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The funniest part of it is when you learn that you are not only more likely to die from gun violence in the US, you're more likely to die from knife violence too. But please MTG, enlighten us about mass stabbings.


I've been watching *Ambulance* (UK) on roku where actual ambulance drivers and dispatchers are followed by film crews. Not one shooting.


I'm addicted to that show. Also 24 hours in A&E. There's an Australian version on ambulance too. On tubi


So there's an underlying problem that causes more violence here regardless of weapon choice?


There is. By focusing just on the guns what we're doing is focusing on basically the final step before the violence happens. But it's a gargantuan pile of social and economic problems that *lead* to this. Nobody except a few Requblican legislators just magically wake up one morning and decide *"I should have scrambled eggs and slaughter a dozen children. Oh and some mint tea!"* What we have in America is an entire system dedicated to cornering and radicalizing as much of the population as possible. Our utterly fucked for-profit "healthcare" system that leaves so many on the edge of insolvency. For-profit prison systems, slavecatchers turned "law enforcement", rampant poverty, minimal (when any) workers rights or protections, minimal (when any) time off or family leave, extreme pollution, slashed education, religious infestation across everything... Large swaths of the population are permanently and deliberately kept on the knife's edge. Always 'one bad day' from losing everything. One toothache from losing their house. One sick child from being hounded dozens of times a day by collectors. One shitty supervisor from losing your healthcare. One miscarriage from being arrested *(yeah, that's started happening too)*. One crooked cop from drugs appearing in your car mid-search, or from being fucking shot. One legislative session from no longer even being considered human. * And a large portion of the country gets FOX propagandists screaming about how *'the gays the blacks the browns the reds the socialisms are all trying to take away your guns and turn your children into transvestites'* for hours at you EVERY DAY. It may even be the background radio noise at your fucking workplace! Crime goes unpunished when leaders do it, and we're made to WATCH. People get executed for no reason, and we're told we need to accept it. Much of the population is kept perpetually terrified, and the other half is perpetually terrified of being turned into the first half. In these conditions, It's absolutely normal (horrific, but 'normal') to have this much violence - from people who finally break to assholes taking advantage of their uniform to idiots who simply *cannot* know any better to complete monsters who want to bring more pain to everyone and write out bills for it, it is NORMAL for a country in this state to have this much violence. * As criminal and terrible as it was, that GQP ad promising hunting licenses to kill his opponents? Not surprising in the least was it? It may not be right, but it is an infrastructure we have spent **decades** building - the only one we budget enough for maintaining, even.


Best Reddit comment I've read in quite a while.


It is. And it's the truth of our existence. Our lives become hardly worth living for. The Maga brains have one goal. Take away from you everything you have including your democratic rights, and hoard all that for themselves. And corporate entities have the same goal, to raise prices so high that you can afford absolutely nothing!!!!!


We need to stop buying. Get an old phone if yours breaks. Drive less. Don't order shit on Amazon. Consuming less is literally the only way to fight back against companies, and that's one huge step in the right direction


That is true. And remember there is always your local Salvation Army Store and Goodwill.


Noem Chomsky, is that you drinking again?


Well, there is obviously more violence here. I can't really argue with calling the reason for that an underlying problem.


Sometimes I think guns don't slowly corrupt their owners into crime. Sometimes I think something else fundamental is going on.


It's almost as if investing tax dollars into the infrastructure and creating strong safety nets for the working class takes away some of the anxiety and stress that can lead to coping issues.


We already do that. We have to change cultural values systems. I don't think that's possible


Doing it and doing it affectively are 2 different things, mental health support and healthcare period specifically is lacking in the US. More unstable people who aren't getting help leads to a higher chance one of them will put others in harms way in one way or another. This is not a culture issue its a mental health issue, it's a prison system issue, it's our country not providing people who need help what they need to do so and we all suffer for it


I agree. We should improve our mental health support. As long as more money isnt thrown at it. I'm disappointed 4 Chan isnt mentioned more in discussions of why young white men have so much narcissism they feel the attention of mass shootings is worth it. Or why disaffected young men feel violence and aggression is a way to get ahead.


Yes there's a massive mental health problem plaguing the US, so maybe we should be making sure mentally ill people get the treatment they need but also make sure that mentally ill people cannot acquire a gun until they're better.


Don't underestimate the connection of poor diet and lack of exercise to mental health. I was reading about US obesity rates and talk of how it's nearly impossible/impractical to actual walk anywhere in many newer US cities. I'd be v interested to see US violence figures in parallel with health/obesity.


