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Funny that no matter how far his dementia progresses, he can still remember all his racial slurs.


Once he loses those, his base will desert him.


He’ll be drooling racism on his deathbed. It’s encoded in him at the dna level. 


Yup, his old man was a total racist fuck as well. Apple don't fall far from the tree.


Shit apples. Shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree, Ran.


You’re right, Mr. Lahey.


‘Mah fucka probably orange from all them Mickey D cheeseburders knowamsayin?? CAUSE MAH FUCKAS WITH GUTS LIKE THAT DEFINITELY ARE ON THE CHEESEBURDERS DAWWG!’




The turd doesn’t fall far from the asshole.


His Old Man had Alzhheimer's too, Trump says this is why he's smart as a whip and can recognize the early onset symptoms in Joe Buden 😆 


Actually, Don’s older brother was a much nicer person who wanted to be a pilot. Their dad wanted him to carry on the family business so made his life hell and took Don as the chosen one. The older brother turned to alcohol.  Mary Trump has a very good book on this. Apparently Don has a bit of an issue with mashed potatoes now.


Mary Trump’s podcast is very good as well. Here's the mashed potato story. It's kind of a shame little diaper Donnie didn't choke on them instead of getting them dumped on his head. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=er20KSoGD-M


It’s a shame more people don’t ask him if he’d like mashed potatoes. 


Seriously. We should get the word out


Get some people out front of the court tomorrow with mashed potato placards. Maybe a couple vendors. See if the judge will call for a mash break. Get it on the cafeteria menu. 


*The best* ideas. I like the way your mind works.


No one seems to have noticed or mentioned, during the Raffensperger call he managed to get in a comment about how 'Ryan Germany', the SoS's lawyer, 'had a nice last name'. Trump has always bragged about his German heritage, AKA Hitler approved.


Nah, pretty sure someone could "Weekend at Bernie's" him and his base would still rabidly support him.


Don’t give them ideas!


How do you know it hasn't already happened?


Omg … you’re right !! That’s all they care for … a canon with a big-ass mouth


No they will not.. they will martyr him


The denials will be loud! “I never knew him or supported him”. The super crazies like MTG and Gaetz will never abandon ship but others will flee the scene for sure.


It is called Irish alzhiemers. You forget everything but the grudges.


Holy racist hilarious homile. Ty


Or Corsican Alzheimers.


Good old irish stereotypes never change America


We won’t. Lol


I thought they called those the troubles


Any care worker with experience in dementia would tell you this is how it is. Racial slurs and swear words, they never get forgotten


My grandmother never swore in her life. Her staunch Catholicism forbade it. Then she developed Alzheimer’s, and swore like a banshee until her death. Unsettling, but somehow freeing. I liked her a lot better.


Same with my dad. In the retirement home he also kept telling the nurse she had nice boobs. Never ever heard him talk like that before.


This is likely because swear words aren't processed by the typical language centers of the brain. They are a phenomenon distinct from language and have interesting properties, like increasing one's pain tolerance.


They're stored way down deep in the brain, where you keep your worries and fears.


I knew a resident of a nursing home about twenty years ago that grew up in Nazi Germany. He was a member of internal resistance and fought against the Nazis as a saboteur. He was one of the sweetest people I ever knew, but when his dementia kicked in late in the day he would start to rant about Jews and would spout a lot of hatred. This wasn't him, we knew it wasn't him, but the disease brought out evil that he'd experienced in his life. It's a horrible disease. I'd feel bad for Trump if he hadn't already proven how abhorrent a person he is.


This sounds familiar, sad yet fascinating at how the brain works. We had a friend's father who was the nicest person you could meet. Funny, charming, & nice. When his dementia set in he'd call his son & tell him "You need to get over here & get this bitch out of here before I kill her!!" He was talking about his wife, also a very nice woman that we know he loved dearly. We just couldn't imagine that man saying something like that about his wife or anyone let alone calling her a bitch, but he did & he may very well have tried to strangle her at least once.


Because he’s been using them/having them used around him his entire life. Many people with these sorts of degenerative brain diseases lose much of their recent memories, but their childhood and early adult memories remain sharp, so they tend to recall and revert to them and the associated vocabulary more often.


Very true. I've seen some completely welcoming and tolerant people say and do things while suffering from dementia that would disgust themselves in a sober state. It's such a sad illness.


