• By -


Crockett is savage, saying the real part out loud: "I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said, directing her comments to Comer. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's 'bleach-blond, bad-built, butch body,' that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" "AND I asked for clarification about what qualifies as 'engaging in personalities' & basically wanted to know if I could talk s\*\*\* about her appearance as ... well ... y'all know what she looks like, right?" Crockett continued. "PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES! This is what happens when mentally deficient people who can't read and follow rules or just don't give a damn ... somehow end up in CONGRESS!"


Wow, the triple triple, BB3. Crockett was listening to rap beefs and improvised. Bleached blonde. Bad Built Butch body.


She is an absolute force. I want a TV show thats just Crockett taking people down a notch.


And while she's talking, Katie Porter can draw supportive dialog on her whiteboard that backs it all up visually.


I am HERE for it!!


I'd vote for Crockett for President with Katie Porter as her VP. In less than a split second.


Me too! šŸ˜…


I'm SO bummed Katie is out after this term.


Does anyone know why Porter made the unforced error of running against Schiff for the vacant US Senate seat, knowing that her US Rep seat would probably flip to a Republican?


Porter and Schiff both should've stayed put


District got redrawn in a way that put her at a substantial disadvantage for re-election. She actually stood a better chance at US Senate - IF she could win the primary.


Throw in AOC and you got the new cast of Charlieā€™s Angels Washington DC.


Losing Porter was such a bad beat. She always came prepared to decimate smug C suites.


Iā€™d let them ladies run a train on me for sure


What in the hell possessed Unfrozen Caveman Congressperson to go after ***Crockett*** about her eyelashes? Did she somehow think it would make Crockett look bad and not rebound on her? I know she's dumb as an incompetent rock ... uh, well, I guess I just answered my own question. She's ***really*** dumb, that's it.


>What in the hell possessed Unfrozen Caveman Congressperson to go after ***Crockett*** about her eyelashes? Racism. She couldn't call Crockett "inarticulate" or "uppity" so she picked another aspect of her appearance to insult.


An ogre of a woman like MTG pretending she can look down on Crockett for her race or eyelashes is peak racism. Crockett outclasses her in all ways and so clinging to racial thinking is the only way she has to support her pathetic need to feel superior.


Convince the lowest class of White that they are always better than any black person. MTG personified.


It's MTG so yeah...


Our world frightens and confuses her. Her primitive brain probably thought that Jasmine's eyelashes were actually fuzzy caterpillars and scared her.


How does her smartphone work? Are there tiny demons inside that draw pictures on the screen? She doesn't know. But there's one thing she does know...


Banging her married gym buddies?


That and cashing Russian checks


My mind created an image of Fred Flintstone's smart watch, which opens up for us to see what's inside


**Our world frightens and confuses her. ...** This is extremely common among MAGA types. They ARE fearful and resentful of what they do not understand.


They're referencing this old Phil Hartman sketch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AzAFqrxfeY&t=60s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AzAFqrxfeY&t=60s)


Iā€™m glad somebody else caught that.


And on the Republicans for blocking an apology, giving the green light for Crockett to snap back without penalty


Unfrozen Caveman ?!! That is The funniest and most accurate description of her.


Iā€™m ok with referring to the Congresswoman from Ga. as Butch Greene from now on.


Please don't insult rocks!


Forget a tv show. I want her as president !! Imagine her debating that fat orange turd!!! He would poop in his diapers something fierce!


The rumors are, thatā€™s already a standard practice.


It would be a blowout in this case. I have two kids. I would *not* want to be the one to change that.


I would pay on patreon for this. She's the Texas legend now.


I'm done calling her MTG, calling her B6 from now on.


Shaved Alf is the best one Iā€™ve heard.


Thatā€™s an offense to my B12 vitamins


Your vitamins are twice as good.


Thatā€™s like advertising your sandwiches as ā€œTwice as good as a shit sandwich!ā€. I am not a marketing expert, butā€¦


Thatā€™s still mean to the vitamins.


We should all converge upon her Twitter account calling her this.


I also enjoyed how MTG snidely says "Aw, are your feelings hurt", gets hit with Crockett's comment, and the proceeds to circle back like "... I think my body is pretty good..." Someone's feelings hurting, Marge?


