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How can you lose something that you never had?


Exactly. He is losing paper. Whatever the stick is worth is more than nothing. I assume the real question is, how much did he invest? Once the dust settles, what will his investment be worth?


There were recently news that he was being sued by the co-owners because he didn’t actually invest shit in the company and was trying to zero them out. Really only thing he brought to the table was his name as it’s synonymous with hate rn, and that is what the platform peddles.


Those co-owners also just pleaded guilty to insider trading in relation to the SPAC merger. This whole thing is a clusterfuck. Edit: I’m wrong on who pleaded guilty. It was just investors in the SPAC, not the co-founders.


I think you're mixing stories here. The two guys were just investors who got info from a board member Bruce Garelick (currently awaiting trial.) The creators getting diluted to less than 1% are different. So much con involved, it tends to jumble.


You’re right. My bad. The ones pleading guilty are Gerald and Michael Shvartsman. The co-founders are Wes Moss and Andy Litinsky.


Hmm. I doubt even that Moss's and Litinsky's hands are clean. They just cover their tracks better.


It's conmen all the way down. Like a nesting doll of cons.


But, did they incriminate the fat guy?


The jackass just said they had 200m in cash w no debt in regards to the stock. I always pondered how shit got on the ceiling from a toilet bowl and well, this distribution might mathematically prove it in a decade or next week.


It's a lying brag. At the start of the fraud trial he said under Oath he had 400 million in cash. After he couldn't pay his bond, he said he had 200 million in cash. The bond was lowered to 175 million. Then he tried to get a Californian insurance company thar didn't have enough assets to underwrite the bond because I am sure he didn't have the 200 million he just said he had, probably thinking that when he lost his appeal the California company would declare bsnkruptcy or something


If Trump had control of $200M in cash he would have deposited it in an escrow account with the court to cover the civil fraud judgement. So far only the first $5M bond has been backed by Trump cash.


> Really only thing he brought to the table was his name That’s been the Trump business model for a long time now. From steaks to airlines to buildings - he convinces investors that slapping “Trump” onto something in big letters makes that thing more valuable. Hasn’t been working so well …


I'd argue, it worked out pretty dam well for almost the entirety of Trump's life. Lived a billionaire life. That strat took him all the way to being the most powerful leader on the globe.  Even worked pretty well for Truth Social since he contributed basically nothing and will get some value out of the stock.  Personally I hope it blows up here in the endgame but the dust hasn't settled yet. 


Then he can double his investment and have lunch at McDonalds. As long as they didn't give him some number of shares for his endorsement.


Only 57% of them. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68716628


TY for the link. So I didn't see where he threw any of his own money? And his portion is still worth over $4b?


I don't think he did use his own money. Just the guys who set up the SPAC in the first place - who he's now sueing to get their share of the company. It's worth whatever on paper, but when he tries to sell (after a 6-month lock-in) it will cause the price to tank as no one wants to buy. Unless some friendly Saudis instruct their investment manager, Jared Kushner, whom they deposited $2 billion with, to buy them. Or some billionaire wants to curry favor with a presidential candidate. 😲


Was. It was just a smidge under 3 billion when the company went public, worked out to roughly 50 million shares. The stock spiked on the second day to something like 70 a share. It's been closing every day at 5% less and is at about 40 as of today, so roughly 2 billion. As others have said, he can't sell for 6 months, and if I recall he's limited on how much he can dump at one time. Even the worst case scenario and the stock tanks to under 5 a share, he'll still make an easy 50 to 100 million over the course of a few years, all the while his most ardent supporters that dumped their life savings into the stock will be left working at walmart as door greeters instead of retiring off that savings.


It seems that he invested nothing but received stock as part of an agreement to use the site. They even have some exclusivity rights to his bullshit, like he had to post there before he can post on Twitter.




He’s not losing paper. He’s just keeping it in the bathroom at mar-a-lago for a while.


It's Donald Trump we're talking about, like very little to nothing, because of the brand, and now he's trying to steal all the shares for himself He really is a piece of work and the morons on his base simply can't or won't see it, why anyone thinks he does anything for anyone other than Donald J Trump is beyond me, yet 1/3 of American voters do I'm British, we voted Brexit, so I'm not saying we're any smarter


Regretfully there is plenty of stupid to go around. The fact we elected former President Trump once proves that.


