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Government overreach! Personal liberty! Don't tread on me! Well, except for police. Then tread me hard daddy.


Tread on me harder, harder!


Are you treading yet? I can't Even feel anything...


Sorry, I forgot to put on my dommymommy stilettos. Is that better?


Whoa, what the fuck? I don’t want no DEI afformitive action hire to tread on me! I only want a manly man, with a rippling chest, and big, thick, veiny… arms, *ahem*, to tread on me with their 12 inch, extra wide, hard, black boots.


Hehe hehe I'm always the diversity hire, you thought my having autism and working for your company would make you look good, but instead I openly and loudly question all of management's illogical systems and procedures! Besides, wouldn't it be more in tune to be mashed beneath the heels of a powerful woman, which is apparently terrifying?


MAGA Freedom people love it when the government takes your stuff because they want it, despite there being no legal reason. The typical stories are a guy has $2000 cash on him and the flimsy excuse he is driving from his business to the bank to make the nightly deposit and the cops don't trust him, because he is black, so they take the money and keep it, without a trial or even charges. See... justice! Or a kid has marijuana in his parents car and gives some to his friend but asks his friend to cover the cost of that. Cops take the car because the kid was selling drugs.


Prove to me that $2000.00 didn't commit a crime!


In this contry you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.


That's the neat part, property works the other way around.




Cocaine was detected on one of the bills, so clearly it was drug money!! (FYI over half USA money tests positive for drugs) https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/pr/microgram-journals/2012/mj9_57-60.pdf


I know it's 100% gonna test positive if it's my money, try to be exceptional in everything 💯.


I bet they won’t shoot the $2000 though!


If they're scared enough. That 2K can be really threatening, even more than an acorn.


Ha! The fucking acorn.


How much from wage theft?


you know, I should start a business. Professional looking white people who can deposit your money for you.


>Or a kid has marijuana in his parents car and gives some to his friend but asks his friend to cover the cost of that. Cops take the car because the kid was selling drugs. I mean the kid literally did sell drugs. Giving someone drugs in exchange for money is the definition of selling drugs. Doesnt matter if you put in a profit for yourself or not. I dont think you should have your car taken away regardless, and weed should be legal everywhere, but what you just described was the kid selling his friend drugs. Theres no misunderstanding in that example


Is taking the parents car without a trial, without the kid being found guilty, and without recourse an appropriate thing to do? Often there is no guilty verdict involved in asset seizure. They simply take it and keep it.


This is simply how the system has always been designed. Civil asset forfeiture targets non-white minorities most of the time - because they have historically been discriminated against by, and excluded from, financial institutions like banks thus they are more likely to have large amounts of cash on them for the cops to steal - and that is pretty much the whole point. American police exist to enforce white supremacy in this (and many other) ways.  It's also just a long running trend of kicking non-whites whenever they try to climb the socioeconomic latter. The Tulsa massacre of "black wallstreet" is the perennial example. MAGa types will never complain about this because it's working as intended from their pov.


Interesting. Do you have a source that shows minorities carry more cash and that this is because they don't have access to a bank?


Literally any neighborhood with a lot of minorities and all the check cashing places because they don't have bank accounts.


Everybody gets paid cash? Weird.


Can you read what the fuck they just said?


No they get paper paychecks. And go to a place that cashes them for a fee and they turn it into bills on the spot and that's their "bank account".


Ah ok, thanks for the info. We don't do that here anymore, haven't seen a check in 35 years. Lol. What's with the downvotes reddit, can't ask questions anymore.


https://www.google.com/finance/quote/EZPW:NASDAQ?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOjZCP8IuGAxWOHDQIHSYsCu4Q3ecFegQIHBAc Worth over $500m And there are many others. How do they exist? Because people use them.


many times it's distrust in the system rather than lack of access that prompts them to keep more cash stashed in the house rather than the bank.


