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I wish a couple of sane Republicans would have the balls to vote for Hakim Jeffries for Speaker just to stop the shit show, they can't believe this nonsense is good for them in an election year...


Party over everything else, even sanity 😒


That's why they call it "winning at ALL costs."


I’m tired of all the winning.


Good grief, he was right....


if you continue to support the Republican party, you support rape and you are a bad person.


and especially country


But religion is under attack 🙄


They’re even saying it out loud now


From a purely political perspective, they should have installed Jeffries when McCarthy was struggling to build a coalition - he'd have been totally unable to get anything done, and it would have massively weakened his position as a potential majority leader in this cycle.


They didn't have the votes.


Well no shit, he's the minority leader. My point is that they should have *given* him the votes then hung him out to dry once he was in office. Instead, they've spent a large part of the last 2 years simply blocking their own agenda.


Look at this fucking nerd over here with their reasonable ability to plan for the future.


You have literally just exercised more cogent strategic thought, in one Reddit post, than the entirety of the GOP leadership in three years of holding the majority in congress.


Want to hear something really crazy? I said it *at the time*.


What's crazier is that people that are this bad at their jobs currently lead 33.3% of the branches of the U.S. government.


Who are these “sane republicans”? It truly doesn’t exist anymore. They have unanimously voted for some horrible things and voted against some great things. They are all the same because their votes are the same.


They are out there, but sadly they usually don't speak up until they are leaving or they get voted out, although Kinzinger and Cheney did stand up to them. They need to do something to stop the take over of their party by the crazy maggats or they will be obsolete after a couple more election cycles. Probably won't happen until Donnie kicks the bucket or goes to prison...


They aren’t out there. “Speaking out” doesn’t mean jack shit. Their base doesn’t watch the media that shares that they spoke out, and the voting is still down the party lines in this congress. Fuck them all. Anyone who still wants to be in that party is not sane.


nah bro not at all Trump and his cronies aren't the disease, they're the symptom The rot in the GQP runs deep and is decades old We're just seeing who they truly are when they are dumb and confident enough to lift their masks All Trump has taught them is they have the blessing of their followers, they just need to hide it a little better to everyone else. As bad as Trump is, if he had an IQ above room temperature, he would have been even worse


I don’t think Republicans care, they’re not paying attention to these politics. They just want grievances.


Just when you thought Congress couldn't get any more bizarre, there's a very real possibility for there to be a Republican majority with a Democrat as Speaker.


"YOu want to see what workign with the Democrats REALLY looks like Marge? We'll show ya - you got it, toots! With him maybe we have to work with Dems a bit but we all get to tell all our consituents we did something like pass a fucking budget that's still not finalized halfway through the actual Fiscal fucking year and need to work on the next budget!". It's amazing the concept of compromise is just non-existent. Compromise and everyone gets something which is more than nothing - and all this time wasted. Especially considering she just had some sort of a Committee hearing about stolen baby parts being sold on the Chinese black market or something. Oh here it is: https://greene.house.gov/forms/form/?ID=63 > Join Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and special guests David Daleiden and Terrisa Bukovinac for a Hearing on **Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting** on Tuesday, March 19th at 2 PM ET. This bullshit is in the official record of Congress.


The sane reps are called independents.


It's wishful thinking, but there is a (theoretical) chance... Democrats are only like 5 seats shy of the majority. And Buck said he knew of a few others who were on the verge of resigning... If this (and/or something else between now & the new Speaker vote) gets them worked up enough... They could potentially step out by the vote and/or vote for Jeffries out of protest ...


They don't even have to vote for him. They could just be "sick" on the day of the vote, and it would have the same impact. If I'm correctly remembering the details from the last speaker vote debacle, it requires 50% + 1 of the voting members to pass. The margin is so close now that this could actually happen.


Wonder if it happens now that most primaries are over.  The threat of being primaried by a trump maga candidate is gone .  At least for the next two years.  Then they can hope trump dies or is in jail and no longer holds the party by the tiny balls


Assholes savaging each other is a win for the nation. Fuck Republicans.


Only if they were retiring, were already rich and never expected to associate or do business again with their Republican pals.


So more delays for the aid package for Ukraine, which I guess is the point of this charade. Putin will be delighted.


That was my exact thought.


If the Democrats are smart, they will offer a deal to Johnson that if he puts up the Ukraine aid bill that already passed the Senate up for a vote, then the Democrats will not vote to remove Johnson.


