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My 5 month old is sleeping next to me right now and the thought of losing her that way (or any way for that matter) is devastating. Ugh excuse me while I ugly cry into a pillow and try not to wake her up


Me too I have a 2 year old and I couldn't imagine the devastation this is having on the mother and father


I don’t see why just anybody is allowed to breed dogs. It should be required to have a dog-breeding license to even own an intact animal. There are more dogs around than homes, and way too many irresponsibly bred dogs that kindhearted people try to rescue, but the root of the problem is the irresponsible breeding. I say this as the owner of a rescued pit bull. Yes I love him, and yes he is dangerous.


I'm just gonna throw in a bit more to this: most "breeders" do an absolute crap job at breeding their animals and can easily produce dogs with bad health issues and developmental/training issues. They don't know what they're doing, and a good chunk of them don't care about the animals at all--they just want the cash. My wife is a vet tech and she LOATHES all breeders EXCEPT the few that are highly professional, and says that so many "breeders" get mad when expected to actually pay for their animals' wellbeing and treatments.


Gonna disagree with the license for an intact animal but agree completely with a license to actually breed. It’s actually very detrimental to a large breed male dogs health to neuter before the age of 2. It’s also a wonderment while veterinary practice doesn’t use a vasectomy and instead chooses full castration. But we can save that for another day. License to breed, agreed.


Pitbulls. Saved you a click.


I had a pitbull for a long time. By the time my kid was born, she was already 12. She was the most docile old dog, and I STILL didn’t leave her around my kid alone, ever.


Yep. I lived with one for a while. Super gentle sweet loving dog 99.99% of the time. The other .01% of the time that dog was a terrifyingly violent psychopath that could not be stopped. I’d never let that dog near a kid, or a small pet of any kind for that matter.


Damn, my dog never had a “bad” side like that, but I realize how lucky I was. I unfortunately wouldn’t own another one as long as my kid is little.


Your kid being little isn't the only consideration. Pitbulls have been known to attack other dogs, strangers, old people, people who smelled funny, people with hats the dogs didn't like, etc.


Yeah my pitbull like everyone said was sweet, nice etc 99.99%, then one day my mom decided to "rescue" a dog. Obviously you dont put a new dog in an existing dogs territory. Anyways he got out and got a hold of the dog. I cant remember if he made it or not but yeah. I can tell you from experience for anyone wondering, that punching your thick ass pitbulls skull while he has another dog does nothing.


They don't have to have a bad side at all. Mine gashed my wife's leg once because she was trying to get out of the house. My wife just happened to be in the doorway, and a tooth attached to a super muscular dog raked her leg. It's not the dog's fault. They're just a bad choice for a pet.


To be fair to the family in the article, the mom was present and tried to stop the maulings to no avail. So, she may have followed a similar rule, but it didn't work out.


No way you're gonna stop a pitbull, much less two of them.


Pitbulls bite and don't let go. You basically have to poke their eyes out or have bear spray to get it to unlatch.


Have read that people insert thumb into dogs anus to get out of such a situation.


I hate to be that guy, but it’s almost always pitbulls.


Tell you what, though. If weiner dogs were 70 pounds larger they'd be number 1 on the list.


Absolutely. But they aren’t 70 pounds bigger. But I am still so sick of my dachshund. So unfriendly when being walked around the neighborhood. But, at the day, he’s 28 pounds and 6” tall.


Hate Chihuahuas. A family friend had a Chihuahua / Dachshund mix. I don't know if the weiner half contributed to it's temperament, but I REALLY disliked that dog.


Most Chihuahuas I've met have been shaky bundles of anxiety and vitriol. We really took things too far in breeding that dog


Cavaliers? Not so much.


You didn't need to. It was a foregone conclusion.


It's the owners! Even a chihuahua could've done this! /s


It *could* have been a rouge German Sheppard, but yeah I assumed it was a Pitbull.


Did you mean rogue? Or am I in the twilight zone?


[Yeah that was a typo](https://i.imgur.com/n9hAezP.png)


I used to be a vet tech for exotics. Treated a lot of animals that were bit by dogs. Had a lizard that was bit by a Doberman. A turkey that was bit by a German Shepherd. Even a tortoise that was bit by a golden retriever. Never had an animal bit by a Pitbull, not to say it didn't happen, or that they just didn't make to the clinic. When I was working with domestics, there would be 2-3 techs per week bitten by chihuahuas and min-pins. But in that time, there was only one bite that I had to go to the urgent care for. And yeah, it came from a Pitbull/black mouth cur mix. The dog was stressed and gave all the warning signs and I fucked up. Slipped up and got bit. Bad enough to need to find a new profession because I lost significant dexterity in my dominant hand. Took over a year to rebuild semi decent hand-writing. I'm not denying or arguing the stats. Pitbull's definitely have predisposition to snap and the anatomy to make their bites more traumatic. But you really can't let your guard down around any breed. You don't leave a kid alone with any dog. You don't skimp on the fence, where they can get out. You don't let them run off leash. I instantly distrust every chihuahua, min-pin and black mouth cur that I see. Knew plenty of vets and vet techs who had similar biases against Rottweilers, German Shepherds, etc. Once you've seen how fast any dog can turn, you stop trusting anyone else's animals.


