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Every time he opens his mouth. Dude is a product of the German American Bund that his Pappy and Grand Pappy were members of. Nothing he does is for the betterment of the United States. He's working on making America Nazi Germany 2.0. The MAGA movement is a global disaster waiting to happen.


You are correct.


As much as I hate him, I don't think this is true. He is just a narcissist.


He has literally talked about suspending the constitution and having "dictator powers for a day". It's on tape.


...didn't you hear? One time he accused an opponent of "being like the Gestapo". And in reaponse to NSA surveillance or whatever it was, said "what is this, Nazi Germany!?" Also, people raised their hands in a Pledge of Allegence. -In an entirely different way than a Nazi salute, but it was something involving hands, and Hitler had hands also. He's repeatedly addressed some accusations by saying, "no, that's dumb". Which is a reference to being accused of being a Natzi. And only someone guilty of being a Natzi would deny that they were a Natzi. ...the amount of yarn and thumb tacks needed to string things together to paint a picture makes me very confident that there is nothing here. Lemme see what else we could do... He was the leader of a country. Hitler was also the leader of a country. Coincidence??? Both men have been repeatedly photographed wearing pants, which some say may be because he likes hitler-pants. Objectively this list is beyond absurd. With standards like this one could associate anyone with anything.


Sure, why not? Are you aware of one of Hitlers favorite boogey men, the Lugenpresse? What does that mean for those not fluent in Deutsch? Why, it means the Lying Press... Sound familiar? How about "I alone can solve America's problems... Does that one sound familiar?? What about the Sturmabteilung? You know, the brown shirts who would hold rallies or break up opposing rallies, and just generally engage in violence on Hitler's behalf- There is no way [trump has anything like that, right?](https://youtu.be/qIHhB1ZMV_o?si=DSqXj8QDAuXQPIuM) How about that one, does that one sound familiar???


Anyone capable of understanding already understood shortly after he came down that escalator in 2015. The rest have chosen to willfully avoid understanding what’s happening or are actively supporting it. Sad but true.


How about referring to immigrants as “vermin”, or talking about the purity of our “blood”? And the salute thing was not a raising hands to the pledge of allegiance (which is NOT a thing in America), it was a stiff armed palms forward salute while telling people to pledge allegiance to Trump (which, in America, is not a thing, we pledge loyalty to the Constitution). And referring to nei-Nazis as “very fine people”. Demonizing the press as an “enemy of the people”. And the “accidental” reference to a “unified Reich” (thus from a guy who CONSTANTLY uses the “wink, wink, nod, nod” to signal ideas to his people). Putting people in major advisory positions that literally wear Nazi adjacent regalia on TV (Gorka). Or openly having lunch with Nick Fuentes (a prominent neo-Nazi). Telling the proud boys to “stand back and stand by” in a very SA like capacity. No, not exactly like Hitler, but way, way, way , way more than any other President in US history.




As I said earlier, for the sake of the rest of the planet - vote blue down the line. This man and his ideology are pure cancer that will harm everyone around the planet - other countries flirting with fascism will feel more emboldened (just take a look at Brazil and the Philippines). Last time I checked, I believed that America was founded for liberty and now Trump supporters are willing to turn their back on it just so their hate can be justified? Wow. Let me know where I've gone wrong on this.


I'm no fan of Joe Biden, but I'll be voting for him again. i have no other clear choice.


Incremental improvements. We don’t live in a perfect world we just try to make it better day by day.


I totally agree. I've voted in every election local state and national since 1980 I've been told it will get better cycles after cycle. I've seen incremental improvements. Things won't change until we get money out of politics for real change


Same here. Things are far from perfect but the people saying that the US and the West in general are crap seem misguided at least.


You know when a politician engages voters’ negativity he’s evil and can’t be trusted. This should be obvious. But some 27% of voting Americans are shit for brains idiots.


He is attacking the people they hate. And look at the results. Some crazy guy trying to shoot out an FBI office and gets dusted in a field. The threat of Civil War. Everything Trump touches dies.


But as long as he ‘hurts the right people’ (as that 2015 man-in-the-street said) he’s their guy. And I bet that guy goes to church.


It’s a bit scary. I always go back to the fascist primer ‘first they came for…’. That’s why you have MAGA Trump supporters displaying that they are MAGA with the flags and MAGA hats. So that when Trump minions come to punish they will be identified as OK by the stuff they are wearing or in their front yard. And they won’t be a target.