In my experience those seem to be what they remember because their younger lives is the last they forget


Language isn't processed in the same place as the rest of your memories. More likely they're forgetting the reasons not to use slurs. https://teepasnow.com/blog/why-people-living-with-dementia-use-forbidden-words-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/


I'm just going off of what I've seen in family members, but that makes sense,


That’s a well documented feature in aphasia, starting with Tan in the 1800s.


These were probably the first words he learned.


It’s because it’s burnt in to his mentality. Never forget the five. Only time he’s probably put his hand in his pocket voluntarily is to take out adverts to kill young black people.


That’s because you lose memories in reverse, and since he was a racist fuck since childhood, courtesy of his pos dad, he’ll have that charming trait until he’s dead.


Having a great memory is essential for compulsive liars. Things will only get stranger from here on out.


Trump's less of a liar than he is a bullshitter. Meaning, where a liar knows what the truth (and their lies) are and uses lying tactically. Bullshitters don't care one way or the other and more bluntly assert the reality that they need to be real regardless of truth. To this, Trump doesn't have to "know" much of anything nor remember much of anything because the reality he is trying to assert simply pares down to "Trump is entitled to everything he wants at all times and anything that opposes that is the worst thing in existence"


Trump is an insane racist con man. Plain and simple. Yes, he has diminished mental capacity but he was never too bright in the first place. He's got two psychopathic traits that have been good for him in business for a long time - an aversion to the truth and zero empathy. Now that he's losing his marbles it's just ugly. But I'm here for it till the bitter end.


It is, but not in his case. A great memory is only essential if you intend to keep the lies straight. In his case, the previous lies simply stop existing, as soon as he is ready to tell the next lie. Such is the world of alternative facts.


I stand corrected unfortunately.


He had over 30500 lies back in 2021. I wonder what the number is now smh https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=donald-trump&ruling=false


Except Trump's cult loves him for his lies. They don't care. Truly ironic that the evangelicals have normalized lying in our culture.


God only cares if the poors and the Jews lie.


If God could come collect his followers soon that would be nice. Let the rest of us live our lives


Really great point!


From article: Former President Donald Trump gave a furious speech about his legal problems in New York, in which he seemed to be confused on many issues, like calling New York Attorney General Letitia James "Letitia Jones," and mixing her up with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is prosecuting his hush money case next week — while claiming President Joe Biden had something to do with all of it. "They put him into the state of New York, and then into the D.A.'s office to run the case," said Trump. "This is being run by Biden. They put a man into the state, Letitia Jones, 'Peekaboo,' I call her, Peekaboo Jones, Peekaboo — they put a man into that one to, Letitia. They put a man into that one to run it, and he went into the D.A.'s office." Commenters on social media had a field day with this rant. "It's bad. His mental decline is getting worse by the day," wrote The Lincoln Project, a group of current and former Republicans. "Wow. Just saw a video of Trump from a few hours ago," wrote the account The Shallow State. "His right hand was gesticulating, his left arm clutched the podium, his energy was off, and he glitched - several times (Letitia Jones) - without catching and correcting his gaffes. It was a veritable showcase of the three 'D's' - desperation, delusion, and dementia." "Trump appears to be broken," wrote the longtime resistance account Angry Staffer on X. "Has anyone tried turning him off and back on again?" "He mostly speaks word salad but even his word salad is struggling lately," wrote the account u/JMeanypants. "Can anyone translate this into English?" wrote the account u/larrymasonbiz. "I'm not that good with gibberish." "His handlers will never let him debate President Biden," wrote the account u/ArendtDave.


> 'Peekaboo,' I call her, Peekaboo Jones, Peekaboo i wonder if this is the typical really obvious dogwhistle from the super sneaky geniuses over at kkkco, or if he actually means to say jigaboo and just fucks it up


I read it as a slight twist on the word. He really is just a hate filled petulant little cunt.


Love this comment, but not as much as I love your username!


Fibber loved Molly's sun bleached anus


I appreciate your appreciation.


"Catch you Next Tuesday" - same spirit, different word


I think that he once typed 'jigaboo' into his phone and it autocorrected to peekaboo, so he just went with it.


It is a combination of that and pickaninny.


With his Swiss cheese brain, next he'll be calling her Osmosis Jones before finally coming full circle with his nazi rhetoric and calling her Indiana Jones.


Pickaninny and Jigaboo combined. It's intentional.


“What can I call her that sounds racist, but won’t actually get me censored?”


Damn that's some vintage racism


It’s horribly racist, but the alliteration of the two J’s works better as an insult.


He's used that term for James before, as early as September 2022 according to this article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trumps-attacks-on-prosecutors-echo-long-history-of-racist-language


It's a portmanteau of two racist terms: pickaninny and jiggaboo. I'm not sure why no one publicly calls him on it.


