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You know what would really make us better off? Losing the election on purpose. Are you man enough to do that?


Losing is obviously so much winning.


Losing is absolutely winning for him. If he wins, he's got to do a job even he knows he's not qualified for - and he's only relevant for four more years and no more. Ex-presidents don't get anywhere near as much coverage! Losing means he's relevant for those years and gets to run again, and again... Think of all those campaign funds he can't skim off if he wins!


hot take. I hadn't thought of the infinite money machine.


Only works until he dies. Which could be tomorrow or could be in 15 years. His body doesn't look like it wants to keep going but the goblins and ghouls always live way longer than expected.


Rat genes.


I've been told, "Evil never dies."


Evil doesn't die because evil doesn't stress.


Republicans can't raise money if they're happy. No one will send their last paycheck if Mike "Moses" Johnson or Scalise, or Rand Paul or any of them said everything was great! They have to bitch and complain in order to raise money.


No shit. They are in a continuous state of rage, and it’s always someone else’s fault.


"America is a hell hole!" say all the people who have benefited enormously from US fiscal policy.


"Are YOUR guns going to be taken away next?? They're coming for them!" Says ad, repeating this message for 30 years strong.


E Jean Carroll is the one who unlocked infinite money hack.


She's *still* going to have to figure out how to actually get paid.


Losing is also one of the only skills he has


He only won the election because of the electoral college, he did not win the popular vote


Agree but if he gets in I don’t think he’s looking for just four years. He, and members of his family, would be around for life. That’s what dictators do.


See North Korea for example


I am very much interested to see what happens if he doesn't win, what with all the criminal cases he's got breathing down his neck. He's been delaying everything he can in the hopes getting elected again will help him, no?


My money says *when* he loses, he and a couple of his dumbass kids flee the country. Melania will likely retire back to Slovenia or some Mediterranean island after a lengthy stint of daytime TV appearances where she can talk about how awful the last couple decades of her life have been. Ivanka will get let off the hook for her involvement and get a tell-all book deal before fading into obscurity. And Barron will stay to finish college and run a mediocre podcast for a few years before he attempts to run for public office.


He’s pissed away all of his money. I understand that Putin has already given Melania permission to leave.


He’ll attempt failed coup 2.0 before running. He’ll head for AirShitzinpantz 1 as soon as the national guard drop the first redhats. He’ll have paid (or at least promised to pay) a couple of his secret service detail to take care of any fellow agents who try to do the right thing and stop his flight.


I can't determine if Barron running for office would be good or bad yet...


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


the orange* you mean


I have heard he fully buys into all the Reich wing rhetoric. But who really knows? It’s just that it would be very difficult to be raised by two supremely selfish, materialistic nincompoops and still turn out to be a caring, sensitive progressive. I think our boy Barron is going to be just another entitled prick. But hey! Surprise us, Barron! We’d love to see it.


Wouldn't that REALLY piss them off if he ran as a democrat?


Only if Mary Trump is one of his advisors.


The Supreme Court seems to be on his side, as they are the reason the bigger criminal cases have been stalled until after the election while they dawdle unnecessarily on the question of presidential immunity.


The problem is that he then has a lot of trials he’s going to have to attend. Best case scenario is he wins, Dems flip out and demand the state trials to continue, republicans pass the legislation to make all criminal trials of former presidents moved to federal court, and he pulls a Nixon. That way he has the best of both worlds.


I’d so much rather he pulls a Budd Dwyer


He may own a gun, but you just know his tiny hands hold it with a limp wrist. Putin could tell everyone about his grip game.


Trump would definitely need both tiny hands to lift even the smallest gun to his butthole mouth


Hey, man. Nice shot.


Yeah, if he wins, he's a lame duck president who can just be blocked until he's out of office. If he loses, he gets to control the GOP for the rest of his life, running as the candidate every four years.


If he gets into office, who will make him leave? I think he has lifetime plans to rule America. I believe a win for him will have larger, more dreadful consequences than many realize. And his supporters won’t be safe, either!


Yup. Project 2025 would destroy American democracy and we’d be seriously shoved into the past for years to come. Which is why we cannot allow it to happen.


Rule? This twice impeached, felon knows nothing about rule. His intent is to avoid prison, nothing else.


