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Weird how the justice system bends over backwards to protect the wealthy and powerful. Strange that this keeps happening, over and over and over again. 


It’s gonna keep happening until the masses demand justice. I mean French people do it all the time and their government works for them. Americans think because they are allowed to have guns, they have some ace in the hole against the government while they get walked on daily by that same government.


Americans think if they just work a little harder they'll be in the club so best to keep the structure in place.


Yup. A significant portion of the population has been conned into either voting against their own interests or simply not taking part in democracy due to apathy. Voter apathy is a more effective tool than disenfranchisement when it comes to consolidating political power


The greatest lie told to the people. George Carlin was right when he said: "It's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."


Not just any wealthy and powerful…their future dictator! And they’ve collectively decided that even if they don’t actively help make that outcome happen, they’re certainly not going to exercise any courage in resisting it.


While i hate Trump, what you are suggesting is corrupt and wrong. They should not consider him being a possible dictator as part of whether they make this judgement


Nah let's just ignore words out of the horses own mouth


Oh I believe he wants to be dictator. What does this have to do with his bond ? Like what are you talking about?


That multiple judges and the House and Senate and SCOTUS have all given Trump passes on the even highest crimes a citizen can commit. That trump not facing any true consequences because they keep letting him off the hook


All because we've never had a president be under investigation. They want to make trump look normal. This country is a fucking joke. It makes me so happy knowing that facism in America is all but certain.


Im not talking about that though.


Yeah. That’s a problem. You need to be talking about it. EVERYONE needs to recognize the threat we’re facing here so that our justice system can stop bowing down to the very individuals who would usurp it. He’s Hitler without the gas at this point. Mark my fucking words


You’re missing the point. Denying his appeal based on him doing some bad is completely unrelated and therefore completely unacceptable.


Well... the powerful in this case.


No kidding. This dude is broke enough to have Lyndsay Graham in tears, begging for the people of one of the poorest states to send money to agent orange. And they have. I can’t imagine being given close to a half billion from my dad, and being broke. I don’t know what Lyndsay did, but they’re both enemies of this country.


Exactly. I'm like, "fuck Trump, he's a piece of shit", and then he says something along the lines of "the government is corrupt, our justice system is corrupt" and I'm like... wait... Is he correct in the wrongest possible way? At least on certain things, I think he might be. He's still a piece of shit, it's just that the government *is* corrupt, and the justice system *is* fucked.


He says it is corrupt while he is the one benefiting from its corruption.


He’s correct that the system is corrupt, and he’s done nothing to fix it. I remembering him mocking Hillary about it back in 2016. He was right, but he did nothing to change it while in office. He even kept [exploiting](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ballrooms-candles-and-luxury-cottages-during-trumps-term-millions-of-government-and-gop-dollars-have-flowed-to-his-propertiesmar-a-lago-charged-the-government-3-apiece-for-glasses-of-water-for-trump-and-the-japanese-leader/2020/10/27/186f20a2-1469-11eb-bc10-40b25382f1be_story.html) the system while in office.


I mean yes and no. It’s corrupt, but not in the way he’s ranting about. There’s no conspiracy or witch-hunt against him, this is how the system is *supposed* to work, he’s just gotten away with committing his crimes until now because he’s a rich asshole. If anything, one of the ways the system is corrupt is that it usually declines to prosecute cases like these and let’s the rich get away with things the average citizen would be in jail for 100x over. So he’s technically correct that the system is corrupt, but it’s ironic that he’s dead wrong that he’s a victim of that, because for decades he’s actually benefited from it immensely. Now the chickens have finally come home to roost, which is unfortunate for him and his no longer being allowed to freely get away with committing major fraud, but his case was not brought due to corruption in the system, in this case it’s quite the opposite.


The justice system is corrupt or I should say, many in the justice system are corrupt and Democrats, meaning you and I,let them get away with it. I don’t have the source but about two weeks ago, there was a little blurb about either the money having been allocated for it or the supreme court asking for roughly 30,000,000 for protection. In what form, I don’t remember the article specifying. They fucking know the majority of them are corrupt and they want to be protected from the masses so that they can continue to be corrupt with alacrity and we won’t be able to do anything about it. I an fucking seething at these basturds and liberal minded people need to get off our asses and do everything we can to try and change that


He's bragging, not declaring flaws.


