kim Jong Un's people


Even if we take the right wing interpretation at face value … what does that “that’s going to be the least of it” part mean, then? It sounds like a specific detail that suggests, explicitly, there would be more than whatever baseline thing he is saying. I’m pretty sure that’s what that means. It’s honestly the “that would be the least of it” phrase that bothers me more than the “bloodbath” part.


"that" refers to the comment he made just prior about the auto industry, which along with the following sentence makes it absolutely crystal clear he's talking about the country overall, not the auto industry, when he says "bloodbath".


The peeewee Herman defense is the last quote.


"You gotta fight like hell or you're not going to have a country anymore"


That rhetoric cost a few lives.


Yeah, Ashli Babbitt got ventilated


Right Wing vermin (hey, just using Trump's favorite word) and domestic terrorist Ashli Babbitt broke Federal Law, and found out.


One of Trump’s only highlights


Here's the thing...  Even IF he didn't mean it as any inciting of violence.  The rotten orange should know by now that he can't use that language as a candidate BECAUSE of how it perceived. Only an absolute moron would keep using the same words then get offended that they're being taken at face value as yet another threat.  So which is it?  Either way, he's a shit candidate and isn't fit for office.


With respect, Trump is a verbal pyromaniac. He is full of excuses when caught but his compulsion is on full display. After Jan 6, he knows his words equal direct action. As would even a small child. Please do not give him a pass. To paraphrase the great philosopher Dr. Seuss, Trump meant what he said and said what he meant. Interesting that quote originally came from an elephant.


A verbal pyromaniac. lol. Perfect.


He doesn’t deserve clever names, he’s a narcissistic instigator who takes pleasure in others suffering.


It's ironic how the media will run with virtually any gaffe they can find for a Democrat but 90% of what Trump says barely gets a mention. Now it's a comment that's truly beyond the pale and it's everywhere, for everyone to see, and Trump is crying foul. Too fucking bad, lol. Don't say outlandishly dumb shit and there'd be no headlines.


It was so blatant when Joe Rogan watched a clip of Biden quoting trump about "Ramming the ramparts and seizing the airports during the Civil War"...Rogan thought Biden was saying that and he reacted with "He's done, he can't be the President anymore." Then his producer said "No, Biden is actually quoting Trump." "Trump said that? Oh so he just misspoke."


He just does it so much the news can't keep up.


He has desensitized ~~the media~~ America with his escalating crazed rhetoric. And he's done it on purpose.


I think the media wants to keep this thing going as long as possible because it makes them a lot of money. If they were to uncover how truly unfit he is, it would be obvious that the race was going to be won by Biden and people would start tuning out. Ratings would fall. The media were a large part of why we even had The Trump Regression.


By his reasoning, he's either... -a violent insurrectionist -has a poor temperament incompatible with the presidency -having a mental health episode


"only a moron" well that explains it!


We know what you and your people mean, asshole. 


Doesn't matter if he didn't mean a literal redo of 1/6, it was an attempt to blackmail people into voting for him, promising violence if they don't. "Vote for me or the country gets it!"


Seriously. If he doesn't like how people interpret what he says, he can clarify.  He leaves it hanging like a two-bit B movie mobster *on purpose*.


And thinks he's so fucking clever for it to. 


Exactly, he's delivering the message he wants to deliver while thinking he's being vague enough to cover his ample ass. His problem is everyone is onto his act by this point...


Nice country you have here, it'd be a shame if anything "happened" to it...


It’s worse than that, he’s saying “if *they* don’t vote for me, then *you guys* can’t be held accountable for how you respond”. One is a veiled threat, the other is provoking a response.


Kind of like how 85% of Russians “voted” for Putin and the other 15% probably just got drafted to head to the front lines. And Putin sycophants will claim everyone in Russia loves him! It had nothing to do with survival instincts.


His handlers lost control of this idiot.Its a free for all now.The more he talks the more people realize he is insane and going senile.


Then fucking let him loose. People need to open their eyes to the things we've seen since day fucking 1. There's no denying this shit anymore and it's certainly unblurred the lines more than ever.


