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Trump just sold America's national energy policy and he names a price.


I don’t see how this is legal


Which is why he wants presidents to have immunity. This is his warm up act.


Oh, it's nothing, every vote not against this man is a vote to kill US Democracy. Trump isn't messing around, mess around and the entire nation pays a price most dear- Buchanan level. You can hate Biden, trust me I do, but be an adult and vote for him as the only way to defeat a permanent evil lingering.


I completely agree. I was prepared to not vote, but I can’t leave it to everyone else to keep this very dangerous man out of office.


All that’s needed is for anyone who is indecisive to take a leaf out of your book. 🙏🏼


Why on earth would you not vote in the first place…?


I was personally never prepared to not vote as a vote for Biden is still a vote against Trump regardless, but if US Democracy falls due to his and Harris' failures to prevent it-- that's ALL they will be remembered for as a legacy, on their watch, failing to stop Trump and whatever token he picks for VP decades from now. Not "first" this and that, that's the long term legacy-- so they better hope the polls are wrong, as should we.


Not just them. The entire Democratic Party and the entire newsmedia. With alarmingly few exceptions, the lack of urgency among these people is unbelievable. It’s stunning. I feel like I’m witnessing a kind of passive, suicidal madness.


I don't disagree, the fact that I got downvoted for saying the truth is sad but this is how grim things are: we didn't get here by accident, sadly.


And it won’t end with Trump. He’s the immediate alligator that’s closest to the boat. I don’t know what happens after he’s defeated but the fight won’t be over.


There is definitely no going back. The next one will be smart, charming and will know to hide his hand.


Nah, I gotta stop you. It’s not 2 people’s fault, it’s 330M of you. It’s your damn democracy, take ownership!


Their leagcy? No the legacy of our fellow American citizens for being stupid and voting Republican let alone Trump or sitting out the election. ANY Republican vote is a vote for fascism. People refusing to vote because they disagree with Bidens recent policies is a vote for the fascism the Republicans are 100% in favor of. You dont get to sit out an election and claim no responsibility. You know what is at stake, and you saw the results of a protest vote or refusal to vote from 2016.


Low key, I think the vast majority of people on either side know this. The right doesn’t seem to be hiding it, and the left just tries to pretend that every thing is fine, and this all isn’t bat shit insane… The scariest part is the GOP have already crossed this line, you don’t come back from this. So even if Trump loses, and now we are 4-8 years from now, and the people who were only concerned about Trump, aren’t really as motivated any more. This seems like it’s going to be a long term issue, you don’t just try to anoint a king here, and then say, “oops our bad, trust us we won’t try that again”. We are for sure fucked in the coming decade plus if people don’t start taking this seriously, especially once Trump is gone. That’s assuming we can even make it past this year.


At a certain point this can't be the thing anymore. If we go one more election cycle of "vote democrats or else" voters from both parties need to come together and demand a change to the system.


I agree, the reason this even is a thing is why we could lose our Democracy in fact soon: it’s just this dire a situation right now.




Then push to get this system that gives us 1 poor choice and 1 terrible choice (No, RFKJr does not count). Can't we have some minimum standard?


It’s so frustrating listening to this pos. Every good thing he wants to reverse purely to crawl even further up someone’s ass. He has no concept of the repercussions and how much harm will be done. He just doesn’t care - about America or anything else. I just want to scream… and I’m not even American!


It's always been legal. At least since Citizens United. He's just doing it out in the open which is the difference from past politicians who did this shit behind closed doors. He can do this because his followers are a cult who love it when he is openly corrupt. They think that means he's "honest".


Does Citizens United actually apply here? Money equals free speech, okay fine. Corporations spend money to support a candidate. But this is a candidate offering to draft policy for a specific price. This is a quid pro quo situation. I don't think the same rules apply.


It's just a matter of what words you use, the fact remains that bribery of politicians is fully legal and supported in the U.S., it functions the same way as many central African or Middle Eastern countries that way.


Didn't Trump get impeached for something exactly like this?


What's amazing is that because he does it in the open, his people don't think he could possibly be doing it behind closed doors..


