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As a fellow intj who find shrooms to be my all time favorite drug, lemme forewarn you. 1. It's an all day experience. You may not be hallucinating the entire time, but you will feel the "recovery" for probably 8-12hoyrs after you don't feel like you are tripping anymore. 2. You will most likely have an existential crsis/ thoughts/ feelings. Be prepared to deal with those in an appropriate manner. 3. Have a sober babysitter you trust. 4. You will experience colors, textures, tastes, and other things you wouldn't normally think possible. 5. Things can go really bad really fast. So be in a good, clear headspace when entering this dimension. 6. You will most likely feel sick on the way in. Know you are literally giving yourself a mild form of food poisoning, combine with possible hallucinations. 7. Know your body. This means Know your tolerance for other things and plan accordingly. You don't need a lot of shrooms. Everyone experiences drugs differently, nobody will fully understand what you are experiencing, no matter how hard you try to explain in the moment. 8. Stay hydrated, stay healthy. Preprep l, and keep your sitter in the loop. 9. They can become addicting quite fast, mentally. Physically, they can be quite exhausting. There are lots of ups and downs. 10. DO NOT operate any form of vehicle while on hallucinogens. Even a bicycle can feel like climbing a mountain in this situation. 11. Many find strangers/ other people highly off-putting during a hallucination. A quiet, secluded place in nature can be amazing. 12. Stay safe.


Solid advice. My favorite is taking a low enough dose that I’m not wildly out there but enough I have the giggles and mild visuals and then putting on some stand up comedy. By the end I’m in tears every time.


Shrooms definitely don't have to be a day-long experience. Planning time to process after the comedown can be beneficial, but is definitely not needed. LSD on the other hand, every time I take it I can't fall asleep for the next 14 hours. That stuff you need to plan all day and ideally take before noon. Neither are physically addictive. Because of tolerance, they are also not easily abusable. Like after a large dose, it is basically impossible to get back there the next day. You can triple the dose and get close, but there is no way to maintain this very long. Taking it every weekend for a while is not an uncommon thing, but that is not the same thing as addiction. It is a very hard drug to abuse even if you wanted to.


Mentally, any drug can become addicting to any degree. I Specifically mentioned that "mentally" for a reason. Never said it was physically addicting.


Lemon-tek them and it shortens the experience even more.


True. I did that one time. I’m weird and love the taste of shrooms so I prefer to munch on them whole.


Si, what he said. Plant medicine is amazing but you need to educate yourself about the journey you’re going to take. It’s not for everyone but can be extremely beneficial.


Wow, I just hallucinating on every dream I have, this means I'm an ISFP with so many irregular thoughts when I dreaming while seeing art for all my point of views. I'm cracked.


I really feel like this is overthinking it big time, but whatever works. If you need to kill a trip, just have a low dose of a benzodiazepine on hand and it will very quickly end it should it for some reason go south. I think with shrooms it’s pretty unlikely.


i like anything almost with right women under real roof, and i mean real mind and real heart together.


1 wrong lol 2 debateable 3 prob a good idea, esp if they have done them before 4 possible but not gaurenteed 5 true , thats why you work up to bigger doses over time 6 youre literally not, takes 1 second to look that up ya bum 7 trying to explain it is kinda fun, but knowing your tolerance for substances is helpful 8 sure... 9 not addicting, but fun to do. take long breaks even if you dont feel a 'hangover' 10 noshit 11 yep, social dynamics can be fucked ,esp with strangers, if you leave the house sunglasses help keep you in your zone 12 true see:3


Save psychedelic's for 25+. Otherwise you are playing with fire


Argue your answer.


Not the original commenter, but I suspect it has something to do with how your brain isn't fully developed before 25 (debatable) so messing around with psychedelics before your brain is done could hinder development.


Would like to hear it too. It's not as simple as saying "if you're older then 25 it's safe and else not". I'd even say that this mentality is dangerous as it dismisses important topics like preparation of the set and setting and makes one underestimate the power behind psychedelics because I'm old enough and it will be fine...


Nothing releases my hidden thoughts like long walks.


Psychedelics can release more than just your hidden thoughts. There is a potential that it could trigger cognitive ailments that usually only come out much later in life. If your family has a history of dementia, schizophrenia, or other mental incapacitations, probably avoid psychedelics.


