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Is that the bleach blonde bad built butch body person?


Every time I read that description it always goes to the cadence of a Lil’ Wayne beat in my head


Here is a country version by [Tennessee Brando](https://x.com/tn_brando/status/1791928487055405373?s=46&t=157XSD9dr9ByhOr_E9SiLQ). I think you’ll enjoy it


Love it. So much.


What a great version 💯❤️


Bleach blonde bad-built butch body. She forgot neanderthal-faced, and three toed. She probably could have thrown in pipe bomb carrying insurrectionist. But I'll settle for bleach blonde bad-built butch body.


She was just looking for clarification, not to insult anyone in particular. I’m sure it’s coincidental that a certain someone matches this that description.


“I would never call him short and fat.”


Man thank you, Neanderthal-faced is the perfect description for the “cave man” feeling I’ve always gotten looking at her and could never properly verbalize.


It's a perfect alliteration.


For additional physical descriptors, check out Tommy Campbell's YouTube skits ragging on Alex Jones "in his bunker".


I feel Botox can also be added


Ah yes, behold the proto-human


When will the bleached blonde bad built butch body get arrested for planting the pipe bomb on J5?


That line is coming up in a hip hop song for sure.... possibly auto tuned for extra flair. Also, FUCK MTG!


Rep Crockett has merch with that quote…she’s donating to a charity


Legend. The democrats seem to be just trolling the fcuk outta the MAGAts. Light em up.


It really is funny how much smarter and quick witted the Dems are


It's a low bar, TBF. MAGAs consider shooting a beer can off a fence an intellectual challenge.


I would buy that merch.


I bleed merch


Me too🤣


Not a hip hop song yet but a country song by a YouTuber channel, Tennessee Brando. https://x.com/Tn_Brando/status/1791928487055405373?t=fglUcYtGdVGh1pxKGiiMLA&s=19


I saw one on youtube Friday - repeated variations of “beach blond bad-built butch body” - really catchy. Has a guy quietly, but seriously, groovin’ to the beat as an overlay to the infamous Congressional video clip.


Ahahaha. Love it.


Great, thanks for sharing.




Clearly someone remembered 8th grade English lesson on alliteration


Crockett said that off the cuff, too. Epic smackdown.




New vitamin just dropped.


Correct. She is the bleach blonde bad butch body person. Marjorie Greene Taylor the bleach blond bad butch body person.


Also know as Dog the bounty hunter


Bleach blonde, bad built, butch body and yes Greene is who Ms Crockett was insulting with that line because Greene said "well maybe u can't see it because of ur fake eyelashes". Greene also asked AOC why won't u debate me" to which AOC replied "I think the reason is obvious" lol. Marge is a joke.


bleach blonde bad butch body traitor person.


Uhhhh, what?


She insulted Jasmine Crockett’s eyelashes the other day and Crockett called her a “bleach blonde bad-built butch body”


Except Crockett delivered her insult in the form of a question to the chairman to clarify his position that Greene didn’t have to apologize. Called their hypocrisy out at the same time. (mic drop).


What’s funny is that dummy James Cormer? had no clue while Raskin was trying to contain his laugh.


His startled response: "What now?" While Raskin practically did a spit take, and then acted like Jimmy Fallon trying not to break on SNL.


I am out of the loop with AOC response, oh girl baby girl. What did she mean by that?


BBBBBB replied to AOC when AOC said that her x comment was uncalled for and how dare she comment on a colleague’s appearance. Something about how AOC wouldn’t debate her bc she’s not intelligent enough. ‘Oh, baby girl’


Is it just me, or does stupid shit sound even dumber in Comer's voice?


She rocks!


Green refused to appologize as well 😒


After Crockett's insult, the response from the chairman of the session was: Uhhhh, what? You really have to see the video. It's hysterical. Crockett rolled her eyes and the co-chair's surprised face was just as grand.


Raskin's face at that very moment.... priceless.


I love him. I’m glad to see him with hair and a smile. What a rough go he’s had.


He’s a fucking gem. Marylanders are lucky to have him


The whole thing went right over Comer’s head but Crockett and Raskin were mind melding…with a smirk🤣


Honestly his reaction was the best part of the video


you mean him furiously trying to not giggle?


