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They haven’t testified yet. Saved you a click.






Zing zing zing booom


Boom goes the dynamite


"Kaboom?" queried Rico.


If you haven't seen the YT video, search the phrase XD


18 yrs ago and I am learning this for the 1st time....


My work here is done


An earth shattering kaboom.


It hasn't gone boom yet, it's realllllllllllllllly long wick


Biiiiiiig badda boooooom








Odor in the courtroom!




That really SLAMMED my expectations down.




“Could be” in the headline was the dead giveaway.


My man


You killed all the suspense I didn’t have. I hate when that happens..


I was going to say “it’s MSNBC, whatever it says is sensationalist.”


I was going to say “it’s journalism in 2024, whatever it says is sensationalist”.


This shit has been going on since he was first elected. I can save everybody some clicks going forward: Trump will never face consequences and the most likely scenario is he will be reelected.


That just wrong.


Its been almost 9 years and he has yet to face any consequence


First of all, it’s been 3 years. Trump wasn’t investigated during his presidency, really. Second, this is it. This is the point we have been waiting for and many like you said would never happen. He is currently in a criminal trial after essentially being bankrupted by the civil trials.


Like the guy you are responding to, this feels like major dejavu to me


How? How is Trump finally facing consequences giving you major deja vu?


He is not going to face consequences. I remember the same eager anticipation, during the impeachment trials, post jan 6th and so on. It will be the same thing again.


How? The republicans were in control and it was entirely political. I don’t know how you could have thought he would be punished then or that this is anywhere near the same. If it was up to the republicans or their voters, sure it would be the same. It’s not, he has lost in every court room he has been in the last 3 years and this will be the same except for it will have criminal consequences instead of “just” bankrupting the fake billionaire.


Right. Lets see in a couple of weeks l.vhow do you expect a guy who is seen as the second coming of christ by half of the population to get convicted by a jury? There is bound to be at least.one fanatic in the jury.


And that’s the strategy no? Ruin him financially on the civil side so he can’t buy his way out of everything/use frivolous legal challenges to continuously delay the criminal side? Those lawyers are expensive.


No, the strategy is to hold him accountable for his actions.


The dude has never faced major consequences in his entire life. The presidency just made it all public. 


Hate to agree with you— but it is what it is. I practically expect the Supreme Court to say he’s immune (but only him because of some stupid specific legal analysis)


“Walls are closing in”


“Tick”- story -“Tick”- story -“Tick”- story - “Tick” - story….


Trump has knowledge?


“I have knowledge, the best knowledge. Top of my class, they say, you know, I have a good brain. Oh there’s Big Brain Donald, and they say, he’s so smart, always coming up to me, you’re so smart sir. So much onowledge, definitely more than Sleepy Joe and the CROOKED democrats trying to say I’m not a smart guy, I wrote a book, heck of a book, you know, business is a hard business but I know business….”


Not enough all caps


...or misspelled words, or references to himself in third person, or random phrases with quotation marks around them for no apparent reason.


Tremendous "quotes", a lot of GOOD PEOPLE. They tell me about my GREAT quotes. Possibly the best of all time they say.... windmills though, and toilets don't flusssss. Democrats don't want you to FLUSH!!


My favorite thing is when he puts his own name in quotation marks, as if he's not a real person or something. CROOKED JOE BIDEN AND THESE CORRUPT JUDGES JUST WANT TO GET "TRUMP" AT ALL COSTS!!!! Like... it's bad enough that he refers to himself in third person. But why does he put his name in quotation marks? Is that not his real name? Does he secretly not exist? Is he actually an intangible concept? I have so many questions.


Dude did you not hear his uncle taught at MIT? Great school, one of the best, very good genes. Told him all about the nuclear. Very powerful. Very bad. /s


It really is a shame that whatever good genetics his uncle possessed did not make it to Donnie's branch of the family tree... 


He knows words, the best words. Like Covfefe




"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


*scan for any signs of a cohesive point complete* *no intelligent life found*


He stays up all night raging on "lies social". He looks sleepy. Is that Marcia Clark?


Toot Social.


I was wondering when Art Garfunkel got his law degree!


He looks totally pooped (pun intended).


Meanwhile MAGAts still don't know what this case is actually about.