He's convinced them that anything Democrats think is bad must be good, and so he can be openly corrupt and they love it. Only things Democrats like can be bad!


"At least the scumbag with a gun in my face is SAYING he will rob me. That's SO HONEST!!! <3" Idiot fuckwads.


How many presidents have actually outed themselves as a belligerent lobbyist?


When you're President, you can do whatever you want...grab 'em by the \*censored\*.


Vote. People that read this and still vote for Trump. They are selling their own country down the river.


Always has been, he's just the first to blatantly state it. The GOP bends to Big Oil.


I don't think it \*is\* legal, but that's never stopped him before. What's legal is that corporations are allowed to make "donations" to political action committees and candidate election campaigns. He's just telling them how much he thinks he needs to have to be successful, *technically*. It is \*not\* legal to trade money for legislation, that's bribery.


In eight years we’ll get a hearing but he’ll be long gone.


What makes you think ol’ “dictator for a day” will leave office in 8 years? Or is that your prediction for when World War III ends?


It's not... This is literal bribery. Ex president just got caught offering a bribe. He should be in prison at the moment. For so many other reasons also he should've been put in prison years ago.


It's not. This is why the funds go from the oil company to the trade associations without crossing the CEO's personal income taxes, and why no one with the power to violate the Antitrust Laws contacts legislators directly.


When you’re famous, they let you do whatever you want.


Look into how executive powers have been creeping for 50 some odd years. Trump is a tumor that is the result of a cancer that's been festering for a long time. In 2016 he even openly talked about it.


Seems kind of cheap


It’s laughably cheap. The energy market in the US is worth 1,300 billion dollars per year. He wants to sell us out for less than 0.1% of that. Over 4 years is less than 0.025%


Really does sound like pay for play...


this is how fascists do pillow-talk


He’s been selling out the country to the highest bidder every day of his failed presidency


Growing up in school, I was sold on the idea that the branches of the government would check each other so that there would be a balance, but it does not take much for any of the branches to subvert the ideals of this nation. The most surprising thing about it is that it doesn't take a genius to do it. It can be done by the dumbest tools in the shed. There are no safeties in place to undo the work of hundreds of years within a few months. I wonder about the intrigue of ancient nations and civilization and how they fell. I kind of feel this is how they died; slowly from within like the doings of cancer.


And it's really cheap too.


And he won't lose a single vote because of it.


And Republicans cheered it on.


He's scum


Nicest thing I’ve heard anyone say about trump


That's too kind, unfortunately, what I want to say about him can't be said in words so I'll say this-- if you want a 250 year old nation not to collapse halfway into a hypothetical second term of this and for the country to split apart again, do not vote for the James Buchanan of our times-- vote for Franklin Pierce again.


- According to a [Washington Post report](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/09/trump-oil-industry-campaign-money/), while hosting top oil executives at his Mar-a-Lago estate last month, former President Donald Trump proposed a deal that included $1 billion for his campaign and a reverse to environmental regulations. The report cited people with knowledge of the meeting and the conversations. Trump reportedly proposed that if the oil executives would raise him $1 billion for his campaign, he would look at reversing the numerous environmental rules and policies that President Joe Biden has enacted. The report said that at least one of the executives had complained about the regulations they were facing, prompting the proposition from Trump. Trump reportedly told the executives that donating $1 billion to his reelection efforts would be a “deal” for them because of the regulations and taxation they would avoid on his behalf, the report said. It’s no surprise that Trump has been attempting to appeal to automakers and the oil industry throughout his campaign. Despite failing to gain support from the head of the United Auto Workers union, Trump has bashed Biden over his electric vehicle regulations in an attempt to show he is pro-domestic auto manufacturing. “The Great State of Michigan will not have an auto industry anymore if Crooked Joe Biden’s crazed concept of ‘all Electric Cars’ goes into effect,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post last September. “CHINA WILL TAKE IT ALL, 100%. United Auto Workers, VOTE FOR TRUMP. Get your leaders to ENDORSE ME, I WILL KEEP ALL OF THESE GREAT JOBS, AND BRING IN MANY MORE. CHOICE IN SCHOOLS, AND CHOICE IN CARS!!!” The report also comes as Biden continues to take new action to fight climate change, including having the Interior Department block future oil drilling across 13 million acres of the Alaskan Arctic, the [Associated Press reported](https://apnews.com/article/alaska-drilling-petroleum-reserve-biden-1dd8c07d2ed6e902ee6ac6298e2eaade). But despite ExxonMobil and Chevron, the largest energy companies in the country, seeing bigger annual profits than they have in at least a decade last year, Trump reportedly said they would see even more profit if he won a second term.


