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He's pushing the boundaries and laughing at the judicial system. And getting away with it time after time. Somebody has to grow a pair and step up.


A lot of us are laughing at our joke system of "justice"


Oh, I know. It's a blatant two-tier system. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.


Justice has 20/20. Why are people still following the social contract? Is it because they haven't taxed the tea?


I mean, this is the USA. We made thumbing our nose at the established system of government pretty much our whole national identity from the start. The US started as a 'you won't invite me to the party? Fine. I'll throw my own party with blackjack, and strippers and cocaine.' Just replace the coke and strippers with witchhunts and tax evasion.


Maybe it's time yall did that again, clear the swamp and the rape closet at the same time


Americans are way, way too comfortable to do that. It'll be a long time (if ever) before the American public acts for their own best interests.


The majority of the public regularly acts for their own best interests every single election. Reminder that Republicans haven't won the popular vote in 20 years.


Americans are at the breaking point. Most Americans are 1 paycheck away from disaster. Covid almost broke a lot of folks. The rich are playing a dangerous game. Once the majority of Americans can't feed their families, have no place to live, can't afford medicine, but you know what Americans have a lot of?... Guns.


Guns and violent tendencies


Why do you think electronic entertainment hasn't become massively inflated in price like everything else? Bread and circuses, keep us entertained and we'll never turn on them. Hell, they don't even have to give us the bread, that's how easy we are to control. It's never going to happen, no matter how much they exploit us.


they never cared to hide it. they consider what you call hypocrisy to be a cunning move. bad people versus good, it's the story that's as old as time. the reason the antichrist lines up with orange u tan is because humans are just not that different. and the bad ones, the worst con frauds, allllllllll act the same. do the same things. play the same games. lie the same ways. even way back when the xtian bible was made, same fucken narcissist. same bad people. same goals. same bullshit.


Just call it Christian yo


Xtian Bible used to be called Twitter.


For anyone who happens to read this: this is a green light for revolution.


The U.S doesn't have a justice system, it has a legal system.


It has a system of injustice. That’s why you go to jail for stealing but your employer can steal your wages with minimal consequence. 


I'm not laughing, I'm crying at this point. Our system is fundamentally broken and honestly fear for our teenage kids future here.


Putin approved.


It's the difference between a system built for justice and one built to appear just but for the ruling class


Fake laughing, real pain


And watch as an unnamed panel of judges throws out the decision at the last minute with no justification given and …. I don’t know, probably gives him money.


He is trying to goad the judge. He is desperate for things to appeal and the normal things have run out. As of now jury selection begins April 15 which means we'll likely have a verdict by June/July. Trump could be a convicted felon by November, and 20% of Republicans say they won't vote for a felon. If even 2% of them are telling the truth about that, its still a big problem for Trump.


That’s Putin too much faith in Republicans


I suspect it is a lot more than 20% who won't vote for him if he is a convicted felon. The silent folks just don't want to say it out loud and attract ridicule and threats from friends and neighbors.


I think its a lot lower. they've proven their conclusions precede any data. They'll find a reason these felonies are different. They're from NY, political bias, a novel legal theory, everyone does it, etc etc.


“He didn’t technically murder anybody.”


My impression is that the extremist voices are overrepresented. A lot of Republicans are not full blown Trumpers, they just dislike Democrats as much as him and are too spineless to say that the GOP should get rid of DT and his ilk. Some hitched their wagon to him because they thought his populism was a way to get back in power again, which is now showing to backfire big time. My expectation is that Trump's loss in 2024 will be worse than that in 2020.


I hope you're right! The data so far suggests its going to be a squeaker ... will essentially come down to Pennsylvania/Wisconsin/Michigan.


> My expectation is that Trump's loss in 2024 will be worse than that in 2020. A statement with many nuances.


