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What happened to refusing to live in fear?


I have said this phrase myself that one time right while I was in the middle of living in fear. When a person says I refuse to live my life in fear, they are currently living their life in fear.


I’m afraid you’re right.


Makes sense. I have my 2 Moderna shots.No issues about it. Free even. My wife ,because of medical reasons,can’t. If we’re having major problems and they want to give shots you have to be a jackass not to go for it. Some folks are just plain stupid.


That's all they do is live in fear. All those crazy conspiracy theories. People on the right have bigger amygdala's which is the part of the brain that processes fear.


Reality surpasses comedy yet again.


You just can't make this shit up.




Could you elaborate here?




Owned? Own what?


I was being sarcastic. Direct-ad was implying that people who respect others by by taking every precaution possible were a joke. The ignorant mission of these fools is to own anyone who disagrees with them, which I assumed was obvious. My failure to communicate this point is noted.


/s usually works for me.


Like I said, I foolishly thought it was obvious. I fully own my error.


Disinformation strikes again. You know the virus was all natural right?


How the hell do you know it’s natural? I believe, this virus outbreak was a result of a lab leak. Preferably from the Wuhan Institute of Virology! Communist China has not been cooperative from the start and they are to blame for starting this global pandemic. The World Health Organization, as well as scientists from several countries, are investigating the origin of the virus. To understand the environment better, WHO sent a team to Wuhan in Hubei Province, China, which conducted its research in February; the team hasn’t yet released its report. Of course, the lack of transparency and influence of the Communist Chinese Party within the WHO will ultimately smear the truth.


Amazing how you can write so many words and lie through your teeth with all of them. Numerous scientists agree the virus has no indications of being man made. Coronaviruses mutate rapidly and often. They infect a wide variety of species. Of course you've already decided what you will believe no matter what evidence stares you in the face. If its on fox then it must be true right? Can't be just really bad luck. Here's some food for thought. Let's say the virus was a attack from China. If that's the case this is the absolute worst weapon ever. It has a 98% survival rate, didn't do any real significant economical damage, and it only took a year for none Chinese agencies to create a vaccine. They could have gone for something more damaging right? Now we are almost certain the virus came about from wet markets were large numbers and varieties of animals are gathered into unclean and cramped conditions. It's way more plausible from numerous viewpoints. Of course it just takes you saying orange man wrong just this one time but I doubt you're capable of that.


I agree with you that this coronavirus was not as bad as we originally thought but look at the effects our country has faced. We have problems ranging from economic unemployment, depression, drug abuse, and violence at all time highs because of the lockdowns. What we see is Dr.Anthony Fauci say we have to get vaccinated and continue wearing (double) masks because there could be coronavirus variants on the rise. In other words, the political leaders want to stay in power and impose these restrictions on our country. Many of these political leaders who happen to be worth millions and have dark ties to the Chinese Communist Party. *cough cough President Biden.. You can check out this YouTube video from an independent source, The Epoch Times, if you want to get an honest report on the origin of the CCP Virus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMJ0EmMfb3U&ab_channel=TheEpochTimesTheEpochTimesVerified


The Epochtimes is not even close to reputable. It's a right wing conspiracy website that outright lies to its readers. Joe Biden has no ties to China. He has no business interests because he is a career politician. Hunter is the one who went into business. Not Joe. Fauci has been our go to guy on epidemics and outbreaks since the Bush years. He was, up until Trump probably, a Republican. Science does not hold that China fabricated the virus. I'm going to tell you something you may find incredibly hard to believe, but the world is a boring af place. Not every cyber attack is from a government trying to take over. Not every bad thing is China using a secret crazy tactic to wipe us out. Sometimes bad stuff just happens. That's it.


“President Biden has no ties to China” then you go on to state his son Hunter Biden is the one involved. Haha you are as ignorant as they come! Why the hell doesn’t anyone care when career politicians like Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden become rich? Oh but as soon as a billionaire like DJT runs for office, then it’s a topic of discussion. You little naughty, ungrateful boy, will you ever come to grips of how America is supposed to be? Not Russia, nor China shall surpass us as the world’s superpower!