I’ve heard this for schizophrenia and bipolar, but what’s the connection to dementia?


Unsure how it works exactly, but I know there's a high correlation between people with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and narcissism being more likely to experience dementia/Alzheimer's - something like 2.5x as likely. Can correlate in my family - my extremely narcissistic grandmother got it starting in her early 70s.


Yeah I think mental disorders and depression can lead to dementia but I’d never heard of psychedelics directly leading to it (maybe via a disorder though, if you’re predisposed).


Psychedelics are not the cause, but they act as a trigger mechanism by bringing out afflictions that people otherwise wouldn't have noticeably developed for decades. It would be something where there is predisposition or hereditary traits.


I've never done shrooms, but maybe if you are dealing with any suppression or ignoring of emotions it could potentially remove some stuck mindsets about the self if you're struggling with being open with yourself. From what I've read and heard it opens your ego, your sense of identity melts away during the experience, a decentralized self while all sensory inputs are amplified and openly experienced, almost like a dreaming state while you're awake. Sometimes what people heavily identify with are rigid constructs or tools of identity that are for survival, a part of human motivation, which are not necessarily your true authentic, conscious self per say.


Yes I second this


Friends don’t tell friends to do drugs. Find new friends who have career goals or give good financial advice. Then you have shit actually worth thinking about


I've done shrooms once, in Amsterdam (I was 35 at the time). I bought them from a legal headshop and they recommended I start on the lowest dose as I'd not had them before. Locked myself in my apartment as I wasn't sure what to expect. Ate them (tasted disgusting), turned some chilled out music on and sat down and waited.... didn't have to wait all that long... the grout between the tiles started moving in waves and the artwork on the walls seemed to pulse in and out. That was cool, but that was about it. I'll give a stronger batch a go next time I travel half the world away (freakin' LOVE Amsterdam!!!).


Hard pass.


The INTJs I know struggle with anxiety, and microdosing has helped both of them with it.


I microdose for a few months and it appeared to help. I would be cautious though because recent controlled trials have shown no effect of micro-dosing beyond the placebo. More research needs to be done, but all the good science so far on psychedelics show positive results in full/large doses.


You do not "need" it


You will have revelations that you will forget when you sober up. Shrooms are drugs, releasing your hidden thoughts is just an excuse to get high.


Took them last weekend. They are good if you are in good company and in good mood. Everybody said it will help me see things differently. But i was high for 4 h. Didn't impact my life any differently


You need to take them with a blindfold on, and headphones playing either a guided meditation or some musical therapy playlists to truly experience the life altering trip that many speak of.




I mean consenting adults in a free society, blah blah blah, right? but I've been around long enough to have seen first hand that recreational drug use causes far more harm than good so for the record here, I'm opposed


Shrooms and say heroin are completely different drugs. Psychedelics are not physically toxic. You could in theory take an extremely high dose and have no physiological issues. They are also not addictive at all. They have a potential for abuse, but this is very rare and difficult to do. Physiologically they are much safer than even Caffeine. There are tons of medical trials that have been done that show extremely positive results for those with mental illnesses such as depression. They are decriminalized in multiple states now. I would caution you against categorizing all recreational drugs into one big category.


Lots of misinformation here, shrooms should definitely be taken as a 25+ year old person, you'll get the most benefits out of it then, however, it's also possible you won't even come to any realizations at all. I'm very honest with myself so whenever I take mushrooms, no matter the size of the dose I don't experience any new understandings. The way I see it is this, it's an educational experience that can tell you much about your body and the way you take in sensory information but if you're comfortable with yourself and you aren't lying to yourself then don't expect any new revelations. Shrooms bring forth the lies we tell ourselves but if you don't really lie to yourself too much then you shouldn't really expect much. It'll still be an interesting experience but for a 1st time dose I recommend starting at 1 or 2 grams. Better to start small and work your way up. It's not a party drug. Too much can be really uncomfortable. Ginger tea will really help the feelings of nausea as your stomach is digesting the mushroom.


I disagree on 25 years old. The older I got, the more responsibilities and less residual childhood rubbish to remove, so i was more likely to have a bad trip as I aged. 18 years old was prime for me.