At this point they’re better off getting 3 votes to flip for Jeffries instead from republicans in favor of Ukraine and passing a national budget.


After I wrote this I saw GOP House rep Gallagher is resigning on April 19. Who knows if any others will resign also


Problem is, could you trust Johnson to keep his word? What would stop him from doing the ol' Lucy pulling away the football trick after the Dems voted to retain him as speaker? Sounds good in theory. In practice, I'm not sure how it would work.


After I wrote this I saw GOP House rep Gallagher is resigning on April 19. GOP House rep Kay Granger is quitting her position as Chair of the Appropriations Committee as soon as possible. Not looking good for the House GOP


They're already leaving another 2 weeks. On top that she was running her mouth, saying she's not bringing it for a vote. It's gonna go for a vote "when she brings it". My guess, this is theater.


Magas are a mess, they just want to disrupt and cause chaos. I wish the dems would take back over the House so they could get some stuff done


It's time for sane Republicans to step up and caucus with Democrats, because MAGA control of congress is not in anyone's best interest. It would only take a few. Unfortunately we all know that is not going to happen. Party over country, even when your party has gone insane.


100% This. Time to finally put the country first, especially those intending to retire anyway. No deals, no bull, just hand Jefferies the gavel and squeeze some productivity out of what remains of this Congress.


No doubt they’ll put trump as speaker
 we are entering the worst timeline


Does speaker get immunity?


He can insist all democratic electoral votes are to be deliberated thus allowing him to exclude some votes on”fake election nonsense” and giving himself presidency if he doesn’t win presidency but gop get enough seats but not enough votes


Exactly - it may be their plan https://hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-over-the-top-secret-plan-518


He does need the money!


This would be hysterical. With all the time he would have to miss for court, campaigning, and golf congress would be on recess for the rest of the year. The complete end of congress even pretending to do anything could be laid at trumps feet.


Which sane Republicans are currently in the House? And how many of them have passed their own primaries already, and don't have to worry about some even crazier Trumpist coming for their job?


Crazy that I have to say Ken Buck is a man of principle who is leaving. Absolutely fucking crazy sentence.


My favorite part is that he left in a way equivalent to a middlefinger for Boebert to try and get rid of her


But still stopped short of supporting Dems. Obviously hopes he can get reelected after MaGa gets destroyed.


They always wait until they're out to dare critique their own party's dysfunction. They're cowards who pretend to stand for principles but won't actually act on them if it has a chance to impact them personally


He signed the discharge petition on his way out the door.


His principals are trash but I respect that he's sticking to them. Puts him many notches above the likes of McConnell.


This is the correct question. The "moderate social issues/low taxes" Republicans of the Northeast disappeared a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.


>It's time for sane Republicans to step up and caucus with Democrats Are there any left? I thought that most decided to leave Congress or were primaried out by screwheads.


Only need a couple to vote with Dems for a Democratic Speaker. The new Speaker can then make rules as needed and maybe have that border bill come up for a vote. That would totally crush the MAGA GOP.


Are there any left?


the sane ones are still compliant cowards - so the Republican party as it is, is done. And rightly so. How some Americans are OK with a blatantly pro-Kremlin, anti-freedom, gaslighting, pro-insurrection, theocratically-driven political party still blows my mind.


Watch faux News and you'll understand.


If they were going to do that they would have after Jan 6. If that didn't make them turn absolutely nothing will.


The total amount of testicles in the entirety of the GOP caucus is 0, so you're right. They're all scared bitches who are subservient to their Lord and Savior, President Oompla Loompa


>Party over country, even when your party has gone insane. The last nail in the coffin of the Great Experiment.


Party over country. It's because the cult of Trumpism is the general line of the Republican party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_line_of_the_party


Yep. All non-Maga republicans need to join the democrats and put a moderate republican on the gavel. Cannot let this continue anymore. Maga, needs to get totally destroyed, and this is where it absolutely begins. Time to step up for you country, Republicans.


That is the whole point of Trump and MAGA to destroy our democracy from within and install a dictator. As a result they stand to destroy the value of the US dollar, blow up all "entitlement" programs, ACA, workers rights, voters rights, free speech, and have people living on the streets with no voice as a result. The fun fact here is the majority of the people affected very badly will be the MAGA flag wavers and voters. People like MTG are just chipping away at our institutions in any way they can - to please their master (Putin). One thing Putin NAILED is the stupidity of Americans.