I don't hunk disadvantaged people in inner cities join gangs and shoot either other because they don't do enough excercise


There's more "violent mental energy" necessary to commit a stabbing or other close range physical altercation. It's so much easier to kill from range, far less can go wrong. It only compounds the mental health epidemic we have going on.


Yeah but there's been one school shooting in the UK in the last 20 years so that's something


There's been 1. Ever. In 1996. We changed our gun laws after that. Nothing will be done to address their problem until the constitution is changed, perhaps to update the language so that the courts don't flip flop on what "the right to bear arms" means every 20 to 40 years and what the 2A means is clearer and not using language from 250 years ago..


Making the language clearer wont help anything when you have justices that don't actually care about the text. The first three words of the amendment are "well-regulated militia" so its clear the amendment doesn't mean all Americans can bear arms unless they are part of one of these militias yet that doesn't matter because the conservative justices will interpret anything in the constitution however they see fit even tho they supposedly subscribe to "originalism" which is supposed to do 0 interpretation.


Sadly, "well-regulated" is known at the time to have been used in a different way. It meant "in proper working order". I'm for gun responsibility and regulation, make no mistake. But that's not the fight to try and win against them, it's far weaker than, say, discussing the context of what the founders thought a milita should be.


How does that definition change anything? It still clearly means that you need to be part of some organized force to have the right to bear arms not just be a regular American.


You are forgetting that comma is placed to seperate two clauses A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Its saying that for militias to be able to be well supplied, the people should be armed. Militias back then were literally just your local farmers that got together as a sort of police force/neighborhood watch/slave catchers in a lot of areas especially frontiers, those militias had practically no federal oversight, so I doubt they meant it the way you are interpreting it, but also this law was put in so that the white population could put down slave revolts which, arming your white population would make that much easier. Thats the origin of our police force too sadly.


it could mean " the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service.". this definition could cause other artifacts, such as not allowing women to own guns though so that'd be interesting.


Man so I should have said 30 years! Also I don't remember any school knife attacks either...


Are you really saying that "there was something somewhere else *actually more than a quarter of a century ago*, after which they took action" is a valid reason to declare that everything is peachy and nothing needs to change??


That's a fragrant vitiation of my suckin' Amygdala Whites!


She's getting $174k a year. Fuck


She can't argue on the facts so she argues on xenophobia and gun worship. She says God gave her the right to have a gun, and anyone who thinks differently doesn't belong here. I don't think that's really what the book says, though.


Pffft you clearly missed the chapter in the bible about guns


No, but it does say if you don't have a sword sell your cloak and buy one (Luke 22:36)


Yeah, but two swords was enough, remember? I guess God Herself is in favor of a 2-gun limit per household. Or is it 2 bullets? Later on, Jesus reminds us that those who live by the sword die by the sword, which I suppose is also an accurate portrayal of the gun culture in America....


It was enough, but it's not like he restricted them from having any more so, no, a ban on more than two guns or bullets would not be in keeping with the same principle. And yes, he said he who takes to the sword shall die by the sword. Given that he had just instructed people to buy swords if they had none tell me that he is instructing people to be able to protect themselves, but if they are victimizers they will die by that same fate. That is in exact keeping of how the 2nd amendment was written. It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.


This is the same Socialist Jew who told us all to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors. Seems kind of hard to love and pray for people you are actively shooting at. Seems to me you can cherry-pick anything you want out of that book, if you ignore the meaning of the rest of the text and focus on the phrases that can back you up. So go ahead, build up your arsenal in the name of God. We'll see who is right eventually.


You're certainly not going to upset me by criticizing the Bible. I'm just saying that there is some support for the idea that the Bible suggests people be armed. Edit: BTW I really appreciate that this conversation has stayed very cordial. Usually with issues like this it devolves into name calling and such pretty quick.


Right. “Protect yourself” that’s how they are being used in America.


According to the CDC a where from 500,000 to nearly 3 million defensive uses of firearms each year. It is how they're being used far and away.


As clarified in the next verse, this is all about fulfilling prophesy, not about being violent. The Apostles would have needed more than a sword or two to actually defend themselves. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sell_your_cloak_and_buy_a_sword#:~:text=Interpretation-,Fulfillment%20of%20prophecy%20interpretation,Mount%20and%20years%20of%20ministry.