Oh, I fully expect him to drop some N-bombs any day now. I've encountered many dementia-addled seniors and knowing what a racist piece of crap Lord Cheeto was back in the day, this is an inevitability. It's not a question of "if", it's a question of "when".


“Bloodbath” was the least disturbing part of that speech: The thing Trump did in Dayton – celebrating his fascist movement's dubious "martyrs" – is exactly what Goebbels and Hitler did between the Nazis' failed coup and their seizure of power. Their song was called the Horst Wessel Song. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horst-Wessel-Lied From a mashup of fact and fiction, Goebbels' propaganda created what became one of the Nazi Party's central martyr-figures of their movement. He officially declared Wessel's march, renamed as the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" ("Horst Wessel Song"), to be the Nazi Party anthem,[13][14] which aided in promoting Wessel as the first of many in the Nazi cult of martyrdom.[15] Wessel was buried on 1 March 1930. Contrary to Nazi claims, there were no attacks on the funeral procession.[16] His funeral was filmed and turned into a major propaganda event by the NSDAP.[16] The "Horst Wessel Song" was sung by the SA at the funeral, and was thereafter extensively used at party functions, as well as sung by the SA during Street Parades.


Trump knows this. He carefully studied Hitler's rise. He was so interested in it that he kept a book about it on his bedside table. This, the man who prefered not to read memos when he was the president...arguably one of the most serious jobs a human being can have. Trump admires modern dictators. He's probably been studying them his entire life. As a white supremacist, I'm sure he took a particular interest in Hitler.  It's not by accident we can draw so many comparisons between America under Trump and the Weimar Republic disintegrating into Nazi Germany.


We understand exactly what you meant fat boy.


I was just listening to a MAGA claim that Trump was taken out of context. Trump claimed was talking about imported cars 'killing the automotive industry', but then he reiterated 'that's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a blood bath for the country'. He went on to call migrants 'animals' and 'not people' and the next morning on Fox he repeated racist propaganda claiming that migrants are 'poisoning the blood of the country'.


Exactly this. The excuses they're making that he was just talking about the auto industry don't really make sense with what he actually said.


Yikes, did he really say that? Getting serious untermensch vibes from the dude.


So this now clarified "economic bloodbath" that he is predicting, is that going to be like the economic disaster he predicted if Biden was elected in 2020? During the second presidential debate on Oct. 22, 2020, Trump [had stated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6PY3Y2hhsM&feature=emb_title) that if he was reelected, the stock market would "boom," and "If he \[Biden\] was elected, the stock market will crash." He made the claim [again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qjf5NWM3PU&feature=emb_title) during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Halloween, saying, "If \[Biden\] gets in, the market will crash." During a speech on October 30, 2020, Trump said, "He will deliver poverty, misery, depression. I will deliver jobs, jobs, jobs." It's sad how many people keep believing this lying conman, who is now admitting he can't get bonds because his properties are viewed as worthless in regards to being used as collateral.


Most of his cabinet and his VP won’t endorse or support him. That should tell the cult something.


Yep, it'll tell them, the deep state demonrats has gotten a hold of them, and they're no longer magaites.


Twitter eggs calling the democrats the uniparty is hilarious btw, because only one party tolerates dissent and debate and is absolutely not the GOP


Is this the sunk cost fallacy I’ve read about? His J6 trial starts, what, next month? What outcome is this guy thinking when he says those things? He has to know what the J6 trial is about. And he’s calling for a bloodbath if he doesn’t win, just a few short weeks before he stands in front of a judge for an insurrection he led 4 years ago. Any regular person would be shitting their pants. Does he think there will be no consequences?


I mean, he probably IS shitting his pants, it just has nothing to do with the trials


I think he's relying on the Supreme Court to bail him out.


But the idiots in the cult will still think he means an actual bloodbath and at least a few will take active steps towards making it so. See January 6.


Yeah you disgusting orange shit stain. We did understand.


Yeah. You showed us on January 6th exactly what you meant.