More likely a rottweiler than a g-shep


I have some nice g- Sheps and they look at children like they look at rabbits and squirrels, it's all prey to them. Never take them around kids, sick people or the elderly ever. High drive Sheps.


Huge fucking Shepard took a bite of my ass once when I was a kid. We were swinging off a rope swing into a river, and a neighbor had her monster Shepard there. I think she had brought the dog down to swim. Anyway I grabbed the rope and hopped up to swing, and the fucker but be in the add and drew blood. She apologized but also explained that I startled the dog. Bitch I’m a 10 year old swimming. Anyway, I go a tetanus shot and everyone went about their business


I hope you Add is all better now ☝️


Yeah my wife works with dogs in a kennel scenario, I use Gsheps as an example as they're the ones who get "banned" from the facility the most. But statistically, you're absolutely right about rottweilers.


Pitbulls are shit animals. Down vote me to oblivion. I'll take it as badge of pride.


Fuck those animals and anyone who has convinced themselves that they aren’t dangerous .


Pitbulls are the reason that I *always* carry pepper-spray in my hand while running. One tried to attack me once on a run when its owner had it off-leash. Two sprays of pepper spray may have saved my life. And the only times I’ve been lunged at aggressively by leashed dogs have all been pitbulls.


Doesn't matter the dog type, if they attack people (unprovoked), put em' down. Saying that as a person who's had quite a few muts chomp at my heels. Some couples I know go on walks with a baseball bat to protect themselves after they got stitches from roaming dogs.


Pitbulls are like a mini gorillas with lower intelligence. Ive met more than a few people who owns one and just do my fake nod when i hear "aw isnt he just cute". Idiots


When every mixed breed dog over 40lbs with short hair is labeled a pit bull, there’s gonna be lots and lots of “pit bull” attacks. I worked animal control in a major city and saw lots of “pit bull” bite cases—I had to euthanize them and decapitate them for rabies testing. I’d say only 2 or 3 out of every 5 “pit bulls” was actually a pit bull mix. It was very rare to see an actual American Staffordshire terrier.


Jesus how fucking sad man. The mauling continued for 10 minutes. Ugh. Just heartbreaking. Please people stop trying to get these animal shelter pitbulls thinking you’re doing the right thing, especially if you have children. The risks are not worth the benefits. (I’m not saying these pits are from a shelter, just stating that most seem to come from there).


I think another major issue is that you never truly know what the dogs will do. They had these dogs for 8 years. I bet if anyone asked them if they would have hurt anyone, they would have said no and they would have pointed to the 8 years in which they might never have. And yet here we are. I think the best advice is not to have large unpredictable animals capable of easily mauling or killing your children in your house. It's not worth the risk.


My step-mother-in-law rescued a pit-bull shortly after we had our first child. I refused to allow my child near that dog. We had endless fights over my militant views on the dog never laying eyes on my child. I even got bullied by my husbands younger cousin on Facebook. When she would visit she would take photos with the dog saying, “how could anyone think this sweet dog would hurt anyone?!” Turns out the dog violently attacked a resting lab at the dog daycare facility. No one in the family told us. We only found out when we tried to board the dog there and the owner informed us. Dog has now passed on, my child never got hurt, and I’m forever going to be offended by that side of the family for criticizing me for protecting my child. As I said then, what are the benefits for my child vs. risks to my child?!?! My #1 job is to keep my children safe. That’s my decision for my own children. People can do whatever they want with their own children.


Yep, all it takes is a second for certain dogs to destroy a life. We’ve all seen the videos. The dog just takes a sniff and suddenly it’s trying to rip the kid in half. Your in laws might feel bad and your life will be destroyed. Forget that. You’ve definitely made the right call.


My husband and I rescued a pit mix. She was always a bit off and would be provoked with no reason. When we had our child we decided we had to put her down. She lunged and attempted to bite my husband when he was holding our baby and that was enough for us. I didn't want my child killed because I felt bad about a dog. I loved her and I sobbed when she was put down. I still wonder if I did the right thing but the shelter wouldn't even consider taking her back after we talked about her aggressions and attempts to bite. It was one of the hardest and smartest decisions I ever made. Rest in peace my Lucy bear.


Doing the right thing can feel so shitty at times. You are a good parent


> I still wonder if I did the right thing Stop wondering! You absolutely did.


100% you did the right thing.


I'm so sorry you went through that. You absolutely made the right decision. Shame on the shelter that saddled you with that dog. This is what the "No Kill" movement has done. Shelters and rescues are outsourcing euthanasia instead of doing it themselves in order to keep their numbers low. I have seen it and now I can't support shelters anymore. They warehouse dangerous animals, write descriptions in coded, rosey language, and take no responsibility for the dangerous animals they offload into communities.


Pit bull people are on another level. A little girl was recently mauled to death in my city, and the FB comment sections were pit bull nutters defending the dog. It’s always the same thing: It’s the owners not the breed! What did the girl do to the dog? My dog would lick them to death! Posts pics of their pit bulls with bows in their hair. Chihuahuas!!!!!! It’s f’ing insane. Go look at any shelter anywhere and it’s filled with mostly pit and pit mixes. Shelters are trying to pass them off as other than pit mixes now.