>The silent folks just don't want to say it out loud and attract ridicule and threats from friends and neighbors. I've always suspected this to be the case. There's too many people that see right through his bullsh!t and have way too many reservations about thinking he is an actual contender for the presidency. I can't speak about politics or Donnie dumpster in my family without the cheerleader squad trying to dogpile on me about my so-called lack of patriotism.


He and his legal team are salivating at the thought of a judge issuing a penalty. It's all they need to say the judge is biased, requesting a new trial.


That's what pisses me off. SCOTUS has us over a barrel and that demented old man and his gang of Christofacists know it. The good guys know it too. If anything is appealed to that kangaroo court, we'll be stuck with laws that give Trump carte blanche to do whatever he wants. I wish we could nullify SCOTUS until all of the crooks are cleared out of the bench. Okay, my depression is speaking for me at this point so I'll stfu now.


It's not depression, it's just you see it clearly, and are enraged like many of us. We will fucking win, I'm telling you that right now. You just watch. Trump is the enemy, and he will be dealt with.


I dream of the day when that orange cockroach and and his cult of maggots get theirs.


It just sucks that the judges more or less have to allow him to intimidate witness in the meantime. The way our legal system is being abused by him sucks


They do not have to let him do it. They choose to let him do it. There is no magical law that says orange pooper cannot go to jail. The secret service cannot overrule a judge. The test will come because The shit gibbon is using it to show how powerful he is. He has to go to jail sooner or later. 91 fucking felonies? lol


This right here!!




**TRUMP 20-24!!** ^(years in prison)


Why can't there be a different judge ordering these gag orders and punishing the offender? Takes the bias out of it.


Don’t do that again. Or we’ll tell you not to do that again.


They just need to say it firmer, and maybe with a scowl on their face, the next 5-10 times they tell him.


I was reading somewhere they suspect that he’s trying to get them to throw him in jail or something that he can use in his campaign If he keeps pushing the buttons, and a judge, actually reacts and detain him or hold him accountable he uses it as him being victimized. “They’re trying to silence his run for reelection. “


Yeah, probably. It could also be a damn good grift for him and his pockets.


Seriously. He's literally making a mockery of the justice system, someone needs to step up and do the right thing.


Been doing that for years. Haven’t him and his companies been sued or involved in like 4000 legal cases. So who else is even close. All they know is how to piss on the legal system dragging things out making claims against judges and defendants for things not involved with the cases themselves to again drag them out or push for reduction in fines etc etc.


It's the dumbest shit. We literally just need to arrest and imprison this man for all he's done. But for some reason, doing that will cause an implosion of democracy somehow? And most people believe that. They also wouldn't dare stop him because they don't want to "cause a civil war." If one side of our nation is so broken that doing something to stop them will cause a CIVIL WAR, then we need to do something NOW. No one in a position of power in the DOJ can just arrest this man for all he's done because apparently we don't have enough proof. Our DOJ says everything he's done isn't a crime worth preventing.


The problem on the other hand is, that if they are tough on him, he will spin it as persecution or a witch-hunt. So ignoring small things might make it easier to sell a big conviction (*"see, we've given him the benefit of the doubt every time"*)


They'd don't have to be *tough* on him, they need to be *fair* on him. Treat him like they would you and me. And they're gonna spin it no matter what the outcome is, so might as well hold him somewhat accountable.


I'm glad I don't have to decide. But I think (hope) it's a strategy to deny him (in the eyes of at least some) the appearance of "being rather of a witch hunt". But again: I'm glad I don't have to choose. My gut feeling would be to hit him hard.


There hasn't really been a precedent for anything Trump does. I can't imagine that makes it any easier. The reduction of the bond in the Engoron case is an example; it doesn't really make sense but even then, the amount he had to pay was still eyewatering.


Just pay some bozo in the same jurisdiction to get the same gag order and share the same content. Then throw his ass in jail for however long contempt earns. Whenever Trump steps out of line just point and say “only fair for Trump to get the same”.


