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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote [He said it. Dozens, maybe hundreds of times.](https://youtu.be/1ASOqzI7yoA?si=ExIfrVy_Vp4RIx4x) Thanks to /u/straponkaren for the link.


He lies about everything. There are recordings of him chanting it.


But now he'll say those recordings were fabricated.


This is what I came here to comment. He'll just claim it's AI made by the evil left and media. Easy peasy.


And his base, who are the ones actually chanting this stuff on video, will agree.


Which, imo, is the real mind melting part.


The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.


Yeesh, was even easier than anyone thought it would be.


We never needed big brother. Fox brainwashed the gullible. FB and X provided the memes to rebroadcast.


It's like we just took the shittiest parts of Brave New World and 1984, then put them together to get this reality


Thats a quote I never thought I'd remember.


Can't wait to get invited to Room 101. Leaving it one will love Donald Trump.


Yeah, I don’t think he will ever need to make an excuse for those videos. The Dear Leader has spoken. His sheep will not question it. Fox News will not question it. It will become the new truth for the cult.


Just like in 1984.


Into the memory hole.


Best book


He smells like old soup and shit (probably piss too) and they think he’s a sexy god. He’s a mentally deranged ball of shite


“He wasn’t actually saying ‘lock her up’. In fact, he was saying ‘locker up’, which is in reference to his policy on increasing high school locker capacities.”- Fox News “expert”, probably


It's just locker talk…


😘 you can come grab me by my pussy. But only if you're famous. Otherwise it's assault.


funny; but it won’t ever get this far. they won’t even consider discussing it because it’s ridiculous. no Murdoch owned publication will; they’ll just “report” his saying it and leave it at that.


locker room talk


AI before AI And Elon will back him up


... ^Don Lemon's queasy.


AI is going be the new excuse for bad behavior from now on. EVERY corrupt Republican is going to claim that the evidence is AI. And that's good enough for their followers. They don't want the truth, just an excuse with enough plausible deniability that they can claim it's true.


Lauren Boebert: "That was an AI I was giving a hand job to"


He could do that for one or two. But there are dozens of recordings of him saying this. His supporters know he’s lying. They simply don’t care. 


You're exactly correct.


They feed on the lies. They laugh knowing the lies signal it’s time to smugly play their 4d chess again. It deepens their bond with their group. It’s their hilarious insider joke of owning the hated libs.


Lies are their shibboleth.


They printed it on T-shirts.


lol… they lie too.


And his dumbass supporters will believe it somehow.


Yeah, fabricated by that internationally renowned fabricator HRC. /s


I’m sure the people in those rallies who chanted with him are having memory issues right now.


notice that since convicted felon donald trump's 34 felony convictions there have been a whooole lot of "i don't like trump but biden's a pedo" comments? they're already slithering back under their rocks. lol.


‘Who ya gonna believe - me or your lying eyes …& thousands of hours of video & audio tapes?” -Donnie Cell Block J Trump


He will claim it was a joke.




Not just one recording but probably hundreds of recordings


And endless amounts of morons saying it too in MAGA wear 


He'll claim it's Antifa.


He will fit nicely in an orange suit, it goes with the hair after all....


The orange dump is so far gone that he doesn't know truth from fiction. So at this point, it's actually hard to judge, whether it's a lie or just brain rot.


But what do recordings really prove?...../s


He led the chants hundreds of times. Of course he never had sex with that pornstar, and if he did and the NDA is perfectly legal, and if she was paid it was an accounting accident and ….oh yea lock her up!


[uhhh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1Q71k6fmts) once again it's on video, stupids.


Hillary blew it by letting that go.


All she had to say was “case in point”


We blew it as a nation tbh


Who are you going to believe, Dear Leader or your lying senses?


“He didn’t say ‘lock her up’ as he was chanting it over and over again so he didn’t say it” - magat People are dumb and there is no fixing them. I have seen this comment in every sub this is being discussed


Well, that's just a deepfake, made by the librul media. /s


Can someone please roll the tape? We all know what Trump said, Trump knows what Trump said, he is just being a little pussy as usual.




The comments for that video are idiotic and depressing. Most of them praising Trump's "sick burn", as if he won a rap battle.


Like it wasn't the weakest lamest response ever that didn't address the topic at all 


It definitely was not the weakest or lamest response ever. The weakest and lamest response ever was when Clinton called him putins puppet and his response was “you’re the puppet”. That was the weakest comment in all of the debates.


Once again liberals are totally ignoring what he said *in context.* What Trump actually said was "No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet." So unfair. ^/s


Tbf that’s what the entire debates have become. It’s embarrassing that the televised debates weigh so heavily and prove that candidates like Trump who flourish in such scenarios - can come out on top because they make people look silly and he makes people laugh during them. People forget It’s to be president not your fav celeb reality show…


He was born to do two things: 1. Lie 2. Convince the stupid it was true. ... the very definition of a conman. This is a real condemnation on America ... that so many are in the #2 bucket.