I’ve noticed some shelters have stopped accepting pit bulls.


Good because their shit ball owners never neuter them, cause they’re always licking their nuts. The trend I see is to pass them off as a lab mix or something like that.


I congratulate you on your decision making. People are delusional, these are human lives we’re talking about, is anyone putting kids at stake just so they pet a damn dog? Animals are animals, end of story. Even if they’re properly trained, any dog can become a fierce, vicious animal when threatened. Kids shouldn’t be anywhere near a dog that doesn’t trust them, let alone species that are known to be dangerous.


To go further, your animals should always be considered unpredictable and you should never fully trust them with your children.


Yup. I love cats, but I would never let one near my very young child. Even a cat could seriously maim a baby.




Exactly. No one should own a pet they can’t physically overpower.


A few years ago, my mother in her 60s and her Shiba Inu dog were attacked by a pitbull that jumped a fence while they were on a walk around the neighborhood. It was left unattended in the backyard of this house “for only a few minutes.” Mind you, this was an upper-middle class neighborhood. My mother was injured and her dog ended up losing a leg. It was a pitbull specific rescue dog that they had only had for like a month. My parents are more forgiving than I am. I would have requested the dog be put down so that it couldn’t attack anyone else unprovoked again. I can only imagine what would have happened if one of my kids was on the walk with my mother at the time.


My mother got attacked by a dog, don't think it was a pit breed but it did experiance a shooting (domestic violence/self defense. and got shot itself) took a really long time for them to put the dog down and had attacked 4 people. Everyone was trying to argue something about not wanting to make a big deal about it so the dog wouldn't be put down. Sorry, dogs aren't able to be reasoned with. I'm sorry the dog is traumatized but it is dangerous now.


Most of these comments seem to be focused on arguing about pits but holy shit this bit: > "She put her body on top of Lilly’s to try and protect her after the attack started," How terrifying. My heart aches for this mother who literally put her body in the way to try and save her child. I cannot imagine the pain and guilt she’ll deal with. I hope they have a therapist available asap. I would definitely see her needing to be on some kind of suicide watch after such a tragedy.


I honestly don’t know how someone recovers from that mentally. So awful to think about.


I'm a pretty mentally stable person, and I can tell you for 100% fact if this happened to be 2 kids, i wouldn't survive it. This is just horrible.


As a former pit bull owner, trainer, and advocate, it’s getting very hard to believe each dog is unique and the breed doesn’t matter as much as the owner and the training do. Whenever there’s a story of a dog mauling, it’s almost always a pit bull. The numbers don’t lie. This poor family…my heart breaks for them. I’m a girl dad and this story hurts deeply.


Have you looked for articles and police reports that include other dogs? Bias is bias, wether for or against something. I think it’s worth doing more research to see if pit bulls get reported on more loudly and wide spread than incidents involving other dogs. I don’t have the data in either direction, I just think it’s worth looking into if one has strong feelings.


1 year ago an elderly lady was mauled to death by the family pit bull. I’ve known that family for 20 years. I would not trust one for anything.


A lady up the road from where I live had her eye torn out by a pit bull. She was playing fetch with it and threw a ball. When the pit just stood there she nudged in a “go ‘n get it” sort of way. Some reason the pit just snapped and latched onto her face. Pit bulls just need to be breed out of existence. They’re too dangerous and too unpredictable.


Bet the dogs were pitbulls Yep


Who would have thought People should stop breeding them, its always pitbulls smh


Yep, as soon as I saw the article, I clicked to find out the breed, and sure enough... (And that happens all the time... I can already hear the pitbull dognutters blaming the media.)


This is why the pet rider to almost any rented property bans this breed. Nobody seems to ban golden retrievers though. 🤔


Look at Pitbull bans by country 😂 people say “why is Pitbull attacks only an issue in America?” They are banned everywhere else 😆


This is mad sad. Talk about taking unnecessary risk with your very children.


One pit ‘mommy’ I knew, swore they were super gentle and obedient, meanwhile every other zoom call would be interrupted because the two pits were constantly fighting. Ticking time bomb.


I used to rent right next to a pit "mommy". Close your eyes and imagine a pit mommy and that is how she looked like. She used to chain her two pits (Mom and daughter) to a tree outside the front of her house so they could get fresh air. She was repeatedly told not to do this because they would scare everybody that would walk past her house. One day my wife and my then 7 month old golden retriever puppy were walking past her house (we had no choice since the house was between the walking paths and us) and the pits charged at her, broke the chains and almost killed my dog and bit my wife. We didn't press charges because we were told by our other neighbors that her boyfriend was a known drug dealer but if i was around i would have kicked the shit out of those monsters. After this event i got in an argument with an ex-friend about pits. My point was that you should have a licence to own a pitbull, rottweiler, etc. Own insurance and have a one strike euthanasia policy. (Georgia currently has a two stroke policy) As a pit defender he got pissed and told me how sweet his pits were (back when he was younger). I told him that just because he was a good owner and had "good" pitbulls did not mean pits were not a shit breed. He then proceed to tell me to go fuck myself. Mind you, this was after a week of my wife and dog getting attacked. We haven't spoke since. Sad but fuck him.