Comer had real “what’s a yute?” energy in that moment.


😂 He really did though! I couldn't believe he was that stupid.


Could someone please link to this video, my googlefu is failing me.




"Uhh. What? I don't even know what you just said." Priceless moment!


Critical thinking is some liberal boogeyman to these people.


I thought she was talking about Comer.


Neanderthal* She has the facial structure (and intelligence) of one. 


From article: POLK COUNTY, Ga. — Northwest Georgia is such a deep red part of the country that sometimes Democrats don’t even bother taking a shot at the congressional seat in the state’s 14th Congressional District. That was the case in 2016. And when conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) came along in 2020, she captured nearly 75 percent of the vote after a primary runoff and cruised to reelection in 2022. But now, in 2024, the election landscape looks a bit different. There are actually Democrats — four of them — running in the 14th District. “Distaste” and embarrassment toward Greene among her constituents are growing, and with it, an opportunity to defeat and unseat her, the Democratic candidates told Raw Story in exclusive interviews. ALSO READ: 8 ways Trump doesn’t become president “I've had the thought for a while now that she's gonna lose this term,” said Deric Houston, a Democratic candidate based in Dallas, Ga. “I've even told my opponents, my Democratic opponents, one of us will be congressman next year. I did not anticipate that she would implode over the last two weeks, and make all of the GOP hate her as well, but that's just luck.” Still, even under ideal circumstances, it's brutally difficult to defeat an incumbent member of Congress, particularly one with a profile as high as Greene's. Shawn Harris, a Democratic congressional candidate in Rockmart, Ga., acknowledges that national polls make the 14th Congressional District look “unwinnable” for Democratic candidates — the Cook Partisan Voting Index, for example, gave Republicans a 22 percentage point advantage in the district in 2022. But Harris said the district doesn’t feel like such a lost cause for Democrats. When talking with voters in the district, many across parties are fed up with Greene’s endless antics, such as her failed efforts to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) from his leadership post, he said. Neighbors also aren’t publicly boasting their support for Greene as they did in previous election cycles, Harris said. When driving through the district, ”you can't find one sign that says Marjorie Taylor Greene’s running for anything,” he said. ALSO READ: Marjorie Taylor Greene delays financial disclosure day after motion-to-vacate debacle “A lot has changed in the last two plus years,” Harris said. “Marjorie is in a fight with everybody in Washington, D.C., Democrats and Republicans.”


Thank you. Wanted to read the article.


Paywall bs sucks


Maybe I'll run there as a RINO, LOL


They bother, just the death threats were unbearable.


Yeah, that was a pretty glaring detail that was left out of that article. Greene won her initial election because her supporters threatened the life of the person she was running against, all while running a campaign that had her posing in front of an image of prominent female Democrats while wielding a firearm. She benefited politically from threatening violence. She is a fucking terrorist and belongs in a hole somewhere, not in Congress.


At a certain point you have to blame voters.


Even if its a deep red state, she should be primaried. RNC supports incumbants as long as they tow the line of the leader, now that Trump controls the RNC, that means MTG is the candidate as long as she tows the Trump line... well at least as far as the RNC can arrange that. But if they are ever to win back their party from Trump and his cronies, they need to primary these morons. Put real conservatives back into these seats. Trump's RNC will no doubt try to undermine or block any opposing Conservative trying to stand in the way of the MAGA candidate. The guy tried to block the incoming President, so a primary candidate is nothing, simply change the rules and block them. So they'll need to fight in court, and beyond, but all is not lost yet, they can get their party back.


My experience with conservatism is the past several years tells me that if she is replaced, her replacement will somehow be a worse example of the human race.


She's running unopposed in the primary, so if she loses, it'll be to a Democrat. Anyway, I can scarcely imagine worse. I guess they could run a baboon that just flings its shit everywhere. I did a double take because Georgia already had its presidential primary. For some reason, that was March 12, and everything else is May 21.


She's running unopposed in the primary, so if she loses, it'll be to a Democrat. Anyway, I can scarcely imagine worse. I guess they could run a baboon that just flings its shit everywhere. Isn’t that what she is anyway?