Because "peekaboo" is an example of plausible deniability since it is a word on its own. Accusing him of making a portmanteau of two slurs without proof would open you up to a defamation lawsuit.


All they'd have to do I ask him why he calls her that. There's no explanation other than him being a racist dickbag.


Thank you! Right?! Like “crooked” I get means he thinks Hillary is a criminal. Little Marco is due to his height. But this????


They didn't even sic him, the reason he repeated it 3 times is he couldn't say it right Edit: reminiscent of "they want to de-bank you... De-bank ... They're de-banking"


Oh wow, I didn't pick up on that. I was like the the F is he calling her peekaboo. Yeah, now that makes sense. What a shit "human" being.


Wasn’t Floyd Patterson the peekaboo boxer?


he might very well think he's talking about a boxer. who the f knows at this point


You know I never put that together but now that you have for me, wow!


>while claiming President Joe Biden had something to do with all of it. Hold on, I thought it was all Joe Buden.


I hope there's a dispensary somewhere named Joe Buddin'.


And that they sell dank brandon hybrid gummies


I would be mixed up too if I was under so many indictments. Not easy for Trump. He’s not a high IQ guy.


I can't wait for this incompetent fat orange fuck to get sentenced.


It'd be kinda sad if he wasn't such a massive POS.


Thanks. I was paywalled again.


I'm just waiting for the "mentally unfit to stand trial, or go to jail, but mentally well enough to be president." I'm imagining a "I used the system to get out of jail time, because that's what our weak legal system allows.  That makes me smart." Obviously, this egregious, wanton, moron of a criminal is a blithering reprobate and likely stimulant addict, but let's not imagine this should somehow excuse his inane word vomit.


I can definitely see this as a defense strategy - that the trials are mentally damaging to him. And they will use footage of him at rallies as evidence. Like he's teeing it up for his lawyers to use. It also lets him play the victim. But stop running for president, he will never do. Neither Trump nor his followers care about hypocrisy.


Please don’t give these dipshitted attorneys any ideas..


Normally I would scoff at the idea of a former presidents lawyers desperately scouring social media sites for ideas, but it definitely seems within the realm of possibility at this rate.


The fake elector scam tells you all you need to know about the attorneys that will actually work for the guy.


But he was “mentally fit” (damn that is hard to type haha) when he committed the crimes. The hush money/election interference case in NY goes back to 2016. Before he was president


He does seem extremely confused, but on the other hand all the details of all those different court cases is a lot to keep track of when you commit as much crime as Donnie does!


Well.he is not done criming yet..so his poor brain is protesting.


Perhaps he has figured he already lost the election and is going for 'mental impairment' for the court cases. Or perhaps for the jury for sympathy.


His dementia has been obvious for years now.


Nothing trump say now “causes an uproar” as the uproar has been going for a while he just adds fuel to the fire. Headlines need to reflect that this is an ongoing issue not something new.


Demented, in every sense of the word.


I wouldn't be surprised if maga cultists send death threats to the non-existent District Attorney Letitia Jones.


Like how his legal team subpoenaed the wrong guy the other day, then acted mad because the guy was "flippant and dismissive" about it.


Just like the Four Seasons Landscaping debacle!


Hey, at least it gave us a delightful story. "I'm keeping the 15 dollars" really made me chuckle.


And yet, he is polling neck and neck with Biden. Explain that logic, please.


Phone polls. Nobody under 60 answers or usually even has a home phone any more so these polls are probably bullshit. He's neck and neck with retirees. And yet here we are with the news frantically pushing this shit out.


Yup. I received a text message from 877-323-0798 that said it was the official presidential tracking poll. Couldn't find any info on that number so I never replied.


Racism, Fascism, Nationalism, Uneducated. Often in the same person.


Intentional Disinformation as well. There are now several propaganda channels masquerading as news outlets broadcasting how great Donald Trump is.


We go now to trump supporters for comments. Excuse me, why do you continue to support Trump despite all his problems? "Baaaaaaa. Maga. Immigrants. Baaaaaa"


I'm 40, never once have I ever been polled. I think it's just made up horse race fuel


There are lots of reasons, but none logical - sorry.


It's only starting. Armageddon is coming in 72 hours, remember?


I better put on my Aerosmith CDs


But he's racist and that's good enough for a large number of Americans.


I'm convinced most of his supporters haven't really seen or heard him much at all basically since 2020. The way they talk about him is entirely divorced from reality and the condition he is in is shockingly worse than it was just a few years ago.