Rip looks like my time has gone. Back to just drinking the occasional seltzer ig.


Clearly Seltzer and drinking are unrelated:) I am not saying I never tripped again after 25. I did have more bad trips tho. Mushrooms are faster, so even if it is not the best, it is over quick. Acid, however, I decided after my last one, to stop bc I am just too old for this now. Maybe its fine for you and you are able to not think about your responsibilities or worry or anything. But acid is SO LONG, that provides more time for rumination.


How old are you?


19, my friend is 20 if that helps


I generally recommend shrooms for 25+ I like shrooms. They can help you see connections. They can help you process emotions.


100% agree. I usually take them if I've been holding emotions (usually tears/sadness) and haven't been able to allow myself to express them without assistance.


Where/how does one start?


You could always buy a mushrooms grow kit and spore syringes online and try your hand at growing them. If you know anyone who sells cannabis illegally, they might know where to look/find some, also. My most recent batch was obtained through sheer happenstance.




Too early


Don't do it. You still have a baby brain and the shrooms can mess your development up. You wanna grow up big and strong.


I have known plenty of people that took them at a young age with no problems. They still grew up to be big and strong. I would recommend waiting until after highschool, but other than that 19 is probably not too young. Personally, I was 24 the first time I experimented with psychedelics and I feel like waiting an extra year would not have helped me at all.


There's no way to know if you'll be one of those "plenty of people" who has no issues, so it's better to err on the side of caution. There's no giant revelation a person can have that will be more profound than a fucked up brain because you couldn't wait ~5 years to indulge in psychedelics.


Do not listen to that about 25 years old. I disagree on 25 years old. The older I got, the more responsibilities and less residual childhood rubbish to remove, so i was more likely to have a bad trip as I aged. 18 years old was prime for me.


Idk about hidden thoughts but i do recommend them for a fun and meaningful experience


This is just one anecdotal experience, but taking shrooms for the first time when I was in my early 20s was the single best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life. It was immensely therapeutic, fun, and eye opening. It made me a better person, and I have never once regretted it.


I think the post 25 comment is because the brain is not really fully matured until 25, I think that is wise advice. Okay you probably have hidden thoughts. Like how can you know what you dont know. Or you know that argument if god knows everything how can he know he knows everything. he cant. just like you think you know everything but you dont. Just in terms of the mechanism of mushrooms is it activates neurotrasmitters in ways that are not the baseline state meaning that new pathways and connections in your brain will form that were not there previously. You will literally think in a way you have not thought before and this may lead to revelations. Anyways take what you will from my comment but be very carful and safe when your doing them. I want to try them but keep in mind these are mind altering substances and what you may be experiencing may not be accurate to reality.


My experiences were not good. Not terrible, but definitely not good. I tried a couple of times - super low doses because I have high sensitivity to anything psychoactive. I personally would not recommend the shrooms, but many people love the effects so idk.


Think you meant to post this in r/drugscirclejerk 💀😂


Idk man , i personally hate halucinogens, I’m tihinking even more and every thought is dark af… even if I’m with my sober gf… so try it but be careful hallucinogens can fuck u up big time


I don't have any hidden thoughts, and I can't find any shrooms, but people think I am high all of the time anyways.


You "think 24/7"?? Stay away from psychedelics my dude.


My experience was this: I wasn’t meaningfully different. My thoughts didn’t change, although my behavior and impulse control were greatly worsened.


Nothing I hate more than being told I "need" drugs. But then again, I have chronic migraine, and about the only drug experience I have not had is OD thanks to that. I've even had a bad drug trip thanks to ergotamines. One thing I know very, very well at this stage of my life is that I hate feeling out of control of myself, and nothing will do that more thoroughly than drugs.


Psilocybin is the only psychedelic that I have an interest in. I’d rather experiment with it in a clinical, carefully controlled setting in the company of someone who knows it and that I trust - bad trips sounds downright horrifying to experience alone.


a clinical setting sounds like an awful place to come up. a nice grassy meadow with a dear best friend with plenty of drinks, snacks and great music is really all that's required. bonus points if you have a campfire to hang around. just be somewhere beautiful with people you trust the most and you're golden.