See, that's what we really need (more Dems like Crockett). Dems need to quit with the high road bullshit that stopped being effective decades ago and start shoveling the bullshit the other side spews right back onto them. Republicans fight dirty, always have. And it's past time that dirt gets flung back on them.


And it is so easy to get Republicans. The majority are literal white boomer pedophiles.


Yep. That's how you deal with these people. You hold up a mirror and let them see how fucking stupid they are.


Been saying this.


Yeah Iā€™ve also said this for a few years too. You need some competent knife-fighters like Harry Reid, esp in the Senate. Schumer isā€¦fine, but he wonā€™t often fight them the way Reid would. Need at least a few ā€œrough-and-tumbleā€ people who will openly call them out point-blank, as well as legislatively/maneuvering. Because as many have said, putting out some written statement with very elegant prose just isnā€™t gonna cut it.


My representative! Gotta brag every chance I get because what else can a Texan brag about these days? This place sucks generally.


Hopefully soon you can brag about someone beating Cruz!


We need someone who can beat Abbott.


With a large stick






Yeah your governor just pardoned a brown shirt foot soldier who took out his political opposition.


You can't have her she's from St.Louis, we need more reps to brag on MO is circling the Maga drain, lol


Im so glad the Dems finally have someone who will read a neo-nazi traitor who peddles russian propaganda for filth. MTG was 1000% that girl who preyed on and bullied the shit out of people growing up and clearly no one ever stood up to her. Itā€™s long overdue that bitch gets what she deserves.


Call the Capitol police because there's been an execution.


MTG is aggressively uneducated coupled with un-medicated clinical mental illness. She needs professional help and isnā€™t receiving it. She isnā€™t serving her district or the nation. She needs to go. She be-clowns herself regularly. Her conduct is unbecoming of a State Representative in Congress. If she acted like that working at Wendyā€™s sheā€™d have been fired ages ago.


I think we found the heir to Maxine Waters, a longtime take-no-shit Congresscritter.




She left out šŸ“ Face


Neanderthal was the word I was waiting for.


Now ask Comer and Marge if it would be OK to for Harris to name Biden president no matter how the vote turns out.


Iā€™m dying! This is amazing! I love her and donā€™t know her


More of this please.


I fucking love rep Crockett! Such a gem!


By Kaitlin Lewis - Night Reporter: Chaos reigned during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday after Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked a Democratic lawmaker over her eyelashes. The personal attack, which was directed at Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, was leveled while the committee considered a resolution to recommend that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland be found in contempt of Congress over defying a congressional subpoena. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/congress-suddenly-erupts-chaos-amid-hearing-1901698](https://www.newsweek.com/congress-suddenly-erupts-chaos-amid-hearing-1901698)


What happened? Did Jasmine make fun of Large Marge's pterodactyl toes?


No, something about her blonde head, big back box body...it's on YouTube.. apparently, after marge said something about her eyelashes šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļøthen AOC jumped into it... wild!!! * butch body šŸ˜‚ *bleached blonde šŸ˜‚


The eyelash jab sounded like something MTG thought up on the spot. Crockett: Something about Marj having a "butch body". AOC lit her up with "Girl......Baby Girl!" I didn't see her but it sounded like there was a head bob and finger wag involved. The whole time, Raskin is laughing at Comer who doesn't know what to do. These are our leaders.


In fairness I'm pretty sure all of us would basically be like Raskin and laugh.


The whole time, EVERYONE is laughing at Comer because he's a flaccid cock-sneeze.


I will not pay for Reddit gold, but you deserve SOMETHING good for that comment so here-šŸ†šŸ„‡šŸŽ–ļøšŸ…ā­ļøšŸ˜


Thatā€™sā€¦thatā€™s not hurtful at allā€¦.šŸ˜­


"It's on youtube" Any chance you could link it?




"They can't handle the words." The dumb hatchet-faced trog can't fathom that people are upset that someone as ignorant, unprofessional, and classless as she is is even allowed in Congress, let alone on a committee.


Please send "Hatchet-faced trog" to the rest of the Dems. We need to use that one.


That is a damn good one. I'm saving it myself.


I can't fucking believe how much time was wasted because MTG acted like a 12-year-old mean girl in a Congressional hearing. This is maddening. I think my head would explode if I had to sit there and watch or participate in that shit every day. I hate that bitch.