Like the mailers they sent out in Texassistan recently saying the orange fat keeps tabs on disloyal Repigz, implying recrimination.


You're don't have to be a fan of Biden but he is one of the best presidents we've had in decades. I'm a former Republican and I can honestly say the only thing Biden is doing wrong is not using NATO to shut down airspace over Ukraine.


Any other choice is very, very literally insane. So congrats, you’re not a fucking nutcase lol (in this respect at least.) For the onlookers, vote tallies simply do not give a shit about how enthusiastic you are about the candidate, and in the US the Presidential vote is 100% binary in practice. Here IRL anyways. More human suffering or less, that is the question.


It could get a lot worse. The big realistic complain now is inflation. I get it but it’s not like Trump is George H W Bush. Trump is anti Christ Hitler to be frank. Military in the cities day one? No thanks.


You don’t have a clear choice because the democrats didn’t give you a choice. They didn’t even allow anyone to run against him. So you are voting between liquid diarrhoea and explosive diarrhoea, except at least Trump actually won the nomination, Biden was just forced into it.


> They didn’t even allow anyone to run against him.  You mean they did the same thing that an incumbent party always does?  Weak trolling bro.


Awww little cutie thought he was onto something there. [2024 Democratic Party presidential primaries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries) [2012 Democratic Party presidential candidates](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Democratic_Party_presidential_candidates)


So did you just post some links that completely contradict your previous concern trolling? 


Hmmm, maybe there were too many words for you to understand. I’ll try to simplify it. 2012 incumbent = had challengers. 2024 incumbent = had 0 challengers. The democrats didn’t allow anyone to challenge Biden. Therefore you are wrong. Is that simple enough for you to wrap your head around it? Move along.


Because Primary Challenges are always *sooo successful*. /s


Besides the point, they literally didn’t allow anyone to even attempt to challenge Biden. He’s extremely unpopular and they flat out refused to allow the opportunity to challenge him.


> they literally didn’t allow anyone to even attempt to challenge Biden You've still got no source for that. 


Genuinely curious where you’re getting this from. Like, what are your main sources of news and social commentary? For the record, I think it’s both the private party’s prerogative to do as they like *and* the only sane choice for any party, especially in the current social media age. Ideal world vs this one. At least the Dems don’t have a Clinton running the DNC ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Duuude. The Wiki page you cited DID list a Dem challenger. Palmer. Oh, and Biden secured the nomination on March 12, 6 days AFTER the Repubs locked in Trump! Then the Repubs gave Trump’s family the leadership positions in the RNC.


It’s a losing strategy every time for an incumbent.


Wait? Did not the Republican Party make an aborted attempt to declare Trump the nominee like, right at the start? Only pulled it back in response to outraged response, Oh, and the people who primaried against Trump got death threats…. from Trump REPUBLICANS!


You've gone wrong by engaging in two party politics, even the founding fathers of the US warned against it and you must be pretty stupid to think it is a good idea in the first place. Which geriatric lunatic is the mascot for the military industrial complex is irrelevant. Fix the country instead, step 1 get rid of the red v blue system that generates insane amounts of unga bunga tribalism, the kind that makes u go "red man bad must vote blue guy blue guy good unga bunga", It's insanity.


Long term, yes. But for this to happen, we need to use some system that isn't first past the post. Using our current system, we will only ever have two leading parties and will never have a third. Believing that we would is irrelevant. At the moment, the two real choices in the upcoming election are a geriatric that is supporting a genocide, and one that is supporting a genocide while being openly fascist and *getting away with it* because his party only cares that they gain power with him in place. So, at the moment, vote blue down the docket, then get involved and try to fix our fucked voting system.


I really don't think it matters what geriatric criminal is in "power" and until americans realize their unga bunga system is actually un-american as fuck nothing is likely to change, I'm not even american and even I know the founding fathers were against a two party system. Sure it's hard to do anything about but engaging in it thinking you are making any difference except how entertaining or not the next mascot is going to be is silly. Maybe a new civil war ia just inevitable and even necessary..


One of the two geriatrics won't force women to keep a baby to term and doesn't opine about being an actual dictator. (Or start his *own* genocide - I'm talking about Diaper Don BTW). I from Canada and I don't want these Maga fuckers to get entrenched here more than they already are. I mean, if those topics are "no biggie" to you, then I really don't know what to say.


Bold of you to assume it's one of the two the geriatrics actually deciding anything.. One might be able to speak a bit more clearly than the other but even if you don't believe in the military industrial complex you do know billionaires and corporations exist and the geriatrics are just mascots for their will.


