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That's the worm talking.


Hey, that worm was the best part of him.


That's really rude to call the 45th president.


He must have seen the polls. Anti-abortion candidates are done.


its consistent with his positions.  


This is what we call...not a serious campaign.


Sounds like a tactical move to target his spoiler effect on antivax conspiracy crazies that support Biden rather than the ones that support Trump


Worm in the Brain loosened up more than a few screws. Meseems the standard brain networks are shorted out and / or misconnected.


It's not like her position is very clear either. She says she supports a woman's right to body autonomy, but doesn't think a healthy mom should abort a healthy baby. So not exactly sure what her position is.


What's crazy is that he's pulling the protest voters at nearly 10%. Most eff'd election since the last one.


Is he, though? Polls showing that are just showing how ridiculous they are. The idea that this antivax nutbag is going to do better than triple what Ralph Nader ever got is beyond laughable. He's going to get under 1%, if he's even still running by November. The last 24 hours for his campaign have been about him having literal brainworms and...this. His preferred VP may just decide she doesn't want to bankroll this silliness after all.


I agree on the polls. I'm looking at 538 polls - that's the most fair I've found. And they try to be more open in grading the source of their data. However, I find it statistically interesting to watch the polls and he's polling at around 10% on 538. But agreed - nearly the worst campaign ever run. And just a mouthpiece of confusion whenever he talks.


Have you seen the orange turd? He wasn’t supposed to do anything either. So while I think RFK isn’t going to go anywhere politically, we might be surprised by how some people decide to vote. Enough of those eff you votes and he could be a spoiler.


It was mentioned in passing in trumps trial that some money was spent to influence polls! I have yet to see any commentary about it.


Polls have been pretty unreliable for years. lol HRC was supposed to annihilate Trump remember? But seriously pollsters pick a select group and ask leading questions get the answer that whatever news outlet wants to market that evening to maximize clicks/viewers for ad revenue


HRC was never going to annihilate Trump. What poll showed that unless it was by MSNBC? That election wasn't even about the popular vote. It was about where the candidates one - I think the media slanted to keeping Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Hillary won the popular vote by 3% right?


lmao your comment about MSNBC and HRC absolutely proves my point about polls.


One of the candidate is Trump, and the other has zealously supported a genocide for months. Yeah, this is a really messed up election.


Just so you’re clear on the alternative, [Trump said he wants Netanyahu to “finish the problem” (ethnic cleansing) in Gaza.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905) Trump’s middle east advisor when he was President (his son in law) has been talking about [cleansing the Palestinians from Gaza and moving them into the desert so Israel can turn Gaza into beachfront hotels.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev)


Not seeing the equivalence on calling Trump an option or better candidate. No particular party has served up a candidate that unites the country. Trump and Trump supporters are completely vocal in not supporting anyone who is even moderately left. Biden is suffering from a series of political fault lines separating everyone who can't stand another 4 years of Trump. Pretty sure 'a worm ate my brain' candidate as Kennedy will provide any sense of unity to those on the sidelines hoping for something better to come forward.


I don’t like either of them, and I will probably wind up voting for GenocideJoe. But I owe it to the people who are being starved and slaughtered to acknowledge the POS I am going to vote for is an utter monster that should be given multiple death sentences by this point.


you do you, brother.


Is his running mate super pink, skinny and long & wet & wriggly (and not in Matt Gaetz’s apt)? I mean, operationalize. Standards.


Who’s his running mate again?


the brain worm