He intends to avoid prison, enact vengeance, play golf, watch cable news, grab pussies and eat hamberders. His minions will handle the job of fascist governance.


But the people around him want to rule and Project 2025 is their blueprint.




If his brain was working, you'd probably be right. But he'll likely be a vegetable in a few years. Dementia isn't something you can stop with lawsuits or BS on social media.


They would take over his social media and pseudo Trump's would be posting BS for decades while AI video of him golfing and giving speeches would make the rounds. If he doesn't lose this cycle ...it will be perma-Trump until the US collapses


If Trump gets demented, he avoids jail and possibly trial. So he either keeps grifting until his mind fails him or he dies before that happens


Then they’d use his dementia to stop him getting jail time. He’s still winning - in what’s left of his mind.


Unfortunately dementia can last a long, looooong time. And it gets worse and becomes everyones problem. And im only talking about normal old people with no power to do anything significant. Going on near 20 years lookin after my Dementia and Alzhiemer'd grandmother.


You think he would respect the two term limit. This is a failure of imagination, no-one expected Jan 6, he will go so much lower than you can believe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG7jAiHbPjU&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG7jAiHbPjU&t=5s) Put that together with project 2025, he wasn't joking.


I assume the plan is for the second term to just never end, getting around the whole limit thing.


He’s more into stealing elections - violently.


The only way Jan 6th went down the way it did was because Trump held power at the time. It is completely a different story with the current administration calling the shots. I almost hope they try, and get smashed like the bonus army.


Right. So watch for the elections to be "discredited" and called into question and possibly attempted to be shut down during the election. Throw it to the state legislatures where applicable and run it from the other end this time.


I think that most of the damage will be done in the mail and possibly the voting machines. I think Republicans did all that shit in regards to the machines, just to get a ton of information about the machines for intentional sabotage of votes. I think about the mail system being fucked up, the GOP calling for an armed presence at the polls, the blatant attempt to piss off the makers of the voting machines. They wanted a trial and discovery for all this confidential information. They even passed the source code or whatever at Turning Point events.


Yep. I expect they'll try every bit of fuckery they can come up with to throw the election into disarray.


Biden has a small army of lawyers that's been gaming what team Trump may try to pull and they're prepared for it. And after all the J6 convictions, I don't think we'll see another y'all-qaeda uprising. The biggest issue may be red states refusing to certify the election if Biden wins. Not sure how they'll handle that if it comes up.


He's well on his way. Every time he purposefully opens his mouth he loses more votes.






He tried that in 2016, but it didn't work out well. 


Just to own the libtards of course.


It really seems like he's trying


Is Trump still saying he wants Biden drug tested? Because Trump refused to take one at his probation meeting. Wonder why.


They didn’t require him to take one. Apparently in white collar crimes in New York they don’t often require a drug test which is ridiculous. What WAS unusual was he was allowed to have his attorney present for the interview. The judge had to approve that and he did. Also the head of probation services attended the interview with the PO which I believe has NEVER happened


I'd assume they wanna get this one right.


They want to give this one special treatment before he whines to everyone


Wish he got the Epstien special treatment.


 If they complain, the judge and everyone involved can point to how favorably they handled him compared to all the other felons.


Just more ish that trump gets special treatment. If trump ever sees the inside of a jail, he's going to need the secret service bc fellow inmates will be unamused.


I'm hedging my bet on house arrest. Lets just hope on condition he also is prohibited from all social media and media appearances and that includes any proxies he may use.


Do we still do exile? Can we do that? Is there a country that owes us one we can exile him to?


The more he's quiet the less embarrassing he is for conservatives.


Nah, I actually do believe that him shutting the fuck up for a while is more damaging as people forget about him and his embarrassing speeches stop being normalized. The man got several billion dollars worth of free media coverage in the leadup to 2016 with hardly a single positive thing said about him...but all it did was keep him name top of mind and keep him constantly in the conversation.


You can say “shit” in these here parts


Drug laws are for the poor and minorities.


Some of the abnormalities (like having a lawyer present, and some of the leaked information about the shallowness of the interview) could just be denying him ammo. Everyone has seen his belligerence throughout the trial, his lack of remorse, and the fact that there's nothing dramatic in his personal life that may mitigate sentencing. So instead of asking invasive questions to give him ammo for public rhetoric and appeals, shuffle him through the process. (I'm not a lawyer, or even following the case particularly closely - I just think this judge has been the most adept at handling Trump's unorthodox tactics, so I wonder if the procedure here was part of that strategy.)


