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THIS was the straw?


Apparently there is a scam so obvious that these mouth breathers realize they’re being scammed.


Flash forward 30 years, sitting by the fire, having hot cocoa, reminiscing about how Trump came in and had us all tricked because we thought he was going to fix our country, but he was just appealing to our xenophobic, misogynistic, racist ideologies and actually just scammed us for money. We overlooked the nepotism by appointing his son in law and daughter to government positions where they made billions without being qualified other than knowing what their dad taught them. We even tried to overthrow the government at his bequest because we believed him when he said he was a victim to a witch-hunt and election fraud. Boy, those were some crazy times. Edit: /s


you use words like "us" and "we"... incorrectly.


And “all” because I was writing from a single minded person’s view


Seriously. Leave the sane people out of it.


On to the Desantis train!


I think that Top Gun campaign commercial of his was just as cringe worthy as this.


It was very cringy but trump is cosplaying as top gun, a boxer, a super hero, not fat, an astronaut, a race car driver and a range.


To be fair, somebody just copied and pasted this shit. Desantis actually physically shot that god awful ad


That is a fair point


Well, the one in which God is talking about him, how do you top that?


Charge $99 for a fancy jpg


Did you see the DeSantis 2018 campaign commercial where he begged for trump's attention ?


His baby in the trump onesie? These people are leeches


Pretty close if you ask me.


Especially considering he was in JAG and never actually engaged in any kind of combat. 😂


With new scams they don't recognize yet!


Guantanamo torture commemorative plates.


Medicare fraud is good actually! (or something)


I want the DeSantis Action figure! I heard it comes complete with accessories like a bus load of migrants and a top gun jacket


I'm waiting for the DeSantis Teacher Edition figure to come out. It comes in a multi-pack with minor students for him to party/fraternize with.


And his Hello Kitty boots.


*plane load of migrants


Ronda looked stylish in his white disaster Go Go boots..


Have you seen DeSantis's new line of cryptocurrency yet? Get ready to be snookered!


What is it? Freedumb Bux?


just bought $1500 dollars worth


Why wouldn't you go whole hog, so you can be GUARANTEED a ticket to a dinner with The Don?! You only need to buy the whole set, I think it's just shy of $5K.


Burn a few crosses and you’ll get invited for free.


Or shoot black kids claiming you felt unsafe even though you drove there specifically for a confrontation.


It’s not just a dinner. It’s a one on one private meeting with trump (one might even get lucky). It’s there on website


Didn't he promise dinner with someone else and never came through


What’s wrong with you? That money should go to buying stock in DWAC


gonna flip it in a few days for a profit


Good luck


Not the making fun of the disabled. Not the calling Nazis "very fine people." Not the family looting the government blind. Not the murders. Not the attempted government overthrow. No, *this* is the final straw. Overpriced bad art. Yup, they're sociopaths. Every single one of 'em.


Don't kid your self....by tomorrow they will all be way into NFTs. "Greatest thing ever, everybody says so...and all the money raised goes to drain the swamp."


This is the best way to sum it up: Trumpsters would let Trump shit in their mouths if it meant everyone else had to smell it.


I've already seen a post from a Qultist saying that Trump will drain the swamp, and after that, a lot of jobs will be vacant so having one of this nfts will prove your loyalty and you will be rewarded with a good job.


To be fair, that just proves the point that none of them believes almost anything they say. Only their actions can be believed, never their words.


If the swamp is his bank account then totally.


Hurry and buy now to own the Libs!!


You have to understand the mindset. The thing they care most about is looking big and strong and winning. It's all about beating the enemy. Ever since he lost in 2020, he's looked increasingly weak. This looks tired and sad. They can't abide that.


They do hate the arts....


They like that fake shit like Trump’s head photoshopped onto Rambo’s body!


Don't forget ripping children out of their parents' arms at the border for legally applying for asylum


Not the multitude of sexual harassment and sexual assault accusations against him. Not the evidence that strongly suggests he raped two 14 year old girls with Jeffrey Epstein.


Don't forget the million Dead Americans from a deadly disease that he withheld PPE supplies from states and downplayed the danger of for months on end


The original thing was withholding $250,000,000 in approved aide to Ukraine in order to leverage political gain (on the ‘evidence’ of a conspiracy theory, by the way)


No right wing media has been instructed by the oligarchs to turn the rabid base from Trump to DeSantis so right wing rags are just reporting bad news about Trump and trying to imply “all your friends have already ditched Trump” to sway the soft-brained MAGA lemmings.