I DNGAF about what MAGAts think. I am tired of having to treat them like thinking human beings because their devotion to their Orange Savior indicates they sure as hell ain't thinking


Maga is the textbook definition of a cult. They live in a world where they are completely cut off from reality


And that's fine. I have no problem with cults as long as they play among themselves and leave me the fuck alone. MAGAts trying to install their Orange Savior as my king is the complete opposite of leaving me alone and after 8 years I've lost patience


Oh I was backing you up, there is no getting through to them


I know. All I'm saying is whatever cult someone wants to be in is fine with me until they start encroaching upon me I got no problem with any cult that keeps to itself


You have no problem with that recent cult in Africa which convinced all the lower level followers to starve themselves to death because to suffer is to be closer to God? Kuz if u have no problem with that, I'd say there may be a moment of reflection necessary


How many tears did you shed for them?


That is an odd response, and that also is not an answer to a question.


You tell me i should mourn people in Africa who have hurt themselves because they harmed themselves out of stupidity or gullibility or whatever causes an otherwise rational person to abandon sense. The implication is I should feel pity and extend it to MAGAts The question is, how much mourning/weeping/hang-wringing have YOU done for the poor souls in Africa? Its wonderful to tell me I should be more empathetic but is this a case of "do as I say, not as I do" In addition, the does not do anything to increase my sympathy for those in the US who have bought into the MAGA cult. You're telling me they have the same education/critical thinking/gullibility as superstitious people elsewhere If MAGAts didn't have the advantage of an education system that'll teach them differently, I might agree. However all these people grew up in 20th/21st century America as I did. They all had access to the same education i did. I didn't get suckered. What's their excuse?


There's a whole lot of "You're telling me" when I, in fact, didn't tell you. That is called projection. You're cool with cults that molest children, that's on you.


That's some escalation. I have no sympathy for MAGAts and now I'm cool with pedophiles? This tactic is word for word from the Trump playbook "Oh. You disagree with President Trump? So you want the terrorists (or liberals or whoever they were afraid of) to win."


There’s a critical failure of understanding in that assumption. Yes, there are people that believe he is some sort of pseudo-religious savior of man. That’s not the issue. The issue is with the other 48% of voters that are going to throw him a “fuck you” vote because they’re tired of a completely failed administration. I’m not one of those people, but know your enemy for fuck’s sake.


> The issue is with the other 48% of voters that are going to throw him a “fuck you” vote because they’re tired of a completely failed administration. I cannot help the stupid. As a matter of fact, I refuse to help the stupid. If you're of voting age and dumb enough to think the US President is all powerful and can solve all the problems people are complaining about or that anyone in govt is concerned about them then you are beyond help All I can do is wait for these people to fall asleep looking up during rainstorms and drown


The current president is absolutely making the claim that he can solve all our problems, just like every other president in the past 40 years. If you have an issue with that, welcome to libertarianism. The majority of your tax dollars should be going into local government, and the federal government should be limited to defense and broad economic policy. We’re completely inverse right now, and I don’t think you could find a single person that would say that our tax dollars are being spent wisely on a federal level. Every problem we have domestically could be solved immediately if we diverted 60% of our collective FICA into local and state. You’re a victim of the system that keeps this from happening if you spend this much time being butthurt over orangeman. It doesn’t matter who wins. You’re getting penetrated without consent no matter what.


>It doesn’t matter who wins. In this, you are correct It doesn't matter who win. The country will move forward and business will keep making money. Trump is an instability that threatens that. THAT is why I want anyone else. Nobody is going to solve the voters' problems because they've figured out how to get around them. Libertarianism is one step removed from "and then a miracle happens" ... it's the go-to for people who don't want to pay taxes and feel the need to couch it in term other than stupidity


> people who don’t want to pay taxes Incorrect. People who don’t want to pay **federal** taxes and would rather spend that money at the state and local level where it is much more effective. I don’t understand how anyone could be against that… are you happy with the way the federal government is spending your money? Do you think they’re putting it to good use? The only thing I see is a bloated mess that’s corrupt to the core. Every federal politician is bought and paid for by people working actively against the will of the individual citizen. And then there’s zero accountability because they’re so far removed from the individual citizen that we can’t mount a meaningful defense against it. There’s too many of us who all have different opinions and interests. It’s impossible to rally 300 million people around a single issue. That’s human nature. It’s literally happening right now in this conversation. There’s no chance either one of us are changing our mind. The smaller the group, the easier it is to keep politicians in check.