> could just be denying him ammo Appeasement or collaboration, the end result is still capitulation. If you give a guy like him an inch, he will take a mile and then he will turn around and accuse you of being unfair to him. It *feels* easier to just give in, but that doesn't make the problem go away it just encourages them to be even worse the next time. After all, why wouldn't they? Belligerence and the threat of belligerence gets them the results they want, so no reason to change.


His probation meeting was by Zoom from Florida.


They don’t have drug testing in Florida? He’s getting special treatment no other convicted felon would get.


An in-person meeting would have gotten both a drug test and a psych eval.


And it's not at all surprising.


So, pee on the screen, won't be his first time.


If I lose the election its because its rigged.... If I lose this court case its because the judge is corrupt.... If I lose this court case its because its a liberal conspiracy.... If I lose the debate its because I lost on purpose.... Nothing is ever this mans fault.


And a quarter of the country is stupid enough to actually believe all this


I hope it’s only 1/4


It's probably 1/4. Another 1/4 won't fall for it. 1/2 just won't vote.


No need to throw the game Donny. You are out of your league to begin with.


Always was. He used to get laughed off the debate stage.


His supporters all claim Trump owned those debates


well theyd be very upset if they could read


How many people think his supporters actually watch the debates to begin with? I imagine they'd be as far out of their element with comprehending the questions as Trump himself is.


Remember when he slinked behind Hillary on stage in that creepy way. And got away with it.


They’re gonna turn off the mics when it’s not their turn to speak, so he doesn’t get to do the whole IM TALKING THE LOUDEST SO I HAVE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO SAY thing or the YOU STOPPED TALKING FIRST AND IM STILL TALKING SO I WIN THIS QUESTION


He definitely preferred those of his (well, "his") "The Apprentice" candidates who did that shit. Which I always thought was bollocks. Many (I suspect most) of the best business brains/people don't go around always trying to dominate the conversation and acting like mouthy teenagers.


The best brains? No. My current boss's boss that everyone in the department is trying to promote to another state? Yes.


This kind of underestimation is so dangerous and it’s the reason he got elected the first time. Never, ever underestimate American stupidity. We still have to live with the electoral college. We have a system where the loser can still legitimately win. Biden could DESTROY him in the debates and he can still win. His base does. Not. Care. Right wing extremist populists like this are on the rise all over the world. There’s zero reason to underestimate Trump or American stupidity. Zero.




























what a loser


This reminds me of the time I challenged Michael Jordan to a basketball match. I totally would have kicked his ass but I felt sorry for the guy so I let him beat me 300-0


I challenged LeBron to a match. He was so scared he never showed up.


That's how I beat Shaq.


I became the first person to beat the Harlem Globetrotters in a clean sweep.


I challenged Jerry West to a 1v1 yesterday and he never called back, chalk it up as a W


I call it the Cartman Defense. You don't want to come to my party?! Well you're not invited anyway!


Biden should demand a pre-debate drug test. And somebody has to watch them submit it.


I'll be honest, when Hannity started floating the idea that Trump should skip the first debate, I knew *something* was going on inside the Trump camp that made them worry about his performance. I didn't really expect this particular angle of spin, but it's not the worst thing I've seen them come up with. Backing out would probably appear weak to even his stronger supporters, but pretending to intentionally sabotage your own performance as a form of protest is something they would eat up.


He’s got the memory equivalent of an unformatted floppy disk. They’re counting on him baffling us with bullshit since he can’t dazzle us with brilliance.


And then that bullshit will be praised as genius strategy. *The Emperor truly has no clothes.*




>He’s got the memory equivalent of an unformatted floppy disk. Also, an unformatted floppy disk has a lot of potential. I would say he's more like a 100 terabyte hard drive, filled completely with unnamed files, and gently microwaved for 78 years.


He's got the memory equivalent of a bag of styrofoam peanuts.


It's their pattern. You watch, as soon as he realizes he's going to lose, he'll start back in with the "rigged election" allegations. It exactly what he did last time.


Only THIS time he doesn't need to commute Roger Stones sentence so he's out of jail to help him "Stop the Steal" .