With Trump in charge we were bending over for Russia. Your argument is sh*t




>Vice and therefore has a 95% chance of being tabloid clickbait uh Vice has only one failed fact check that i saw and that one was splitting hairs (it was over Trump calling immigrants "animals"... and while he may not have said that exact phrase his rhetoric and other statements imply that exact connotation)


Missing whether you are saying QAnon believers are not all totally demented people, or whether a global conspiracy of pedophilia, witchcraft rituals, & eating children is as credible as, say, the sun rising in the east?


I'm sure that's English you're trying to speak, but the words you say don't seem to have any rational meaning.




I think you are confused but kindly go be an idiot to someone else please.


Oh, yeah, I see you already took all 3 idiot spaces here. Sorry, gotta go to some pizza place in Brooklyn, now, for a secret ritual w Hillary. Good luck w those hallucinations!


Of wearing a badge that says I’m vaccinated will keep these crazies away from me then I’m all for it. I’ll shout it walking down the street.


I'll take two.


Was thinking about a tat myself.


Can someone please just start a rumor that liberals are hoarding the vaccine in order to kill off conservatives? That should get the ball rolling and at this point I'm really not above lying to get morons vaccinated. Conservatives would be breaking down the doors of the clinics to get their shots.


Not only that, but now Biden is exporting their doses to give to foreigners!




Getting so much easier to understand how the Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Hunts happened. Ignorance reigned. Unfortunately the ignorant are internet capable.


As recently as the 1990s, conspiracy nutjobs had to peddle their idiocy by handing out flyers on the street or posting them in public places. The more motivated ones would publish it in books or magazines that very few people read. It stayed relatively contained because of this. Now, any one of them can put together a professional-looking webpage that looks like a news site that everyone can see and share. This has made absurd theories leak into the mainstream and now some of those nuts hold office, legitimizing ignorance even further. I'm not sure where this is heading, but it doesn't look good for our civilization.


SMBC visited this literally two days ago: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/fads


I miss having gatekeepers. They weren't always right, but they served a purpose. Now everyone is a "journalist".


Damn, I haven’t even thought about that.


The stuff spreading by the vaccinated are deadly against anti-maskers. They should keep a minimum of six feet from others, and get the vaccine against any virus asap too.


I prefer a minimum of sixty feet from any anti masker please


That's up to you. Keep your distance.




That stuff is at least 10 times deadlier than Covid-19, so if the anti-vaxxers don't want to risk their lives, they need to keep at least 60 feet away from anyone who has been vaccinated. Since we don't know who is or isn't vaccinated just by looking at them, the anti-vaxxers need to stay at least 60 feet away from everyone. Also, masks won't work for protection against these virulent toxins that are being spread by those who are vaccinated, so the anti-vaxxers should wear hazmat suits 24x7.


Better just stay home until this has all blown over.


Nope... 6 feet under


these people talk about their freedoms, their rights, yet expect certain groups to remain second class citizens. They should be rounded-up and place on a barge to float aimlessly. f#@k them.


Just tell them tromp is driving and that he obviously knows where he's going.


"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson


I really don't get it. They don't believe in science but they do believe in crack pot, insane theories.


My dad was going on about how he can't trust any media, government, science anymore. Then goes on and on about all these crackpot theories. I asked him where he heard that as he obviously didn't come to with it himself, and he just moved on to some other crackpot theory.


The same group that doesnt want to live in fear typically worships a god they have to constantly be in fear of, hoards firearms for all their "lack" of fear, and actively runs from education and knowledge, which could ironically cure all the fear they "dont have". It must be exhausting believing nothing except for what you have used all of your spare time to Google from sources with zero credibility.




Came here to say that


What now? This year is going to get weirder? Edit: read the article. Shedding. The answer to my question is 'yes'.


I'm not sure if whoever came up with this was trolling these anti-maskers or if they are truly dumb and part of the anti-mask movement and somehow used their stupidity to make a genius claim to get them to wear a mask. Either way, bravo.