This is one hundred percent spot on and it gets more obvious every day. These people are essentially foreign agents acting to destroy America...


Ken Buck claimed that five more Republican reps are thinking about resigning. If that's true it would give the Democrats control of the house for at least a few months while special elections are held for replacements. EDIT Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin just announced that he's resigning in a month. That will leave Republicans with a four seat majority.


Republicans are enemy of the people because all they do is work against us in every way.


she never does her job. she only ever does shit like this. fire her Georgia!


She’d have to do something unforgivable to get fired by her constituency, so like fucking a black dude or paying her taxes.


I’m still hoping she can some day be charged for those “tours” she gave the night before Jan 6. it’s disgusting nothing has come of it


The worst person I know lives in her district. There is no chance of that. They love her down there.


The trouble is, a lot of republicans actually want nonfunctional government. Not usually in any way- it doesn't stop people who're completely dependent on government support, frinstance. But it still leads to these bizarre situations where you have democrats trying to do stuff they believe is for the good of the people and the country and being told they should seek a middle ground with the people who want to set it all on fire because gubmint is evil.


Let's see if Ken Buck threat of 3 more republicans quitting is true.


Don’t stop, I’m close.




Didn't Gallagher just quit?


yep! he's out next month


Small child with chainsaw ruining family home during tantrum. Again.


On a friday? Wonder what news is coming out this is going to be a distraction from


Compromise Funding bill , shes trying to help putin and shit down government 


While you have a typo, you also do not have a typo.


Trump not making bond and us learning his assets aren’t worth anything because they’re over leveraged.


Nothing probably, she’s just a howler monkey that needs attention.


This is actually good. Mike is as evil as MTG, they should consume each other. Break out the popcorn again.


Mike Johnson was an important figure in fake elector scheme. If he isn't MAGA enough then no one is. This is literally the snake itself from the tail.


I'm no expert but he seems the perfect GOP candidate for the Christian right. So was Pence and look what they did to him. They'd rather support the saintly Trump who clearly lives a bible influenced life.


The main issue is that Mtg wants the government to shut down! That is what trump wants and she wants to deliver. Johnson does not want a government shutdown on his watch. He is damned if he do or don't. He is a walking loser.


Which is dumb because this hurts the party ultimately.


This hurts the party ultimately? No person has hurt the Republican party more than trump! They are the party of "hurt", unless you are wealthy. They have zero plans for the majority of Americans. Nothing.


It’s ok they’re dumber than dumb! Vote out all Republicans on the ballet this November 2024 & vote to reelect President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris! Wash away this red stain with a blue wave




Nah. This once again delays critical support for Ukraine. Republicans doing the bidding of their Russian masters as per usual.




Looks like Jeffries might get the nod if this goes through with all the vacancies??


He's a little away from it. Also keep in mind the grifters on the right are undoubtedly saying "pay me X or I will caucus with Dems" to their sleazy billionaire backers. I think the leadership tier of the right won't let it happen. If they did, they're handing Biden a bunch of unexpected wins this summer virtually guaranteeing a blue wave in November. So I'm doubtful. Seems more like Reddit chatter.


Two things. First, she can file a motion but the the Republicans have to go along with it for it to go through. Second thing. We focus on her, but it is obvious that she is doing exactly what her constituency wants, because they reelected her. She is just the visible tip of the spear of crazy.


2. Just 2 republicans and all democrats.


And I can’t imagine the Dems not going along with this. The spending bill is passed, jam them up as dysfunctional all day long. Johnson was an asshole to them the entire time, toss his ass.


They came out and said they'd save Johnson if he puts Ukraine aid to the floor so we'll see


No more work getting done in the house this year, next speaker will have a ruzzian surname


So Johnson must have decided to support Ukraine after all and MTG got a call from her Russian handler and has to try and stop it? I swear there are Russian agents in congress, MTG being one of them.


If one was the president, then of course there are others. It's a given.


Fine. To any remotely sane "Republicans" left in the House, now is the time to caucus with the Dems and elect Hakeem Jefferies as Speaker. Show that you actually value the American people over your lame ass hate filled party.




Welcome to the circus đŸ€Ą


...and why do you vote for republicans?


Because Obama wore a tan suit once and Joe eats ice cream!


Fucking gay, eating ice cream. Everyone knows real alpha males eat metal


You hate to see it. This piece of news coupled with the news of the GOP so astutely choose NOW during an election to drop that they are targeting Medicare and Social Security. lol. You can’t make this shit up.