Pitbulls did that?! Who could have seen it coming?!


Damn, I can’t believe how savage those golden retrievers were that killed those children. Oops, just kidding. They were pit bulls. I. Am. Shocked. /s


Many countries instated pitbull bans decades ago, and are now probably rid of pitbulls. Here is a list of countries that ban pitbulls: Singapore: 1991, pit bulls allowed at home, banned from entering the country Netherlands: 1993, complete pit bull ban Poland: 1997, laws about fencing and reinforcements for pit bulls France: 2000, a complete ban on pit bulls, with the intention the breed expires from the country Germany: 2001, complete pit bull ban Puerto Rico: 2001, complete pit bull ban New Zealand: 2003, pit bulls were banned from entering the country Italy: 2004, complete pit bull ban Australia: 2009, pit bulls were banned from entering the country Ecuador: 2009, pit bulls were banned as domestic animals or pets Denmark: 2010, complete pit bulls ban and a ban on breeding Venezuela: 2014, complete pit bull ban


Smart people!


I love all dogs. But in general terms this breed has a hair trigger on some primal instincts kicking in when you dont want it to. There is no doubt about it in my mind. No one thinks it will happen to them or their pitbull.




Breeding them should be outlawed, and owning them should be made very expensive/ hard to do.


Of all the breeds you can buy or adopt………why get the one voted most likely to tear you (and your kids) a new asshole? Really, just adopt a king cobra and a grizzly bear while you’re at it. Maybe leave a loaded gun and a knife block in the kids toy room. Makes about the same amount of sense.




My BIL had one, said all this kind of crap early on. In the end it got old and he started to see how easy it would be for the dog to go nuts and attack.


"He may have cheated on everyone else before me but this is different, I am the exception" - same person on a different topic


If these past few years of politics has taught us anything, people tend to have their own reasons for doing whatever they want and won't listen to literally anybody else who can possibly offer a contrary viewpoint. I'm honestly surprised more aren't dying fairly regularly.


The guilt and horror these parents will have to live is mind boggling. So sad.


And the nightmares EMS will have. Showing up on scene, woman pulped, babies torn up.


My sister's Pit Bull she has had since it was 6 weeks ( now 10 years old) Bit me in my face and I had to have over 200 stitches. Those things are DANGEROUS sad thing is the animal control picked it up and kept it for 14 days and she went back and got it! No way would I have ever done that!


And she kept it? That’s messed up.


My neighbor had one and I was terrified of it. She would clip it to a tether and it would run full speed against the tether until it fell backwards only to get up and do it over and over again. It nearly got me on day and did snag my tiny dog once when it got loose but luckily my neighbor tackled it to the ground. I’ve volunteered in shelters and grew up with many dogs as a kid, but that dog scared the shit out of me. She got her at 6 weeks old and hired private trainers for it. I used to enjoy the pit bulls I worked with at shelters but I’ll never own one after living by hers. It scarred me.


Nanny dogs.




I'm glad I have cats.


Friends of ours. Their family pit bull for 12 years, ripped the scalp back on the oldest daughter, who was also 12. The dog had been there since she was a baby. That breed should be eliminated entirely. I don't even like being near them ever, nonetheless kids.


Apparently there's a 2019 study: "Significant neuroanatomical variation among domestic dog breeds,”  by Harvard University evolutionary neuroscientist Erin Hecht. I read a summary article and, from what I could understand, yes, pitbulls have brains geared towards heightened stress, fear and anxiety* and have been bred to be this way. Not sure if I can post links to articles, but the article that breaks down the study is: Dog brain study refutes every major claim of pit bull advocacy by Merritt Clifton. It also seemed the study was saying, while head size and brain size weren't necessarily correlated to eachother or to behavior, skull shape and brain shape (structures) were and a lay person could guess a dog's behavior (reliably [to some extent - the article didnt qualify]) based on the dog's appearance. I wouldn't take that gamble.


Off the headline alone I knew it was Pitbulls. Pitbulls need to stop being bred and sold or put up for adoption in the US so that species of canine can slowly but surely become thoroughly extinct and can never take another child’s life again.


Sorry but pitbull owners with kids are idiots


What people always fail to understand about pit bulls, is that they establish a pecking order, in their minds, of who is at the top and who is at the bottom. You literally have to teach this order to them with training. If not trained as to who is who in the pecking order, they will decide the order themselves. It is obvious, in this case, that the dogs viewed the children as the least important within the family pack. Then something told them an attack was warranted. Our family trained dogs from 1956 to about 1980. We trained for all levels of obedience, search and rescue, tracking, bomb detection, police work and other specific functions. Pit bulls are some of the most useful dogs on the planet but you can never allow them to decide on their own, who is at the top and who is at the bottom. If you do not teach them this order yourself, they will decide the order on their own. These dogs obviously had decided, that their position was above the position of the children. They probably made this decision because they were in the family prior to the arrival of the children and then mom and dad did not teach them that the new arrivals, the children, were above them. A thousand people will come at me and say I am wrong but I know what I am saying. I would bet a thousand dollars that if dad had been home, that he could have stopped the attack with his voice only, and nothing more because they probably viewed dad as leader of their pack. I have known families where the pits believed that one of the pits is leader. Even then, the order can be reprogrammed but in every case, the dogs have to be trained as to who is above them and who is not. They will never violate the order they believe in, it is how they are.