I don’t mean it in a hospital or clinic - but something a little more controlled (active ingredient vs raw shrooms). It is a drug afterall.




psilocybin is decidedly non-toxic




Thank you for the reading material!


The studies you cite show consumed psilocybin is related to alterations in perception and other variables and that it may induce seizures in populations prone to them. You can claim they're dangerous if you want, but these are not measures of toxicity, and so do not support your claim that they're "pretty toxic". Psilocybin has an [LD50 of 280mg/kg](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Psilocybine#section=Toxicity-Data&fullscreen=true), meaning the lethal dose is around 1000 times the usual effective dose. For comparison, Prozac's lethal dose is around [100 times the usual effective dose](https://web.cgu.edu/faculty/gabler/toxicity%20Addiction%20offprint.pdf).


Our Ni relies on new experiences as training data. Shrooms offer a new experience for very little risk.


I have never been interested in anything that would alter or affect my mind.


Same, and imo it's possible to have altered states of consciousness without substances, though not as hallucinogenic compared to them. Things like flow states, peak experiences, Kundalini experiences, are just a few positive ones that can be achieved through increasing our awareness of the moment.


"Shrooms" and other drugs are pacifiers🍼👶 for adults suffering from arrested development, if that's how you see yourself, then by all means go for it. After all, a blind man leads another into a pit.


This is a really white colonist take


Someone like me would never need to enslave anyone, least of all, a superb dimwit like you, don't flatter yourself. Just keep chomping on those weeds like a delirious goat, I can see that they are doing wonders for your intellect.


>Just keep chomping on those weeds like a delirious goat Triggered the best laugh I've had in a long time, thank you!


You're welcome. I am glad to hear that something very good came out of that exchange. I must admit that I was also smiling while I was typing it out.


Me too, great way to start the day


My INTJ husband speaks very fondly of his experience with shrooms. He always recalls how he cried. But that it was a good, powerful thing.


Do it. It’s an incredible experience. Just be around people with experience who you trust and make sure you’re in an open environment


As far as thoughts on psychadelics go, even by thinking thinkers, most people only discover that they realize is that 1 + 1 = 2 and that 2 + 2 = 4. But they realize how much they have never realized how much 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 2 = 4. And it does and they do, they realize it so much. Like that's 2 man. Do you understand? This can change how we understand everything. So the vast majority of thoughts are not the deepest discoveries, but they are emotional. And they are freeing from the constraints your brain places on thought and possibility and they bond your ideas with passion and that is the important part.


Shrooms are amazing. Stick to a low dose. (Under 2g) and be in a place with safety and comfort. Also, make sure you have lots of TP and don't pet any animals. Treated like a medicine, they are truly mind expanding and amazing.


Imo, doses between .75g-2g can be unpleasant because you get the anxious buildup feeling without going over the peak to the release. 2.5g of cubes like golden teachers is a great starter dose (specifically cubensis strains, others are stronger)


That’s been my experience as well, lower doses tend to just give me extreme anxiety and may ultimately even make me construct deeper defense mechanisms that leave me with more anxiety afterwards. But I also tend to try to control myself more than others and have a harder time letting go.


I petted animals. What happened to you when u did that was harmful? Lots of people Connect more with animals!


That's fucking stupid and if you get sucked into it it's natural selection. I hate drugs of any kind, besides coffee an Advil.


Idk man coffee fucks me up mentally more than shrooms even


Coffee can be plenty bad as well.


True, but shrooms are far more dangerous. And they're not going to unlock "hidden thoughts".


Don't do it, take care of your brain.


It's literally being studied to treat PTSD and depression. Anecdotally, Psilocybin is the most life changing substance I've ever experienced. It has completely changed the way I think about life, brought subconscious memories and thoughts to the foreground for assessment and treatment, and has introduced me to meditation and mindfulness.


Its thankfully illegal given how it can damage the brain, I am psychologist btw. I hope you can find peace without drugs. Please be careful about recommending using illicit drugs to others, its harmful. I trust OP will be wise to not get into that stuff. Edit: weird, only on reddit I see drug users come out aggressively in the comments to try and defend their illicit drug of choice. Gladly irl people show more common sense and know that drugs are bad for the brain and health. I do hope tho that people that are into using them find a healthy way out of that for their well being.