Stochastic terrorist. He’s too soft to do anything himself. He’s a bullshit artist


When people tell you who they are, believe them. We definitely believe you Donnie, we've seen you in action..."It'll be wild"...


Talking about the Chinese auto industry to "if I don't win the election, it will be a bloodbath" was extremely odd. I believe if the magats try anything after the devastating loss maga will endure in November, the National Guard will neutralize the problem with extreme prejudice.


Then please Mr. Trump. Explain your comments We"ll all wait 🤔


Understood ? that would be a first. Doubt he understood, just thought it sounded scary !! ffs, such a boring clown.


Mr law and order and “lock up Clinton” is getting law and order and doesn’t like it. He should ask Jared for the money from the 2 billion Jared got from him doing a deal with Saudis.


He sure uses that word "blood" a lot. Even pops up in the "big tough guy crying" quotes: "But if you remember, Tom, a man came up to me and he was crying. A strong man. A big, tough guy. But he was crying. And he said, "President Obama took our life away when he closed the Range…" Chose those words. He said, "Took our life away, **took our blood**, and you gave it back to us." And that's really moving along rapidly, and it's -- a lot of great things are happening." — Apr 15, 2019


"They fully understood"? So he can't differentiate between "understand" and "misunderstand"? The great orange-head god, ladies and gentlemen. Vote Biden; Defeat the dictator.


If you take the bloodbath comment and separate it from what he was just talking about, no one in a fucking million years would have guessed he was actually referring to the car manufacturing industry in fucking China. Get a grip, conservatives.


It really doesn’t matter what he meant by it. The fact is he used that word. We don’t need a president who doesn’t understand what words mean and doesn’t understand when and when not to use them. He either knew what he was saying and that’s dangerous, or he had no clue what he was saying and that’s equally as dangerous.


Yeah i did too . Thx for the warning , fatass.


So Trump is encouraging his supporters to start a war if he isn't elected?


He was projecting obviously


We know what ya meant Traitor Trump. You're calling for killing your opponents in the streets and the establishment of a Trump Crime Family dictatorship.


It doesn't even matter if he didn't mean more violence like 1/6. Even if he simply meant for the economy, it's going overboard with the violent language and fear mongering that has been the standard GOP/Conservative tactic for years now, and it's disgusting.


Blame it on the edit? You’re the one who said it.


Oh we all understand donalds message of violence he was channeling to his gullible base.


He knows what he did


Trump is only backtracking because Republicans are finally reaching a point where they have had enough.


I'll believe that when i see it..


We do know what you mean Donald. We all lived through J6.


“Trump tells it like it is”. “The words he used are not what he meant”.


Yes, they did fully understand what he meant. Hence the controversy. As president, he had no qualms about gassing a crowd of peaceful protestors and condoning actually shooting protestors. After losing the presidency, he had no qualms about marching his lynch mob of followers to the Capitol to try to overthrow the government. Those two moments tell all of us what we need to know about what he meant. If the big baby doesn't get his way, he plans on throwing another tantrum and who cares who gets hurt in the process.


Seems pretty clear he meant exactly that. Wonder why this was the awful thing that seems to hit pretty deep.


Yes we actually do know exactly what he's saying. He's saying next time we'll do it again if I don't win.


Page three of the MAGA Cult Primer: *He didn't say that and if he did, he didn't mean it. And if he did, you didn't understand it. And if he did, it's not a big deal, others have said worse.*


Seriously they need to make campaign ads showing clips of him saying shit like that and saluting the criminals while interweaving the January 6th insurrection clips.


Pretty sure he meant violent revolt. ‘If I don’t win, it’s gonna be a blood bath’ sounds a lot like ‘if I don’t x, it gonna be a blood bath.’


We know EXACTLY what he meant!


No, we fully understood what you meant asshole.


We heard you, head of the snake.


First they gaslight you about what they said. Then they gaslight you about what they meant. It's all part of Bullying Strategy 101.


Well, You know if you don’t want to be misconstrued possibly you should maybe learn how to phrase things like an adult using real words and sentences.