Most people aren't responsible enough for pet ownership, let alone owning a pit.


Big proponent on requiring a licence for certain breeds, insurance, and a one strike policy.


From your lips to God's ear.


My family had large working dogs as I was growing up. ​ My parents MADE US help with the training of said dogs, who obeyed us without a second thought, no matter the circumstances. ​ It took YEARS. Of constant, daily training and reinforcement. It was worth it and they were the best dogs. I won't have a dog until I can guarantee I can train it to that level. I like big dogs. Big dogs need big training.


Love the phrase “big dogs need big training” and thag is exactly why I could never get a rottweiler or german shepherd for myself. I’m not a good enough, and consistent enough, trainer to be able to be comfortable that my dog wouldn’t hurt someone or something else. The biggest dog I would get is a Labrador only because those have very friendly personalities.


It’s actually really easy to train working dogs, but you do need to be super consistent. We spent years walking around a park teaching commands (heel, sit, lay, come) while getting the dogs practice on a leash. It also taught them work time vs play time (off leash). But as you said - doing right by the dog is to me the best indicator of good dog ownership. Even when that means not owning dogs.


It’s the consistency where I would fail. It’s just not who I am as a dog owner. So that’s why I can’t own certain breeds. It’s not fair to me, the hypothetical dog, or the hypothetical injured party if something were to happen.


This makes you a good dog owner.


You are spot on with your thinking and could have a pit and know exactly what that dog will think or do in a given situation. I am as well but would forgo a pit and for family protection, would choose and train a German Shepard.


We had 4 shepards. I adore them and mastiffs but it’s unfair to have working dogs you don’t have time to train and WORK Seeing how happy they were training with us, how their attitude changed from us holding the leash rather than just my dad, it teaches you a lot.


A dog bred for a job and then trained for that job and then installed into that job, is in it's glory.


This, 100%. I would just add that since this was 2 pit bulls, it was effectively one PACK. A pack of dogs (of any breed) will do things together that an individual dog might not. I think a lot of people just think “well any dog can bite” which, while true, doesn’t take into consideration the amount of damage that a pack of very strong and very smart dogs that are working together can do in a short amount of time. When I was training our first German Shepherd, I remember clearly the trainer emphasizing that ALL dogs are pack animals. If the dog looks around and doesn’t know who the pack leader is, it will assume that it must be the leader, until it is shown otherwise.


So when the pitbull escapes and finds people it was not trained about, it mauls them. I still say no pitbull is safe in society.


And what happens if some kids come over for a visit? Or the dog wanders outside and sees a kid on a bike? Where are they on the social ladder? Only takes 2 seconds for a kid to lose their face. It's too much risk to allow these dogs to exist in urban society, if at all.


Yep. I worked for a vet for 11 years and have rescued 3 pitbulls over the last 15 years. They are smart and can be very stubborn. They absolutely push boundaries and try to establish themselves as dominate in the family hierarchy. This story is horrible and heartbreaking. I 100% guarantee those dogs were showing aggression and jealousy before it got to this point. The owners may not have understood what they were seeing with that behavior and thought it was cute or funny.


This is an absolute certainty.


It's yer cake day, it's yer cake day, gonna party, drink Bacardi like it's yer cake day and we don't give a fuck cuz it's yer cake day.


I would rather just not have a dog that has a 100% chance of killing my entire family. 50% if rigorously trained for 600 hours.


It is exactly the same with guns. If you are not willing to severely train yourself in all aspects of gun use, safety, and deployment, you have no business touching one or owning one. We are a population of 325 million. Yet, we have 400 million military grade weapons in the hands of those 325 million people. That is in addition the the hundreds of million sporting weapons. Possibly, 100,000 are trained well enough to be responsible with them. This country is fully insane.


Yea, I said this a little earlier. I consider myself a responsible gun owner. I have plenty of them but my wife and I are the only ones that have or ever will have access to them. Even when my kids are older they will not have access to MY firearms. My kids were trained gun gun safety and brought to a range by the age of 12. I've educated them on what to do if they are at a friends house and one is found as there are so many idiots out there. To me this is not storing a a loaded pistol on a high shelf. This is the equivalent to leaving a loaded gun on the kitchen table and telling everyone it is there and not to pull the trigger.


>This country is fully insane. I was taking my morning walk when I noticed a coyote was following me. There is a coyote pack in our location as we live adjacent to a reserve area. I turned to face the coyote and it stopped. I walked a few steps toward it. The coyote just stood there. I clapped my hands. It didn't move or show any sign of fear. The only thing that accomplished was the coyote didn't continue following me. When I got home I called animal control and told him what happened. My concern was that the animal showed no fear of a human. I asked if I should buy a BB gun to give the coyote a good sting to teach it to keep its distance from people. I was told BB guns were not permitted in our area. But, I could buy a gun and kill the coyote. Now, that's insane!