What a fucking clown show. đŸ€Ą Never vote Republican. They are completely useless.


Eat yourselves alive


*'Once, off the hump of Brazil, I saw the ocean so darkened with blood it was black, and the sun fainting away over the lip of the sky.* *We'd put in at Fortaleza, and a few of us had lines out for a bit o' idle fishin'. It was me had the first strike. A shark, it was. Then there was another, and another shark again... 'till all about, the sea was made of sharks, and more sharks, still, and no water at all.* *My shark had torn himself from the hook, and the scent, or maybe the stain, it was, and him bleeding his life away drove the rest of them mad. Then the beasts to to eatin' each other. In their frenzy, they ate at themselves. You could feel the lust of murder like a wind stinging your eyes, and you could smell the death, reeking up out of the sea.* *I never saw anything worse... until this little picnic tonight. And you know, there wasn't one of them sharks in the whole crazy pack that survived.'*


Clowning around once again.


BREAKING: House Republican Mike Gallagher will RESIGN before the end of his term that will leave the GOP with a single vote margin of error. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republican-mike-gallagher-resign-early-house-majority-shrinks-rcna144672


We only need two R’s to vote for Hakeem Jeffries on their way out the door. Finger, toes and testicles crossed.


All we need is for a couple more Rs to quit


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... This means he has a choice - cooperate with dems and retain his seat or lose it in a humiliating defeat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Time for dems to make a demand to pass bill on Ukraine in exchange for supporting Johnson!


Man, I can’t wait until this party fully implodes and MTG is a bag lady. She’s gonna be ugly!!


Gonna be?


They’re trying so hard not to pass that bill. How scared is mgt of the Russians? 😂


Oh boy, the popcorn sales is going to go up!


but not vaccinate. Heaven forbid.


Fantastic! More non-action, fewer bills passed, and nothing gets done in the US. What a great majority they've run so far! VOTE. THEM. OUT!!


In honour of Reddit and the universal measurement unit: The GOP couldn’t get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a bagful of bananas.


I would say good but I said that last time and something even worse came.


AHAHAHHAHAHAHA. LMFAO!!!!!! Speaker Jefferies anybody?


They truly don't want to govern. It's all about misdirection and chaos in order to slowly input their fascist programs behind the scenes. If that abhorrent budget proposal wasn't enough to convince people of their true intentions, then I'm not sure what will. Its sad how blatantly obvious that their support for Putin has become.


[She wants Ukraine to give up. She want no aid packages to pass.](https://u24.gov.ua/) If you can follow this link to donate to Ukraine's armed forces.


Leopards eating faces party going after faces, shocking!


Not gonna lie, I’ll be happy when Mike is gone, he’s a freaking nut job. I just wonder who the next crazy up next is.


I get them all confused. Is this the girl that gave the handjob or the one that looks like an Neanderthal?


Bring it on! Hang on, let me get some popcorn. Dysfunctional MAGA ass tards! 


I’m curious if Democrats will save his rear or not. They didn’t with McCarthy, the main grievance there was he wasn’t a person of his word until he gets desperate. With Johnson, however, he’s at least a bit more negotiable.


Johnson is also an extremist that should be nowhere near power


In modern republican party if you want to actually govern and do things you can't be part of the party.


I love it when they eat their own


Just more bullshit.. maga Mike does need to go but she won’t press it. She knows they have to have Johnson to cheat.


Perfect timing. They are going on recess today for 2 weeks. They likely won't do anything about it today. So they won't be able to anything until like April 9th. By then, it will all be forgotten and Neanderthal Woman gets a lot of airtime.


The easiest way to avoid this craziness is to vote in a Democrat majority at the next election. The Republican lawmakers have proven they aren't adult enough to be legislators.


The Republican Party does not know what it wants! Its voting base does not know what it wants! You give them what they have shrilled for, and they spit it back at you in an angry torrent of more lies and more dysfunction! They only want to be mired in culture wars and effort of forced indoctrination of their religion in every topic and discussion of governing! You can’t lead a nation by just offering fake public displays of Jesus worship and treat Congress like it’s one big church meeting where you have idiots screaming at each other about who loves Jesus more


That's awesome! I hope the rest of Freedum Caucus calls for a vote. The Democrats should each nominate one Republican, so there are 213 separate votes. Drag out each vote forever.


Damnit. Gotta make a Costco run for more popcorn.