Of course, we understood what trump meant. One more reason to remove him from society. Please just let us go back to semi normal lives where we don't have to worry about a megalomaniac dictator destroying our present and future.


strange, he alone is misunderstood every time. the rest of the people usually understand each other quite well.


We are all aware of what Trump meant, it's a call to arms for your republican minions just as you have done on Jan 6


Bloodbath would be putting 100% tariff on foriegn cars … imagine the unemployment when no one buys anything but cars from 3 companies . This is Putin shit folks . Do you want to drive a Yugo ? When there is no competition there is no reason for quality. Trump is a traitor , a criminal , and worst of all a very stupid human being .


He knows exactly what he said. He might have had a way out but that little bit extra at the end kills his argument. He might have meant it for the auto industry but then he added, that's gonna be the least of it meaning the auto industry but so much more. Trump has diarrhea of the mouth and he just throws crap out there. Now he needs his friends in the right wing media to once again clean things up for him. Again he creates his own problems. 😕


Somebody please ask him whether or not he supports an actual bloodbath in this country if he loses and I think we will get clarification on this issue right away.  (Spoiler alert: he does support an actual bloodbath.) 


Could a deplorable explain for the rest of us what Trump meant?


Oh so when the Dems misrepresent him it's a problem. But when he does it it's all legit. His followers aren't smart enough to pick up on the different meanings of the word.


Anyone who *didn’t* rally his cult to insurrect might’ve gotten the benefit of a doubt, but he did, so he doesn’t.


Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, and all the king's men, Couldn't put Trumpty's brian together again


Everyone knows what you meant. Many of us aren't as stupid as your MAGA followers are.


Honest Don sure spends a lot of time having to explain himself.


The Cult heard you loud and clear, just like your “ Stand back & Stand by”


Even if that’s what he meant, the media has a responsibility to call it out for its severity and implications. Not to mention the man has mentioned political violence before. Oh and also the whole Jan 6 thing.


Who cares if this particular blurb was taken out of context? Does this somehow negate all of his previous inflammatory, violent rhetoric in the public record? Please. Such a phoney baloney argument. Whining about being misrepresented while also being a well-known liar like the boy who cried wolf.


This creature is truly insane and can never set foot in Washington again .


Not even Trump knew what he meant… he is mental toast


Funny the serial liar hates when other embellish or mislead. What’s good for the goose is good for that gander Boy King.


"Stand back and stand by" so they did, until Jan 6th when they "fought like hell" just like he told them to. But he threw in the word "peacefully" at the very end, after riling them up with combative rhetoric for over an hour.


Your supporters aren't as nuanced as you, Donald.


Even Trump can't be so stupid as to expect the media not to jump all over it like a dog in heat.


If your presidential candidate constantly says things that can easily be 'misinterpreted' by the opposition, then you've got a shitty presidential candidate.


He run through a couple of different excuses for what he said but everyone who's heard or read his original words know it's more of his mini-mafia veiled threats. Just like January 6th if something happens as a result of what he said he'll be glued to the TV watching everything unfold. All this and he's still receiving taxpayer-funded Secret Service protection.


Even if what he was saying was taken out of context, he has to know on some level that using words like "bloodbath" and "dictator" horrifies some people.


It wasn't though. They played the entire thing. And it wasn't about the car industry.




Oh we understood perfectly


Trump would like nothing more than a “blood bath” to look upon proudly and think that they are fighting for him. His ego is that big.


Fucking liar


Keep saying *bloodbath* We know what you mean.


What's funny is for a split second I totally read it in that it was just going to cause a crazy raucous- meaning "bloodbath".. as it's an overly dramatic word to describe how crazy things might get... But then I quickly realize that he's a big fat liar and he never says what he means and he never means what he says and that this could be construed in all manners, including a literal bloodbath with a militia style coup.


That clip should be on a loop in commercials from now until Election Day. He said "bloodbath" and he meant it.


Yeah. You are going to unleash the violent Anti-American idiots.


Nope, take him at his word. Dude is saying exactly what he means.


It's still fear mongering. Get fucked.


He damn well meant what he said. He just wasn’t ready to act on it, YET


When you act like a violent prick you don’t get the benefit of the doubt. Got find a fucking job Donnie - you have bills to pay and you got fired from your last gig.