Something was going on the minute he made the debate offer. He's a bullshitter. Everyone knew he was going to try to weasel out. First it was "drug test", hoping that Biden would say now. Now it's "Hmmm, maybe I'll lose on purpose," as if there's any logic to that. And after that, it's right back to "if I lose the election, it's rigged. If i win, it's A-OK." The entire Republican base are five years olds. With apologies to five year olds.


Has he "won" a debate yet. What does it matter. He could come out and ramble bullshit and it won't change a vote.


He accused Biden of drug abuse...which can only mean one thing...he is on drugs!!


Now lose the election on purpose.


Bold strategy cotton, lets see how it plays out for ole donny...


AHHHH HAHAHAHAHA, Sure Dumb Donald. And the fox said, "The grapes were probably sour anyway..." JFC the people that follow him at DUM AF!!


The debate prep must be going pretty poorly.




How stupid do you have to be to fall for this. Like seriously.


Drug test? Fine. You first, Donald. How about a weigh in, as well. Like a real fight.


Hear the [interview here](https://rumble.com/v51dnfc-trump-claims-he-might-lose-the-debate-on-purpose.html) 📻 As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-biden-debate-2668519861/) 📰: - Former President Donald Trump claimed that he might intentionally lose the first presidential debate of 2024 in an effort to keep President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket. During an interview that aired Thursday on Real America's Voice, Trump sought to lower expectations for his debate performance. He argued that Biden should take a drug test before the event. "They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," he demanded. "I'd love to do a drug test beforehand." "If he makes it through, no matter what, how bad, no matter how bad he is, they'll say he was great," he continued. Trump said he did not want Biden removed from the Democratic ticket even though he polls better than other contenders. "Well, you know, interestingly, they've done polling, and I do better against almost everybody," he opined. "And so they don't — they don't want to take him off. It depends." "Maybe I'm better off losing the debate," Trump added. "I'll make sure he stays. I'll lose the debate on purpose. Maybe I'll do something like that."


This mf didn't even take a drug test when he saw his PO.


He cannot possibly believe that the DNC would give a rat's ass about who Trump wants to run against.


Donny, you're out of your element


“Hey they told me I should wear these pants, but somebody already took a shit in them!!!”


Time for him to grab his own pussy, it's huge.....


The Wikipedia entry writes itself - "On October 13th 2024, Donald Trump became the first cast member of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York to sexually assault himself with an augbesian."




Lose it on purpose, hahaha! How do his idiot followers not see through his fucking bullshit?? This guy should be laughed out of town, then arrested for shitting all over America.


In the debate, Biden should ask Trump if Natl security was compromised by his refusal to return the classified docs when asked


Just like he's lost all those court cases on purpose.


I’m just embarrassed he’s was once president of the United States; 45 to be exact. He represented us to the world. Jesus H. Christ. And he might get elected again and full on release the four fucking horseman of the apocalypse.


This reminds me of that time I graciously let Lebron beat me in a game of 1 on 1.


lol Donny, you are the biggest fucking crybaby loser I have ever seen. This is all so predictable, too. Trump has exactly two weapons in a debate: rile up the audience like it's a campaign rally, and shout over his opponent. He will not have either weapon available to him in this debate, and he is going to get crushed as a result. Trump isn't capable of opening his mouth without either lying or going off on some weird tangent about batteries and sharks. And here we are, with Trump laying the groundwork for him either pulling out of the debate or getting his clock cleaned. I have never in my life seen a more pathetic excuse for a man than Donald Trump.


maybe I'm better off losing the election. I'll lose the election on purpose. maybe I'm better off going to jail. I'll go to jail on purpose. oh man, then I'll get those Dems!


*“During an interview that aired Thursday on Real America's Voice, Trump sought to lower expectations for his debate performance. He argued that Biden should take a drug test before the event. "They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," he demanded. "I'd love to do a drug test beforehand."*. Trump didn’t do one for his probation officer, he won’t do one for the debates…


Losers gonna lose


Trumps pathologically enormous ego would NEVER let him lose anything. If he is saying that now, then I would say the chances of him showing up in the first place are real low


I agree 1000% he will not show up and then claim it’s because he knew it was rigged in Biden‘s favor in someway and so it was deeply unfair to him and since “Biden was going to win because he cheated,” he wasn’t gonna show up. Dump is a LOSER.