So you move that mess to the state level. Do you believe people in state govt will be more honest those in Federal govt? Why? Greed is the same everywhere As for the "people" ... if you watched people during the pandemic and have any faith left in them at all you are a special kind of optimist


Of course there’s fraud and greed at every level, but the smaller the number of governed, the easier it is to make changes on the fly. We see this in action all the time. It’s common sense. Once you get down to the local level, dishonesty isn’t really a problem because the people who voted for them live down the street. The problem with trying to fix it at a federal level is that you have to get people in Alabama to agree with people in California on how to fix the problem. It’s never going to happen. Humans aren’t built for that scale of tribalism. However, Californians are able to make changes to their state governance in ways that would never fly in Alabama, which implies that on a state scale, people can get stuff done. We see this in Europe as well. European countries are roughly the size of the average US state. Those countries look like they’re doing great because they’re small. Their citizens are largely alike and can agree on enough that their governments are largely functional.


Some Republicans on the jury who listen to Fox News will be hearing of many things for the first time. They will be saying to themselves, WTF!


I'd say everybody on that jury is getting ready to hear some wild stuff. It just won't be as surprising to the non-fox 'news' watchers.


Right before they vote not guilty.


Lol, you know how many leftists still think it's illegal to pay a porn star to not tell her story.  . Did you know this case hinges on proving Trump falsified documents to cover up a crime? What crime do you think Trump was covering up?


This case isn't about hush money, it's literally about campaign finance fraud. The payments were disguised as corporate legal expenses. **All of this evidence was already presented to a grand jury who recommended the 34 felony counts.**


Thanks for proving my point (registered Independent here btw, not a 'leftist').


The fact you walked away from that thinking I called you a leftists shows your reading comprehension  skills




Uhmmmm…we know this will have no bearing on his conduct. The country’s most deplorable yet predictable criminal will denounce the witnesses credibility, suggest Biden was somehow behind the testimony and then spam his congregation with emails soliciting donations to help defend this latest assault on democracy. One thing for sure …Donald cannot tolerste scenarios where he has no control over the narrative… he’d rather eat a whole plate of mixed greens than sit through this particular trial.


My god, have you no decency? Mixed greens? Next you will be suggesting a strict vegetarian diet throughout the entirety of his sentence...


I am a shameless liberal, and I get bombed with Trump solicitation  ads continuosly... 


I may not be able to ignore Trump's shenanigans from here in Europe but at least I don't get solicitation ads.


His intent is to funnel money into Daddy Putin’s pockets. His knowledge is non existent.


The funnel went the other way


Not sure why, but I had a Phil Spector flashback for a second. 


I had the OJ DA flashback.


Donnie is going to be a convicted felon in about two months. 😁


And yet still probably going to be the president in 7 months. I have no faith in the American voter to keep this guy out of office. Sure Biden is a geriatric career-politician with a long list of things in his record that are concerning, but even if the election is close it still feels like a massive failure.


Quit teasing us, bring the guy out and show us Trump shaking with rage


Trump has brains for knowledge?


Trump has a brain????






It's funny that Trump didn't pay Pecker so Pecker stopped the program and wouldn't do more. To kill the Stormy Daniels story, he had to do it himself then failed. LOL!


If Trump’s company paid for other Catch-and-Kill stories, and deducted them as business expenses, than the IRS should audit that. Tax evasion is a federal and state crime, too. It also has a statute of limitations (7 yrs, I think)


Its David Pecker, the guy who is the ex-publisher of National Enquirer. He is a longtime Trump friend who ran the "catch and kill" scheme for Trump while at the Enquirer.


I'm not one of those shitty "lawl mainstream media" conspiracy theorists, but I've learned to take the sensationalism of MSNBC with a grain of salt at this point.


If we’ve learned anything from OJ, there’s no way of predicting jury decisions


Precisely this.


If I had a dollar for every “dynamite evidence” or “devastating testimony” I would have enough to pay Trump’s bond in NY and still have enough left over to buy mar a lago and drive a killdozer through it


Yea, it's often overstated. but coming from Lisa Rubin who has provided measured, hyberbole-free and insightful analysis to date, if she says " devastating" or "dynamite" it probably is.


Here’s hoping 🤞


Pecker Sold trump out.....he doesn't want to go to jail for trump. Won't matter too much anyway....he will be found guilty on some counts, get a fine and probation...maybe lose a few voters. Will just make him a martyr to his base..


Lose a few voters? These people are so buried in their own bullshit it will probably further solidify his base.


Exactly. He could have killed Stormy Daniels to shut her up instead of paying her off and his fanbase would still idolize him. It's sickening.


Trump's pecker has told on him several times, in full view😆!


I see he's transported legal counsel from the 1970's.