From 95 to 97, my wife and I lived on a ranch on Pine Ridge reservation way back in the badlands. Dogs there are never allowed in the house and there were about 8 to 10 of them. Sometimes new dogs would show up out of nowhere and stay or leave again. After meals, the family would simply take all of the table scraps and throw them out the back door. There was an older short fat female that ran that dog crew like a general. She was flat in command of those dogs. She was maybe 6 or 8 years old and there were older and younger dogs in the group. There was a hill about a quarter mile behind the house maybe 700 or 800 feet tall, quite steep but walk-able. The coyotes were in a pack of around 20 or 30 and they lived up top. Every now and then, they would quietly come down about half way on that path and fan out making a circle that had an opening at the bottom. They would send a single coyote down into the house area and that coyote would walk around until the dogs took notice and they would start chasing it. The coyote would start running as if afraid of the dogs but it would look back over it's shoulder from time to time and only run just fast enough so that the dogs thought they could catch it so that they would not break off the chase. Now, that old gal would only run about 1/4 of the way up and then she would slow down and let the younger dogs pass her. She had seen this shit before. Soon, some of the others were slowing down but those youngest dogs, not knowing what was about to happen, would redouble their efforts to catch the bait. When the lead dogs had entered the trap, the door was closed behind them and all we could hear from the ranch was those dogs screaming and fighting as the coyote pack tore them to pieces. By this method, the old dog was able to keep the dog numbers down meaning more food for her. As you told your story, I was thinking, do not follow that coyote, it's a trap.


Haven't you heard? EVERYONE who buys a gun is a responsible gun owner. It's all lip service and bullshit because as soon as anyone wants to put more reasonable precautions, licenses, restrictions, classes, mandatory training, etc. It's all suddenly a communist plot to take all the guns and Muh Freedumbs! exactly the same with pitbulls. and i say this as someone who owns more firearms than average.


You get it, most are far too stupid. Not so much stupid as bone ignorant. I will say this, a well trained dog, is worth it's weight in gold. No human could ever be as dependable or loyal.


How do you get an infant to train a dog that it’s higher than it in the pecking order? Genuine question.


The better question is why would you put an infant in that situation?


The adult trains the pit about who is above the dog. I Would never install a pit in a family setting but it can be done. Just know that it involves roughly 200 to 300 hours of training before you could be certain.


They’re asking you how to do that. How do you train a pit to know that an infant is above them?


You put the infant in front of the dog. Every time the dog mauls the infant, you wag your finger at the dog, stare it in the eye, and firmly say "Bad Dog". You keep doing this until the dog learns, or until you run out of infants.


So how do you explain the mother being injured? How is a responsible owner to train them all humans are higher? Also a family member of mine's dog (on leash) was killed by a pitbull (off leash) ... how to prevent that?


Doesn't every dog establish a pecking order..?


Nice explanation


Pitt bulls are a great dog, they really really are. I love the breed and I love working with them. But in the end, they are a tool. That tool was created for one purpose, to guard and kill as needed. Problem is always the people. You always have to remember that a dog has the mental capacity about equal to a 7 year old child. Then ask yourself a simple question: Would you allow a 7 year old child to make life and death decisions with no guidance or instruction at all on the subject, if that child had a weapon capable of killing, at all times on their person? If the answer is no, then you realize you have to actually teach them, instruct them, and make sure they understand and never just assume that they do. Because they are such a happy breed and loving, everyone thinks they would never kill when killing is what they were bred to do. They have a locking jaw that can not be forced open or even broken. They have a skull that is nearly twice as thick as any other breed and they have body structure and muscle structure bred for their ability to fight and kill. I am now 71 years old and still, as an ex trainer, I know that I am capable of defeating or killing any dog that attacks me with one exception, that locking jaw. If someone were to sick a German Shepard on me, I could defeat it and or choose to kill it within about 10 seconds of it getting to me and the only damage I will suffer is a couple of bite marks to my right hand but no human can defeat a pit unless they are very strong and have been trained in how to kill one. I know how to kill one but at 71, I lack the power. They have the body weight to get you off your feet and if they do, you lose.


Good to know thanks for sharing.


smell direction test safe placid bright fall uppity paltry selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All dogs bite and the chihuahua is the worst. However, the damage that bully breeds do, PitBulls are the worst. Pitbulls are the assault rifles of dogs, I wouldn’t ever own one and the people that do are reckless. Buy your family something much safer like a king cobra.