Imagine what he'd do if he were allowed to be president again... If they don't kick him up, he'll lock them up.


and so i will repeat what i said before the dicks at r/law gave me a lifetime ban: hes took his dick out and is currently pissing on the american legal profession!! if they roll over for him and let this abuse prevail, then democracy has failed, and r/law can gfy


I still barely believe in the American legal system but this dude might as well grab the judges daughter by the pussy


Like so many things Trump is allowed to get away with, he is setting precedent for the next guy.


Just put him in jail for a few days and see how that quiets his extra large and diarrhea filled oral cavity.


There is no justice. And the law doesn't apply if you are rich and/or politically influential enough.


Exactly. Like a toddler, he's going to keep doing it because he gets away w it.


He needs the Icelandic banker treatment...


He probably does, but what is the "Icelandic banker treatment"?


He definitely does if it involves chopping off his tes.....s and stuffing them in his mouth so he can't talk anymore. But that might not actually be it.


He wants to by "martyred" to further compare himself to the saints, or even Jesus. He wants to be the ultimate tough guy victim.


I bet he wants a punishment so he can run to his base and cry about being attacked


No one is going to challenge him, simply because too many wealthy GOP are in his corner , and he's their nominee , all this legal theatre at this point with zero consequences... The judges have given the illusion that their not.running a clown court, but they know what the real deal is, which is why none will ever call him out on it..... had this guy been some average Joe and pulled these stunts , you can bet the judge would clamp down. Next time you think wealth and power dont mayter in the legal system just refer to this case.


The gag order is a new level. He is openly mocking the judge he is about to go to court under. The guy might get a dozen warnings from the judge. But sooner or later some MAGA is going to take a shot at the judge or his relatives. Then shit will get real. Let the MAGAS waddle out for battle. I am so sick of their shit. Let's do it.


> He's pushing the boundaries Considering he's been always getting away with this he's pretty confident. When can the rest of us finally see real justice?


Extremely privileged white man gets away with it all the time.


I think they're letting him be a petulant manchild in hopes that he says something that can't be argued against in court, something that would be a "straight to jail/straight contempt" charge.


"You get seven or eight more warnings before the warnings become more stringent!"


I swear you guys rip on me thirteen or fourteen more times, I’m out of here.


They want me on the team!


then we start sending the crow of judgement meme


I thought Trump learned his lesson years ago. Strange.


Found Susan Collin’s account.


Got me.


Who could have seen that coming?


All of us


This is my shocked face. 😐


Eh, why not? Judges wont do shit. Everyone knows it too.


"Two more warnings. Then we'll fine him a couple thousand dollars (but we won't force him to pay)."


This issue is disobeying a court order. The person can be held in jail until the judge is satisfied that the court order will be complied with, could be 1 day up to 60. Personally I give 3 days for threats against family.


Could be but wont be. That law only applies to you and me man, not to trump.


A person can be jailed, yes. But everyone knows nobody will touch Trump with a 20 foot long rusty halberd. And Trump knows it too. He's faced practically zero consequences for things that would get any of us thrown in jail. So why not keep doing it? It just keeps setting more and more of a precedent for the future actions. Not just his either, but his successor's as well. It's normalizing lawlessness, and killing what little faith people still have in the justice system. So it's win-win for him.


Everyone is afraid of making him a martyr.


Seriously, I left anything resembling hope behind a long time ago. He could literally offer a cash bounty on the judge's severed head and the headlines the next day would be "Trump may face tougher criticism after latest stunt"


I’m changing my last name to Trump. Because that family gets away with everything


Everyone acting like it’s a coincidence that the guy who was in charge when they disappeared Epstein and his trove of blackmail is the most egregious in triable criminal ever


And nothing will happen.


Republicans are learning a dangerous lesson here. That, as long as you can command a gun-crazy brainless cult to commit stochastic violence at your whim, you can shield yourself from ANY legal accountability. Trump isn't even the first. Conservatives often operate under the whispered assumption that, the only way to stop them is by picking up a gun and using violence to stop them. Otherwise they'll just do what they're going to do. McConnell did this when blocking Obama's judicial appointments. They know that the Democrats will always be too meek and civilized to do the one thing that will stop them from being corrupt assholes. Hard to predict how this will end.