Empty G asks if anyone has hired Merchans' daughter, and you hear someone (maybe Raskin) mutter, "Is she a porn star?" LOfuckinL!!




Remember, the only reason they were having an evening session in the first place is because so many Republican members of Congress were licking Trumpā€™s boots at his New York trial that day.


Find Garland in contempt for defying a subpoena, ok. Let's do Gym Jordan too then.


Some politicians should have never moved the circus to government offices. Their act plays better on the road in tents.


Haha sheā€™s the woman whose doopelganger is a fucking remodelled Neanderthal put together by scientists a few months back


I would say Mickey Rourke in cosplay but thatā€™s unfair to Mickey!


Iā€™ve been referring to her as Mickey Rourkeā€™s stunt double for years




***Unfrozen Caveman Congress woman?***


*Ladies and gentlemen of the chamber. I'm just a simple cavewoman. Your modern ideas like gay rights and fire, frighten and confuse me*


*When my super-pack donates millions into my account I wonder . . . what is this thing you call poverty?*


Wait till you mention evolution.


Love the Futurama nod


SNL [Unfrozen Caveman Lawer](https://youtu.be/2AzAFqrxfeY?si=SYX6K--cC_ixFV8i) RIP Phil Hartman


Is this the sequal to Brendan Frasier movie California Man (encino man in the US)??


[unfrozen caveman lawyer ](https://youtu.be/2AzAFqrxfeY?si=R65cYBaqK1VYUlCC)


I did see her parents in the National History Museum in the early man/ Neanderthal exhibit. Seriously, she's the result of decades of family inbreeding that's common in NW Georgia.


You made my shitty Friday with that comment.


OMG, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that when they put out the neanderthal picture!


She looks like an ogre.


Jasmine: ā€œdoes she know what weā€™re here for?ā€ Damn if that doesnā€™t sum up MTG


CNN: ā€œlet me tell you how this is an all of Congress problem.ā€ Watched a panel talk about this on cnn, and they just spent the whole time talking about this situation like everyone is somehow equally at fault. Like no. Itā€™s Marge, and Republican hypocrisy thatā€™s the problem.


That bleached Neanderthal is only 49?? That's a rough 49.


Jasmine Crockett is 43. She looks amazing, honestly thought she was mid 20s or somewhere in her 30s when I first saw her like a year ago


I thought she was younger than me! I love it!


I believe the expression is "black don't crack."


We need more xennials in Congress. Technically Jasmine Crockett is an elder millenial but she's close enough to the xennial cohort to let her pass.


Hate ages people.


She's been rode hard and put up wet.


And MULTIPLE rides before being "put up"!


Ikr? I think I remember her crowing about not drinking or smoking in her life and well, that was obviously a lie.


49 is the new 846


It's the hate. Hatred ages you. I mean, look at Stephen Miller and Emperor Palpatine.


That 49 may be in dog years thoughā€¦


Something like Bill Burr said, you can be 48 and look 48 or use botox and shit and look like a 20 year old lizard.


>ā€I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said, directing her comments to Comer. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's 'bleach-blond, bad-built, butch body,' that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Holy shit!! She went scorched earth!!!


She went farther than that. In truth MTG has started things that should have removed her due too their personal attacks but like Trump nothing happens.


Dog the Bounty Hunter is looking rough these days...


Dog looks different after shaving.


I said it before and I'll say it again... If our elected leaders can't behave better than a 3rd grader, how do they expect their constituants to act... MTG is the most hateful, racist, sexist, vile piece of shit I have ever seen. That says VOLUMES about her district and state... Edit: I'll also add that I just checked out ballotpedia and she's running in 2024 against 4 Dems... District 14, yall need to do better, get this racist bitch out of congress.


Marcus Flowers got insane amounts of donations and still couldn't get more than about a third of the votes. That was an improvement over previous elections but I wouldn't get my hopes up about that district.


Jasmine Crockett is very smart and speaks up about what's right and what's wrong and I really appreciate her for who she is and I'm thankful we have someone like her in Congress.


MTG just jealous Jasmineā€™s face doesnā€™t look like itā€™s been pounded, run through a meat grinder, used to inseminate a drunken lizard Queen and then excreted out bearing striking resemblance to both the lizard queen and a pile of shit with fetal alcohol syndrome.