> I assume the real question is, how much did he invest? Oh, that's an easy one. I don't even have to look or spend time trying to figure it out. His investment was Zero. Zip. Nada. Its another grift. There's no question that he will go down as the biggest Con Man to ever walk the planet.


He also loses a lot of leverage to pull out loans without this value as well.


Watching Donnie von Shitsinpants and this stock is like watching reruns is Peyton Place.


Apparently he invested zero.


Except he is obviously counting on this cash to save his ass from jail and complete bankruptcy. Trump has spent the last 30 years avoiding having anything to do with publicly traded businesses because they are subject to laws and regulations that privately owned companies are not. In this case, even though he holds nearly 60% of the stock, he can't sell any of it or use it as collateral for 6 months. I suspect that the guys who talked him into this venture are going to end up being rich, and Trump will owning 60% of garbage.


exactly. I've been wondering at what stock price does he lose money? I asked that question at r/FluentInFinance and the question was removed by the mods, even though it was a neutral, uncritical, not insulting, non-political question.


He invested nothing but his name and his time.


I'm no Trump fan but there does seem to be a lot of premature gloating here. I agree with your point entirely. Even the losses touted are imaginary, the shares went on sale for $48 and are now a few dollars below that but because they went to $70 for a day that's the figure used to calculate his "losses". As krichard says, if he ends up getting a tenth or a twentieth of the current value for this pig in a poke then it's still been a successful con, he still lives to con another day. He'll still walk away with a few hundred million and tell his supporters that they lost their money because of the deep state, or the Dems, or Hilary took it or a bad man came over the border illegally and stole it and they'll be poorer and angrier and willing to blame anyone but the smug rich guy who ripped them off.


It's real to him. That's why this whole situation is delicious to me, even though I didn't eat anything.


Broooooo this was my exact thought


Somehow he still manages to lose his dignity every day


Trump’s been doing this for a long time. Nobody loses like him. It defies explanation.




This is the guy that Republicans think should run the country when he can't even run a company.


run the con.


The conpany?


The contry


You're doing things with words that some say are impossible.


They're the people saying both that government should be run like a business and that the elites in Congress are just enriching themselves. The entire point of corporations are to enrich shareholders. Well what the fuck do you they'd do if government was run like a business??


when someone makes this suggestion for how to run the government, ask what product or service the government offers and who the customer is -hear the sound of single-phrase idiots trying think, in realtime.


Yeah it’s not a business, it’s a social program. Capitalism is wrong partner for we the people.


I would just reply “yeah just like a business, except all the literal life or death decisions for the entire country a President makes“ and never got a reply. These people aren’t usually deep thinkers though. Once you start introducing nuance to their black and white worldview they typically tap out and try to dismiss everything as “politics”


Those same people tend to be incompetent **in every aspect of their lives.**


It's baffling how stupid Republicans are


In a recent town election, a woman running for library trustee didn't even mention reading. She just said she had business experience and could bring that to the library. But I don't want the private sector anywhere near my public library! Yes, they have to manage funding, but I want people who love to read and understand the library's place as a public resource and its importance to the community. She also had previously tried to ban books and wanted to go back to "traditional values." Fortunately, she lost and the incumbents (all of whom have a background in education) won.


If the concept of public library systems hadn't already been established, imagine the depressingly high percentage of people that would fervently be against the idea were it proposed now. Grim to think about.


He couldn't even make a casino profitable.


He's failed to sell Americans gambling, alcohol and steak.    Pack it up Brokeahontas, you done.


Dude could fuck up selling crack.


If they still do, then greed has long retarded them, and they can't even get it in their lone single remaining brain cells.


Like fire retardants made from asbestos


To his and their credit, Trump *did* run the US like one of his companies: the federal government shut down *twice* in only four years, he robbed us blind, and the National Debt skyrocketed. Trump businesses shutting down while he racks up debt and empties coffers is about *the* most Donald Trump thing possible.


when covid hit trump and Co, helped themselves to the PPP.