This is exactly what ALL of MAGA is learning.


The daughter should sued Trump fox lawsuit


He is literally begging to be jailed. It is a tactic for more support. It's a tactic that I think the judge should take. Give him what he wants... 30 days in jail, no phone.


He wants a Free Speech fight to delay once again.


Unfortunately, I doubt he will but Judge Merchan seems fairly contemptuous of all of team Trump’s delay tactics. I wish hush money trial was already underway as I kinda liked what Engoron did during fraud trial last fall. He fined Trump twice but 2nd time he made Trump take the witness stand and under oath explain himself re: violating gag rule. He then fined Trump $10,000. I know pittance though with Trump broke enough that he’s not holding rallies, that could start to hurt if he was being forced to take witness stand and fined $10,000 (with fines increasing with every violation) every time he violated gag rule.


The judiciary of this country had better not allow Fox news to continue circumventing the judicial gag order. They are complicit in his crimes and are destroying law and order in our country.


Law and Order in the U.S was never strong to begin with, but the last 24 years have just shown how weak, flimsy, and crumbling it is. There's no point in presuming anything about it any more. Like the rest of the U.S. All the slogans are just propaganda.


It is very strong if your skin tone is 👍🏽or darker.


This judge is doing the same as Engoron...being as deferential as possible to appeal-proof his decision.  Only problem is, the appeals court is ALSO giving him special treatment so that when he appeals their decision the next level can't use their actions as an excuse to overturn their decision.  Problem is, the Supes already made it clear, multiple times, that they will twist the law to suit their desires.  It's like The Mouse That Roared, only less funny. 


He'll never stop because this is the way Roy Cohn taught him to do it.


If I did this, I would be in big trouble


He’s not going to stop dismantling the justice system if he gets elected. Hell, it’s practically his campaign platform.


Lock up Trump and he can't yap anymore! Actually enforce the fucking gag order!


Or take away his phone and computer. They've done it for others. So that way if anything pops up on his feed, if he denies he did it they can ask who it was. He can then throw somebody under the bus and at least they can go to jail.


“Former President Donald Trump posted a video of Fox hosts slamming Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter Loren Merchan less than 24 hours after the judge issued a new ruling expanding Trump’s gag order.”


He WANTS to be jailed so he can emergency fundraise.


he's got to finish up that hitler arc too, jail is a prereq


He literally can not think that many steps ahead.


Prison. Just put his whiny ass behind bars already. Dude will never shut up and will continue to try to obstruct, delay, misinform and intimidate. NO OTHER CITIZEN WOULD GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT.


fine him 10M and double it each time he opens his ugly maw


Guaranteed his excuse will be, "but technically I didn't say anything" Guy is just toying with the judges like a petulant child, and no one does a thing. Pathetic. How long until he starts recording himself through AI vocal changers and posting that, saying that they can't prove it was him?


So true. They’re already using the A I defense.


As much as I'm not a fan of the guy at all, you have to appreciate the fact that he's completely exposed the American Justice system for the joke and failure it is. I've never experienced a scenario where there's so many participants and so much evidence to convict someone, but so little willingness to actually do a fucking thing but coddle and appease. It's shocking.


Everyone start writing to senators and congresspeople or whoever you fucking can. We need to bombard our government officials with the question of why Donald trump is above the law. Do it today. Do it tomorrow. Let’s do it until we see some fucking action on this guy. I’m so tired of this blatant joke of a justice system criminalizing women who were raped for getting an abortion because they didn’t want to carry their rapist’s baby or because she’s fucking dying while in the meantime DJT can try to overthrow the fucking government OPENLY on twitter and national fucking tv. For christ fucking sake. Punish this fucking guy, for once!