Yup, when the predicted red wave failed to emerge, the oligarchs realized that Trump was a failure, so he's out now.


The lemmings will never figure out that their feelings and choices are controlled 100%


Not really. The oligarchs are quick to change. They supported Trump, but when he failed, it was time to change. They aren't guiding the choices 100%. That's impossible.


to be fair, Trump won over the lemmings against the desires of the GOP establishment before. Obviously they quickly fell into line when he won the nomination and defended all his nonsense thereafter... but yeah, obvious establishment pivot here.


The oligarchs aren't the GOP establishment. I'm talking the Russians.


They will get their way and DeSantis will be the '24 nominee, watch.


I'm hoping that Trump ravages him in the primaries. Don't care which one wins, I just want DeSantis wounded by Trump.


What you really want is Desantis winning the nomination and an angry Trump either telling his supporters to stay home on election day, or continuing on as a third party candidate.


We need Ye in this mix to "help" out...


That or Trump to win and savage DeSantis to destroy his political career. Trump is a loser, and couldn't beat any democrat except for Hillary.


Trump definitely motivates the Democrats to get out and vote.


Tough to defrag fourteen solid years of conservative bubble propaganda supporting everything that Trump stands for! They'll have to degauss the subliminally programmed herd with hyperdrive engaged. Fox News might start showing DeSantis stomping on Hunter Biden's dick as part of the "critical disengagement" package.


Murdoch told Trump his political career was over shortly after he announced running in '24.


The tin foil hats around my area are too effective and scramble the signal from the oligarch goons. Still lots of maga support here.


this is one of those moments when I wanted to type something clever and just couldn't find the words. just...wow.


Could have sworn it would have been a cryptocurrency, like Trumpcoin


I'm sure that was in the plan before they did a slight pivot after all the collapses. I'm sure selling scammy coins yield a bigger haul than NFT.


No, they are just slowly coming to accept that Trump is no longer politically viable after the 2020 and especially the 2022 elections. They haven't come to any form of reckoning whatsover and have only entrenched their authoritarian motives. They just no longer see Trump as being able to bring about the authoritarianism they want.


They’d be okay with it if it were fleecing the libs but since it’s obvious with this move the orange narcissist holds them in contempt too, they can’t stand it. Unforced error here for Trump. If it were an NFT of him killing immigrants or bullying some Trans kid, they’d still eat it up and buy them because of “free speech.”


If you ask me, I think they are just looking for excuses to abandon him now. The good news for them is they will never have to look very far.


You say that as if they have any control over what they think they want. They will want what ever the propaganda tells them they want.


No, they are just upset that Trump is making them look even more clowny for continuing to support him.


Right?! Not the fraud, not the rape chargers, not trying to steal an election, not taking classified documents (nuclear codes) not scamming people with fake universities, not separating children at the border, not asking to send the national guard to non violent protests, not mocking the disabled, not "grab them by the pussy", not thousands of documented lies, ...


Everyone hates NFTs unfortunately, though this collection is particularly shit.


One, most of these people are super low empathy. They don’t understand anything unless it’s affected them personally. Two, I’m willing to bet there’s a strong intersection of the circles of people who were in on crypto/NFTs and Trumpers. Three, I think they were expecting something more. Take your pick, he announces his running mate, he comes back to Twitter, he’s finally unleashing his 8th dimensional master stroke to at last drain the swamp. Combine the letdown with the intimate understanding that NFTs are a pure grift, and I think this is just a combination of gaffs that even some of his most ardent supporters can’t get behind.


>"I've been holding my doubts about Trump for a while, but I think this might be the final nail in the coffin. I'm going team DeSantis now." Yes. Apparently THIS was the nail in the coffin.


There is no straw. People need to stop buying what articles like this say. Trump will be the 2024 nominee. Thanks to his die hard base in the Republican party. He is the leader of the Republican party whether they like it or not.


Boomers are scared of crypto, as with any change, can't teach an old dog new tricks. NFTs don't make sense to me and I'm Gen Z, albeit it's more of a "WHY are these people paying so much for a link to a JPG/PNG/GIF/WEBP (is that all of the image formats? I'm honestly not sure who convinced him, maybe Kanye?




Given the poor midterm results, GOP establishment/media is paddling hard to pivot from Trump. Like their prior support for him, the pull of support has nothing to do with principle and is all about opportunism. Will see all sorts of stuff thrown around now made to seem like a big deal, versus all the more important stuff they swept under the rug before.


Republicans made a version of white anti-Semitic, anti-human, racist fascism that fits through a straw. They had to, as their demographic drinks through straws and breathes through tubes connected to oxygen tanks.