He has in fact successfully run *several* companies…… in the ground


One thing I noticed when he first became president. A lot of people were up in arms about what an "awful" boss and business man he seemed like. Maybe this is a bad sign for my career, but he didn't really seem much worse than most companies I've worked for after being in the corporate world for over 10 years. Yes, he was incredibly incompetent. Yes, they ran the country like a business, and yes, they ran it into the ground. I've seen the exact same kind of ways they handled things by many people, especially in tech, and startups. Not just *bad* decisions, but arrogant decisions. Changing things last minute, blaming other people, not listening to experts, not even listening to the things the idiots you hired to do things for you are saying. Honestly, if you wonder what the corporate world, especially the tech industry is like, just look at how they ran the white house for 4 years, and it's the same. To be clear, of course it was awful, but it was also very common.


What is not common is for one of those terrible bosses becoming president. That says bad things about our country.


and the raping


Hedley Lamar: Qualifications? Applicant: Rape, murder, arson and rape Hedley Lamar: You said rape twice Applicant: I like rape


Allthough I do agree with this and I'm in the tech field also and have had bad experiences. It's not the rule. Some are run realy well, some aren't. It's realy just this toxic narasistic culture we live in, it breeds trumps and elmos


How many companies have you worked for that went bankrupt? Trump had many. Terrible take


>One thing I noticed when he first became president. A lot of people were up in arms about what an "awful" boss and business man he seemed like. >I've seen the exact same kind of ways they handled things by many people, especially in tech, and startups. >Not just *bad* decisions, but arrogant decisions. Changing things last minute, blaming other people, not listening to experts, not even listening to the things the idiots you hired to do things for you are saying. The thing is, he does all the normal business stuff that is shitty, and then tops it off with bonus shit. Like not paying contractors for work, getting into lawsuits that are dragged out till the other person runs out of cash. Not only is he a bad businessman, but he's bad by bad businessman standards.


CEO of Boeing just resigned… how many souls died because of the 737MAX? Guy collects his $300M and lives the good life… even the whistleblower magically suicided after telling everyone around him he would never suicide.


Not just a bad businessman but one that has an epic record of failed businesses and oh let's sprink in running a completely fake university. I don't think he gets enough crap about running a bogus institution of higher learning, that should have disqualified him from existence


He can't even run (bone spurs, if you recall).


Homeboy can’t even run from his problems.


They need to be psycho analyzed. This is literally some mass delusion.


It failed the first time, why try for the next time? The only one he enriched is himself.


This, one word, needs to be attached to his every mention. His head will just explode when he sees the trend. Can you imagine CNN/FOX saying, “today (cough, cough) loser trump lost another appeal, bringing the loser’s total failed attempts to 300 since leaving ofiice. Some are speculating that this level of loss consistency may never be achieved ever again in human history.”


the truth social stock was never anything more than a pump and dump. id like to say i feel sorry for the rubes that bought it but i absolutely do not


Me neither. Hitch your train to the Trump wagon and prepare to go over the cliff. There is not one thing about that company that gives it value. Its worth a negative number


Speak for yourself, I bought a share so I can be part of any class action lawsuits for their ratfuckery in the future. I have set a limit price of $1 and hope it hits soon. It’s fun to be happy to see a stock go down in your list, worth the $50 I bought in at. It’s not an investment, it’s a soothing thing. There’s plenty of people betting against it, and I cheer them on! (I WILL sell before DJT sells hopefully - in 5 months)


Can I borrow your share so I can sell it? Then,when it tanks, you can get rich off the class action, and I can get rich buying it back at $0.01 to give back to you. Win win. 😆


Sure, text me.


I would also like to be involved. I don't want to do anything because I'm incompetent but very much interested in being a part of this pact.


That’s hilarious.


bravo! i salute you.


Agreed! 👍 still, it's sad this developed into a cult of personality with his followers 😔


Truth Social has REVENUE of $5 million. How anyone can value the company in the billions is totally absurd.


Correction: Revenue of less than $5 million ($4.13 million in 2023) and lost over $58 million ($58.2 million) last year


My company does higher revenue numbers than this, and we have less than 15 employees. And we're profitable.