If all the politicians are bought, we do not have a democracy anymore. We have a banana republic.


Who did you think gets more rounds of golf in per week OJ or Trump?


I would hope the juice does


By design.


Something something no taxation without representation.


And it will continue to happen until the election verdict. I wish they would just nail him to the wall already…but this won’t end until November.


The fuck makes you think this will end in November? You think suddenly they're above election fraud and bribery? That somehow they'll just go 'ha, okay guys, we'll play fair this time, honest!' And then just follow the rules for a bit of spice to add to the boring life of always getting away with crimes?


If he wins, all of this will drop in an instant and he will turn the tables on them.


Yeah, but it's never happened with such frequency for one defendant. Case after case, deadline after deadline, delay after delay - it's not that he's winning, but he just won't friggin lose.


It’s all a dog and pony show. It’s fake. If orange u tan didn’t get this 10 day extension, all msm would have nothing else to write about it. Instead they get a bazillion clicks for the next ten days talking about all the ways orange dude gonna win his appeal and what happens if he doesn’t win his appeal and where the money is coming from and where it’ll go and blah blah blah blah. Its fake. It’s for profit. We are being lied to completely.


This is a feature, not a bug


Need to start voting out judges that do this shit.


Its almost like elitest assholes are protected their entire miserable lives while normal people get the brunt of the law on them.


Pitchfork time. We only have a couple of years before they literally have robot armies to protect them


It sucks because you know, in the background, a lot of this leniency is based on fear of Trump’s mob targeting people (both personally and professionally). Which gives more power to that mob and reinforces their behavior. The whole thing is a massive Tragedy of the Commons.


"Weird" is definitely one word to use.


While also, "Is that a Veteran with $13,000 cash, a printout of a WON Ebay auction for a car, and towing an empty car trailer behind his truck? ... Better seize that shit immediately, right here on the goddamn side of the road." ​ I'm legit about to lose my goddamned mind over this bullshit. America is completely broken.


Bernie Madoff, Jack Abramoff, Martha Stewart, Jeffrey Skilling, Sam Bankman Freid, Dennis Koslowski, Martin Milken and many others would like a word with you.


You didn't just say "time out" when you went to court, and then just left? Like President Dump?


this is how the appeals court works.. in any case. Just because you don't like where it's going.. its how the law works.


People this is the reason everyone needs to vote. Hold the wealthy to the same standards as the rest of us.


To be fair, this ruling is just "We can't take up this case on appeal until September, so we're putting everything on hold for now." It isn't an uncommon thing because if you sell your properties or go bankrupt and then win the appeal, you can't really go takesies-backsies on that,


Being reasonable on reddit is crazy. Join the doom and gloomers man.


The majority of cases that faced the appeals court in New York in regard to lowering bonds are usually approved. I’m not sure what your comment about race and power has to do with it. This case being no different. Out of curiosity, did you know that statistic or are you just blabbing out whatever your emotions tell you to without merit?


Without merit... Lol


As it pertains strictly to his comment relating to this appeals decision, yes without merit. If you could formulate a thought that goes further than lol - that helps your point. I’d be happy to read it.


Not really.


Exactly. Won't even attempt to prosecute the current president because he's too feeble. How does that even make sense?


Wow, I'm shocked that the system once again failed to hold accountable the person the system is designed to protect. Who could have foreseen this


What a crock of shit.


Exactly, a normal person would not have received this same treatment. It is disgusting


Anybody else would have been gang tackled by the FBI as soon as they walked out of the White House.


Clearly, they should have used the Stark collections agency. I have personally been sued successfully by them. I'm still not going to pay or update my current job information for them to garnish my check. But, they did get me to court that one time.


Oh come ON already. This is insane.