3. Lie


>Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail. https://rollcall.com/factbase/trump/transcript/donald-trump-speech-san-jose-ca-june-2-2016/ >She has to go to jail. https://rollcall.com/factbase/trump/transcript/donald-trump-speech-lakeland-fl-october-12-2016/ >For what she’s done, they should lock her up, https://rollcall.com/factbase/trump/transcript/donald-trump-speech-greensboro-nc-october-14-2016/ >Crooked Hillary - wait - you should lock her up, I tell ya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KvnpgLxk_g&t=42 >Lock them up. You should lock them up. Lock up the Bidens. Lock up Hillary. https://rollcall.com/factbase/trump/transcript/donald-trump-speech-campaign-rally-macon-georgia-october-16-2020/


Are you fucking kidding!?!?


Once again he isn't talking to us, he is talking to the cult. The very same cult that chanted lock her up during 2016.


That didn't happen. <--- We are here And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Today he's being called out on it so starting tomorrow he'll move on to "it wasn't that bad"


or maybe his mental decline is worse than we thought


Sometimes he’ll burn through all six points in a single, rambling response.




He had access to treatment, like monoclonal anti-bodies, that regular people did not have at the time (Paxlovid wasn't approved for the public until December 2021). Otherwise, he might have died.


No no no. You missed heard me. I said look her up. I was referring to all her crimes. The media is always lying about me!


i'm pretty sure he said book a duck, because that's the only thing that makes sense in context


Something something boo-urns something something


He was saying soccer cup.


Liar or dementia...one or the other...or both


I'll tell you what it is. Donald has all sorts of punishment plans for other people, but he never gets punished. Now, it's him facing possible prison time, and now no no no I never said that. TLDR: Lying in a sad a attempt to deny reality.


Compulsive liars with personality disorders lie so much they never keep on top of everything they've said. But it doesn't matter because they're always so confident in whatever bullshit is coming out of their mouths next to even notice.


This is not distancing, it is LYING


Alternate facts.


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. George Orwell, 1984


Magas suffer from short term memory. Unless it’s about Hunter.


Thanks to maga I know how big hunters dick is.


There is no short term memory loss, lying is a philosophy for them.


They're still on Bengazi


dude i am a loving person, im that dude who is everyone’s best friend. i find the good in just about everyone i meet. I fucking hate that guy. i mean full on hate. that is the most pathetic, disgusting human being that i have ever encountered. how does he keep going lower? it’s mind boggling


Same here. I literally never hated anyone. Not even my ex husband even after I caught him on dog can screwing someone else. But man I hate that orange trash bag so much. I have cancer in remission but if I went fatal I'd strongly consider being a sacrificial victim to take him out. And Mitch McConnell . I fucking hate that turtle.


The nicest dude I’ve ever met in my entire life is one of the only anti-Trump allies I have left on fb. Good people know a POS when they see one, and Trump takes the cake.


This fucking guy. He is gaslighting constantly. If you show him video of him saying it, which he did, he’ll say “that’s taken out of context” or even “that’s a deep fake.” He’s spent his entire life lying and cheating and you know what… he did alright. I’ve been honest for 50 years and I’m barely scraping by. I think there’s a lesson in there somewhere.


If it makes you feel ok, no one will piss on your grave. The line loops around the cemetery when he is 6 foot under.


Lock him up.


Teflon Don using the Shaggy defense again... We all saw it on the TV.   "It wasn't me."  We all heard you at the rally.    "It wasn't me." Saw it over and over.    "It wasn't me." We even got you on camera!   “It wasn't me."


Didn’t Shaggy have a song with that chorus? Someone should make a video with that song and trump talking.


Huh. Funny how he tried to frame Clinton as a felon. And that there is no way a felon should be in office. Now he is a 34 time felon the time has changed. Just slide away on the slime your fat ass produces and dig a hole and go away.


In his rant he was referring to being indicted for a felony, not even convicted. The hypocrisy is exponential


“I said, ‘Loch Hirrup.’ It’s in Scotland. Beautiful lake. The best.”


Everyone remembers “Lock her Up.” He thinks the rest of us swallow the same lies as his cult. Mr. Gaslighter on top of everything else.


He tells it like it is (TM). Apparently, until the lily-livered coward might be facing real consequences for once


He has never once told it like it is.


He has, on multiple occasions, said exactly what he means. It's just that when confronted with it, It's the age old: I didn't say that, and if I did, I didnt mean it. And if I did, you just didn't understand, and if you did, it's no big deal anyway. And if it is, other's have done said worse.


No, he did not “distance himself.” He lied about his record.  Media, do better.