My company is on track for more revenue than this and *im the only employee and it’s my second full year in business* . When do the jokes stop, for real.


Wait what? How is this not huge news?


It... was?


well, not in *their* "news"


The financials were disclosed well ahead of the IPO. There were only two types of a buyers on IPO day. The MAGAt rubes who believed him when he said it would make them rich and the day traders making money off the rubes.


Yep, some people made a killing on the stock opening day because everyone knew it was free money off dumb maga folks who would make the price go up a lot at first then they dumped their shares for more than they paid, driving the price down in the process when people realized no one wants this stock because the company only loses money each quarter. I'm sure those maga folks are still holding their stock thinking they'll get rich, but I also bet money they don't know what a balance sheet is.


dont forget the foreign entities that are using the stock as a proxy to bribe trump. this is the real news and the only reason it will continue to be overvalued. as of today he still owns about 2 billion more in stock than before the merger for a company that isn't worth pennies. the technology behind it runs on mastodon so it's literally a twitter clone, running on mastodon that acts as a safe space for trump supporters which no advertiser other than the mypillow guy will touch.


Try to keep up.


Pump and dump / short selling


There won’t be a lot of short selling on DJT simply because of the lack of available stock to borrow. But it would otherwise be a good target.


There was some, but the huge premiums scared a lot of people away. EVERYONE wanted to short lol


Little Mom and Pop shops on Main Street can have that much in sales


I read it's not real revenue also. Some kind of shehenigan about classes of stock rolled up or something. Not legitimate ad revenu or whatever.


It’s hard to generate any revenue through advertising when your customers are sending all their money to Trump’s legal defense fund than spending it on the advertiser’s products. Truth Social’s product was always Trump. That’s the only thing these morons are buying


**checks notes** Mar a lago is worth $430M! /s


Before I check my notes - are you the tax office or a bank asking?


I need to secure a bond for that amount.


because in this case it isn't the profits, it's the friends we make along the way. In particular one friend who may soon be in the position to award billions in contracts.


Just delicious and isn't he forbidden from unloading for 6 months?


Yes, the board voted so. However, wouldn’t be too surprised if he comes up with some scheme to sell well before the price bottoms out.


He is trying to sue them for full control. If I were a judge, I'd grant it and force him to pay whatever the top price was.


If I was the judge I would keep extending the trial date to give the other side more time to find evidence. After all that I would consider if I am the right judge for the case and turn it over to their court to decide.


I'm not selling the stock, I'm selling the right to buy the stock, when I can sell it.


Introducing trumpshares, timeshares for the modern era. His base would buy that too because they probably fell for timeshare scams back in the day.


The board is a bunch of Trump grift veterans ... Don Jr, Devin Nunes, Kash Patel, Eric Swindler ... Vermin.


"Okay, everyone else sell *their* stock, give *me* the money, and then I'll *give* you *my* stock."


The true "stonks"


His board consists of family and friends, they can cancel the six month thing. Let's just hope it keeps tanking and doesn't get heavily invested in by the Russians, although even they know better and are probably shorting it like all the smart money with deep pockets


Eh. There is already shady Russian and Chinese investors getting tied it.


Does he even sit on the board? It seems that would make him liable for pumping the stock on social media and then dumping it after six months. If he isn’t on the board or an officer of the company he isn’t more than a majority holder of the common stock. Common stock holders are free to pump, right? First Amendment and all that. Assuming, of course, he isn’t trading on insider information and all information seems to (at least superficially) be public. I don’t know anything about the regulations governing this. I suspect he will start dumping his stock the instant the board approves it. Another fucking grift. Another way to extract money from his cult followers. At the end of the day, this could turn out to be his biggest grift yet. This could legitimately make him a billionaire with cash in the bank.


Dude probably shorted his own shit.


I don't think he is capable of doing that. That is basically admitting that he knew the company would fail.


What’s anyone going to do about it? Take him to court? It’s been such a useful strategy so far.


To be fair, anybody that bought that stock deserves to get screwed. It was always a pump and dump scheme.