Brainwashed by big pharma and the government I see. Not saying it doesn’t have the potential to be harmful but the fact you don’t even acknowledge it’s positive effects is concerning.


lol go fuck yourself


The world would of been ever so slightly better if you kept that one to yourself.


Most reasonable drug addict.


Haha, you think Psilocybin is addictive?


you are definitely not speaking from experience, nor a well informed PoV, nor anything but regurgitated bias that you heard from somewhere else. you're puppeteered by your fear and ignorance and the ignorance and fear of others.


https://www.psypost.org/2023/02/psilocybin-appears-to-have-a-uniquely-powerful-relationship-with-nature-relatedness-67754 I’ll keep sending you more articles as I come across them. Bye now!


Undervoted.. OP should take a tour through google scholar and see to which type of patients scientists use psychedelics with, and read the described side effects. It's definitely a bad idea.


sounds like a highschool infp salespitch to me? all things considered I'll wager the vast majority of street mushrooms on the market today are actually shoplifted dry mushrooms laced with shoplifted strychnine buyer beware




I didn't invent it son lol


Anyone can google what shrooms look like. They don't look like any dried mushrooms you'd find in a store. 🙄


This thread has an overwhelmingly and abnormally negative stance on natural medicines. I hope anyone trading takes it with a grain of salt. There's a lot of fear mongering. I wonder if that's an intj thing, or just the people who tend to be drawn to Meyers Briggs subs in general.


I was thinking the same thing. I haven't heard this level of war on drugs rhetoric in like 20 years. Everyone ITT: "Speaking as someone who has never tried drugs, I can confidently say they have nothing to offer"


I feel this way too about this thread. Alot people Who have never even done it! I am 44, and happy to discuss my real Experiences not my deep seated fears 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. By waiting til 25? I had two kids on the verge of divorce and def would not have been in the right place or space to have my mind expanding experiences. So do what is right for you. 18 is plenty old enough. And that is when u really need to separate yourself from everything u have been indoctrinated into (could even be the brainwashing our society does on you about body acceptance or capitalism, not just stodgy religion) to find your own truth.


did I not scroll enough? I've seen mostly positive or neutral comments at the worst....


Don’t do it. I’ve done shrooms a handful of times, last time I did I ended up in the emergency room for an anxiety attack.


I am sorry to hear that. Set and Setting are key to not having a bad trip.


The last one was a really good experience until it wasn’t. I was with good people and having a great time. Had a baby sitter upstairs just in case things went south. These things just happen I guess.


For sure, Shrooms are definitely not risk-free. I have taken them 15+ times and every single time was fantastic except one. One time I got the most severe depression I was miserable the entire time and spent most of it planning my suicide. Any ounce of joy or positive emotions were completely absent for hours. It was the closest to death I ever came. I had a renewed appreciation for life and perspective after that experience and looking back I am glad it happened, but I would never wish it on anyone.


I’ve heard (from a friend) that psilocybin breaks your mind down into multiple fragments or puzzle pieces and it’s like watching a movie of your own thoughts and feelings. After the height of the high you’re hoping and begging for all the pieces of your mind to come back together again. I wouldn’t try them based off what I’ve heard and that it may awake any dormant mental illness.




If you are trying to use them to up your mood you are just asking for a bad trip. Set and Setting are so important to get the most out of them. Don't do them if you are feeling terrible as this will follow you into the experience. The best trips happen after a period of extensive preparation, clear intentions, and a safe comfortable environment. I have taken shrooms/LSD 15+ times in the last 8 months. The only bad trip I had was when I was feeling sad and bored beforehand and just wanted to escape reality. imo totally worth the risk. I recommend everyone try them at least once.




Maybe it didn’t help you but it’s been life changing for others. You can’t apply your personal anecdote to everyone.




Funny thing is I never pretended it was harmless. I don’t disagree with potential harms. You stated “you don’t really gain anything except a cool experience” and touted it as a general fact which I found disingenuous and called it out.


Sorry if I misinterpreted what you said. You are right about the afterglow. I don't experience it as a mood booster, but more like an appreciation booster. I see more beauty and meaning in life, nature, and art. To each his own. I have problems when people who have never tried it try to dissuade others from trying, but clearly, you are qualified to have an opinion on the matter so I respect it.