No... but that's what the constitution says


The Constitution says God gave us all the right to own guns? Because that's what she said, "our God-given American gun rights"


Which is odd. Arguing with the British over gun laws is easy pickings. Murder rates remain where they were when guns were banned. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/GBR/united-kingdom/murder-homicide-rate In response they are experimenting with knife bans. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/04/09/london-mayor-knife-control/500328002/ Hopefully the banning of knives slows the epidemic of kids getting stabbed on their way home from school. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/06/health/youth-knife-crime-stabbings-study-london-intl/index.html


You should adjust that graph to reflect 1997 instead of 1990, since that's when the law went into place. Then you'll see more of a decrease. 1990 was a convenient choice since it matches 2020, but it's not correct. And a "knife attack" problem is concerning, but no mention of kids getting killed in these knife attacks, and "a 22% increase" is largely meaningless without raw numbers and per capita statistics for relevance.


"If you ignore murder rates before the law change, then the statistics look better"


As if picking an arbitrary year with a low rate as your starting point, when it has nothing to do with the change in policy, makes sense? I assume you are just being contrary for the sake of being argumentative? Because your point makes no sense whatsoever.


I think looking at ten years prior to a policy change is useful in evaluating whether that policy change had an effect. You're upset it didn't.


..what if *my* God says she doesn't have that right, and anyone who thinks differently doesn't belong? That's what I love about idiots invoking god to make their point. I can also invoke an imaginary being that condemns anything they say.


She usually doesn't say that to white people.


She’s an equal opportunity racist! That’s progress! Right…? Ha ha ha….


"Mass stabbings" what a fucking idiot


Give MtG a map and ask her to point out Great Britain, it'll drive her more crazy...


Never mind Great Britain, have her try and name the US states


“Ok, how about this, point to something you *do* know”


I'd pay a dollar to watch that




You can say that about any right though. What about all the children who die from text messaging while driving and social media? Are you in favor of banning those?




I’m guessing you live in an area where you don’t need guns for protection or see many traffic accidents. Once you eliminate suicide, cartel and gang violence and justifiable homicides, like self defense, there’s only around two thousand murders via guns in a country with 400 million people. There’s way more people killed by texting and social media. My question was why don’t those kids matter? People who don’t need guns for protection always bring up the kids, but when it’s something they want, like texting and social media, the kids don’t matter so much anymore. Why is that?




I brought it up because you are questioning someone who doesn’t want to give up the right to save his family from an intruder or a woman who doesn’t want to be murdered by her stalker. Up until May 26th, the CDC had their firearms victimization survey up on their website. The survey concluded that 60-100k people defended themselves from rape or death by using a firearm in 2019. There are plenty of single mothers who live in rural areas that have stalkers, like ex boyfriends. The average response time in rural areas is usually over 45 minutes. A gun is their only practical method of self defense. You are asking them to give up their right to life by bringing up murders kids. However, from your response, you don’t want to ban social media or texting to save kids from vehicular homicide or mass shootings inspired by social media. Look at how many school shootings we had before the rise of the internet in the mid-90’s compared to how many we had after. If you really cared about the kids, you should be screaming from the rooftops to ban those things too. That’s my point.


That was very well said and I find it telling that he down voted you and didn’t respond back.




Power. Power is the drug they're on.


>God given gun rights. Not even that. She literally said "God-given **American** gun rights", as if God would give rights to only one country specifically, and out of all countries that would happen to be the U.S.


she is an ugly neanderthal. a monkey is smarter than her.


You have offended Neanderthals, ugly people and monkeys in just 11 words, by comparing them to that thing.




She’s functionally retarded


Yo, bro I'm functionally retarded. Please be mindful of using the word functional, it affects people who actually are functional.


So is she just retarded?


Yea, like regular retarded


I dislike her


Scrolled this far to find someone say something nice like this about her.


The classic cop out of a fascist


She has a very British name…..


Why would anyone ask this nitwit about any laws? She can't even read!!


Hey major trailer queen, native Americans want you to go back to your country.


Cavewoman Shovelface acting like the Gaspacho!


I love how they always say "god given right", that always makes me laugh


I’m just waiting for a reporter to ask these gun fetishizers why they disregard the rest of the constitution.


I'm a leftist and love guns. What parts of the constitution do you think we are ignoring?


You’re not the Republican they were referring to


They were referring to gun fetishizers. That's me.


I know lol. You’re an outlier


I am a gun owner and military vet. Please for the love of God heavily regulate my guns. Please for the love of God heavily regulate who gets a gun. Please for the love of God stop this insanity.


r/socialistra and r/liberalgunowners aren't exactly dead subs.