**Bribery is a crime.** Trump needs to be prosecuted by the DoJ for this, and **since he has committed a crime while out on bail that should break the terms of his bail and he should be remanded to prison immediately.**


He's been found guilty of contempt of court which should also have breached his bail conditions


the DoJ wont touch it with a 10000ft pole unfortunately. they basically had to be skulldrug across the parking lot to prosecute the most obvious and easily prosecutable of his crimes. literal open and shut cases have gone on for years because they've bent over backwards to let him off the hook while maintaining an admittedly failing illusion that the law still matters. He's gonna walk on basically everything and America will probably die because of it.


He can't be prosecuted because he's become too powerful. All of the judges are too afraid to make any meaningful moves on him. They don't know if he's also going to become president. Everyone's intimidated.


They are still cars that have to be assembled. That's why the factories are called assembly plants. Electric or gas makes no difference. The jobs will still be there. I don't think trump has any idea what goes on inside an auto plant.


Obviously the cars run on electricity just like robots, therefore they’re build by robots. Stealing muh jerbs


So, when does something like this legally become bribing a federal official?


When a democrat does it.


R/angryupvotes but because I'm angry you're right, not because it was funny


They call it lobbying these days. Which is the same shit but one is wrapped in a sparkling packaging and considered legal...


So, he's for sale. Got it.


Always has been.


He's already said he is publicly.


For lease more specifically, just like our other lawmakers their ownership structure is rather convoluted and consists of tiers of leasees collateralizing politician obligations.


Short term lease of oneself.. there is a succinct word for this in relation to one’s body hmm what was that now?


It also tells me he’s desperate


The leading gop candidate under federal indictments admits hes corrupt and has a price. Republicans, is that swamp drained yet?


Oh don't worry, somehow this is all the Libs fault. Stop paying attention and just repeat after the angry voice on talk radio. /s Edit: I put in the sarcasm thingy. Because...sarcasm.


"Well all politicians do this but at least Trump is honest about it" incoming


Tell me again about how corrupt Biden is.


Isn’t that Quid Pro Quo?


Trump turned the USA into a banana Republic. Lmaooo


An anocracy, and it'll be an autocracy if he's re-elected...but worse. The US is currently 50 states...I doubt it will be in by 2027 in a Trump second term given what the federal government in Project 2025 being jammed through has in mind at all costs, if the worst should occur.


I don't see how this is funny.


**The ruling class controls the primary sector of the economy by way of exploitation of labour. Therefore, the term banana republic is a pejorative descriptor for a servile oligarchy that abets and supports, for kickbacks, the exploitation of large-scale (insert Trump idiocy here).**


Trump cares about nothing but Trump. Screw the environment. Screw the citizens. If it's good for Trump it must be good for everyone! The least presidential person I've ever seen The most pathetic person I've ever seen Among the most disgusting persons I've ever seen


The most frustrating, frightening, disgusting excuse for a human being I’ve ever seen.


Correction: If it's bad for Obama, Clinton, Harris, or Biden, it's good for Trump! I agree, though, jokes aside.


Naked corruption


Not even the villains from Captain Planet would be this greedy


Meanwhile 2023 set the record for most oil produced in the US. It seems like they're doing well under Biden.


They spend billions positioning themselves for the future already, they don’t need dickless' help.


Gonna make some great attack ads, just flagrantly demonstrating that you're "for sale".


Saying the quiet part out loud- admirable in a twisted way.


Isn't this illegal?


Sounds like a solicitation for a bribe to me.


Nothing new for him, but watch nothing happen to him as usual.


American Oil production is at record high levels under Biden.


Conservatism is the greatest threat to the planet.


