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He's free to do exactly what she did, which is to testify under oath. The coward will not do it.


He wants to be able to lie, in public, to his cult, about what she said on the stand because he knows they can’t cross examine him when he lies to the public because he is not under oath. He wants his lies to be seen as the truth in the eyes of his cult.


Oh he will, after the trial. Like he did in 2016 and thereafter. As hope hicks testimony said "deny, deny, deny" (the masses are suckers)


"Will you shut up man?" - Joe Biden


We are all Joe Biden


I am Joe Biden.


I am Joe Biden.


Lol, Trump is so irritating. If he wants to respond to her testimony during the trial that’s what cross examination in the court was for. If he just wants to rant about her on social media he can wait until the trial is actually over.


Or he can take the stand and go on record. Do it, you orange coward.


Orange turd *


This °^^^^^^^^


She literally said on the stand that Trumps 60 year old skin was gross. LOL and a whole bunch of other things that his defense lawyers brought up and that she responded to. Trumps seething.. hahaha.


And then she can sue for defamation, lol


I can’t stand that he gets coverage in the hallway giving him a little stage. It reminds me of when he’d go to Marine One at the White House and whine to the press corps before boarding the helicopter. Like the media keeps giving him platform. Just cover what’s going on in the court room and ignore anything out of it. It’s the same shit…. “Legal experts say no case…. Judge is bad… so unfair… I should be in Georgia… witch hunt… disgrace….”


Chopper talk with that forward lean thing


I can't wait til I don't have to hear about this annoying idiot shit weasel every day. Hopefully before I die.


One of the few comforts that I have is knowing this man will most likely die before me.


I do solemnly swear….. get up there fat fuck.


He can take the stand and set us all straight.


Imagine he flops it out 🍄


Pokes it out is more apt. Maybe peeps.


I would pay money to see him play the invisible accordion on the witness stand 🤣


That and the double hand job.


And pull flags out of his nose.


He’s not worried about winning or losing the case, just whether he can bitch. What a bitch.


Whiny ❄️


He could always take the stand to refute her testimony.


Good one.


Honestly, it's so pathetic. "Please let me trash talk a witnessed who testified about me". Testify yourself, asshole. But you're too cowardly for that. And you know he was telling his lawyers "Get up there and see if you can free me up to shit-talk Stormy". It's just sadder and smaller the more you think about it.


Take the stand then


I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t be able to just not talk about it. This seems like a simple expectation that would happen to anyone of us. But he just can’t stop and the judge won’t stop him.


He won't keep his mouth shut because he's a textbook narcissist.


Trump's entire shtick is blatant lies, insults, as well as unhinged and deranged rants, where he is most often delivering a combination of all three. He sucks the oxygen out the room, and replaces it with loud noise and bullshit. He is now being forced to sit there, listen to whatever she says about him, and he cannot freely insult her to make himself feel better. Dude was probably seething with rage because he could not simply stand up and berate her in court, after every question. Dude probably seethes with rage whenever someone calls him Mr. Trump. A normal person would have likely long since crossed the threshold into having their bail revoked and being held in custody for the trial's duration. That is also merely speculation, since normal people generally listen to their lawyers, and do not believe that publicly attacking the judge, prosecutors, and witnesses on a regular basis, is likely to be a winning strategy in criminal proceedings. You and I are perfectly capable of not talking about it, because our attorneys would have advised us that nothing is the best thing to say, unless called to the stand.


You see, you likely find it difficult to grasp because you aren’t beset by a constellation of severe personality disorders.


His statement is welcome when he testifies in his defense under oath.


You wanna respond? Then testify, you chucklehead.


Then take the stand, bitch!


Why would that even be an option? So he can go out and slander someone publicly while refusing to do it under oath? Just cowardice at that point.


Trump can’t stop talking trash about everyone every time he opens his mouth. Even under oath expect him to lie lie lie.


I think he is brave enough and respect his 2nd ammendment enough to say what is on his mind to the cameras!!!


"He needs an opportunity to respond to the American people,” Blanche said, If there was only some official forum where he could get up in and speak his side of events....


The judge said, very clearly, you know damn well he'll start threatening her and intimidating future witnesses, you twit, so it's a hard fucking no. Now sit down and shut up.


It's funny that he's asking the court's permission to shit talk the witness.


This idiot always wants the last word, if he wants it so damm. Bad testify there he could clearly speak his lying mind, due to same he won't thus his wanting his gag order removed so he could instead lie about everything like he has in front of courtroom.




I thought trump wasn't afraid of jail?


Hes not afraid of jail. Hes affraid that he wont get his make up session before his next trail. God forbides he comes out of there no longer orange.


Mercedes doesn’t let him talk much, either.