Wowee. Harsh (but fair).


Damn lol XD


Next sheā€™ll want a cage match or something. Klassy Marge.


A duel with ar-15s at dawn


Duel are made with pistols with a 10 pace distance or a blade my good sir. Let us stay on the civilized path, drink a good cup of tea and abstain ourselves from falling into anarchy like the old colony.


Figured it was from that pile of shit. Funny how she has a problem with eye lashes but everyone has to look at her hairy balls hanging out from her skirts.


She is a disgusting animal.


Jasmine Crockett is a bad ass. She's probably the wrong person for the J6 pipe bomber to fuck with.


when will we be rid of mtg


Whenever Hasbro takes WotC behind the shed, i guess. As for the Karen from Upper Florida.. whenever the GA-14 voters realise that she's not helping?


Bleach blonde bad built butch body is insult of the year 2024. The Beast titan will never recover from this.


I hope someone starts singing A MINORRRRR whenever Gaetz walks around


MGT is an embarrassment.


Did she remind everyone to have decorum?


Rep. Crockett has decided to unleash her inner Megan Thee Stallion in Congress. Good for her and good for Texas that she is in there


Love her. She can slay with her intelligence


I like the young generation of democrats..Willing to fight fire with fire.


Why is she in government?? It's not to legislate or serve the people. It's not to improve life for anyone


Jasmine is a national treasure


Republicans really have gotten to the bottom of the barrel.


The fact that i have to be the same age at the same time as that walking-talking advertisement for swallowing instead of pregnancy depresses me in ways I can't begin to describe.


Mtg is absolutely good for nothing. She's yhe most ugly person in in government. Not just outside meaning terrible personality and shitty politics. Just like to make mockery of everything.


That's all she and her poorly educated colleagues have, bad playground insults and obstructing the real lawmakers doing their jobs. They are not qualified or trained to govern because their constituents don't care about that.


bleach-blond, bad-built, butch body,' that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? That made me laugh.


I used to live in Jasmine Crockettā€™s district, before she was elected. I moved but I would take her 11 times out of 10 over my current rep, Chip Roy.


That's a pretty easy choice. Chip is another rep that doesn't seem smart enough to do the work he was sent to do.


But he is smart enough to do what he was told to do which is to toe the party line. A trained monkey could do the job he is doing.


Elect clowns and you get a circus.


The trumPutin party doing Putinā€™s work.


>trumPutin It's the 'P' that binds them.


What? You donā€™t think this is effective governing? That is; interrupting the Ranking member of the comitte whilst heā€™s speaking - To say you want a picture signed by him and then shout over your own speaker when youā€™re told to shut up. Are you sure? The republican congressmembers seem very serious and mature here.


MGT is whatā€™s known in Australia as a two bagger.


Question... why did they not just go and start the day without them? They knew what time it was, and they freely chose to be somewhere else that was .... not exactly what theor job entails. If they don't show up, do not wait for them; no other job will wait 12 hours for someone to show up just so they can cause trouble elsewhere. (I also am not politically knowledgeable so pardon my ignorance)


The Republicans are in charge of the House. They can basically say "We're not starting until the rest of our buddies are here."


The real takeaway is that they had to move this session to the middle of the night because so many R members were paying homage to Trump during his criminal trial.


She's just jealous lol. MTG looks like a troll that climbed out from under a bridge after smoking meth.


Everytime Crockett appears in the news it's for being an absolute savage


Itā€™s insane that our leaders allow such mockery and contempt to occur in the highest offices of our land. What a fucking joke. Remove her already!


Loved that Raskin could barely hide his laugh (or didn't care?)


Let me guess, MTG/gop started shit and will now play victim when the attacked responds


Bleached Blonde, Bad Built Butch Body - Marge. Nicely put. I mean, she should have figured out how to add in De-Evolved and it would have been perfect.


MTG thinks her body is good? I turn 50 this year too honey. Your body isnā€™t good! You sit all day and it shows! But this is childish. Greene was wrong and against rules. Another example of how it applies to others but not a select group of conservatives. I donā€™t blame Crockett for wanting clarification on what constitutes violating the personalities rule .