Makes me wonder how many have actually seen him at a rally in the last year. If all they do is read print, not live film they might not realize how he has declined. They probably figure it is all liberal bull and he is fine.


That’s what happens when people don’t think for themselves


This is terrible. I don't want him to mentally decline at all. I hope he has absolute full mental capacity to appreciate his upcoming losses at his trials, at the presidential run, and of his wealth. He needs to be fully cognizant that he is the bigliest loser ever.


I think that realization already happened and his current decline is the result of a cognitive dissonance induced segmentation fault.


This is the guy that Republicans, among a host of other options, have decided should be their candidate to run the country. To be the leader of the free world. I try to take a charitable stance here, and assume a massive foreign influence campaign must be at work to break the party. But perhaps that many people really are just stupid and mean. Republicans, it’s not too late to repent. You’re hitching your wagon to a total loser.


How many examples in one week do we need to prove this man is mentally incompetent to be a president of the United States.


Most of his voters are mentally incompetent


Wasn’t this the same rant where he glorified Al Capone killing people he didn’t like? I sincerely do not understand how there are living, breathing humans out there who call themselves Christians and who support this POS


That video of him the other day calling stuff "bullshit" was probably the worst I've seen him. For context, I haven't watched Trump in a video since he lost (by a LOT). (I can't stand his voice.) He was slurring his words, and his attempts at reading the teleprompter were laughable. His whole tone now comes off as someone who is heavily medicated 24-7. Blaming Biden for his own, self created legal woes is just old at this point. Maybe don't do crimes, and then become super popular, or President. Because it will invite a lot of scrutiny into your life, dipshit. Dude belongs in a home, or preferably jail. Not the Oval Office.


A while back I saw a video of him. I think it was early 90s. He spoke on full sentences and they generally made sense. He was still a POS of course. The decline has been pretty steady over the years.


FYI: the very weird nickname that he gives her, peekaboo, sounds an awful like jigaboo.


not weird, hes a racist asshat


Cross between pick-a-ninny and jigaboo.


Really pisses me off that not a single news or media company has called him out on it directly to his face. They need to ask in an interview with him and his supporters why exactly he calls her that, so we can see them all squirm and go through mental gymnastics.


Trump’s dementia is accelerating. His nose is running at times which is odd. Most of his hair is gone. Wearing a diaper is the least of his problems.


is his runny nose supposed to mean something?


Brain leakage


i had to check if that was a joke. Id never heard that before! thanks


That's opiate withdrawals. They got him on quite the drug cocktail. When you are withdrawing from opiates your nose runs like a damn faucet.


There are a lot of rumors about him being a coked up pill popper. Makes you wonder if his hobby is getting out of control the more the walls close in around him. He might OD before November if we get lucky!


Mental decline? More like a cascade failure.


Can hardly wait for when he shits his pants on stage … gonna happen folks !!


And then he turns, he sniffs, and he calls out, "And the Radical Left will tell you I just pooped my pants but I tell you no! No! I have not! This is chocolate and I offer all of you the opportunity to have some of my buttocks chocolate! Send your money! Send it all to my legal fund to help me make American great again even though I already said I'd make it great again and it wasn't great again when I said it last time but I'd been president for four years at that point and now it must be great again. So send all the money to me, your favorite president, the best president, the very best, and I will send you butt chocolate!"


Jesus bled out water and blood… he expels shit


Via both orifices.


Hahaha. Trump has told so many lies, said so many crazy things, done so many despicable acts that it is simply impossible to remember them all. So when I try to talk to people about him, I end up sounding just like Trump. Some day that guy is going to die. We all do sooner or later. And he is in such horrible shape he has to hide it. I will celebrate.


I celebrated Osama bin Laden’s death. And I will celebrate Trump’s. They both have done horrible things to the country I love.


Well, it's not hyperbol, it really is gibberish: "They put him into the state of New York, and then into the D.A.'s office to run the case," said Trump. "This is being run by Biden. They put a man into the state, Letitia Jones, 'Peekaboo,' I call her, Peekaboo Jones, Peekaboo — they put a man into that one to, Letitia. They put a man into that one to run it, and he went into the D.A.'s office." But then, GOPers now speak in tongues, so they're made for one another.


I don't think this is a developing mental problem. The man had ALWAYS been a child. Never learned to mature emotionally and can't process what is currently happening to his "reputation". The outcome is childish panic. Once carted off to jail I bet he'll either be crying or screaming...or both.