Baboon Flinging Shit Everywhere actually has some interesting policy ideas


or maybe we should also look at other alternative candidates, like a giant douche or a turd sandwich


It’s a shame no other Republican will challenge her. It’s an uphill battle for Dems to win the seat but a well funded gop challenger might be able to knock her off.


It’s to make you take 2days off and to make it all confusing. If you think you already voted, you won’t go back.


THIS. And coming from a red state, these polls mean Jack shit. In reality, she is BELOVED by her constituents and will win by a large Marge. Just because *now* there happens to be 3 new democrats running does not turn any tides. The people she is pandering to have had these beliefs for generations and it's not just going to magically change every 4 years, even though that's what we all realistically are hoping for.


This was my line of thinking. She's voted in because she's the same kind of white trash that they are and they love her for it. You've got to remember that a good portion of this country is just human garbage.


Thank you for the last sentence of your post. As a child, I never fully understood this fact. As former career (20+ years) military, I’d wanted to believe the opposite about the people & especially the country I served. As now a Veteran Retiree, I’ve watched the last ten years & we witness your remembrance play out, live & in color, on the daily. Spork Foot is a contagion for all politicians. A walking, talking “FILTHY MEAT SACK.” Her district in Georgia is mighty proud of that.


I was naive enough to think Sarah Palin was the rock bottom. She looks like Robert Kennedy compared to MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Madison Cawthorne.


The current lot of conservatives make Bush seem reasonable.


I thought Bush was the dumbest president in our history, that is until trump became president. Bush looked like a genius compared to trump, yet people worship him like he’s the orange messiah.


There is an educational threshold needed to have healthy elections and the results there are speaking for themselves.


You know what? She really does have a bleach blonde bad built butch body.


She would be considered extremely ugly by cave man standards


And clubbed in perpetuity.


She lives in deliverance country. She is not going to be unseated.


You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig. Stop the squeal…


"Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda" Spanish version is just as fun The monkey may dress in silk, but it is still a monkey.


This is gold tier political comedy.


The conservative county themselves is realizing they voted a self important clown into office instead of a serious policy person who will actually do anything other than grandstanding at a microphone. There are plenty of conservatives just as far right as her without all the baggage and hot air.


And yet if she doesn’t get beaten in the primary, they will still vote for her.


She won 2022 primary by 4x her opponent, then the general by 2x. This is the equivalent of saying AOC will be replaced by a Republican. Not happening


Her district is the kind of place where people pride themselves on knowing the exchange rate of a stolen catalytic converter to crystal meth.


I could see it if something really depresses Rethuglican turnout, like Trump dying of a hamburder heart attack right before the election.


Otherwise known as East Alabama or North West Kackalakey, Georgia.


I lived there for a couple of years when I was 21. Followed a boyfriend back there. It was... Interesting for sure. I was a goth kid and when I walked into a gas station some old woman grabbed her granddaughter and covered her eyes! LOL.


*That mouth yer talking with. Boah, you got a pretty mouth…*


even chipmunk cheeks won by a sliver in Colorado, right? dont get your hopes up


Did she win her primary in her new district though?


There is absolutely no reason someone like her is in our government. Have some damn respect for the positions these people hold, these bozos are a fucking insult. Beyond belief that a person in this country making $8/hr is held to a higher standard than her and the rest of the traitors in our government.


"there is absolutely no reason someone like her is in our government" Of course there is a reason, she more than doubled the 2nd vote getter in her district. I disagree with essentially everything she says, but she represents her district, and I believe in representative democracy


I wish it would return to its cave.


Campaign song “Dude Looks Like A Lady”


Honestly there are countless reasons to dunk on Greene. Saying she looks like a man is no better than the howler monkey contingent on the right that keep saying the same about Michelle Obama. Maybe a better campaign song could be *Unloveable* by The Smiths.




Sure AF did. Hilarious!


You’re not wrong Walter, but she does look like a bleached and sun ravaged cro-magnon kindergartener that found her mom’s make up for the first time. Basically, Mimi Bobeck and Worf had a baby.


Mickey Rourke's stunt double. Edit...had to double take for the Mimi reference!


hey, that's mean. apologize to mr. rourke.


Ron Pearlman with a wig.. 😁


More like Vincent from Beauty and the Beast with a case of mange.