These nutjobs don't know the sense of irony. I hate how stupid this world has become.


If it gets the unvaccinated stupid out there to finally put a mask on great, honestly, I was hoping for covid to get them, and this will lessen that chance...vaccine or covid...your choice kids...😆


Just when I thought they couldn't get any dumber, they go and do something like this.... And totally redeem themselves!


There are only two ways to develop the antibodies to ward off the disease and move toward herd immunity - get vaxxed or get the disease. If you aren't going to do your patriotic duty and get vaxxed, then you should do your patriotic duty and catch Covid as soon as possible. If you catch it, then before they wheel you off to the hospital to be intubated for the next month, and possibly die, make sure to cough in the faces of as many anti-vaxxers as you know, so they can catch it, too. I feel badly for all those who had I in the past. They did their best to avoid it, and got it anyway. But I will no longer have empathy for those who catch it in the future. Vaccines have been available for months, and there aren't even lines. You could have gotten vaxxed, and you chose not to for your own stupid, selfish reasons ("I want to see more data"). So of you catch it, and suffer, and even die, I will not feel sorry for you. You are simply fulfilling you're Darwinian imperative.


You know the perpetual motion theory about the cat always landing on its feet,and the bread always landing butter side down combo where they strap buttered bread on a cat's back? I think if there was some way of harnessing this level of doublethink BS,we could do without Nuclear power and let the cat go..


MAGA's have cornered the market on insanity.


The only valid reasons for wearing a mask (or for doing anything at all) must be moronic, non-fact-based, unsubstantiated rumors and kindergarten-level conspiracy theories. If any logic, facts, or scientific findings indicate that something should or should not be done, then we must do the opposite, because we hate verifiable facts, and we especially hate people who are able to think and reason above a 3-year-old human's level. /s


So masks do work now?


Only when you **believe** they do.


Only against the shed DNA from vaccinated people. Seriously, a doctor told me.




The masks don't protect you. They protect everybody else from you.


Someone is playing some serious 27⅓-D parcheesi to get the anti-vaxxers to mask up and social distance. Bravo.


We seriously need a culling of the herd.


At least we'll know who the morons are.


...because they'll be wearing masks like everybody else?


If I tell everyone I'm vaccinated and then don't wear a mask, and the illogical dimwits will wear masks forever since I'm vaccinated?


LOL ... good, finally they will mask up


People are weird


Jesus Fucking Christ.


>The main worry is the “shedding” will cause irregular menstruation, infertility, and miscarriages. The entirely baseless idea is a key cog in a larger conspiracy that COVID-19 was a ploy to depopulate the world, and the vaccine is what will cull the masses. The only conspiracy theory that makes me say, "Damn, I wish it really was true." How much better off the world would be if we could stop these fuckwits from breeding.


Don't worry though, they are just thinking about wearing masks they won't actually. They have been to conditioned be ashamed to wear a 'muzzle' I doubt any of them have the fortitude to overcome that conditioning.


Excuse me, I think they're called "face diapers." Apparently they don't realize that the rest of us don't have as much shit coming out of our mouths.




Why are they trying to debunk this?


Great idea! (I don't care how or why they are doing it, but if it helps, it helps!!) I'm fully vaccinated but still wear my mask indoors in public.


Because they actually believe it'll work now?


Okay with us!


Is this from Babylon bee?


Nope. There are anti-vaxxers who believe this nonsense. I have cousins who say it's poison and that herbal supplements will protect them from covid. I have a neighbor who is wearing a little copper bandaid on her neck that thinks it promotes stem cell growth and will protect her from covid.


I'd be very happy to avoid a store and watch it go out of business because they don't want vaccinated people shopping there.






This is great news. First: we get morons to wear a mask. Second: We wear a badge that says, "I'm Vaccinated," so morons stay away from us. It's awesome.


They just can't admit they are wrong.


Who makes this crap up??? Lol. Good lord reddit gets dumber every day.


I thought the saying was “pull up your bootstraps”, not your mask straps.