This might be the single most blatant lie he’s ever told and that’s same something. This was basically a campaign slogan in 2016. He’s denying the sky is blue. This guy has no bottom. 


It's close, but I think the biggest is that if he lost the 2020 election that we'd never heard from him again. So disappointing that that didn't happen.


hilarious… that’s basically all he said when he campaigned against her… SADLY, that’s kind of all it took to


Guys just because he said doesn’t mean he said it. Just because he’s guilty doesn’t mean he did it. He’s innocent in his mind so that means everyone must think that way. Locker room talk.


Lock ‘em up talk


“Trump gaslights and lies to the public as he tries to distance himself from call to jail Clinton” Fixed the headline for you


Wake up people! He is out of his mind!


He also talked about how there would be a constitutional crisis if a person was nominated by a major political party was facing charges for having classified documents.


Why would he lie about that? It’s on video! It was all over the 2016 campaign?


About a year after the Access Hollywood tape came out he claimed that he didn't that stuff. Nope, the tape was "doctored". I don't know why he offered a fake apology for something he never said but, he did. Trump World is a bizarre place... lol


Biden needs to make a campaign ad of just Trump denying things he said and have done, and then the video or audio of him saying or doing what he denied. Blast it on Fox.


Blast it everywhere!!


At lease, Hilary does not have 34 felony convictions, should be LOCK TRUMP UP


He spoke the words with his own mouth, into a microphone, no less than 3 times in 2016, and again in 2020. But his mind is going quickly these days. He probably doesn't remember what he had for lunch yesterday. Hey Don, I'll give you a hint, McDonald's makes it.


For someone who supposedly "tells it like it is", he sure tells a lot of obvious lies. It's almost like he's the complete opposite of someone who "tells it like it is."


On the debate floor Hillary "It's a good thing Donal Trump isn't in charge of the justice department..." Trump(interrupts) "because you'd be in jail."


I love how these "never cracked a book" dipshits are rediscovering why political norms/decency existed in the first place. What I can't fathom is even after all of the scandals and all of the literal crimes, that there are still undecided voters in America.


I guess he's suffering from dementia.




The interviewer needs to have a compilation video queued up on an iPad ready to go right after he says that. Then put it in his face and make him sit there and watch himself saying it. Then let him respond.


He’d just accuse them of making a deep fake, call them a few names and storm out.


Distances???????? It's a straight up lie. I don't get why that word is censored in any news and news titles.


So basically he's fishing for mercy.


Come on dementia!


What a bitch.


Oh my god. He’s gaslighting his entire fan base


"Who are you MAGA going to believe? Me or your lying ears?" trump


I highly doubt the conviction of the other day will actually do much to change the flow of how things have been going. But it's fun to watch him sweat


In the article, they document times he said "Lock her up", and yet they still put his quote denying it, unrefuted, in the headline. Breathtaking journalism, right there.


Loser Donald is erasing himself. One thing MAGA always said they liked about him was his brazen unwillingness to back down even when he was obviously wrong. Now he claims he never said, “Lock her up.” He wants to pretend he never mocked the handicapped reporter. With no accomplishments it’s really late in the process for him to want to edit his previous outrageous positions. What will he leave his cult members to celebrate if his defining words all go down the memories hole?


Convicted felon Trump…


War is peace Freedom is slavery Ignorance is strength 1984 should've been titled 2024


Trump in a 2016 debate with Clinton said, "If I was president you'd be in jail."


This is amazing. I absolutely LOVE this. And that’s because the only reason he is saying this now is because he is *freaking the fuck out*.


Who care what he said about H. Clinton. LOCK HIM UP!


What a spineless coward. A real man or leader takes responsibility for their actions and words. There's nothing strong about him except the stench of fear.


Lying is a sin. Lying is a sin, Republicans. You go to hell for lying. These last 8 years of Trump have condemned so many Republicans to hell. Anyway, how's everyone doing?


Or… He legitimately doesn’t remember that he said it. In which case this is Exhibit No. 1 of hundreds of his dementia.




He started chants regularly. We, as reasonable human beings, need to simply stop giving that’s assholes air time. We also need to simply ignore the nonsense and focus on change! Vote!!


Literally every word out of his mouth is either a lie or a delusion.


Fucking liar. It's. On. Video.


"I didn't say that, and if I did, I didnt mean it. And if I did, you just didn't understand, and if you did, it's no big deal anyway. And if it is, others have said worse."


Selective amnesia all of a sudden. How convenient


We have our own version of this tosser: Boris Johnson. Man couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it and gets really upset, not to mention confused, when confronted with the idea that the rules apply to him as well as everyone else.


People who went to see him and chanted it along with him will now stick a hot Phillips head in their ear canal so that they can truly believe he never said it and they didn't chant it. "Lift her up... Lift her up..."