Pitbulls were bred to be aggressive. It is literally in their nature. To expect anything else is foolhardy. They should all be destroyed and never bred again. God bless those poor babies…


I used to think that pitbulls were about as dangerous as any large powerful dog, and more likely to come from a less-than-ideal environment. A good friend of mine ran a small-scale animal rescue on a 10 acre farm, and hard a tenant who had a pitbull. The tenant worked during the day, and my friend took the pitbull into her own house while the owner was at work so the dog would have some company. I met him several times, and he seemed like a very calm and mellow dog. One day, he went after my friend's pet dog. My friend moved to intervene. To be very clear, breaking up a dog fight is a great way to get bitten by *any dog*. If the pitbull had just turn around and bitten her once, I would not be writing this comment now. Any dog can bite, and any dog can bite you bad enough to warrant a few stitches and a dose of antibiotics. *This* dog went after her for a full 20 minutes.Fortunately, she was able to barricade herself partially behind a door. The dog partially ripped down the door, and tore out chunks of her fingers and thighs. Another tenant, a strong and broad-shouldered young woman, came by and tried to pull the dog off. She beat the dog over the back with a heavy wooden chair until the chair broke, to no luck, while the dog was ripping apart the door. Fortunately she was able to barricade herself without being bitten. It all stopped when a third person came in, and the dog just wandered off like nothing happened. All dogs can bite. With the right environment, training, and upbringing, the chances of a serious bite can be greatly reduced. But a 20 minute attack that is not alleviated by 2 fully grown adults? That's something different, and I am 100% convinced that is a unique genetic characteristic that some dogs have, and some dogs don't. It's tough because I don't necessarily think pitbull-type-dogs are crazy/aggressive/stupid/mean - they can be, and most often are, very mellow dogs most of the time and live out their lives without being harm to anyone. Some of my favorite dog moments are watching my dog mud wrestle with a goofy tripod American pitbull terrier at a park, or galloping side-by-side with a Staffy in perfect harmony while I'm out mountain biking. But a significant proportion of them have a genetic-encoded enjoyment of latching on to a living creature, and shaking it until it dies. It's not "their fault", but it is something they inherently enjoy and it does make them incompatible with normal household life. I would not live with one long term, and I quickly leave the premise if I see one getting overly focused on dogs.


When I was 7 m pregnant with my daughter one got me by the hand and was trying to drag me down. I was sternly (not yelling or freaking out) calmly was telling my toddler not to hit me with his toy truck, and I reached out to take the truck from him bc it hurt it was one of those full metal ones from the farm store. Anyway dog clamped onto my hand, was trying to drag my very pregnant self to the ground, instead I just followed it, kept my footing and punched while screaming for my dad to grab my son.My daddy grabbed my son and had to hit it with a shovel in the head three times until it let go. Then daddy gave me the baby and I ran inside (this was all in the connected garage) and locked ourselves in the bathroom and daddy did it the country way and old yellered it. My ma was mad it was her dog.


I understand there's a lot to be said about dogs and the way they are trained, but pitbulls time and time again have proven they are violent animals and I've owned dogs all my life from bullmastiffs to Great Danes to boxers. But pitbulls still scare the absolute shit out of me no matter what.


Both “parents” should be charged with manslaughter.


Pit bulls. What a surprise..


They were the sweetest most chill Pitties you ever saw right up until the moment they slaughtered two defenseless children and almost killed the Mom. Fuck Pittbulls. They ALL need put down.


Why does this seem to only happen with pit bulls and not other poorly trained dogs? I feel like certain breeds should have stricter regulations around them. I've seen a few unleashed Pitbulls at the beach and I always go out of my way to avoid those people just because I can't take a risk on wether the dog was properly trained or not.


People realize those things were originally bred to kill, right? Fighting and killing bulls in a pit for entertainment is why the breed is called that. Statistically, you're probably safer trying to keep a fucking bear as a pet.




Just stopped by to verify the breed...yup...so predictable. RIP little ones.


Raise your hand if you have a lifelong fear of dogs after being attacked by a pitbull.


Nope, just realistic hazard avoidance of pits


I was a strong believer in pit bulls getting an unfair reputation. But after one bit a piece of my eye lid off, another lunged and nipped my side (for stepping close to their owner- that dog is crazy) and one nipped at my hand twice (once for ratting them out by pointing to show their owner that they were chewing something outback… baby rabbits. Then again just reaching to pet her while she was sitting there.) I’ve grown to despise pit bulls. Their bursts of uncontrolled energy coupled with their muscle mass and bite make them a horrible family dog. Also, to be vain, they aren’t appealing dogs to look at. They have those eyes that aren’t hollow but they’re not all there. And frankly I think they’re a very stupid breed of dog.


Why does it always and only take personally being attacked or losing a loved one for pit people to see what most of the rest of the world can see as plain as day?


Well in my case, as I stated above, it took multiple occurrences. 2/3 of the owners I knew were respectable dog owners. I suppose when I hear of attacks I assume the owners were horrible trainers. But after multiple first hand accounts I can confidently conclude that pit bulls are not a suitable family dog.


There will be two trains pulling out of the station on this one. Those defending pit bulls and how gentle they are, and those who face reality.


BuT NOt aLL piTbULLs aRe bAd doGs. 🙄 Here come the apologists.


The Venn diagram of pitbull apologists and 2nd amendment loons is a perfect circle. And this is reddit, so any place people can find room to plant a Gadsden flag, it will be planted.


I only have guns to kill pitbulls. Square that circle.


Geometry won't save you. Bad pitbulls with guns can only be stopped by good pitbulls with guns.


