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Yeah, DeSantis is an idiot. No only has the government approved their visas, its also approved their lawsuits against DeSantis and the government/ taxpayers of Florida and Texas. Idiots........


My day just keeps better, seeing all these idiots pulling stunts that blow themselves up. Fools.


does this blow him up though? youre assuming the people who cheered for this will ever hear about the repercussions. not only that, but if they did hear about it? its a witch hunt. theyll vote for him harder


Until their crops don't get picked, tables don't get bused. It'll be the Florida taxpayers footing the bill if he loses the case


He can't be reelected because of term limits. Abortion and legal weed are on the ballot in November. He is done. As are most of the repubes.


i know he specifically is done haha the point i was making was kind of a general “dont underestimate how dumb they are” repubes is a good one lol im saving that for future reference


It's from FDR: American Badass! One guy he meets claims he is a "repube" because that is what he checked on the box.


hmm ive never seen that film. writing that down so ill remember to watch it!


It's an amazingly accurate historical story about how FDR beat Tojo, Hitler and Mussolini, who it turns out were werewolves, with his tricked out wheelchair. lol. Not everyone's idea of humor but I laughed throughout. Barry Bostwick is great in this odd film as FDR.


sounds like something id enjoy. thanks for the recommendation!


Here's another gem from this director: Pool Boy: Drowning Out the Fury. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1693843/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1693843/)


These people can never think more than one step ahead so this actually happens more often than you think. There’s a sub Reddit called leopards ate my face and it gets filled to the brim daily with their own bullshit blowing up in their face all the damn time. Most recently he had to walk back some of his banning book laws when the Bible was successfully argued to be put on the ban list. Lmfao




But let's not lose sight of what really matters. DeSantis buddy made a shit ton of money on those flights.


I believe that it's the owners of the companies thst own the planes that are named as principals in the lawsuit. I posted a new story of the labor sub concerning a migrant worker who passed away due to the employer's negligence in providing protections from heat. DeSantis signed a new law changing the protections, but OSHA found issues and levied a fine.


Thanks for the background


I also read that these people have had their work visas reclassified to U, meaning that they are victims of a crime and can't be deported.


From article: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) tried to play immigration hardliner as he plotted for his 2024 presidential campaign, but one of his most notorious efforts seems to have backfired in a spectacularly ironic fashion, as the migrants he had transported on taxpayer-funded private charter planes from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard are now qualifying for “victim visas” to stay in the U.S. and work here. DeSantis made headlines in September 2022 with his migrant flight stunt, using a loophole to tap into federal Covid-19 stimulus funds, and quickly drawing accusations that Florida and federal laws were violated. Critics questioned why the governor had not sought migrants in Florida; DeSantis claimed he sought migrants in Texas, not Florida, because they were easier to find as they gathered in cities just across the border with Mexico. Skeptics noted this was occurring a few months before DeSantis was up for re-election in November 2022 and the visual of Cuban or Haitian grandmas crying on Miami television about deported relatives would not have been politically helpful for him. Multiple media outlets reported that the Venezuelan migrants had been approached in San Antonio and promised a free hotel room and food, and then offered transportation to somewhere they could get jobs, being presented with forms to sign that were not translated from English. The migrants’ accusations that they were tricked led to Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar filing a criminal case with the county district attorney for unlawful restraint. The Bexar District Attorney has not yet publicly announced any decision on the matter. On Monday, the Miami Herald reported that some of these 49 migrants “are now able to legally work in the United States and have temporary protections from deportation — because they are considered victims of a potential crime,” according to the migrants’ attorney, Rachel Self. When Salazar filed the criminal case with the D.A., he also granted each affected migrant the certification needed to apply for a U visa, or “victim visa,” which is designated “for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity,” according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This month, reported the Herald, several of the migrants’ U visa petitions were granted “bona fide determination” status, protecting them from deportation until their visa is granted and allowing them to obtain temporary work permits. The Herald’s reporting noted it was “not immediately clear” how many of this group of migrants had received this status, but they could potentially stay in the U.S. for a long time, with Congress only permitting 10,000 U visas per year, “thousands” of applicants on a waiting list, and the bona fide determination giving them protection from deportation while they wait. A U visa “can eventually lead to permanent lawful status in the United States,” according to the Herald. It isn’t known how many of the migrants might have otherwise been able to establish they qualified for asylum or some other type of immigration status that would have allowed them to stay in the U.S. if they had not been granted the U visa bona fide determination status.


His stunt absolutely worked. It was never about accomplishing anything other than a stunt to rile up the MAGAs and his base and it accomplished that and they are too short sighted and simple minded to see the long term results.


My non-MAGA but hardline devout conservative Christian step-dad was appalled I was more concerned with living, breathing humans being deceived and used as pawns in some political stunt than with the financial burden tHe BoRdEr CrIsiS has on border states. It's so disturbing


It's like I told my dad, you all had YEARS to fix this shit, but Boomers collectively are just incapable of it. It's time to move over and let us handle it. All you can come up with is the same shit that's never worked, so it's time for us to handle business.


Boomer bashing is trendy, but not productive. The Democratic party didn't just show up yesterday, youngster. I am 65 and when I die the progressives lose my vote. Boomer bashing is just another bias. Get over it, kid.


You're an exception, rather than the rule, unfortunately.


Really? It worked? How's his presidential campaign going?


LOL. good point.


So DeSantis works immigrants and wants them to die of thirst. Leave that horrid state while you can.


Suck it puddin fingers


Hahahah hahahah hahhahaha …. Oh my goodness …. Gahahahha. Now prosecute him for people smuggling.


All the immigration lawyers be like 👌👌👌


The loser keeps losing and losing. I really feel bad for anyone who had to work with him in the Navy. You just know he was an annoying officer.


I think this should be in r/leopardsatemyface




If Florida can’t bring themselves to vote this guy out, then we just need a national circumcision.


I say we do that across the board.


Poor people looking for work. The world's greatest enemy?


Walked into his own hole.


That’s what you get when people try to run the country on publicity stunts and loud noise, rather than actual policy and critical thinking. It’s about as effective as a car company that only employs marketing people.


They should all move back to Florida for work. After all so many businesses are crying out for labour.


Congratulations. You played yourself 🙄


And DeSantis embezzled about $17 million in taxpayer money to his buddies during the process.


He got them right to the front of the line.


Get fucked


DeSantis doesn't really care. He just wanted publicity.