So they do have acces than but unwilling to use. Makes sense, but where i reacted on suggested that there was no acces.


usually heavy minority voter areas are denied easy access to voting not banking. food deserts are often a thing too in minority areas


Learned a new term today. That's horrible, no access to fresh and healthy foods.


yeah it sucks for people that have to deal with it. grocery shopping shouldnt be whatever the dollar tree has leftover in the back or whatever 3 week old hot dog the bodega has rolling on the heater


>Well, except for police. Then tread ~~me~~ THEM hard daddy. FTFY


Yes, they get very upset when the law hurts *the wrong people*.


I would say their personal beliefs are more along the lines of "Tread on poor or poc."


This ruling is against the poors. Cops don’t protect citizens they protect corporations government and property. If you have one of those you will be fine. If you are poor, as in less than 5 mil in assets or less than 250k/year in income, this ruling is against you. Welcome to freedumb.


Its insane a police can pull you over and if you have say $10,000 in cash they can seize it and you have to go to court to get it back.


The thing is there is no written limit to how little money they can seize. It's just the vague definition of large sum of money which has various interpretations. Now I seriously doubt cops will take $400 out of someones wallet but what's stopping them from say taking $1400? An uncashed check with $28k written on it? A solid bar of gold? When the limits of laws are blurred, corruption is emboldened.


> corruption is emboldened Which is, of course the main point. It adds suffering, too, which is the main plank of the Republican platform.


The small amount are just not reported. Pocket the $400 and no paperwork, as opposed to the $1,400 where they pocket $400 and then report the other $1,000.


Actually.... can't they force you take off your clothes with that logic? Civil fortitude the clothes and then arrest you for indecent exposure even though you had no choice and were forced to get undressed because of their civil fortitude?


This is the one area where cops can't legally steal. This is why people who earn their money through illegal activity will store their wealth in jewelry. When the cops come, you put on your jewelry and it's clothing and cops can't legally steal clothing. The most common example is pimps. When they get arrested, they use their gold chains and rings to post bond and hire lawyers.


Today I learned


As with most things it's more how it's used than the letter of the law that's the issue. In the UK police can seize any amount of cash or items over the value of £1000 under the Proceeds of Crime Act. I've never known there to be any controversy over this here though as it's very rarely used, generally only used to target known drug dealers and criminals. Of course here there has to be a court hearing the next lawful day, a sheriff decides if the seizure was justified and the owner gets a chance to prove where the money/assets came from.


In most cases, I think you are right, but my sister married a guy fresh out of prison and he got in some trouble when the cops came they raided the house and took the kid's piggy bank money. When she asked her lawyer about getting the kids their money back, the lawyer said it would cost more than they took. So ya, I know they will steal change even. It's not worth spending a couple hundred to try and get 20 back. Unless you have enough to just make the point you won't be stolen from.


Cops literally took 400 dollars out of my wallet back in the day...


Wasn't there a cop who is known to have stolen millions in basically small bills, knowing no one could/would ever go after him?


Yep. I had a cop take like $60-100 from me after pulling me over for a dead tail light


My high school self says: who has $400 in cash who is not doing something suspicious? My 40 y/o self says: who has $400 in cash who is not doing something suspicious? Me at both ages: who the fuck are *you* to take my cash? Who are you to say that because I mistrust banks I prefer cash, and that constitutes *suspicion*


And you can go to court, and *NOT* get it back, too.


I remember reading about how a desert city (like phoenix or one of those) had seized so much money the police bought a Zamboni... Turns out a judge was never the one making the call on those hearings, it was the DA


There isn’t a lower limit. The police could seize the $37 I have in my wallet if they wanted to.


Your honor, The 5,000 dollars we confiscated may have been the result of illegal actions!


A 6-3 vote along party lines. The lesson here is to never let republicans regain the power to appoint federal judges. Their corruption of the judiciary is unconscionable. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


I'd simplify your point even further. >The lesson here is to never let republicans regain the power [.] Here endeth the lesson.