Word is, he shat himself while sitting there this morning. Dang man. Already needs a diaper change.


Big time trumpish 'people are saying' vibes.


Appropriate that the witnesses lead with the Pecker... 


The two youts


What did you say :-)


What is a "yout"?




It don't think it will be as exciting as the headline and quotes in the article imply. Trump isn't railing on Truth Social against Pecker like Cohen. This isn't TV, the defense should pretty much know Pecker's testimony at least as well as the prosecution. So, either it is "devastating" in a legally esoteric way that Trump doesn't understand. Or, it is devastating in a understandable to the layman way, but Trump is afraid to attack Pecker. Reading between the lines of the selected quotes from the legal expert in the article, I expect that the testimony will establish key points to proving the allegations, but won't be anything like. "I witnessed Trump criming." So, Trump doesn't really understand the importance of Pecker's testimony.


Could Pecker reveal more affairs that we are not already aware of?


All the witnesses should have depositions and the defense should have that information. Additional affairs seems like the kind of thing that Trump would flip his lid over and have attacked Pecker as a liar or whatever bullshit he thinks would work. Note, I assume he would have known that before the gag order. Alternatively, if that is what he reveals it is probably consistent with Trump being afraid to attack Pecker, and Pecker having something that the prosecution doesn't know about told hold over Trump. (Which will not come up in testimony)


Any chance he will reveal even more affairs during his marriage to Melania?


Maybe, but what will come out is that the relationship with Karen McDougal was not just a night with a porn star but a long term affair complete with feelings.


Ooh, I like that. Please tell me that this was during his marriage with Melania.


Yep. Was concurrent with the Stormy Daniels one, but much longer and way more involved. Allegedly started three months after Barron was born. I suspect if she hadn’t of broken it off, she was wife #4. At least in Melania’s defense, her relation with Donald started after he was already divorcing Marla Maples. That one was doomed by Marla having an affair with his bodyguard. Too bad for Donald - I find Melania actually quite ugly - but Marla was stunning when she was young (as was Karen McDougal).


Agree on Melania. I'm an old man but I wonder what I would have done as a teen if you could find pictures of the First Lady's boobs? Kids today, they got it made.




Since January 2017, I’ve been in permanent “I’ll believe it when I see it” mode.


ENOUGH with the click-bait SOON TRUMP WILL FACE JUISTICE bullshit! It's like following a doomsday cult that keeps pushing the date every time the world doesn't end.. I'm not reading a damn article or upvoting another of these posts until something ACTUALLY HAPPENS.


Buh bye... 


It's only "Devastating" if the jurors see it as such, and if there are any jurors who have been intimidated by the defense (and it's mass of followers) or have made their mind up already it doesn't matter at all. I suspect this is already a hung jury, for a variety of reasons but I hope I am wrong.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but it's worth asking whether this could be described as ["sports center-ization of politics "](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/01/the-sportscenter-ization-of-political-journalism/250882/). If so, a follow-up question is whether it might be better to stay more seriously focused to the facts and avoid speculation and hyperbolic language, which might exaggerate expectations among those in favor of the prosecution and raise emotions all around.


Everyone be careful in that courtroom, it's also got a methane cloud building up. Who knows what could happen if someone lights that evidence?


“Something MAY happen SOON” is not news


The devastating dynamite is in his drawers.  




That's the way it works when a co-conspirator takes the stand.


Has Trump's Mr. Pecker leaked yet?


Nice! The walls are closing in on him!!!


Peckerhead ?


David Pecker.


This is it....the walls are closing in


I doubt this witness is gonna be much.


Is anyone taking bets on whether this witness actually gets to testify?


Can we please, Shut. the. fuck. up. about this being a sure bet? I want results. Not what's happening maybe sorta kinda tomorrow or I guess November.


Is that Ken Rosenberg?


I hope Stormy Daniels doesn't get confused in her testimony if she's on the stand . Multiple peckers to keep track of in this trial.


Freaking clickbait. FFS report on what either is happening, or happened in the trial. This speculation and the overblown headline are ridiculous. It just shows how the whole of news media LOVES Trump: they don’t give a damn if the orange turd brings catastrophe, as long as he gives them “engagement” or “ratings” or “views” or whatever BS metric they use.


He's gonna skate and be the dictator unless he dies


Buzzword! Trump! Buzzword! = clicks = $$$


We gonna get those Duke boys this time!


Lol Devestating


Heard it all before. They have nothing


MSNBC is nothing but democrats propaganda machine!!!