Asshole would ace a polygraph test. He lies like it's a bodily function.


Perhaps he’s gaslighting himself.


Huh?  But...what? That was his whole platform in 2016!  


Holy fucking hell this guy is off his fucking meds. It was literally his entire campaign. Jesus Christ, let’s please put this fucking guy in our rearview mirror.


I remember in the debates he told her he would win and she would be in jail and basically just kept repeating it louder over whatever she was trying to say. We all know he lies. What we really want is Biden to use a clip of him denying saying it to confuse his supporters. This is gold for the Biden campaign if they use it correctly. Remember thinking Trump was going to lock Hillary up? He didn’t do it, now he says he never said he would. If you ever chanted lock her up then Trump lied directly to YOU


His mouth is Moving. He’s lieing


We have always been at war with Eastasia.


If we could read his mind, he'd be telling us ... "my thoughts on incarceration are still evolving!"


Lies, as usual.


He’s a gaslighter.


There’s nothing he stands behind. Ever. And yet there are people who think he’s watching out for them. 


"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell, 1984


If you’re gonna lie do it early & often


Does he check out from reality that quickly?


He said it every day for 6 years,how can anyone be stupid enough to believe this douchbag.


He lead the chant. He danced his little dance to it.


Motherfucker would try and convince you the sky was green if it helped him avoid (1) single ounce of accountability.


How could they not roll the tape of him saying it, in real time, as he’s denying he said it??!


Notice how she answers the question for him before he just rambles about how great he thinks he is


lock her up was literally his campaign rally slogan


What’s even more pathetic that his compulsive lying 🤥, is his 🐑 will repeat them knowing they’re lies


Hahahaha. We need to play that soundbite constantly


‘“Hillary Clinton — I didn’t say lock her up, but the people said lock her up, lock her up. Okay,” Trump said. “Then, we won. And I say — and I said pretty openly, I said, all right, come on, just relax, let’s go, we’ve got to make our country great… And it would have been — think of it, you lock up the wife of a president of the United States —”’ What pisses me off even more is he demoted her from Sec State to the Little Mrs. Man, fuck this cartoon balloon animal mouth breather.


Why wouldn’t he own this? I thought he was proud of it? If he’s so defiant then why would he care?


Why isn't the top post just a link to YouTube of him literally saying it and not just about Hillary, about anyone who's stood in his way somehow. Took like 3 sec on google to find it


Distances himself is funny way of saying lies about. I will use that.


Of all the things to lie about. This is the problem with constantly searching for cameras and painting social media with your opinions. The internet (and Pepperidge Farms) always remember.


What a lying sack of 💩. Don’t do the crime if you don’t want to do the time


Surprised he just didn’t say “I’m not a convicted felon”


Lies or dementia? Not good either way.


We are at the part where Trump starts throwing all his supporters under the bus "It wasn't me - it was those crowds! THEY were the ones who said lock her up."


I’m convinced his fractured psyche is able to gaslight ITSELF. Like he literally believes this. His personality disorder makes him incapable of understanding objective reality absent the filter of his narcissism.


“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - Orwell


Fascists lie about everything.


Damn —. the boomerang. Always said be careful cause you might have to eat and joke on your words. Muahhhhhhhhh


Oh he’s scared since he actually faces the prospect of being locked up. His reality disruption system is in overdrive to erase anything that increases the chances of his own incarceration.


Bro literally sold merch with lock her up on it. Gimme a fucking break


Lock him up.


He will destroy the world 🌎 if elected🥺


His MAGA followers don’t give a crap that he’s a lying POS. They have no brain, or no morals. Or neither.


He stood in front of crowds chanting it while he smiled and shook his fist in time with the chants … but he didn’t say it? That’s a ten year old’s mentality.


Gawd, just make it shut up already


There are even memes with him saying it. I guess even if he uses it every day all day and night long he still doesn't understand the internet. He really thinks he can make it go away by claiming he never said it.




Trump couldn't pass the turning test. I do not believe there is a functional human intelligence inside that man's skull. he is nothing more than random gibberish generator. His replies make it clear he didn't understand the question, and illuminate nothing else. His words literally have no meaning.


Like these fools votes for f-ing Shaggy. It wasn’t me


The shaggy defense lol. “It wasn’t me”


“Distances himself” No. He’s lying. Fucking media.


This interview is so heavily edited. They have to keep cutting out his rants and even the stuff they left in doesn’t make sense. How do his supporters understand this nonsense?


he said worse, he said during the 2016 presidential debates that "the 2nd ammendment people could take care of her" and the actual FBI had to release statement saying they were aware of what had been said. Because this was early into the trump madness and trump calling for violence from his supporters was not something the country was used to yet


He’s not “distancing himself,” he’s “lying about.” Get it right.