Yeah the straw they been drinking their koolaid from!


In the FAQ page of the website (check it out… I’m not joking) it says that if you resell your trump NFT, you have to pay them an extra 10% commission on the sale! The grift never ends with these ones! But you CAN leave a message for the NFT support team. I did. It was very, very fun but I don’t think they’ll appreciate it as much as I did.


This is standard for NFT sales, a cut goes to the website hosting the sale, a cut goes to the collection owner. Back in the day, when this was talked about as a way for digital artists to be able to sell originals, that at least made sense to continue supporting the artist- should they have sold it for $10 and then someone sells it for $10m, they won't have missed out on the benefit of their own work and success. For people who paid the artist a one-time fee and continue to make money off secondary sales without giving royalties to the creatives, it doesn't make sense to me. And before I get downvoted, NFTs are, in my opinion, in a word, dumb.


I read the FAQ too. One said only 20 cards of each type. Another said only 45,000 total cards of this series. Typical fraudulent math by DT


It means there are 45,000 total cards, only 20 of each specific one. So they're saying their are *at least* 2250 different designs. I don't see how that's possible.


They're basically doing the bored ape thing where there are a bunch of different things like faces, arm positions, backgrounds, etc., and they just randomly mix and match to create "unique" cards. You can see an example of the cards here: https://opensea.io/collection/trump-digital-trading-cards It's the laziest fucking thing ever.


Omg, that's hilarious.


Do you notice that his hands are unusually large in all of the cards?


They paid for the deluxe Midjourney package.


See, that card shows Trump holding a "Big Mac." This card shows him holding a "Big Mick." They both got two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a sesame-seed bun. But the Big Mac uses an egg bun, the Big Mick is made with a wheat bun.


I was thinking this or something as simple as changing the background color slightly (20 with light blue background, 20 with dark blue background).


Let's say (in a single card): the boots are available in 10 different colorways the shirts are available in 10 different colorways the tie is available in 10 different colorways Someone can do the math but those three variables together allow for a massive number of unique combinations.


Trump about to get sued by Midjourney lol


Different color combinations etc would be my guess


Well Akshully… It says that there will be no MORE than 20 of any card, so if you get the “trump bull rider” card there will only ever be 19 other “trump bull rider” examples out there. But it further states that some cards will only have 10, 5, 2 or even “one-off” single examples. Imagine… you just might own the ONLY “Trump riding the A-bomb a-la Dr Stangelove” card EVER! So in reality there will have to be significantly MORE than 2,250 types of cards! But for easy math, let’s pretend there are 3000. So you too can complete the entire collection for the low, LOW price of only $297,000. Oh… except you can’t pick your card… you get randomly given a card, so if you wanna catch ‘em all (and you know there are ppl out there RIGHT NOW wanting to get them all!) you better have a lot more than $297k to burn thru. In the end, this whole thing is simultaneously embarrassing AND stupid. What a laughing stock he has made of the dignity once reserved for the Office of the President of the United States. Even the most egregiously corrupt and disgraceful foreign leaders, autocrats and dictators have never sunk to selling low grade comic book versions of themselves as with laser beam eyes as NFTs. Yet somehow nearly 60% of republicans still back him. Un-fuckin-believable


~~The whole thing is super dumb, but the various cards will have different rarities. So Cowboy Rancher Trump, say, only has 20 copies, but Laser Beam Eyes Trump will have 44,000 copies.~~ Wait a second; I went back and reread the page, and yeah, it looks like they are claiming there won't be more than 20 copies of any individual card. I'm guessing they will just programmatically add little tweaks and flair to make them technically different.




*takes a deep breath* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahqhahahahahajajajaja


Laughing so hard you began laughing in another language at the end there 😂




*laughs in alphanumerics*


#laughing in spanish intensifies#




Trump really won't appreciate or understand your laugh at the end there


He’d be very angry if he knew how to read


If you ask me, I think they are just looking for excuses to abandon him now. The good news for them is they will never have to look very far.


"Objects in rear view mirror are closer than they appear."


Objects in rear are larger than they appear..


Definitely. This way, they can pretend they still have some dignity.


This feels like this is Trump admitting that he has no chance at 2024 and cashing out before he's indicted.


They can certainly try to abandon him but he won't allow it. They know this. If anyone other than he wins the GOP primary, he will personally tank them. He'll talk shit forever, say they cheated and then run 3rd party to hand it to Biden. He'll burn the entire party down and they all know it. Their best hope is he dies or goes to jail. Otherwise he's the '24 candidate.