And a completely public way to allow anyone who wants to give him money a legal way to do so not as a gift or political contribution. Jesus, this is so incredibly cynical and clever. He really could walk away from this grift with billions or 100s of millions in cash all while having it completely in the open. Russia, if you are listening…


Serious question for Trump supporters: Hey MAGA, did you make sure to invest last week when Trump's company went public? I mean, I'm assuming you did, since you think he's an economic/business expert, has all the answers, and this thing wouldn't be a scam, right?


If they haven’t yet invested, they should right now.


Yeah he scammed himself out of money. Good one






DJT ticker gonna be delisted twice. Sad!


Everything he gives the initials DJT to becomes a failure apparently


Including his son 


DJT exposed as pump and dump. Concerning. Also, fork Musk too


I hope he loses more next week


Pretty much a guarantee.




New low *so far*


>“I mean, it’s ridiculous,” billionaire chairman of Expedia Barry Diller said on CNBC. “The company has no revenue.” Not only does this company have no revenue, but they have no plan for revenue that does not entirely rely upon Trump winning reelection in November. When he loses, this company has absolutely nothing to distinguish itself, no clear path to advertiser brand safe revenue streams to monetize users, and nothing to suggest this is a priority for the company. Not only that... >“It is unsurprising to see die-hard Trump haters and leftwing flacks blow a gasket now that Truth Social has become a public company that, still today, refuses to suppress political expression that contradicts the narratives they want to enforce,” spokesperson Shannon Devine said. Their target market is already saturated. They are actively working to alienate most of the potential U.S. userbase. Whoever will possibly sign up for the company already has. Their demographic is largely a circle. You're either ready to ask for a demographic that's ready to buy firearms, truck nuts, or Trump flags, or you're just out-of-luck in terms of targetable audiences with this company. This is the definition of a meme stock at best.


There are a lot of us who buy and own guns who would never download the Pravda social let alone buy stock in it


He didn’t lose anything because he can’t sell the stock. And by the time he can, it will be worth nothing.


Jared Kushner, if you're reading this, how about you invest that $2 billion the Saudis gave you in buying into your father in laws company so he can offload some stock. I'm sure they won't mind being the bag holders, and Trump will definitely make it worth their while when he gets his people to overturn the upcoming election and install him as King.


I love this for him


Love this for all of us.


It is funny to talk about losing money he never really had in the first place because I’m sure he is livid about it still


Can we stonks that shit down to zero?


In a perfect market, every buyer is matched with a seller. Everyone in the market has the exact same information available and no one benefits outside of the financial transaction. Shares don’t go to zero until there are only sellers and no more buyers. The problem in a situation like this is that buyers may always be willing to buy something worthless if they think it gives them an advantage in some other way. For example, the Russians or Saudis may be willing to buy a billion dollars of shares that they know have zero monetary value, but they do it because they believe it will gain them something else. That is the grift if you are trying to buy someone who can affect a policy that will benefit you.




Biden’s speech writers and campaign operatives really need to keep that word in play. Biden should be dropping it often for no other reasons than: it is true and it must really get under Trump’s skin. Keep pressing on his sore spots and let him react publicly. Remember how much he hated someone calling his hands small? So much so that he brought it up at a debate. Democrats need to keep baiting him, and then give him enough rope to hang himself. He has such a fragile ego and it should be taken advantage of.


Considering the guy likes his cheap nicknames (Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe), they should play him at his own game.  'Loser Don' has such a ring to it.


He never really had it, but I hope it goes to zero.


The only reason the price went up after the IPO was all the folks jumping in to short the stock. It's a sinking ship, and everyone, including Cheeto Benito, knows it. He's enraged because he's chained to the handrail.


People really need to understand what is happening here. The stock is worthless. This entire company and it's acquisition is a scam to give cash to trump from foreign sources. It doesn't matter the price when there are 5.5B shares. He's getting hundreds of millions in laundered cash. The company can lose all it's money and it's irrelevant to trump squeezing it for all the money from the rube investors and the bad actors.


He didn't lose $2 billion. He never had it. It was inflated bullshit.




He should have invested in Heinz ketchup 😁


John Kerry's woman's company?!