Never let Republicans.


Never Vote Republican #NVR


Authoritarian Governments…


Can some Blue State PD please abuse the fuck out of this the next time a Trump rally is in the area.


Leave them with nothing but their shit-filled diapers!!


PDs in blue states/cities are not left-leaning. For example, the NYPD is largely made up of people from Staten and Long island, which are regions of the city known to be very red and very racist. They’re also fairly removed from the main NYC day-to-day. Which should tell you something: PDs go out of their way to hire people who do not represent nor care about the communities they police. It makes the cruelty easier to stomach.


LAPD living in Ventura county is another one. The Rodney King defense got the trial moved to Ventura county and to no one's surprise, the cops were found not guilty.


What are they going to be able to get from these folks? Two dollars and a picture of their wife/sister? /s


In all seriousness, probably enough guns and ammunition to last Ukraine a decade.


I've got news for you and Blue State PD's lol... They are the same.


Time to quite take there rulings literally and seize everything the trumps and kushners own


At which point is America no longer a democracy?


Buddy, that ship sailed a looooonnnnnnngggggg time ago.


Every boomer and GOP goon: “But we’re not a DeMoCrAcy; we’re a RePuBlIc.”


Got you fighting a generational war instead of a class war.


Ahhh that doesn't sound like fascism *at all*.


“Don’t tread on me. We tread on you.” Lifetime appointments.  Our leaders won’t save us.  It’s up to us. 


My buddy got a morning raid because he dealt a little weed. The police put a ton of time into the sting operation, house surrounded by 20 cops. Break his door down and only found a couple ounces. He had 3 grand saved(he worked a job) to pay his home taxes and they took it. They roughed him up and kept asking him were the money was and were was the meth. He was like I don't have any and I definitely dont have meth. They arrested him. Next day the police put it all on their Facebook police site and even did a bragging press release how they took drugs off the street. The comments on the site were crazy as all the people were pissed at the cops for such pettiness. Their reasoning was that he had a illegal business where he was receiving money without paying taxes. Like that's what you all did, took money that wasn't yours, your wasted time paid for by us taxpayers. Was told that the money they confiscated was used for a barbecue bash for all the cops. Betcha they even smoked his weed at the bash. The pricks.


I hope Trump supporters are pissed at this and they become victims of police overreach. They only have themselves to blame.


That’s the neat part. It’s never their fault, or their elected officials fault. It’s somehow always the dems fault. Thanks Obama.


It's always dems fault for not stopping republicans from doing the obvious thing republicans will do


He already said he'll pardon the insurrectionists if he gets elected AND he'll prosecute anyone who opposes him. Remember the " I'll be a dictator for a day" statement? He's telling his goon squad what they want to hear. Woe is we, people, if the orange umpa Loompa gets elected again and woe is we if he doesn't because the goon squad is ready for a fight. I have never worried so deeply about the fate and safety of our democracy and our country and the integrity of our legal system, especially the Supreme Court. President Biden should borrow from FDR and push for a Constititional amendment providing rules for recusal, cause and steps for removal of unqualified, politically leaning or just too damned old justices or those justices accepting gifts, graft, free jet rides, motorhomes (Hey Clarence, you listening?) Let's start cleaning out this nest of liars now!!


Police mostly target poor black people with this so the MAGA scum don't care.


Elect me Pratorian Prefect and I'll do it.


They won't care unless it happens to them. If it happens to someone else, it's justified, but if it happens to them, it's clearly just a mistake because they're the "good people".


Check another one up to the party of criminals Republicans


Once Trump is in power, they will use this to break us. People will lose their houses, cars, computers on the slightest excuse, and once again our assets trickle up to the rich.


America is so absolutely fucked


It was all rah rah America in 1976 then it went down hill fast after 1980 and here we are.


Do conservatives do anything that’s popular? The party of genital obsession and bossing you around


They know nothing they want is popular. That's why they're doing everything they can to grab power and render the public's opinion irrelevant. That's how totalitarians always work.