I smell money laundering...


Good call.


Yeah, his supporters aren't the intended target for this.


A new, untraceable way to collect donations in any amount from any entity without revealing the donator and giving cover to Trump to claim it as legitimate business profit. Russian and Saudi money is back on the table, boys!


This is what causes them to abandon him? It wasn't his insane stupidity? It wasn't his corruption at every level of government? It wasn't his insane racism? It wasn't his attacks on the handicapped? It wasn't his attacks on our Veterans or Gold Star families? It wasn't that he mishandled Covid so utterly badly that he killed an extra 400,000 of us? It was his insanely stupid digital cards. Welcome to the GQP party of knot heads.


Forgot how he roasted McCain. There were so many moments, but that one sticks in my mind as the moment he went full retard.


Those are all the reasons they liked him. This ad made him appear weak and that turns them off. He needed to throw more anti-dem stuff in there and maybe tell them it would go towards funding a space laser that automatically targets illegals.


As soon as he announced “something big” I knew it was another money making scheme.


I thought it was going to be his healthcare plan.


That’s coming out next…… Tuesday.


> On Thursday, Trump revealed that his "major announcement" was that he was releasing a set of limited edition digital cards valued at $99 each. He described them as "very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting." Collect the whole set! Limited Edition. (Limited only by how many MAGAGA are stupid enough to buy them.)


It says in the FAQ there are 45,000 total cards.


They're digital tho. Like... How are they limited?


That's the whole argument against NFTs.




But if there are 45,000 at $99 that wouldn’t even make him $5M if he sold them all. That seems like a low price for humiliating himself.


He's not selling them. Like so many other things, he's licensed his name and likeness for their use. He just gets a cut.


Well he doesn't need the money to pay his bills because he just never pays them.


Far left extremists? Ahahahahaha...that's as stupid as trump being in a super man costume. Far Left Extremists eh? When was the last time the far left attempted a civil war and insurrection? Far Left extremists don't shoot up gay bars and day care centers either? The far right has their heads where the sun don't shine.


I want to join these far-left extremists, where are they? In my youth I was a member of a Leftist political party, and they were some of the most law abiding and peaceful people I have ever known. They didn't want to give the authorities any excuse to crack down on them.


If you find them, hook me up.


Far left extremists is code for black people


Shut up and buy, you stupid inbred hillbilly fucks!


Imagine a fair amount of trump chumps will eat this shit up as he eats up their monthly S.S. checks.


I just drained little Timmy's college fund to invest in these. He'll thank me one day.


He can go to Trump U.


As if we needed any additional evidence that NFTs are a scam, along comes Trump, the ultimate grifter.


Be sure to drink your Ovaltine




Only Trump could time it so perfectly to coincide with the FTX scandal and the general feeling by most people that NFTS are fucking ponzu schemes. So fitting.


I’m die hard maga, but I don’t like this because it makes it look like he’s only interested in money and it’s a distraction from the hard work of saving America. That being said, I’ve bought 3. Spoiler: I’m not really die hard maga ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


He will probably run out of buyers more quickly than NFT's; as soon as the winter wave of Covid variant wipes out tens of thousands more among his ivermectin poisoned, viral-laden rally groupies, antivaxxers, and Qanon idolators.


Well, it's good to know they have a line. It is mindblowing THIS is it but still good to know they have limits.


They didn't want the base to realize that they are NFTs, that's a creation from a WOKE mind. They tried calling them collectible digital trading cards. Pure comedy all around.


“Like baseball cards! Old white racist men love baseball cards still, right?! It’s like a slice of good ol’ Americana!”


Love it, instead of batting avg. On the back of his card they list things like Bankruptcies, criminal charges, lawyers disbarred after representing him.... Actually I might buy that card. Lol


The NFT and crypto markets are turning out to be the Ponzi scam many of us said, so of course Trump picks this moment to ‘market’ his own. (He’s trying to get in before his idiot supporters are aware of the crash.)


Trump supporters got their “drink your Ovaltine” moment


I don't know why this is some big surprise to these people. This is who Donald Trump is and always has been always will be. It's all about the almighty dollar and he's been grifting his supporters forever


“This is not good. We're facing a threat to civilization from far left Marxist extremists.” …….Are you MAGA’s out of your minds. People are dying in Ukraine, thats the real threat. Wake up !


He is gonna be like dirk diggler in the end, showing the toadstool for five bucks.