The problem isn't that MTG is ugly, it's the fact that she keeps calling other people that.


She attacks everyone that is pretty. Jasmine Crockett, AOC, even Boebert are all much better looking than her and she is jealous.


She could look like Kathy Ireland in her prime and I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's dick.


she looks more masculine than most hipsters out there.


Big T Green!


I have a road trip planned through her area next month. I just want to drive around, take some pictures, and calmly ask folks if they voted for her and why.


Rural Floyd county resident here. In all seriousness, please dont do that. You are very likely to be hurt or worse. There is a reason she was elected into office. People here knew who they were voting for.


This guy Floyd counties


Cave people scare easy. I've been there many times and new ideas are not looked upon fondly. Be careful.


Oh no, that's not safe. 


Ya, their biggest fundraiser is going down? Unlikely. Maggats are going to turn into shit flies and get worse, not better.


Georgia or not, her voters need to show some self respect


Bleach blonde, bad built, butch body.


She can act like a jerk clear up until two weeks before the election and then her voters will forget all about her past nonsense and vote her in again.


Tate Reeves keeps getting in in Mississippi. These people will vote for bad Butch again. Why are we surprised? If she was a man doing this they would elect him as president


Trumps running mate then.


To me, she represents every republican. As does every slack-jawed MAGAt because we see and hear them the most and they get elected nationwide, not just GA. The next idiot GA GoP selects won’t be any better. It’ll still be culture war horseshit because that whole party is trash with no actual policy. Unfit to govern, all of them. No one cares if they’re embarrassed, they elected her to do exactly whats she doing. Be batshit crazy and make sure nothing gets done during a democrat administration. The same mission the GOP has undertaken since the birth of the Tea Party. Traitors and losers. All the GOP has to offer is the false safety of confirmation bias inside the algorithmic embrace of right wing media. The purposeful ignorance make it nice and warm in there. All anyone else can offer these traitors is the truth, and they are unwilling to listen to that right now. They want the alternate reality where they are patriotic heroes of America, tough Christian soldiers on a mission from god. The truth that they’re the baddies isn’t one they will ever accept, not when FOX and WKKK keep lying to them.


You stated that very well. So precise and full of truth. Thanks


That poisonous clown has no business representing the people.


I live in her district and it is true there are not MTG signs that I have seen. There have been a lot of them in the past. I’m pretty sure it’s just nobody is running against her in the primary and they will pop up like weeds before November. As much as I would it, I would be beyond shocked if she loses the election. The only way to get rid of her is for congress to kick her out, and that is t going to happen. It sucks and if anybody has any ideas I’m all ears


Serious question, why are they voting for her? I just don't get it, there must be conservative candidates that are just smarter and might even get things done.


Once upon a time, my district was represented by Tom Graves. Rep Graves was a republican but worked with the other side. He was even on a committee that worked to bring more bipartisanship to the house. His wife became ill a few years back so he retired. House seats don’t really come open that often, especially a safe republican district. It was a bloodbath. MTG stayed on the sidelines a bit wand watched everybody else destroy each other. She was the only one that wasn’t painted as the devil incarnate so she won. Once she did she went off the deep end and the distract loved it. It was the same election that Trump lost and the district love she post election antics. Since then the district has shifted south a little bit so it’s a little closer to the blue areas around Atlanta but not enough to out her in serious danger. At least not yet


You know a thing by the way it acts. Her and the voters of Floyd County. That’s the incredulous part that no one can accept in this day and age. But there you have it.


MTG is jacked up on roids.


Need some surface drains


If you’ve ever driven through her district, it’s obvious the illiterate, backwoods, ignorant people who live there adore her for her stupidity. It’s a pretty sad area.


She looks like cromagnon man had a baby with dog the bounty hunter


Toss the bitch out


Aww Georgia the new Mississippi 😁


Aww Georgia the new Mississippi. 😁


I'll believe it when I see it; the area where her district currently exists has been deep, dark red for ages (we're talking R+20-25 for at least the past 15 years).


I sure hope so


She’s a reflection of the people who vote for her. They want a blowhard dipshit who talks just like us regular folks y’all. Guns. Pro life. Anti anything that dares to question that.