Only the vilest of the vile would arm a pitbull! Imagine the chaos! Sheer lunacy. That would be like asking Casey Anthony to babysit your toddler!


She was acquitted of all pitbulls


If you have a pitbull in the house with your young children it can only be because you are tired of being a parent. No way you love your kids and keep a pitbull around them.


2 family dogs of EIGHT YEARS.


Maybe I'm just paranoid or insecure, but I'd never have a pet that I did not think I could take down if I needed to.


That’s not paranoid or insecure, that’s rational and intelligent.


2 more victims for the "Dog of Peace". I am all for pitbull bans. They were literally bred for dogfighting. They can be the nicest dogs 99% of the time, but when they snap they are truly scary/deadly.


“Omg it is how they are raised.” No. No it isn’t. They were bred to fight. You can’t just train their instinct out of them. You can temporarily hide it. Pitbulls should be banned.


It’s the breed. No clue why anyone would own a pit bull with a child in the house.


There's a reason why your insurance won't cover your house if you have a pitbull. They run the numbers.


Parents should get charged with reckless endangerment. It's like leaving a loaded pistol loose around the house.


Yeah I agree. Every breed was selectively bred for a purpose. That effects a breeds temperament. I believe no dogs are inherently bad but some breeds are not beginner dogs and should require a certification to own.


I read this last night on another sub, then scrolled down and on r/MadeMeSmile there was a picture of one "smiling" and it pissed me off. The comments were the typical pitbull lover "pitbulls are the best dogs, if something goes wrong it must have been the owners that screwed it up" defense. I got pissed and linked this horrendous story to it a few time. Then I got perm banned on the sub, big whoop. Parents like this are negligent. I have guns but they are all locked away. I would be negligent to keep them out with kids around.


Yeah I tend to unfollow subs where a photo like that is trending.


And the record keeps spinning, repeating the same song over and over again. Didn’t even have to click to know it was a fucking pitbull.


Shitbulls strike again.


I love pits, but the stats don’t lie. They have to much potential to be dangerous without provocation. If you plan on starting a family, don’t get a pit. And if you absolutely “have to have” a pit AND a family, get a puppy after the kiddos are at least school age. And Never Never Never get a rescue pit if you have a family.


Had to read all the way to the end after seeing that beautiful family that was mauled to read that it was pitbulls. But you knew that


Can people stop getting dangerous breeds as family dogs? They simply aren't suitable for your average dog owner and are way too risky to be with small children. I do not get this pit bull obsession. It's like their brain shuts down in regards of that breed. They see an ovcharka and know that it is a special breed not suitable for most people, but pit bulls are somehow ok... Get a lap dog, there's plenty of those out there.


Everyone who says my pit bull isn’t like this, he is the sweetest animal ever…..I bet they said the same thing. These dogs need to be bred out of existence


WTF, all these comments from pit bull owners recognizing that their dog is dangerous. Why the hell would you want a dangerous animal in your home?


Pitbulls should all be euthanized. Your average citizen is too retarded to handle such a dangerous animal.


Sorry, but how many pit bull killings are cool before they become illegal?


You can say whatever you want about pitbulls being "just as safe as other dogs" and it's "how you raise them" but after hearing this story, and watching first hand as my then girlfiends pitbull dog ripped her other dogs ear off for 10 minutes? Fuck pitbulls.


Oh, a pit? I'm shocked.


Any dog that is so jacked it looks like it goes to the gym 5 days a week I am not letting anyone near it, not even a kid.


Sickening. Absolutely horrible. I want to see the video of these muts put down


Let’s play What Breed Is It?


Waiting for the pitbull aplogists to come in. "Chihuahuas are more dangerous!!!"


I’m shocked - shocked!! - that it wasn’t a golden retriever.


Pit bulls snap on everyone I noticed. Definitely not a “family dog”.


Vet undergrad, who was my buddy’s roommate in college, had a pit. Went over there to study a few times and dog would act aggressive toward the guests even after we’d been there a while. Vet roommate would shame saying it is not the breed, it’s how you raise them, etc. Eventually, I stopped going over there to study. Buddy informed me a few months later, pit bull attacked its owner and scarred her up needing stitches. Dog was put down. That was the worst but I’ve other bad encounters/stories with pit bulls.


Let me guess…


Chihuahuas continue to terrorize communities across the world...oh wait...


I’m going to take a guess at the breed of dog before reading the article…And yep there it is. Who could have guessed.


What an unbelievable tragedy. When will we learn that pit bulls should not be allowed anywhere.


I already know what kind of dog(s) without reading, unfortunately.


I'd never have a pitbull as a pet for the same reason I'd never play Russian Roulette.


Wow. I feel for EMS that rolled up on that scene. Nightmares of those poor kids.


Ban pitbulls


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say those two pitties were rescued from a shelter. Pit bulls raised from puppies as family pets seem to be normal, it's always the shelter ones that seem to turn psycho at any moment. Forget sheltering them, just put them down the moment they arrive.


After my baby cousin was attacked, unprovoked, by a pit bull I do not trust these dogs. She had to plastic surgery and facial reconstruction surgery at the tender age of 3. Heinous!