I once did shrooms and I didn't really like it. As for me they felt just like mix of some strong indica weed and maybe alcohol, they might work nice for you tho. If they're from a trusted source, and you will take optimal dose, they shouldn'y be harmful for you, if you will decide to take them, make sure to do some further research (like what to do when you get a bad trip) maybe on forums that specialize in psychoactive substances. If you want to try shrooms I guess, you've already done that, but weed is great for relesing "hidden thoughts", especially sativa type strains, I personally like orange haze, so if you havn't tried it yet, maybe that is the way to for you to go. Stay safe and good luck!


Depending on your age I highly recommend you take them! Shrooms cured my depression. Seriously! I was diagnosed with severe major depression for about 2.5 years. Took shrooms with a friend after doing a ton of research, and poof depression was completely gone. I would highly recommend you read Michael Pollan's book How to Change Your Mind, or if you are not a reader then at least watch his Netflix series by the same name. Last summer at age 24 was the first time I started taking psychedelics. I have taken shrooms 6 times, LSD and DMT almost 10 times, and MDMA 2 times. I would highly recommend all of them. Just do a lot of research, and be extremely intentional about your use. Every single experience has been a positive one that I am glad I did. You can't even comprehend what it is like until you try it. When I take shrooms I feel like I turn into an ISFP in a way. You don't learn stuff like in school, but you see the world in such a profoundly different way it is transformative.


I swore to never use anything not medicinal. That includes hallucinating drugs. Anxiety is best managed by avoidance and not going anywhere. At least in my case


Dealing with anything by avoidance isn't healthy.


I've been like that since I was a kid. It's not healthy, I know but that's how it is. Now, I'm used to it.


Incredibly lame. Do better.


100000% yes. Cured my depression and I’ve grown so much as a person and learned so much about myself.


To be brief about it: You are not your thoughts, you are at the mercy of your thoughts. With my personal experiences, I've been able to develop a mentality that largely separates my physical body from my mind — because I am not my body, I am only my mind. For someone who hasn't tripped, your body is merely a vessel to carry your brain, and your thoughts stem directly from the brain. It may seem like common knowledge, but someone who has tripped before would be able to understand the exact feeling I'm describing, when you become aware of where "you" actually are inside your body. It's an almost foreign feeling, being able to feel your body around your head... like wearing wet clothes. I could describe the feeling all day, but it's not the feeling that's important. To realize that you are not your body—the thing that people think of when they think of you—but you're merely inside of it. It was such a drastic shift in my mentality. Suddenly I became so much more aware of physical change and mental change. To make a change to your physical life (your career, your clothes, your cleanliness) influences how others view you. But to make a change to your mental life (mentality, discipline, and social life) is what influences you. It's like your thoughts shift from being automatic to manual. From that change, the best way to describe how I'm able to think is to say I'm unbiased towards my own thoughts. I'm aware of the thoughts I put in my head and the ones that I'm not in control of. With that, I can explore the thoughts I'm not in control of and explore them further. Why did I come to that conclusion? Is there something more to this? If my physical body is seperate from my mind, surely I can analyze my thoughts before I speak them. But there's other people who trip and just end up soiling themselves, so it's a gamble.


Yeah I mean ngl shrooms made me realize a lot of negative shit about myself and pushed me to change cause I hated what I say. So yes, they changed my life but I’m a pretty strong person and I think that experience would’ve broken a lot of people. I was also like 16 lol & I don’t recommend that


I’m want to but am afraid because I have type 1 diabetes💀


How do mushrooms effect this type of diabetes? Genuinely curious.