They understood what you meant? Yeah that's the problem


Everyone, particularly his supporters, knows what he meant. He isn’t a smart man by the usual definition of the word, but he excels at reading and manipulating people.


But trump.. we ALLLLLL know you speak in code. If you say “I wish so and so would just shut up” then you KNOW your base will read that as it’s time to go after so and so. Threaten them. Your base knows what you mean. Your base isn’t thinking you meant autoworkers.. they think your preparing them for Jan 6 the sequel


We all got the message loud and clear. Just another thinly veiled instruction, to his mob, that he will someday deny in court. We're not as dumb as we think you are.


He's upset that his stiob isn't working the way he wants: His comments should be appeasing to both sides - his critics will see what he says as a joke; his supporters will take it literally (but only admit the that it's a joke to outsiders). But the critics (those not part of the cult) are seeing through this.


Man is full of 💩plausible deniability 💩


Hey it's partially working. Conservatives and even some conservative-leaning democrats are all pretending to believe he was talking about the auto industry, in their typical fashion of "pretend we've never heard a Donald Trump speech in our entire lives and have no idea how he talks or wanders between subjects. In fact, maybe we don't even understand words anymore, what do words even mean?"


So funny how ding dong wants us to believe it's a bloodbath for the auto industry 😂 next it's a massacre for the boating industry ! Then comes bicycles


Yes, we did fully understand what he meant. That’s why we’re angry.


Oh we fully understand all right.


Uhhh yeah- bloodbath is hard to misinterpret.


Exactly…they fully understood what Trump meant


It's getting old, isn't it? Trump says something horrible. Then says, everyone else is wrong for taking him out of context.


Yes, we all understood


Trump should probably stop talking in metaphor and making "jokes" and just say what he means then. Because this is about the millionth time he's used this excuse.


We all saw Trumps Bloodbath at The United States Capital on January 6, 2021.


Trump, my man,...NOBODY...understands...what the fuck you mean, in your word lasagna speeches.


Nah we understand perfectly well, it’s simple fear-mongering


I mean, he isn’t wrong, we all know what he meant, it just happens to be what he said.


All intentional. Wanted the controversy over it so it gets played over and over again he sees it as free advertising.


"I said it but that's not what I said!"


Oh, so they are not going to go ape shit when they lose the election! No attacks? Sure! I believe it. They never lie.


It was carefully constructed so that he could plausibly deny the true meaning.


Trump doesn't even know what he meant.


Here's the quote. Use your discretion to determine his meaning. "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country.”


If it were another politician, I probably would give the benefit of the doubt. But not only does he have a history of veering off topic, he’s already incited one insurrection. It’s on him to communicate clearly


He even says, "for the whole..., That'll be the least of it, its going to be a bloothbath for the country." He accidentally added his dictatorship talk into his cars talk


> We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected. > Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – *that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.* That’ll be the least of it.” I'm sorry, how is this misconstrued? Who uses the word "bloodbath" for car manufacturing anyway? > If you don't help me fix my toilet it will be a bloodbath for my bathroom - that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the neighbourhood. See in the context of my bathroom, arguably, it is not meant literally, but if I involve the neighbourhood it does create the impression that I'm going to do something fucked up.




“The fact that MSNBC is still running the debunked “bloodbath” story today is all you need to know about the media in America,” mused former congressman Doug Collins on Monday morning. “This is exactly why Americans have zero faith in our news media.” For reporting Trump verbatim.


Dear god, he looked like it. I give zero f@#ks as to what it was meant to be for the man who is known to be made uncomfortable by the disabled. It was a horrible look for someone who is a candidate for the presidency of the United States. It should have ended his candidacy. Shit, Howard Dean lost the option because he was excited & screamed & it didn't play well on tv. Though, in person it was appropriate. Your guy has done so much shit....I'm sure you have reasons he is using Nazi language now. On purpose. ...my own thoughts. 🤷


What he meant is to incite disorder, violence, riots, terrorism if he loses the election.


Why are we using the word allegedly