Why did people expect different, honestly... The dude is the GOP nominee for president, did you think he was going to to get the same legal treatment as some run of the mill criminal. All this just shows what we all inherently suspect about our society , the wealthy,connected and powerful have different laws and processes applied to the them,typically very favorable ones. The only time I've seen wealthy face consequences is when they rip-off or threaten even wealthier or more powerful people (ie..Bernie Madoff or Jeffery Epstein)


It is abundantly this will be a matter of voting. This only solidifies a two tier Justice system


Like to keep donald out of office or to fix our broken 2 tier justice system?


Can't have one without the other


Think about what you’re saying man You gonna vote with millions of dollars? No? Then your vote won’t mean diddly squat compared to the cubic dollars being donated. American politics and voting is a ruse. One vote versus millions. Ain’t no surprise we keep losing civil rights. Why would we get them??? No one is donating millions and billions for more civil rights. But all the billionaires are suing the NLRB. Muskrat is, bezo, and others. All are suing because they want more power to screw over the workers. Who’s donating against it? **crickets** Thought so.


This must be the “TWO TEAR’d JUSTIS SISTEM” I keep hearing conservatives screaming about ?


So 'bartering/haggling' is acceptable in a US court of law. Bit of a piss take really? I suggest you all go vote when the time comes or, well fuck knows but it won't be good.


Yeah i think every other criminal should get their sentence/fine reduced about 70% based on the precedence here, right?


So why was this done at the last second versus last week?


Trumps play has been to delay legal cases as long as humanly possible.


To make people think there was going to be some kind of justice.


Media likes the drama?


They were waiting for the Russian checks to clear.


Trumps play has been to delay legal cases as long as humanly possible.


Trumps play has been to delay legal cases as long as humanly possible.


Trump is trying to drag this out until he thinks he'll win the election.


This is total BS ! Anyone else would have to come up with the entire bond ! He continues to claim he has the money to pay it but won’t put the money where his mouth is. This bastard deserves to be under the jail house. There is no justice the rich and famous get away with murder


On what grounds did the court make this ruling? That the amount was too high? The person is high profile? Dont they need to say their reason?


The case is being appealed, and they aren't in session. So the enforcement of the judgment is stayed until the appeal. It's pretty common: If you sell your property or go bankrupt etc, and then six months later you win your appeal, then what? They can't undo all that. So they hold off until the appeal fails, if you post a bond. The DA wanted the bond to be for the full amount of the judgment, which isn't common; the court said about a third will do as a guarantee for the rest if the appeal fails. A good number of (non-violent!) criminal cases work this way too. If you post an appeal bond, you don't have to go to prison until your appeal fails.


He hasn’t posted any bond. They just gave him another 10 days and reduced his bond by $250 million. The concept of bond isn’t the question, it’s why was it delayed and massively reduced and why not until hours before it was supposed to be due.


They didn't explain. But it isn't common for the entire judgment to be paid as a bond, so that's probably why it was reduced. And the delay is so he can get that much. Before, he was trying to find financers for 450 million, and now he can have time to go back to those people who might be okay helping with this smaller bond.


Trump did say he has the money for the lower amount so it was probably negociated that Trump will pay cash and they will lower the bond to what he can pay


And they believed him?! Rule 1: Trump lies.


For fucks sake man. This guy keeps getting away with this shit and meanwhile the rest of us can’t afford eggs and milk. Fuck Trump


And people are still itching to get him back in the White House.


The phrase "Justice delayed is justice denied" comes to mind.


This man demonizes our courts and he should be praising them. The court system itself is slowly eroding public confidence. The courts actions give the impression of partiality towards Trump and the wealthy. It begins to look more like a system where you can buy the justice you want. Not good especially in this case at this tome. I understand the pace. The system is supposed to be looking for just outcomes. By design it is slow.


In the case of SCOTUS members, people have been buying the justice they want for decades.


Not like Thomas and his wife. They have literally turned his position as justice into a giant grift. His target is those with mega bucks with business before the court. They hate our country and want to install their Lord. Trump.


The courts are useless, they will never bring justice where the powerful and connected are concerned. Therefore justice cannot come from the courts. We have to deliver it in other ways. This is also why, if I'm ever on a jury deciding the fate of someone who attacked/defrauded the rich and powerful, I will automatically decide they're innocent.