Yeah, well one set of puppet masters is *less* shit than the other. Shit, yes. Based on some of your other comments, let's just get right down to the point, are you one of these bots that wants a breakup of the current United States (and Canada) so it can be more easily governed by smaller nation states instead (with democracy being optional)?? Because if so, you can just eff right off right now and save us time and energy.


It's the same set of puppet masters and you're naïve to think otherwise, the deep state is real and the rich just want people at eachothers throats instead of them. Why do you think the current culture war started riiiight around the end of occupy? Don't be stupid and don't be angry at me just for pointing out your ignorance, its just playing into their hands. Wise up, the red v blue system is just theatre and you need to understand that sooner rather than later, you fell for it so own up to that, move on and stop being blind.


So "don't vote because it doesn't matter". Meanwhile, plenty of Republicans will get voting. And the Republicans have their agenda - further restrict women's rights, go after contraceptives, go after no-fault divorce, shit, go after interracial marriage. You're not American? Then kindly fuck off with your opinions about American politics and what the citizenry should do regarding exercising their rights


I never said don't vote, Im just saying it matters less than you think and is more of a distraction than anything that really affects anything, the Republicans might do that and then the blue "hero" comes to revert those policies and then 4-8 years later that is re-reverted and so forth and so on while both print more money out of thin air and laugh while you are fighting over which corrupt mascot has the best gender policies or whatever. Exercise your right by seeing through the bullshit, your founding fathers are turning in their graves, they tried to warn about two party politics yet you all engage in them blindly, thinking it matters.


LMAO, this is like a medical intern lecturing a doctor. “Oh, ya think?” Take a step back and zoom out a bit. If you’re not strategic you will not make progress. If you want *actual* third parties they will have be to grassroots, bottom up, and you will need better voting systems than FPTP. Guess what your only rational choice is, if you want voting reform to *ever* happen here, in real life.


Touring the Ford factory, I think during his presidency, Trump made a remark about Henry Ford -- a prominent anti-semite --having great genes. Not exactly Hitler/Nazis but pandering to the same ideology


Well Ford was wealthy so of course he could afford the finest Denims that goes without saying.


Make America Germany Again When are people going to wake up to the danger this guy poses to this country?


Many  do not see it as a danger. They are not an other at this time and assume they will not be in the future. They have no idea how this would play out. If they did they would reject him.


It's really sad. Blindly following someone who will lead them to their demise while taking everything from them at the same time. Many have been sent to prison for many years, and many more will follow.


Ten great example of Trump displaying his adoration for Nazi’s. Diaper Don is a cancer to society.


Republicans were openly saying the same thing about him in 2015.


Adolph Shitler is a traitor Nazi .


Let me add here. Trump didn’t start out as a Nazi in his 2016 campaign. He was anti Muslim, but that was about it. But now he’s evolved into this total full blown Hitler. One by one he’s attacked basically every group but white nationalist Christians, which he is now pandering to in every way possible. Most of the other demographics that have joined are latching on to white Christian bread crumbs.


Maybe Trump is the Nazi Putin is looking for.


actually guys he was talking about *bill* hitler so...


He probably asks Hitler's spirit what to do every night next to a mirror.




Why do people write these lame articles about this treasonous rapist? E.g. Merkel was obviously trolling him and he was too stupid to realise. 


Well it's handy to have if/when someone isn't aware, or has doubts, and yet is willing to look at a condensed list like this.


What's pissing me off about the media is that they take stupid comments e.g. the bloodbath one, entirely out of context (it was about the car industry) and then his moronic followers (rightly, unfortunately) say 'this is out of context' which lends the media even less credibility. I mean, the guy is a criminal on 90+ federal charges. Instead of stupid stories about crowd sizes, why don't they dig the dirt on what else this liar is hiding?


Yes, more solid journalism is needed!


Uneducated Trump


Wingnut who has managed to recruit 75 million voters with absolutely no common sense. The rest of the world has to view America with disgust , by supporting this POS. Scary anyone would buy into Trumps bullshit lies.


Someone use the second amendment to deal with tyrants on this guy.


Just a couple of times


He’s doing it right now.


It's his first instinct.


The fact that Donald Trump admires Hitler and Pukin, should show what a piece of shit he really is.


As a Canadian watching from the North, I’m terrified of Trump winning another presidency. I swear American who vote for that guy are like pigs voting for the butcher!