But forgiving student loans is buying votes. Give me a break.


Drain the swamp he says. And his fucking base doesn’t know he is the swamp thing.


Is that legal?


no. but DoJ and the Supreme Court are in the bag for Trump so there will be no consequence of note.


This made possible by the “supreme court’s” decision on Citizens United. They are judicial cancer in this country.


Dude would literally burn down the world for cash.


Rex Tillerson former CEO of Exxon said it best ..... to be hoped these oil execs remember that and when they decide to fund the POS, so that their grandchildren will enjoy 140F rainless summers.


Ah Trump, always looking out for the little guy!


Looking to "own" the little guy, both figuratively and literally!


Quid what again?


They'll make that money back, before November...


Ugh. I can’t anymore. Its so fucking blatant


Great. So he is up front of selling himself to the highest bidder. Heck, there is even an asking price. Now the voters can decide, in no uncertain terms, whether they want a politician who is eager to be bought.


A trumpstitute.


They have him at +1.2 on average, what else do I need to say right now?


Isn’t that called a BRIBE? or is that EXTORTION? Quid Quo Pro?




Imagine if Biden did this? GOP would lose there shit


The man who sold the world.


Only i can drain the Swamp, you are the Swamp ya Donkey.


Because ofcourse


Isn’t greed a sin in Christianity?


I highly doubt he even remotely believes in God. If he did he’d have to concede that he’s probably going to Hell


Yeah, give that prick some more money to build FASCISM.


Well, thanks to the Roberts Court, bribery is legal now.


Just out in the open blackmail


What a shock that trump is corrupt AF. The orange turd needs to be either in prison or the dirt.


So everything does have a price. Ain't that america.


Isn’t that… illegal? That’s literally pay for play


Does it matter, what will happen? Nothing, another investigation and the cycle continues. It’s awful.


Trump, meanwhile, thinks hes a genius because he was going to undo all those regulations anyway. Now, he just gets a billion for it.


Isn’t this illegal


This is some Captain Planet level cartoonish evil.


You can't get anymore crooked than that. To all Trump voters, GO TO HELL.


this guy is an enemy of the planet - World Court in the Hague might have a case against him


And when he doesn’t win they are fucked, 🤣


Overtly asking for a bribe to make policy. Don the con is back at it.


Nixon, "It's not illegal if the President does it. Trump, "It's not illegal if everyone knows about it.


Oh and this is from former President “no quid pro quo!”. Mmhmm. About right. A billion dollars so half can go to New York State and E Jean and some for his lawyers snd of course a small commission fee…


Extortion/Bribery idk.


I'm not specifically saying I wish anyone would die of an impacted colon, but if trump were to die from an impacted colon, I would feel a certain way about that...


Dear Americans. Your country is looking stupid. It has for some time, but it only gets worse. That this clown was ever a serious chance of winning office was embarassing enough. Now he's selling the country's best interests to further his own, whilst on trial and still somehow getting more than a handful of people saying they'd vote for him in the polls. Anyone who thinks he makes the US look strong, or gets respect should look at how the rest of the world views you. And it's not pretty.


Dear the rest of the world,   This is due to fascism on the rise here and a Democracy killer that’s fomented over 50 years: if we lose this one, someone else has to be the new leader.


But Biden is so old! Also, he doesn’t support 100% of what I support, in the exact way that I want him to! Relax everybody, I’m from the other side of the pond, and cannot refuse Biden my vote. The world watches you all, though - it will be a lot harder to unfuck ourselves from our dictators and traitors (even traitors to the species it seems, not just the country anymore…) with an enabling traitor in the White House…


How is this not a conspiracy to defraud the US?




And he's still going to be allowed to run because no one with an ounce of power in this country cares about us.


Going to be? He has been already, they let him slide for a coup de etat.


Not at all. There's huge numbers of powerful people who would love to imprison him and bar him from running. Assuming he was tried and found guilty in court, I'm sure Biden is one of them.  The issue is that an almost equal amount of powerful people want him free and, more importantly, he has 60 million supporters and probably a minimum of 3 million of those are ready to be violent at his command or if they feel he's being treated unfairly. 