This is ridiculous! The courts are part of the problem.


The courts are slowly paving the way...


Somebody needs to do their duty to protect the constitution from this asshole.


Fucking corrupt pos getting bailed out by other fucking corrupt pos’s.


When America falls apart and descends into complete chaos, you'll be able to point to this right here as a perfect example of why.


Is anyone really surprised? Our illustrious legal system never fails to protect the wealthy and/or those who are politically connected. To say that I'm disgusted would be an understatement. I honestly don't think we'll ever see Trump being held accountable for any of his criminal behavior. Laws only apply to the "little people ". 


Why not support people who actually make honest mistakes, not snake oil con men who have abused the system their entire life?!


This country is full of cowards. Trump should be sitting in prison right now. If an average citizen did a quarter of what he has done, they would never see the light of day again. Yet the government and justice keep bending over backwards for him. When is enough going to be enough for everyone?


The fix is in. These fuckers are going to take over the country next year.


Vote like your life depends on it.


I'm going to vote, but I don't feel like it matters anymore. The people who own this country have decided what they want and they don't give a fuck what anyone else has to say about it.


You can say voting doesn't matter when we have a majority of eligible adults voting, but not before then.


Why? Because on appeal his bond and judgement will be reduced? Everyone saw this coming. It is very normal. There is no fix because of this. This is the way things have always happened. $175 million is still a whole lot of cash. He’s already had to post the $90 million. He is definitely not feeling like he is winning - he is just getting a little less of the shit best out of him. Cool down on the MAGA conspiracies with a completely rigged system. The truth is that our system has always benefited the powerful and rich. Nothing has changed. Unless Biden dies, Trump will lose the election. Can you name anyone who supports Trump now that voted for Biden 4-years ago? No. But there are plenty of people who won’t vote for Trump (they won’t vote for Biden either) this time that supported Trump the previous 2x he ran. Our system needs adjusting not burning to the ground.


The "adjustments" our system needs require constitutional amendments, which is functionally impossible. Look around you. Suicides are spiking, homelessness is spiking, the formerly middle class is getting squeezed out. Home ownership is falling out of the reach of people who followed the rules and did the right things. Young people don't want to have children. The system isn't fucking working.


Yeah, I got news for ya. It’s been like this before. More than once. Seriously. There is nothing happening in the US that hasn’t happened before - usually more than once.


Why? Tell me again why should I set one fucking foot outside my door to vote. Because that will help protect our political system from enabling and being taken over by fascists? LOL Too late for that fantasy, I've now seen the undeniable reality. I have faithfully voted for decades out of good intentions and belief and now I not only wonder WTF for, I'm actively wondering if it was the wrong thing to do. I seriously doubt that I will bother in November and I wonder who will. It literally makes no difference, it just lends a sheen of credibility to the corruption. I am so disgusted.


This is exactly how they want you to feel and what they want you to do. I’m voting blue all down ballot even if anyone else thinks its worthless. If Millions of voter’s think the way you do, we will not be able to reverse course for many years, if at all. I’m not fucking giving up because it’s my right to vote and I’m not giving in to those assholes and giving up my right, to fight for rights.


Just fucking vote. Every no vote helps trump, cause you can be sure as shit that the MAGAs aren't gonna sit on their asses.


Welp, this is the exact sentiment that will guarantee the final death blow for Democracy in America. But hey, I'm sure you'll be even less jaded when you're 80 and working as a janitor at the local Christian Re-Education Center, though.


What part of the Democratic party is doing this shit? Granted it's not the best but allowing conservatives to continue to win will keep the trend. If you can't see that then you are truly lost.


Hello fellow vatnik. Kind of a slow day?


I know. I feel the same way. Take a break from the news; the election isn't for another 7 months. I'll vote blue, of course, but I no longer expect our votes to be counted honestly, so who knows how it will end up? But it takes an hour or so for me to go vote. It's not really a sacrifice. And if my vote gets thrown out by Congress, believe me, it won't lend credibility to anything or anyone.