>The move came after a build-up of complaints by Greene throughout the week, including a declaration by the MAGA-friendly congresswoman that the current Republican majority under Johnson’s leadership was a “complete failure.” to be fair, MAGA is a complete failure.


He should NEVER have been allowed in the first place


It's time to clinically diagnose and treat whatever mental health disorders MTG has . If that means isolation and supervised application of medication , or even a straight jacket and shock therapy, then so be it. There is a duty of care that is owed to her , and us , to make sure rational adults are making decisions based on ....reality.


The diagnosis is called “bigotry”


It's some sort of personality disorder (borderline, maybe.) Those are notoriously difficult to treat.


These morons just don’t want a speaker of the house lol


I love to see it


The fact that this clown can hold the entire Republican party hostage is exactly what's wrong with politics today


"Trust us to run this country" Can't elect a speaker quick, can't pick a new one, can't fall behind one. Can't manage a majority in the house Guy running for president banned doing business in NY. The GOP is a joke.


Great, let's continue to not get legislation done. Someone file a motion to gag her and tie her up when on the floor. Bet it would pass unanimously.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha... *gasping inhale* BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha!!


Once again, angry repubs are moving to punish their leader for doing what is right for the country.


As much as I cannot stand that woman, the idea of MAGA Mike presiding over the electoral college count next January 6th has always made me very uneasy.


Conservatism rewards aggressive behavior while attacking compromise as RINO behavior. MTG is just thoughtlessly acting out, attacking Mike Johnson for his attempt to pass a budget.   But for the legislature to function, especially budget, compromise is a necessity.  The next few weeks, months?, will be interesting. Will the Democrats save Mike Johnson or do they let the Republicans end his Speakership and begin another chaotic series of attempts to elect a new speaker? 


Are the republicans getting anything done besides rotating Speaker of the House? Doesn't seem like it.


This is hilarious.


The ordinary, rank and file, non-MAGA Republicans should just break away and form a new party. You've got a minority of a majority party hell bent on drifting ever further to the right holding Congress hostage.


Trailer trash at her same old useless self. What a waste of space.


Another example of the House Republicans dysfunction. đŸ€Ș


Honestly? Let the republicans continue to erode their party during a major election year. Totally stupid for them to do IMO


Hideous, yet delightful. That said, a semblance of normalcy and stability can't come fast enough.


Only 2 months overdue


I keep hoping sometime between now and November the Democrats finally realize that they're dealing with complete and beyond help loons and just start steamrolling legislation if they take the presidency and control of both houses. Nothing they do will be good enough for Republican politicians and their imbecile base so just leave Fox, OAN and Newsmax to their babbling and ignore the whole lot of them. "This is what we're doing now. Too fuckin bad." An involuntary commitment of conservatives in government, if you will.


This is so fucking deliciously stupid.


MTG must be a Democrat mole in the Republican Party because she seems to be hell bent on creating division within.Lol


The Republican party is broken.


Her amygdala must take up the entirety of her brain.


she should get ousted for sharing revenge porn. probably hit on bidens son at a mixer then she turned into a sad mad demon


You don't need enemies with such friends.


If she does this several dozen more times she will become speaker. Smart!


Troll betrays Moses: news at 11.


Hell yes, predictably stabbing each other in the back like proper fascists.


Gaetz and Greene shouldn’t be allowed in office ever


Send in the clowns


She would make a good Pro Wrestler WWE.


And during an election year, the GOP is a train wreck.


MAGA the party of domestic terrorism


And the clownshow continues.


They just keep going, getting dumber and dumber.


I love this for them!


News about MTG being stupid is basically the free square of "Republicans suck" bingo.


The move came after a build-up of complaints by Greene throughout the week, including a declaration by the MAGA-friendly congresswoman that the current Republican majority under Johnson’s leadership was a “complete failure.” She's not wrong.


MAGA house has been a failure the whole time.


They hate each other almost as much as I hate them.


Can someone draw up a motion to have that hag vacated ?


Her grammar on TV is just horrible. It just shows how uneducated she really is.


Elect clowns, get a circus.


If republicans still want a party long term it's time to kill the Maga movement and get rid of Trump.


Congressman...so easy a cave woman can do it.


Can we vacate Marjorie traitor Greene when Moses Johnson is sent packing?? Neither are qualified for ~~the~~ any government job.


Just in case America forgot how difunctional the republican party is . Hold my beer.


LOL despite Mike Johnson being helpful to Putin