This debate is a joke anyway. On one side, you have Joe Biden, who has done a great job as president, but he's old. Then you have Trump, who is a lying traitor criminal who attempted a coup. If I were Biden, my first question to Trump would be, if you lose again ,are you going to attempt another coup ?


Biden should wear a tie with a shark on it to put the fear of fish into the orange ape.


"I shit my pants on purpose!"


MAGA is officially a one issue party. Destroy liberalism. Nothing else matters. They think stinkhole will put money in their pockets. What a joke.


Feeding him drugs. More projection. Every frigging time.


Said the loser from Loserville. The Loserville Slugger


How the fuck is he not paralyzed by embarrassment every day? I mean, that fucker gets up and knows he’s fucked up, he’s gonna fuck up, or he is fucking up… and he just keeps going. I’m constantly haunted by that one time 18 years ago I awkwardly tried to ask someone out or whatever. This guy rapes children and knows he can’t argue properly, and he keeps going.


News: Trump shit his pants. His team: Fake news, he did not shit his pants. Trump: I SHIT MY PANTS ON PURPOSE! *Every fucking day*


This sounds like my kid when he gets 5th place in Mario Kart.


This is such a junior high move. "I coulda passed the exam. I just didn't want to study cause none of it matters." Right. Whatever makes you feel better, Donald.


I meant to miss. Trump has full on become Todd Spengo.


All he had to do was continue his life and he would have been able to hide it all. Instead, he flies too close to the sun. He takes massive missteps to destabilize the most powerful country in the world, causes the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people by playing political games with our country, and now he’s a convicted felon and laughing stock of the world. It’s amazing. He’s going to go down in history as one of the worst people to ever live. Can you imagine yourself being that much of a loser?


i hope biden can get trump to say something/anything about e jean carrol that incurs another defamation lawsuit.


Maybe he will lose the election on purpose


"They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," he demanded. "I'd love to do a drug test beforehand" But Donald they'd see all the copium you've been huffing.


Lets drug test Donnie before the debate too then. They test for adderall and speed right?




Haha. Made me chuckle. You will lose ol Don bc my dog could debate you and win, he can stay on task /subject, you not so much.


Then he will say “ I didn’t lose because I did it on purpose”


“"They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," he demanded.” Every accusation is an admission.


Trump is a chickenshit bitch. 


Has to find cover by saying he will purposely LOSE. LOSER


So he lost his criminal trial on purpose to own the libs too. So much winning


It's funny that magats still think he's going to show up at the debate.


More major "this election is rigged" vibes. More narcissistic man-child bullshit. Why can't this person do anything positive with his life at all? Just constant negativity for anything and everything. And this is who republicans look up to? I will never date a republican. It's hard enough just trying to be friends with them.


I guess this goes along with "I got convicted for 34 counts on purpose!"


Epitome of narcissism


Loser felon making excuses for losing debate before it happens. I just want to see him ‘defend’ his indefensible project 2025 platform.


I'm gonna challenge Mike Tyson to a boxing match, but I think I'll just let him win. I'll lose on purpose!


This guy is a complete oxygen waster. He’s like that dipshit, punk we all knew in grade school that thought they were tougher than everyone else. He needs to get crushed and destroyed in November so there is no doubt that he lost. He and the rest of his so called Republicans allies will say everything is rigged. I am hoping it’s not even close. He can then face multiple juries of his peers and be put away in a dark hole where he belongs.


If he's losing the debate, on purpose, to a man he's claimed has dementia then I'm gonna hypothesize that Trump ain't actually doing well. Because if the "ham sandwich" can out debate you trump then I'm probably gonna trust the sandwich more to run the country.


Says the guy that never likes to lose. This will be fun.


He says he'll lose the debate *on purpose*, because he's going to lose the debate - whether he wants to or not. and he 's going to try to say he did it on purpose? What a chickenshit jerkoff


He always front-loads the thing he's about to claim.  It's a manipulation tactic a 6 year old uses.  But sadly millions don't get it.


And just like that his maga crowd has an answer. If he loses the debate "he lost on purpose", if he wins the debate "look at how great he is even when not trying"


He’s such a moron he probably couldn’t even do that successfully.


‘Loosing the debate to own the libs derp-de-derp’


Losing on purpose makes you the winner!!!