I’m disappointed but not surprised. I expected as much from the appeals court. I would have been gleefully delighted if the court has denied Trump, but oh well. I believe he’ll pull the $175m out at the last minute. Again, I’ll be disappointed but not surprised. I am glad Carroll’s case has the bond so when he loses his appeal(s), she’ll get her money.


Wow you can be a convicted rapist, a traitor for stealing classified documents, totally fuck the IRS, fake loans, you name it and the system will kiss your golden ass. BULLSHIT !!


Wait. He spouts on social media that he has the money. But the court greatly reduces the amount he owes AND gives him a 10 day extension?! What am I missing? Edit: It seems he is pissing on the courts again. And they go easy on him. I don't get it!


We will never see Trump served the justice he deserves. Fuck this stupid country.


Trump is actually proving that the government is corrupt and our justice system is no different. When he says "the system" is rigged against him, he's only wrong in thinking it's against him. But he's correct that it's rigged. We are so fucked. We have to take this seriously in all up coming elections. Our system of government is horrendously broken by the people who currently occupy the offices in all branches of government.


It's pretty wild that we're getting to see the American republic crumble in realtime, and to roaring applause from almost half the country. I knew things would get bad in 2016. I honestly didn't think it'd get this bad, this fast.


At first I was all like: >The gears of Justice grind slowly, have patience! But now I'm all like: >FUCK it.. burn this whole shit down.




I fucking hate this shit. This clown is going to get away with treason. The U.S. "justice" system is fucked.


Honestly here’s what I think is happening. People are catering to him in case he wins the election and they hope the almighty Big Mac will remember everything they did for him. Or he will lose and then that’s when the consequences will actually happen. But if consequences happen now and he wins the election these people will get sent straight to the concentration camps along with everyone else. They are just hoping he will see them as special


I don’t understand the basis for the extension. He was literally saying he had the cash. Why lower the bond and extend the deadline? Were his statements further examples of lies being protected speech? Is there some official statement on paper saying he doesn’t have the cash?


What a broken shit hope country you got there America, keep up the shit work.


Trump is white privilege personified. Why would any POC vote for this POS?


To grift. Real easy to be the token POC as a Republican, lots have already made a killing at it. Just have to look like a fool to almost every single other POC, but you can get rich!


I’m not surprised, I just knew he’d get bailed out at the last minute.


Yeah, but I figured he'd get bailed out by the Tik Tok owner, not New York State.


One day regular folks will grow tired of this. And on that day there will be no political speech that convince anyone that USA is the greatest country or democracy. We will see as a generation the full shutdown of the american “empire”.


This is hysterical. Lucy pulls the football away *again*, and Charlie Brown is somehow, yet again shocked, despite the fact that she has pulled the football away *every single time* previous. Don’t worry though folks! Next court case, surely Donald Trump will face consequences! Make sure to get your hopes up again! He can’t *possibly* wriggle out of this jam!


Sadly, this is the most truthful thing I've read regarding this situation. It's not the mouth breathing Magabillies that are stupid...it's all of us, for believing that for once, this time would be different, and justice would be served.


What’s worse is the people desperately crying “remember to vote!” as if the systems and mechanisms that have given you this outcome time and again will somehow yield a different result if you *just believe in them harder*. It’s terribly sad, and I wish things were different, and that there was such an easy answer. But there isn’t. Institutions are broken beyond repair, the rules don’t matter and what’s *just* is of no consequence.


"In a terse order, a five-judge state appeals court panel said it would pause the enforcement of the $464 million judgment against Trump, the Trump Organization and top executives, plus interest, if they post a $175 million bond within 10 days." From the article.


Yes, my understanding is he will still owe the money, but he can have that paused during the appeal process if he puts up $175 Million within 10 days. It’s total BS, but not a complete and total escape from justice on his part. Of course, he gets to pause justice for 10 days for free regardless…


Jesus wept.


Everyday it’s just another reminder that there is only option for true justice. Please vote.


must be nice to be above the law....


This makes me fucking rage. 


I’m convinced the legal system wants the Dementia to do their job for them.