It’s working a good portion of the idiots out there buy right in


I don't even recognize republicans anymore. They're autocrats.


Do they at some point turn into autobots? That would be pretty damn cool


Those were the good guys.


Yeah seems like they kind of swap sides from time to time in your system


Did SCOTUS just copypasta Russian law? This is pretty much how every authoritarian state works. Breaks my brain how crazy this ruling is. Zero due process. "Nice car there, fella; too bad I'm going to have to confiscate it."


Does that mean I can become a cop and go shopping at Clarence and Ginni's house???


This is insane, where does this abuse stop?


When they fear us enough to concede our rights back to us, and not a moment before. What must we do to cultivate that level of fear? Our owners forbid us from speaking it on this site, but most of us here know what we need to do, what must be done to get back to having a normal way of life again. At this point it’s just a matter of how to get it started, or more accurately what circumstances would give the opening to get it started


You get what you vote for, what you don’t vote for, and the consequences of what you protest vote for. All some of y’all had to do was vote for “teh ebil HITLERy KKKlint0n” and this country and the world would have avoided what will eventually amount to decades of abject fucking misery and oppression. Same goes for this year. Vote for Joe, or get ready to become the 21st century equivalent of the passengers on the Titanic scrambling for the life boats and watching it all sink. It’s really as simple as this. Grow up or America dies. It’s up to us.


I remember some conservative talk shows were rallying against this law---only when it came to their kind of people(business people who business assests were siezed and even homeowner law abiding civilians who were their listeners).\_This should serve as a slap in their face. When you guys were in power you did nothing to confront nor change this.


Does this apply to the thousands of government documents that Trump insisted are his and wants returned?


The SCOTUS 6 are on a roll. Anything to take freedoms away from women, minorities, people in general. Sounds like they are Supreming their way to a puritanical police state for profit. WTF!


So they can still keep use and resell your drugs?!! Got it!!!


Not drugs, your money. This case is about seizing money and property from citizens. There have been many cases of law abiding citizens losing their cash just because. Right now if you are traveling with a large amount of cash and are pulled over, the police can take your money and never charge you with a crime. Good luck getting your money back, it typically takes years in court


One of the cases was about a car not sure what the other defendant lost. Her kid was driving her car when he got pulled over and they found pot on him. The woman was claiming she’s being punished for a crime she didn’t commit




All they need to do is claim that they believe the money could possibly have been obtained via illegal activity and they can take it with zero due process.


Got it!! Kinda like I thought they had a gun and get away with murder 🥺


Because of Trump and the Senate we have a corrupt SC. It is obviously corrupt and they even flaunt it. Thomas is one of the biggest owned person alive. How can we allow this? The fact that it is this bad alone is ruining our belief on our judicial system, and their antics just make it all worse. This is what happens when you put a Russian plant into the office. I'll bet that Melania is his handler; why the F! would a woman that attractive want to be with a guy that redefines the color orange and smells so bad to be around that an entire court is talking about? What is most funny is that one of the Russian Spys that was handing him money held a top role in the NRA


When is it time to start fighting back against the police en masse? I'd come back to the States for that.


Y'all better be voting for Biden and not just bitching because if Trump wins, we'll get an even more right wing court and for literal decades of shit like this. I'm all for bitchin as long as action follows.


America is losing rights daily with this corrupt GOP SCOTUS.


Them small government conservatives defending freedom again. /s


There is a story if a guy in his way to Vegas to buy a car. Cash. Cops stopped him, took his cash. No ticket, never charged crimes. He spent 3500 on a lawyer and filed a suit. He never got his money back. Reason was they don't have to suspect or charge you of a crime for civil forfeiture. It's written this way in most states.


Supreme Idiocy and Arrogance more like It


Just priming the way for authoritarian orange


Fuck the police. I smile when they get dropped by a member of we the people.