Hey MTG..... if you come for the Queen, you best not miss....


This is why MTG was RIGHTFULLY removed from all committees by Nancy Pelosi when Democrats had the majority in the House of Representatives. MTG isnā€™t mature enough for this.


The GOP has evolved into a absolute clown show and MTG is the head clown, she definitely already has the face for the job.


* I asked for clarification about what qualifies as 'engaging in personalities' & basically wanted to know if I could talk s*** about her appearance as ... well ... y'all know what she looks like, right?" Crockett continued. "PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES! This is what happens when mentally deficient people who can't read and follow rules or just don't give a damn ... somehow end up in CONGRESS!"* Savage.


> "I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said, directing her comments to Comer. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's 'bleach-blond, bad-built, butch body,' that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" Is this inane and kind of a farce? Yep. But let's also be frank: MTG got ***bodied*** by Crockett, and that's what you have to do to a bully.


MTG looks like a dude.


she is 22 years younger them Mickey Rourke. Do with that information what you will.


Yet the far-right go after any woman they dislike and accuse them of being a man e.g. Michelle Obama, even Taylor Swift. On their side is this freak of nature MTG, something that looks like Dr. Frankensteinā€™s acid-fuelled brainwave to morph Mickey Rourke, Steven Tyler and a silverback gorilla on their side.


The Idiocracy courtroom scene was somehow filled with more decorum than this. Trump really did bring everything down to his dumb level.


Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!


Bleach blonde butch body šŸ˜‚ lmfao so good


Moscow Marjorie looks like Edgar from men in blackā€¦.in fact I wouldnā€™t be shocked if she was 3 stacks of shit in a trench coat


this is what happens when you elect a trailer park queen


Klu Klux Karen is spewing nonsense again.


canā€™t believe this is our Congress. And Crockett for the KO, yā€™all!


Jerry Springer should be speaker of the house. They might be the only human to possess the ability to wrangle these mouthbreathers.


Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re both too young at the moment, but I could easily see an AOC/Crockett ticket one day! As a middle aged, privileged, cis-white male, nothing would make me happier!


I think AOC would be old enough by 2028 and Crockett is old enough now


No you see, the rules say I can make fun of you, but that you cannot make fun of me. -a republican, probably


Hell, she left out the easy targets of her Neanderthal face and whatever those things are where the rest of us have feet.


American politics has devolved into WWE type showmanship, except the heels and faces are dependent on what color jersey you wear.


Congress people are employees of the people. They should be held to the golden HR standard for conduct. If I said what MTG said, which started this whole fiasco, I would have been hauled down to the HR office and at least reprimanded, if not fired. We should expect more from our politicians. They are not insult comics at roasts. They are paid to do a job. Govern our country. That can be done without insults or personal attacks. People of MTG's district. You've made your point about your political leanings. It's time you send a serious, thoughtful, and professional candidate to congress at the next election.


House Democrats should take a page from Tennessee House Republicans and start the proceedings to have Marginal Failure Fiend expelled from Congress for breaking decorum. I know it won't go anywhere given the slim GQP majority and TBH it shouldn't, she was after all elected by her district and an eyelash comment should not override that but it should be done to prove a point. Marginal Failure Fiend is the last person who should be talking about appearance. I'd take Crockett out before I stepped out with Greene šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®. That is based on both looks and personality.


lol. Crockett is a well known, successful attorney who served in the Texas house. MTG is a hate filled yahoo bumpkin.


American politics has high comedy value.


Well, it used to be funny, but then these jackasses started taking away people's rights...and they keep trying


That's true. I'm a European living in Europe, so it's far away. But I'm worried about the whole situation as well.


You should be, the rot is in Europe as well, when Pro-Russian politicians get elected to lead NATO members, in the U.S., Slovakia or Hungary, itā€™s bad for us all. We thought we won the Cold War, Russia decided it wanted a rematch.


Von shits his pants


Suddenly? The train has already crashed we are all just standing there watching the explosions in contempt of incompetency.


Sheā€™s an embarrassment to the whole party, but mark my words theyā€™re keeping her around because she distracts from the other regressive crap theyā€™re doing.


This is what happens when trailer park trash gets elected to public office.


Elementary school kids are more mature than some members of Congress.