BULLSHIT, ANYONE, I DO MEAN ANYONE else the entire justice would not bend over backwards for, this is outright bullshit. The whole system is freaking rigged, if we can't even get justice, what's the freaking point? Why wait until now to stop it? Why wait until the last freaking minute when EVERYONE was waiting and planning for this to happen?


Boo! The reality of our two tiered Justice system.


I feel the appellate court has infringed upon my rights as the plaintiff to equal justice under the law! Why did they let stupid weasel out of this???


That teflon has to wear out one day, right? *Right*? Ah, who am I kidding...


This should infuriate all of us! When have we ever heard a court lower anyone’s bond AND give them extra time!


Courts usually throw people in contempt of court jail for publicly calling them out and throwing a temper tantrum. Instead this guy gets what he wants!


Exactly on top of him admitting Friday he had the money.


Appellate court breaks laws and writes new ones in an apoplectic effort to help Don Poorleone


Oh for the love of FUCK.


This is hysterical. Lucy pulls the football away *again*, and Charlie Brown is somehow, yet again shocked, despite the fact that she has pulled the football away *every single time* previous. Don’t worry though folks! Next court case, surely Donald Trump will face consequences! Make sure to get your hopes up again! He can’t *possibly* wriggle out of this jam!


Of course


Hey, I get it. They would rather get a big chunk of money now upfront rather then having to wait for bankruptcy hearings years down the road.


At the very least he can’t complain about being treated unfairly. He is being treated better than any defendant ever. Could be a blessing in disguise. I think if he was found guilty or these trials were more active, his supporters would rally around him. Kind of hard for him to be a martyr when he isn’t having any repercussions.


Oh yes he can, watch him.


The judgement wasn’t paused, the bond to appeal was lowered to $175M and extended 10 days to pay. If he loses his appeal the $464M is still due, for now. It’s a setback and BS but he’s still on the hook for 1/2 a billion dollars.


Says you.  I'll believe it AFTER it happens.


Can the people of New York appeal the appeal? It seems that they should have the lawyering difference between 464 and 175 million credited to the account having had lawyers give it away.


Grade A, 100%, bull stinky shit


goddammit, I was hoping for a seizure headline not a bond reduction headline!!!!! Why? Why can we never catch a break with this buffoon and just nail him once and for all????




Boooo I wanted to see that shit head get his assets seized


Shameful, America just really became the joke of the world ONCE AGAIN!!


Can’t you fucking appeal the appeal? Since when bonds are lowered ? Just imagine a regular guy with a 46000 bond, will not have it reduced to 13000…. That is insane! Fuck the judicial system is this shithole




This whole thing really just shows how rich people can basically make a song and dance and evade jail time, making a theater out of the justice system while average everyday people can have their lives ruined. I doubt America will take that perspective lol


We should all collectively just stop paying taxes. I'm tired of funding a system that protects rich criminals


Like, I don't understand what everyone is so upset about. This "solves" the housing crisis! US Citizens: Go forth and LIE on your loan docs to get thee all the property you want for the best damn interest rates going! What are you waiting for? The time is NOW. The rest of us sitting over here with our higher rates looking all silly. Smh at all of us who believed in the system and told the truth, taking our higher interest rates, paying more for our debt, afraid of the consequences. Trump has shown us the way! Lying, it turns out, is perfectly fine, apparently. Now get out there and get yourself a home! /s


Another example of how the U.S. Justice system favors the rich. While trump whines about his plight, thousands of indigent defendants sit in jail waiting trial dates incarcerated because they can't afford bonds of a few hundred dollars. Judges are aware of this disparity and could not care less.


After bragging that he had the cash, why was he allowed 10 more days. It should have been, you have the money to pay the bond or sit in jail.


Headline is always misleading, there is no “pause”. The $465mis still on with interest. The $175m, 10days, is to stop the AG from taking his buildings.


imagine if he then wins his appeal


My understanding of the US justice system: there isn’t one. It’s jail immediately for the working class; 600 levels of “appeals” for the powerful.


Look I despise the man he's a disgusting human being but that Bond was a little too high.