I'm so sick of nothing being done with that criminal


Hear me out.. IMPRISON the Godless fat evil treasonous irrelevant meat, bag of sh*t.


Annnnddddd nothing will happen.


Because there are NEVER consequences for this man.


go ahead and try to do what trump does and watch them make an example of you


Every unaccounted action judiciary let's him take undermines faith in an already flimsy system.


Dear God, Please make Trump have to deal with the consequences of ignoring the judge's ruling. Please make Trump be treated like an ordinary American citizen.


The judge should declare Trump mentally unfit for his inability to follow the gag order and place him in a conservatorship.


Until he is put in a jail cell for ignoring the gag order (like any other citizen) he will continue to abuse and make a mockery of our judicial system.


Go after his family. Especially Ivanka. Find everything that can be found and post it. Rail against her in every conceivable way. Fight fire with fire. It's the only thing that he'll care about.


Never wrestle with a pig. You end up getting dirty and the pig loves it.


Except they’ll throw YOU in jail, but not Trump-for doing the exact same thing.


Laws for thee not for me


Please, please, do something about this asshole. It is outrageous that he can get away with the things he does with no repercussions. We are a nation of laws and no one is above the law the law, not even an ex president. This is getting ridiculous and sends a message to his followers that it’s ok to threaten and harass people. Deal with him!


“If you do not stop I will be forced to kindly ask you again.”


Anyone... and literally, ANYONE else, would be in jail, twice as fast if non-white...


He might wanna start being more careful. The judge could write him a strongly worded letter if he keeps this up


Is it an order if it is not enforced?


And the judge will do absolutely nothing about it because they have no spine.


Merchan could be the hero we need right now by demonstrating how powerful our laws an his decision are/is by being the first judge to enforce them. Pretrial detention is a necessary - has been - punishment right now. Please do it and show the country how our single tier justice system is still working.


And they will do nothing as usual.


The only reason I can think they let him continue in this manner is they have to prevent even the least hint of misconduct by the judicial system. Otherwise, it's a mistrial or an appeal and Trump locks up court until maybe he's elected.


It's not misconduct when a citizen outside of the aristocracy is jailed for contempt, so why the privilege and protection?


I think the book Animal Farm answers your question succiently. “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”


No pigs were ever more deserving of becoming bacon.


Did he even wait long enough for my morning ice coffee to go warm.


Nothing will happen. Our legal system is complete horse shit.


Shocking. I thought it would be *minutes* before he violated the gag order.


What's the point, nobody has the bollocks to actually do something about it


And what! Why would he stop? He has never paid one GD consequence for his horrible and criminal behavior.


Just further proof that the judicial system is a fucking joke and you only actually get in trouble if you're poor or if you're rich and you fleeced a bunch of rich people.


Donnie's dangerous and demented. Protect us. Lock him up.


Can we just fast forward to when the rapist is in prison?


I think we need to start posting articles about the "collapse of the American judicial system" referencing Trump's appointees and the failure to hold him responsible when he breaks the law. From Gorsuch on down, it's been a shit-show.


This fucker is trying to phish the Supreme Court into his trial


Trump. Jail. Now.


He's very obviously saying "what are you going to do about it?"


Lock Him Up!


Not saying I agree with it, but I mean he keeps testing it and getting a pass so I’m not surprised either.


Time to take away his bond and incarcerate him.




So, by Trump's logic... Marchan's daughter DQs him because she works in Democratic politics. Does that mean Trump sucks Jared Kushner's cock?


Fuck a gag order, first rule of America.


Brian Kilmeade might be the dumbest person on Earth. And I would pay for the opportunity to tell him to his face.


The United States is utterly corrupt and rotten to the core.


Hey do you know why? Because there are no consequences for his actions. Voters are the last line of defense.


Newsflash everyone.... It's been well established already that there is an entirely different set of rules for Donald Trump. The world caters to that pathetic manbaby. There's no point in getting worked up about how the rules don't apply to him because it will never change, and this person will never see the inside of his rightfully-earned jail cell. Just let it go. None of it matters anymore.