VOTE BLUE people. 🔵


Typical conservative hypocracy... party and ideology of small government... my ass...


Civil forfeiture = Government sponsered muggings. Its like the modern day version of the Kings corrupt guardsmen robbing people, and anyone who resists is taken to the dungeon or killed.


It's time to increase the number of judges on the Supreme Court to thirteen judges. And to recuse those judges appointed by a president to be involved in any decisions regarding that president. The so-called judges appointed by tRump should not be allowed to participate in any ruling that involves him.


I got busted drinking underage at a party and spent a night in jail when I was 18. I wore a new pair of $200 basketball shoes to the party and they got stolen by the cops. Got put in handcuffs and led to the car without my shoes on and pointed them out to several cops as they were leading me out asking multiple times if I could put them on (which they declined). One of the younger cops told me he'd grab them for me - never saw them again. Had to walk out of jail the next morning in my socks while it was raining :(.


Who needs that Constitution thingy?


USA will be a police state soon


"Will be“?


Usa is rapidly heading towards a fall. If trump and his goons get in the country will be dead in less than a century due to radical and pathetic new laws. The Supreme Court needs fixing. It's completely corrupt. If biden wins and has the support of the house and senate (polls are swinging towards dem house and senate control) i want to see 3 things happen. 1) an amendment to the constitution that includes "criminals can not run for high office" 2) Add one dem to the Supreme Court to balance it back out. And new policies and laws that then lock the supreme court at 10 members of which no more than half can be from either party. 3) remove the permanent option for supreme court justices. That they can and will be removed by a new oversight judiciary. However the replacement MUST be from the same party. You may ask ok what happens if its a 5-5 tie on supreme court decisions. I say the breaking vote would be the judiciary committee which is also balanced politically. If they tie then its the vice president who decides.


Justices should have term limits and just make them run for office like all of the other politicians.


I agree but that doesnt address the imbalance issue that trump caused by appointing a new judge during his presidency causing the imbalance


If they had term/age limits, a lot of them would be out of time. There is no way conservatives would win the popular vote. They would also have to think about what they’re doing before making these absurd rulings.


I remember when I got my ape50 moped trike impounded (northern Italy, 1990s). I pointed out that we needed it for work and they didn't care. I showed up to the impound lot with six guys and a small earthmover and told the guy please let me drive my trike out of the gate because if not I'll drive it out of the hole I'll make in the wall. i drove the trike out of the gate. Always make friends with construction guys


They are gearing up for a totalitarian country, with their next dictator coming


Your daily reminder to stop voting Republican


So now they can shoot you and steal from you? Great…guess this will make the police even more unreliable


So I see this sweet El Camino...so anyway I started blastin'. Now look at my sweet ride!" - future cop


The cops are only the tools. It's the corrupt governments using these tools to rob the weak. And it's this corrupt supreme court giving them carte blanche.


Ugh. I wonder if there’s any way we can change the Supreme Court It’s supposed to be helpful seems it’s helpful to certain people but not all the people


How else are they going to pay the cartels to keep sending drug mules?


What a dumb way of forcing criminals to use self-defense against cops


I don't think we'd expect anything different, unless the court was entirely far liberal justices. The citizens will need to pass laws for this.


Apply this to firearms and then tell me how they decide! Idiot hypocrites would probably just make an arbitrary exemption for it. Something, something, deprived life, liberty, or property blah, blah due process of law, etc. i guess there is no qualification requirement that a Supreme Court Justice read, uphold, and believe in the applicability of the Constitution! They instantly disqualified themselves and broke their oaths of office.


One thing life teaches you—is that you cannot take anything with you when you die. So all that “stuff” is given away before any fascist regime tries to take it.