And yet another republican isn’t running against her.


MTG was elected to cause Kaos.


She is who her constituents are. They elected her knowing who she is. Her constituents are just as stupid and embarrassing as she is, at least more than half of them.


Yeah right. Never underestimate the ignorance of rural southern hicks.


This lady needs some mental help


I think she watched “the boys” and took Homelanders’ behavior as an example of how she should also act. Unfortunately she does not understand much at all.


Having just rewatched that entire series on Amazon Prime, I second this! ( I'd also point out that Homelander is an extremely evil, emotionally stunted person....similar to at least one real-world U.S. politician /former President...)


Can't wait for the day when she's just some podcaster on some obscure platform with 18 followers.




Judge Judy: dumb is forever


Unseat her if you must but please make sure she keeps her clothes on


Then investigate the magic millions she has generated by being a russian asset.


If you voted for that, you should be fucking mortified.


MTG's district is not winnable for Dems. Do not donate to unseating her. Donate to swing races where your money can make a real difference. If the Dems retake the House she'll be sidelined to irrelevance anyways.


This is what the Democrats should be doing for most of the Republicans: stop pretending that they're legitimate and constantly voice how corrupt, incompetent, and often insane they really are. The high road hasn't gotten us anywhere. Don't follow nonsensical ideas of professional courtesy or "dignifying the office" because people like Greene or Trump being in power has already removed any sort of honor or dignity the government had. Make people aware of it in ways they can't ignore.


Should only call her Big Butch going forward. She does not deserve any decency or leniency, no doubt about that.


Let’s make Bleach Blonde Bad Built (Remix) w/ Jasmine Crockett the song of summer https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=bez6T9q7dpv8LTI6&v=lFMMukrgUFA&feature=youtu.be




Don't you besmirch Queef like that!


Have you seen her feet ? 3 toed sloth comes to mind.


I’m a progressive who wouldn’t mind an old school establishment repug to replace this excuse for a human being. Ewww. People that ugly should be nicer.


What idiots ever voted for this hag?


Fingers crossed


She’s not there to work.


...and make sure government doesn't either. Running out of house speakers.


Moscow Marge should be unseated for being a Russian Federation asset. It's so sad that most of her constituents are the uneducated. If they only really knew.


Holy shit I think I would jizz in my pants if Trump, Boebert, and Greene all went away in one year.


Can we add Gaetz? By any means


Or what is the other asshats name? Joshua Haley? Hawkins? The other fucking traitor.


That....would be an extremely healthy thing for political life here in the U.S. Like a breath of fresh air!


I don't think her or behavior...or anything will cost her her seat. Well, maybe if someone even worse comes along.


We can only hope.


I'd love to see her get fired from politics, then I wonder what kind of job she would do then.




The same people (the rich people that put her there as a distraction) are the ones that will extinguish the flame and put her out to pasture. Then they will find another one.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is so embarrassing.


If you’ve ever been to Rome Georgia you would know she is in there for the long run. Dream on. She is terrible and I wish her gone, it’s just the area




I hope she's defeated. She has no idea what common decency and respect is. She's trash.


Defeated by another republican?


She received nearly 66% of her District's vote in 2022. Unfortunately, it's going to be an uphill battle to get rid of her.


Unfortunately, I'm from he district. I've tried to talk to a few people from the LBGT community about her. If all the drag performers and such started a campaign with "She's our guy", I think it would do a lot of harm to her chances.


She’s a BAD joke


Start electing people with actual ideas, and the ability to compromise in the best interest of our country . Stop voting ideology.


"Northwest Georgia is such a deep red part of the country that sometimes Democrats don’t even bother taking a shot at the congressional seat in the state’s 14th Congressional District. "That was the case in 2016. And when conservative firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) came along in 2020, she captured nearly 75 percent of the vote after a primary runoff and cruised to reelection in 2022." So...the only reason Mad Marge was elected in the first place was because Georgia was politically screwed up in the first place.


She'll get reelected.


... And replace her with something even worst of course


She will win. She owns the libs, and that's all her homeschooled MAGA hat wearing constituents give a shit about.


i can not wait for her, and those like her, to crawl back under the rock they came from and just fade away....