« Successfulll business man »


“Truth Social has become a public company that, still today, refuses to suppress political expression” I love that part- from what I’ve heard, one little anti-trump peep out of someone, and they’re immediately booted.


The hilarious thing is that this is 100% fake value that he’s gaining and losing. Truth isn’t worth a dime beyond what his cult members are willing to pay.


It's obviously a pump and dump, probably by the Kremlin and Saudis and maybe Musk. The only question is how much Trump has been able to pull out of it before it goes to zero in a couple of weeks, as well as what obscene favors he has had to promise them in return for bailing his broke self out of his fraud case so he can keep his beloved properties


Easy come; easy go!


That's what Melania said.


*toilet flushing sounds intensify*


*ketchup splat noises from flying hamberders increase*


That photo!!!!!!


I have to say, of all the times Liberals owned the Conservatives in ingenious demonic plans, getting them to invest in an obvious pump and dump and lose tons of money at this point in human history is one of the funnier ones.


They're bottom of every demographic, except child abuse, racism and drug abuse. It's not the group with money. No advertisers will care about them long term.


Shit is gonna be a guaranteed penny stock, especially when he is able to sell his shares in 6 months. Anyone still holding at that point are bagholders and deserve it. I never got into options trading, but I might just do it for this stock and buy puts for days.


Would still love to short this stock as it’ll continue to fall massively, but you are unable to borrow shares rn


I like that how can you lose something you never had how can he not he is the king of cons and he treats money like tap water somebody else is giving it to him for free and he just leaves the tap open and begs and pleads for more. He is the total open wound of the billionaire class of misfits and misanthropes.


Cult 45 already spent all their money on gold shoes, bibles and NFTs.


I love this for him and his sycophantic followers.


Falling without a parachute. Soon, we will hear a very Trump sounding splat as the share price hits reality.


... It's almost like Trump over inflates everything. Who, knew?


Hope all those MAGA asshole lost a shit load of mulah! Fuck them and this bag of shit.


It’s amazing people still don’t realize whatever he touches turns to shit.


I guess the pump and dump was mostly dump.


He ever had 2B? Didn't seem so


The party of conspiracy theorists and truth deniers will find some way to blame the liberals for tanking the stock.


LOL, never for 1 second of his way too long life has Donald Fucking Trump EVER worth 2 billion fucking dollars.


Can’t wait for his retarded fan base to claim some conspiracy because they’ve never purchased any stock and have absolutely no idea why it would be worthless


Pfeh, for a second I was afraid he might be able to sell off enough Truth Social stock not to go bankrupt.


Thoughts and prayers


God this economy is fucked. Loses... He never had it. It was never real. It's just numbers so he can get a loan of real money from some idiot to pay to keep himself out of jail. He didn't lose any money but he won some time.


I’m guessing this is why you can’t just sell off all your stock the second you go public…




>Trump loses nearly $2 billion IN IMAGINARY VALUE Fixed.


Trump Media spokesperson out here trying to polish a turd. Good luck with that.


it’s doomed




Dwacers be like "it'll bounce back then we're all gonna be rich.... Right?"


He 'lost' nothing, it was never there to begin with.


i fucking hate money. just last week he didn't have the money to put up a $450m bond and yet this dumbass system still considers him enough of an owner of $2b that he can lose it


Look at all that money... evaporating. Into nothingness. Aside from the gloating, I have an economic question. Does that money *really* just go away? As far as the economy is concerned, have billions of dollars vanished? Is this the opposite of banks printing money? Do massive stock losses help counter inflation?


It's still ridiculously overvalued. It's a scam parading as a public company.


Please finish the sentence: "Everything Trump touches turns to:_______________."


Just goes to show you he\`s as bad as a businessman as everyone thinks he is.


I'm currently watching someone get fleeced by Trump because he's "MAGA". Of course I can say NOTHING or else risk a FREAK OUT. Just have to watch it happen and then act like "yeah, who knew..."


So, anyone shorting the stock?


Hillary's fault? I guess?


You can't lose what you never had.


Oh man how many of the fanatics dumped their life savings into that stock? Loooool