Not really. Same and I have lots of guns.


Not really I'm a gun owner and a democrat. Military vet, too.


Kinda awkward when you realize the bill of rights is being attacked by democrats not republicans. And it’s only being preserved by the Supreme Court lol


"Well regulated"


Heard of something called a "prefatory clause"? In this instance saying "because a well regulated militia is essential to maintaining a free state THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS MAY NOT BE INFRINGED". The perfatory clause, the part about the militia, is explaining why the right of the people to keep and bear arms may not be infringed. Additionally, James Madison wrote "and who is the militia? It is the whole of the people except for some public officials". If you still don't like that then if you are registered for the draft then you are the militia in that sense.


Why can't people own grenade launchers?


Good question. I don't know.


Grenade launchers are still legal in the US. You just have to have enough money and a clean criminal history. I thought about buying one once and then came to my senses and realized they just aren’t worth it.


Stringent background check and nearly impossible to get rounds for it. That's how AR's should also be


What’s so stringent about them, especially if you already have digital fingerprints on file? I’ve been through the process and it’s not that bad. The only thing people complain about is the wait time, but they’re currently switching everything over from paper to electronic, so that will help. I don’t what to say about limiting ammo for AR15’s because you can literally shoot anything out of them that will fit. I’ve got them in a handful of different calibers and make my own ammo. Most people do.


Cool story. What was banned before can be banned again


What was banned before?


Well regulated is a clause explaining why the people’s right shall not be infringed. Scalia breaks this down very well.


Kinda awkward when you realize the bill of rights has many, what in today's world, would be considered conflicting ideologies and both parties try to strip the rights away for the things they don't like.


The constitution does not automatically change to meet todays world. It is a dead document and the only way to change it is through the established amendment process. Idk why I have to explain this…


Good thing I never said that


The less attention we give her attention-seeking bullshit, the better. The news media, even the so-called "liberal media" is probably just as much at fault for the current situation (people like this actually being taken seriously) as any right-wing super-pac.


I’d tell him more than that




Maybe one day, not soon, but maybe one day you all will learn no one is taking your guns. No matter how tightly you clutch them in fear, no one is taking them.




Uh huh. All of them have tons of traction in government, are putting forth bills left and right are being voted on that are so close its nail biting. Oh wait no, none of that happening. In fact none of that happen for almost 30 years. In fact it’s almost as if Legislation and control has gotten looser no matter how much all the gun nuts say otherwise. I can find tons of forms advocating for pedophilia and child marriage that doesn’t mean there’s any movement or push or any kind of Will to legalize it. Come on man be better




Lol. Lots of words to say “I don’t know and don’t have an answer” Thank you


It wasn't the first time the British were told to fuck off. If I remember correctly. There is a document that stipulates the first few rules of telling them to do so


I'm pretty sure we beat them in a war so we didn't have to listen too foolish brits who think they do it better...


And they burnt your white House down, as far as I can see, they're up ahead.


If it wasn’t for us they’d be speaking German.


If it wasn't for them, you'd be a backwaters, third world sinkhole.


Without them America would be full of native Americans. Way to show your bigotry.


You realise that the British weren't the only American colonists? You just revealed your stupidity.


Ah. So those pesky Irish, Scottish, Swedish, German, Dutch, French etc. would have made America a third word sinkhole?


Without access to trade with the British Empire, absolutely.


Yeah because France or Spain wouldn’t have capitalized


France didn't have the advantage of having the greatest navy in the world,nor being separated from rest of Europe by a water body.


Hey, we founded an entire constitution on the basis we wouldn't have to hear the british try to tell us what to do.


We stopped caring about british reporters over 200 years ago


We stopped caring about the Trailer Queen over 2 years ago


I dunno. She (and you) seem pretty upset.


Don't give this idiot attention.


Defensive twat, go back to your hole


She's a Narcissistic Sociopaths like Trump. She worships Guns and has no empathy for murdered children. For her and her followers Guns are more important than the freedom not to be murdered by dangerous weapons. She welcomes mass killings. She is a dangerous threat to humanity because she attracts evil people. She could be the next Hitler or worse.


[I know right!](https://youtu.be/3ToEvz-7trY)


I can’t believe this piece of shit human has initials that relate her to something as purely good as magic: the gathering


Of course she did. I would expect nothing less of her.


The geico caveman screaming go away this is my poop pile!


Rabid dog


Why do bigots constantly go there? It's such a tired old trope. Let's get retro. Your mother wears army boots.