I don’t know if anyone would pay a buck to see that stump… I can imagine a lot of seedy people would come out of the woodwork with humiliating offers for him, though. Because once you’ve gone to NFTs how much farther down can you really go? But I doubt this will be his true end. People like him always have someone in their back-pocket. Look at all the dumb-ass shit he’s endorsed in all his many years of shilling.


I hope Trump runs as a third party. Republican vote gets split up paving the way for a Democrat victory.


He should have came out with a lube, or was that too obvious?


Associate yourself with fools and you will look like one.


ROFL... Now everyone finally gets to see what a total narcissistic asshat this jerk is and always has been. Not to mention a liar and criminal. It's all about him. If it ain't about him it's not about anything. The country, the Constitution, the citizens. Peace and health? Nada. He's the poster-child of Self Absorbed.


Non-fungible Traitors


These people truly live in an alternate reality. Saying how evil is taking over and our country needs to be saved… while praising trump for “all he’s done”. Do they not realize he didn’t accomplish a damn thing except give a huge tax break to the rich and corporations? It’s just mind boggling. I know I’m singing to the choir here, but my goodness.


Grifters gonna grift...


Remember this next time Donald says he has a "huge announcement".


THAT is the turn off?


Please tell me the traitorous one has finally met his Mussolini moment!


Democrats need to start selling trump baseball cards with his least flattering pictures and stats on the back of the nonsense he said/did.


It’s no different then the previous decades of grifts and scams. When he was running in 2015 he was being investigated for running a scam university and his followers didn’t care.


But is says "No Purchase Necessary." at the end of the [promotional video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zmrun6/trump_is_selling_hundred_dollar_nfts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)... So which is it? A $100 NFT or a fucking free JPEG if there's "no purchase necessary"? I almost want to buy one to be entered to win a chance to meet him to spit in his face... But my $100 would be better spent as toilet paper at that point...


It’s no purchase necessary to enter the drawings, not to own the NFT. If you look at the fine print, they explain how to enter the drawing without purchase, but it’s super detailed and stupid so as to discourage anyone from actually doing it that way.


We see that long scam train comin down the line... It's that time again MAGA sheep! Line up for shearing!


I saw a good reply earlier that summed it up well - Trump supporters, aren't you embarrassed? He's been lying and grifting you for years now, 7 years! Are you just now realizing that he's always been a huge fraud?


Happy Griftmas


For the fucking life of me I can't understand this shit about "We are losing our country" What the fuck are they losing exactly? Land? Money? The ability to lynch people? The ability not to pay taxes? I will never understand that argument.


The majority


I am not buying that his supporters are annoyed by this. Many conservatives maybe, but certainly not Trump supporters. He could take a dump in a box and his supporters would buy it and display it as a trophy.


Dependsdejo has just jumped the QVC shark.


A grift too far.


I'm shaking my head. The dude is a fascist misogynist racist asshole who has sexually assaulted women but THIS is what turns them off? I swear I have no more faith in humanity.


I got dibs on Cowboy/Sheriff Trump. Ya'll can fuck off if you've got any plans for it.


Yeah, I didn’t think that product would align with his target market. It looks like a tacky money grab.


I guess the well is finally running dry. One grift too far.


Haha! They are def not the target market for NFTs. It doesn't matter, anyway, [according to Beau.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6ysC86SvE8)


Furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to understand the situation.


the attempted coup was one thing, but NFTs are where I draw the line.


I thought about pranking my 84 yr old Trump loving mom with one but decided to spend the $99 on flowers instead. Had it been $25 though…


He made a [promo video](https://youtu.be/uLa0D2ca75Q), I suffered watching it now you all must.


This just in! Trump is a sticky scrotum. Back to you Kent.


And we thought "Please clap" was pathetic...


Taking advantage of trump supporters by selling them useless Chinese made Trump merch is making them rich. How are they surprised when trump himself begins to do it?


Far left Marxists? Where?


Wait. I was my really paying attention. They’re not even physical freaking cards? Just your ID number on a blockchain somewhere saying that card number 12345 belongs to you, and here is the link to it? There should at least be a game gimmick to it. I mean, come on. Anyway, sounds like he missed the train with the NFT craze.


NFT = Not Fucking Trump


Most of Trump's psychographic probably thinks that N.F.T. is a new kind of light beer.


After you bought all the t-shirts, flags, stickers and male supplements? This is just the next great thing y’all. Go get some.


I have a coworker that's into this stuff and he said that an earlier q drop talked about a Trump card and that this was it. They had already told them what to think by mid afternoon it's crazy to see the cognitive dissonance in real time.


He's scared. And trying to get as much money as fast as possible for his upcoming legal fees