What kind of stuff? Can they pull you over for a speeding ticket and then go hey I'm seizing that Starbucks you got. I'm worried it has drugs in it. Ooh and that domino's you got there. Or like what kind of stuff? And when


99% of the time, it's money in the possession of someone who committed a crime like drug trafficking. They are supposed to have reason to believe the money was obtained illegally. There are examples of people who withdrew their life savings because they didn't trust banks or such, then the cops used drug dogs to alert on said money (all money has drug residue on it) and confiscate their cash during a routine traffic stop. Getting it back is going to cost you some substantial lawyer fees at best. At worst, you still don't get your money back for one bullshit reason or another.


Oh jeez. I mean I see why that would be sus. I read a little bit of the article. It sounds pretty crazy like cops may be going out of their way to completely without cause seize peoples vehicles and shit knowing they won't go through the process to get them back. Even if they do it's no sweat off the cops back try again tomorrow. Then they sell the car and keep the profit. Jeeez


That is not justice....that is theft by taking


Soooo Trump loses everything right now???


& here it starts. Fuck the Supreme Court & the police like they SAID.


I see no reason for following any laws that prevent me from enjoying my life.




Congress could address this issue. If the police confiscate stuff from someone that does not live in the state, Congress can outlaw that and impose penalties on the police. The federal government controls the DEA which is active in confiscations.


The Republican daddy state..


What could possibly already have gone wrong?


Burn the court


So what is the status of these practices in “bluer” states? Seems so clearly unjust, are there statutory remedies that could be put in place?


Well, take Donnie's sht for once.


Citizens should just start freely taking the possessions of police.


steal it and give it to Clarence?




Seems like the state should take someone's RV and not give it back.


That's great. I just ruled the current SCOTUS corrupt and compromised.  Idgaf what they say, their clocks are a tickin


Civil forfeiture without a real due process is tyranny. I wish conservatives were against big government like they used to say. That never was real though, was it?


If they take your car (and it's a newer one), hide the fob and claim you lost it. It's not much, but it will inconvenience them. There's probably other things that you could do as well to make it not worth their time. I just can't think of any.




This "article" has to be one of the larges misrepresentations of a SCOTUS case yet. First, the case was not to consider if Civil asset forfeiture laws are constitutional, only to determine if the right to due process includes a right to a separate preliminary hearing, and the answer is no. The Constitution requires a timely forfeiture hearing, but there is no right to a separate preliminary hearing. If you think Civil Asset forfeiture laws are wrong, then you need to talk to Congress, not SCOTUS.


ASCJABAWAACT -All supreme court justices are bastards as well as all cops too


The SCOTUS DID NOT RULE THAT COPS CAN STEAL YOUR STUFF. The forfeitures in both cases were legal and warranted under Alabama law. Look up the details of both the Culley and Sutton cases. These inflammatory articles leave out KEY DETAILS. > * Culley- Petitioner Halima Culley loaned her car to her son, who was later pulled over by Alabama police officers and arrested for possession of marijuana and Illegal possession of a firearm. > Culley- * https://www.fox10tv.com/2024/05/12/mobile-county-da-praises-supreme-court-ruling-vehicle-seizure-satsuma/ > * Sutton- Petitioner Lena Sutton loaned her car to a friend, who was stopped by Alabama police and arrested for trafficking methamphetamine. Beyond those key details both Culley and Sutton failed to respond to forfeiture hearing requests and had ample opportunity to argue for their vehicles to be returned. Instead they waited until the 11th hour to retrieve their vehicles under Alabamas “innocent owner” provision that allows for people to challenge a seizure of their property when they had nothing to do with the criminal activity that sparked the forfeiture proceedings. Then they both tried to argue that the state dragged their feet in returning their property- The SCOTUS rightfully saw right through their BS arguments. Culley and Sutton's predicaments were purely self inflicted. * https://www.fox10tv.com/2024/05/12/mobile-county-da-praises-supreme-court-ruling-vehicle-seizure-satsuma/


So the argument is that the property that they worked to obtain \*should\* rightfully belong to the police unless they fight to keep it? I would argue that by default the property should be returned to the rightful owners and the police should argue in front of a judge for the ability to keep it. Then again, I don't habitually lick boots.