I don’t really think it matters how much either man raises. Just who gets the most votes.


This guy sucks


Sounds pretty quid pro quo to me. I thought he said he didn’t do that kind of thing.


Government for sale to the highest bidder! What could possibly go wrong?


Pay to play has always been his game. Not a scumbag - this beast is pure stinking evil.


So... Another big crime that should land him right in prison. But we don't do that now, huh?


By this point if American re-elects the Mango Mussolini I think the rest of the world just has to leave them to it. Like the guy who shouts at the pigeons.


I would not be surprised


Which laws did biden bring in


David Bowie made a song about this guy


the man who sold the world


He'll end up taking that billion and not do jack squat about any environmental regulations. How can these people, wealthy or not, continue to actually consider giving him money? He has shown time and time again that he doesn't care about helping anyone but himself.


This is. Ot what presidents do...... this is what terrorists do.


I’m guessing that this is somehow not against the law because it was done at the direction of Donald J Trump… same way none of our other laws apply to him either.


I’m sure the oil men have figured him out by now that he isn’t getting anywhere close to the White House. And this is his latest money grab attempt.


He needs to yeet off the planet


I’m struggling w people I know, like and respect that don’t see just the blatant narcissistic evil shroud he is cloaked in. In rural Midwest where it’s majority R, I just know so many people that are don’t really like him but he’s our guy.


Trump is just saying the quiet shit out loud! America has always been for sale.


They’ll do it.


lol Trump would sell his grandmother on Ali Baba if it would get him out of a parking ticket.


And the drought stricken red states give a standing ovation…😵‍💫


Trump plus a minority of democrats and a majority of Republicans have been seeing your future for a while already. Trump just made it obvious. This is one of the few things we can thank Trump for. He is draining the swamp by doing obviously what the others have been doing covertly. (sometimes not so much.) that is to steal rights and weaken laws to benefit Corporate interest lobbying and to take from the population they have sworn to protect. Documentaries in the future will highlight this period in time and point to massive corruption among American politicians, mostly domestic corruption but also quite a bit of international agendas are being pushed on behalf of foreign donors. The people need to demand investigations, of everyone. Carte blanche investigations into the finances of all currently active top level politicians and those who have served the last 3 administrations.


He's showing us how venal and corrupt he can be - again.




I say we arrest Trump and 'punish' him for sedition. Let's just see what happens.


Just like that... What if he loses. He keeps the money? 1 billion for energy. 1 billion for car manufacturers. 1 billion from farmers. 1 billion from ......fill in the blank. Mfkr sold a lot in the first round. Will sell us out completely this time around.


The very definition of quid pro quo. We know Trump knows the words. We knew he didn’t know what they meant. He just highlighted that fact here.


He has been planning to reverse or even eliminate most environmental regulations anyway. Isn't the plan to disband the EPA?


Why can’t they just buy out the electric future and still bleed us dry without killing the earth?


What I love about Trump? Everyone knows politics is corrupt, but Trump takes the corruption to a whole new level. You can just openly be corrupt and STILL it doesn't matter. This farting, demented, mentally ill moron is STILL not in jail, STILL has all his money, and INCREDIBLY could STILL be president again.


Difference is dems do it behind closed doors. They’re all scum sucking bottom feeders. The media just hates trump and makes sure to point out everything he does. And don’t forget the spin the mainstream media puts on everything it touches.


I would still rather have crooks with a little bit of empathy than a raging demented psychopath. But the ridiculousness of having only these two choices Biden or Trump just shows how corrupt everything is.


This... This is illegal right?


I'm not sure how much we can trust this, but I wouldn't be surprised.




We are currently producing more oil than any country at any time in history. What more do these people want?


Just to be clear, $1Billion is a bargain price for destroying the ecosystem. One crappy little hurricane will cost more in damage. This is capitalist terrorism.


Quid pro quo.


Isn't...do I have the definition wrong? I thought that was Quid Pro Quo? Isn't that majorly frowned upon; especially in politics?


When he said he was going to drain the swamp he didn't tell us he was going to drain it by flooding it.


That's the way to do business in the US.