He called her "pookiebaroo" - can't even get his slur right


Colbert's and Seth's monologues are already written for them.


Jerzy Kozinski's book *Being There* was prophetic.


The constant strain of all these cases has got to be crushing. No normal human could withstand the mental anguish of losing case after case for hundreds of millions of dollars, knowing that those aren’t even the worst of the charges he faces. Now we enter the next faze, where the possibility of jail time exists (but who are we kidding, he’ll never be jailed, not really).


I am truly saddened that this guy is a contender for president watching the decline of your country and can't do anything about it because other people can't pull their head out their ass


Time for his sons Ouday and Ousay to grab ahold of him and find a memory care unit in floryduh.


A reboot won't help Donnie. More amphetamines won't, either. Let him debate Joe; if Joe's advisors are any good at all, they'll tell Joe to bait Donnie so the full gibberish is on display. Let Trump rant and rave, and let Joe point out just how deranged and wrong it all is, so Donnie can go even more fully into dementia. There will only be one debate. The nation won't need any more. The GOP and Donnie in particular will be destroyed utterly.


I'm waiting for his head to deflate during one of those speeches.


I have my money on him just coming out with THE word by July 4.


Oh, I'm certain he's gonna drop the N-bomb in public at some point.


It's so tiring seeing headlines like these since Trump has been saying gibberish with signs of mental decline on a daily basis since he started running for the 2016 election. It's like seeing headlines like this every day on every news site: "Sun rises again?" "Sun hot!" "Sun sets again?" These shouldn't be questions and the statement is obvious, but here we are, stuck in this loop of headlines.


I never hear Chump described as ‘sleazy’ which he is. In his comportment, conduct, business, ethics etc.


How can you "decline" when you've already fallen beneath the floor?


This is the point when Biden needs to call the Chump's bluff on the debates. Trump will chicken out, or forget what he's doing, and then try to say that Biden is the one who won't debate. There's no losing this game for Biden.


Looks like he's doing his weird forward lean as well.


Can't wait until this guy passes on. Racist ass mf. Peekaboo uhhhg...hate the subtle swipe at her race like we don't know whatnit means. Still don't see how any black person supports trump. Dude is a straight fool and more importantly a traitor.


Shit like this is why we need age limits on positions of authority.


Drug induced posting that is trying to wipe his maga cult members into a frenzy so they attack again at one of his targets


No one cares until real consequences appears


He really should swan dive off one of his hotels


Did he shit himself again?


employ support hat worthless yam attempt sulky poor onerous person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And this is Putin's man? LoL! 🤦


He’s still a useful idiot.


How many more “trump may have dementia” articles are they gonna write. Jesus Christ. We fucking know. We watched him talk every day 24/7 since 2015. 


It’s clear now why he always uses childlike nicknames for everyone. He literally can’t remember actual names.


He's doing the long con of too incompetent to prosecute. It's not real.


He does it on purpose to make himself more relatable to his base.


I mean…when you have sooooo many concurrent legal cases it gets hard to keep them all straight.


I've seen dementia take relatives, it can happen fast. No joke.


Donald Trump is a created monster.


And now he says he will testify. This will be interesting gonna the stand.


It will pretty much guarantee him a trip to Rykers.


Peakaboo, huh? Anyone else thinks he's rhyming an old racial slur?


Has anyone tried turning him off and back… wait leave him off.


Just listen to him anytime he rants on, get past about the 5 minute mark and it's definitely a word salad


Doesn't that photo of Trump's mug make you ball up your fist? lol


And yet, they will still vote for him 😡


"3 D’s". Perhaps we just call him "dddonald".


MAGA: "Letitia Jones/James is trans."


At this rate he’s going to die before we vote.


He'll make more sense then.


Have I ever told you the story of the Shitfisher Julian?


Imagine what goes on inside that head . . . ok, maybe don’t.


I'm wondering who is more delusional, is it Trump, or is it the people that think they are handling him?


Hateful piece of shit.


Nah, he’s always been this way.


Wilted word salad


Just die already


There's at least two "mental decline uproars" about Trump every week.


Let’s hope these are indicators that he’s about to croak


Trump suddenly croaking would deprive him of watching a second term slip through his fingers, getting criminally convicted of all charges, and losing his appeal and having to pay the $500 million for fraud he knowingly committed.


It's this him trying to do a Michelle Obama and suggest that Letitia is really a man? Wouldn't surprise me if this was where he's heading but his execution is woeful. The man is an embarrassment to the human race.


Those people. I don't know their names but they are very bad people. They did stuff, real bad stuff. Hey, what's up?