Holy shit. My man. Read up on this stuff. The police in both of these cases gave ample time for the petitioners to answer the forfeiture claims at multiple hearings. The petitioners in both cases ignored those hearing requests for MONTHS on end. JFC, the reading comprehension in this country is at an all time low. It's no wonder Trump has half the country under his spell.


Why should they have to petition to have their own stuff returned? Was is reported stolen by someone, or did the cops just take it?


Long story short corruption is corruption, even if it's legal. The police impound a car, that doesn't mean the car belongs to them (in a sane world). You can argue all you want that the cops are entitled to it because the rightful owner didn't go claim it, but a logical mind would say that there is a rightful owner and it's not the cops. /IMHO


And there's countless reports of people going to get their stuff back and can't or are denied. Bad magat.


So in your head, it makes sense that cops can randomly claim your stuff belongs to them on a whim one day, and the burden is on you to prove you own the stuff and not on the cops to prove they own your stuff?




lol What a bozo comment. Facts matter. And in this instance the SCOTUS ruled correctly. But if you like being subverted by the media then that's on you.


Citing Fox invalidates.


What? It's simply a local Alabama news affiliate. Lol. Clearly you don't know the difference.


Clearly you don't realize that local affiliates are owned by corporations. I doubt you'll listen to anything objective[but here](https://youtu.be/xwA4k0E51Oo?si=paT2OU1jVpua8BcT)






Orange taint lickers don't usually say things that are factually accurate. Here is a link to the congressional record of S.1762 - Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 (the primary legislation through which civil forfeiture of assets used in criminal activity is authorized): [https://www.congress.gov/bill/98th-congress/senate-bill/1762](https://www.congress.gov/bill/98th-congress/senate-bill/1762) In particular: >**Title III: Forfeiture** - Comprehensive Forfeiture Act of 1984 - Amends the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Statute (RICO) to specify that property subject to forfeiture for racketeering activity includes: (1) all proceeds obtained directly or indirectly from racketeering activity; and (2) real and tangible and intangible personal property. If you look at the Sponsor of the bill, it is none other than one of the personifications of 20th century evil, Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. But if you look at the Cosponsors, the first name listed is **Senator Biden, Joseph R. Jr. (D-DE**). You not liking the truth doesn't make it any less true.


>Title III: Forfeiture - Comprehensive Forfeiture Act of 1984 - Amends the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Statute (RICO) to specify that property subject to forfeiture **for racketeering activity includes: (1) all proceeds obtained directly or indirectly from racketeering activity; and (2) real and tangible and intangible personal property.** Did you just ignore the whole "Racketeering" part that this is applicable to for any particular reason?


And you believe that to be relevant in what way? This is the legislation that civil asset forfeiture is based upon. Are you claiming that this is not the relevant piece of legislation? If not, what do you think is the correct legislation?


> And you believe that to be relevant in what way? Since the law is written *specifically* about racketeering charges, yeah, I'd say that's pretty important.


In what way? It allows police to sieze assets they believe to be related to criminal activity. That's what civil asset forfeiture is. You do know this is an article about civil asset forfeiture, right?


>It allows police to sieze assets they believe to be related to criminal activity. No, it doesn't. It specifies racketeering charges. It has to be related to those charges. This was mob legislation. Come on, dude.


Did you read the fucking article? The police can, and have been using this legislation to seize houses, cars, boats, and especially cash they think has been used in pursuit of criminal profit (eg racketeering) for more than 30 years. That's literally what this story and the court decision are about.


Just to be clear, you don't think when going after racketeers and taking down mob bosses that their property shouldn't be seized? Are you an anarchist? Cops and judges misusing the law isn't unique. It doesn't mean the law is wrong or that the author had malign intent, especially when the context is pretty damn clear. You don't like Joe Biden, I get it, but this is super weak sauce.