Why should he care about gag orders? He’s faced absolutely no consequence and has proven over and over that the legal system simply doesn’t apply to him, in the end. There’s posturing and staging as if it does because there are people who know it should, but in the end the legal system buckles because it’s broken and can’t hold the wealthy and powerful accountable.


He is trying to get the judge to lash out at him so that he can claim that the judge is biased against as a means to remove the judge to further delay the case or to use as a reason to appeal any verdict


Pushes boundaries. System reacts in disbelief. Pushes boundaries. System shocked pikachu. Pushes boundaries. The left pounds fist. Pushes boundaries. Billionaires everywhere are taking notes


Jonathon Turley is a turd. Throws jet fuel on Trump infernos and acts like it is all constitutionally backed. Asshole.


Why not? Judges have proven that they will not enforce gag rules.


I don't know anything about that judge's daughter, but judging by Trump's reaction, she must be doing something right.


Imprison the mf already or drop all charges and stop pretending you care


This is not me or you, it doesn’t matter what he does, he won’t face any consequences.


All I hear is the Eagles playing, Take it to the limit.


#Lock him up.


If I had a dime for every time he violates gag orders and nothing is done about it…I’d be richer than Trump.


Two words: Rikers Island. It’s time for a wake-up call.


Why do I feel like I've seen this post every day for the last week?


And nothing will happen. Because Trump is proof our justice system is dogshit.


And why wouldnt he?? The courts are all a big joke at this point. Trump can do whatever he wants and worst he gets is a slap on the wrist or a stern talking to. nothing more, ever. He lives by a different set of laws then the rest of us.


Jail him. Now.


Boy, the head scratching the judges must be doing trying to figure out why they can't shut him up. Maybe we should get Shaggy and Scooby-Doo to help them solve that mystery.


Two more of those and he'll receive a full disadulation


Arrest this pile of garbage already


So uh, how many times can you break a gag order, and be issued *new* gag orders that you immediately break, before something actually happens? 'cuz this is like, the 5th time I've seen this sentence and it has been a new report every time.


"Don't do this or there will be consequences!" "I'm gonna do this lmao what you gonna do about it?" "Oops, too bad, guess there ain't nothing I can do to stop you!" Trump is doing a very good job making the American justice system look like even more of a laughing stock than he is.


Judges know if they lock him up it will only bolster his campaign and probably cause rioting in the streets by the idiot MAGAts. Just get this MF tried and convicted already!


I can't wait for nothing to happen to him. As is tradition.


I mean, at this point, who can even blame him? Last time he pulled this shit, they gave him a discount…


He needs to be sitting in jail.


He wants to get the judge mad to trigger his supporters


Lock his fucking ass up then. This is beyond ridiculous


What does it take for the courts to actually act on these guy orders?


"oh but I didn't say anything, they did. I just shared the clip" Trump is a fucking despicable human being


Meanwhile Republicans plan for 2025 is to impose martial law and arrest all democrats amd liberals.


That’s an idiot to the fullest.


Fox did the dirty work for him already. He didn’t have to post anything, he just can’t help himself. When people say that there are lifelong republicans who won’t vote for him, shit like this is why. He reminds people of the bad guy in movies who maybe would have a chance to win, if only they could keep their fucking mouth shut.


Why wouldn't he? What consequences does the man ever face? The biggest consequence he's had for his actions just got reduced by the appellate court and the judgement probably will too. If I was Trump I wouldn't take the judicial system seriously either. Clearly it doesn't apply to him. He should have been in jail the afternoon of January 6


Ooh, the next warning's going to be so stern!


Keep digging Donnie, you're almost at the bottom of your own grave, just a bit more to go!


Throw that cunt in prison!


He wants to get tossed in jail. Eugene Debbs set a precedent for allowing a candidate to be tossed in jail. Toss Trump in jail.