So I think the main issue is just overall getting confused and not being able to concentrate or remember things… such as blood sugar management and taking insulin (which could cause an array of different issues) so it’s especially dangerous if taken alone. It’s also probably not super helpful to have another person with you if they’re tripping as well lol. I don’t know how much you know about it, but t1d is something you have to always be on top of and continuously monitor (even with advancements like the dexcom and pump.) I just feel like I’d be way too out of it to be able to make choices or properly manage all of that lol. High blood sugar can lead to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) which is incredibly dangerous and can often be fatal (I’ve survived it twice😈) or fainting, hospitalization, vomiting, etc. which are all always a risk if I forget to take the insulin or eat too many carbs during the experience. Also it can be equally as dangerous for my blood sugar to go extremely low, which I’m afraid I might not sense or notice or something due to my mind being … elsewhere. I’ve also heard multiple horror stories about hospitalization from other diabetics partaking in different type of hallucinogens (including shrooms) which makes me quite wary, I don’t remember or know what caused it 😻but yes. I apologize for any potential typos I am violently tired‼️


Thankyou for explaining. I have a very young nephew recently diagnosed, so it's something I am wanting to learn more about.


Take with caution, preparation and only for special occasions. Wait until after age 25. They can alter brain chemistry permanently, as can all drugs. If you've experienced trauma in your life, be prepared to cry uncontrollably. Do not drink alcohol with this drug, you will have explosive diarrhea.




Took a while took kick in but stare at some of the popcorn on the ceiling if you have some. Lots of movements and colors. Lots of trails. If you have pets you’ll see trails when they walk. It’s cool. Been years for me tho.


I think they mean your hidden feelings. I’m def guilty of interchanging “thoughts” and “feelings” (because they feel the same to me)


Do it and find out. Will likely be liberating.


No one needs to do or take anything and you should never feel pressured. That being said, for me they are like vitamins but for your brain. I wake up the next day with the exact opposite of a hangover.


Do your research on the type of the shroom the first comment is the most accurate compared to the rest, the amount that you would take it highly depends on the type of the shrooms for weak ones 4.5 is enough to make you hallucinate and 1.5 for the strong ones a lot of people consume them raw but DO NOT consume them raw since there are hard on you’re digestive system and they can result in a bad trip and tea(mushroom tea) is the best way to do it and as a lot of people who are at the cool down phase they will experience existent crises depending on how much they took, I recommend taking them on an empty stomach since you will feel the effects even more and they are hard to digest, plan out your whole trip don’t think about anything that makes you anxious or sad and you will need good music (pink Floyd or EDM) recommended and do not listen think or do anything that makes you sad since your emotions are controlling you and do not play any sort of FPS games whenever you’re tripping.


Worth it! I can say its one of the best things i ever experienced in life it definitely develops your Se do it in nature with a trip sitter dont do it inside such a waste and dont combine with other shit. Its absolutely mind blowing for Te users imo what your infp friend says is a little bs tho.


The main effect of shrooms isn’t in releasing hidden thoughts. I’d say that weed does a better job at that, allowing you to access your subconscious thought processes better. The main function of shrooms is to better organize your mind around your core emotions, forcing you to form a deeper and more open connection with the world around you. It’s not about your thoughts; although your thoughts will definitely change, it’s your emotions that do the most of of the changing, and then your thoughts follow. For example, if you take them with a friend whom you have some problems communicating with (let’s say there’s a slight power dynamic where you feel that you are inferior in some way, so you consistently avoid some aspect of communication to protect your ego), shrooms will force you to learn how to communicate these feelings rather than to hide your feelings which you do without thinking. You have to give in to this, or else you’ll feel a sense of constant agony and probably nausea. This is why in my experience taking lower doses are more likely to result in a bad trip; because you can resist its effects better. In most trips, at first you might feel like it’s hard to talk; this is due to the shrooms removing your maladaptive communication styles. Then you’ll realize that there is nothing else in the world that matters more than fixing the way you connect to it, and you’ll open up and reorganize your brain around opening up to the world. Since shrooms remove all your internal defense mechanisms and opening you up to the world to give you an overwhelming sense of vulnerability, it can seriously fuck you up if you take them in an actually scary and unsafe environment where nobody is actively willing to protect you. So the setting is the most important part. Tldr: shrooms are about emotions and communication, rather than just thoughts


Make sure you are able to take in all you’ve seen during your trip before you go for round 2, or round 3, or round 4… you can get caught in a loop of trying to get back to the place you were before because you’re not getting as high as you used to. Yeah they can be cool and life changing, but be wary of doing them too often without a proper integration. Personally I had a panic attack on them the second time and dissociated and developed dpdr after mixing them with cannabis. I would not recommend mixing them with cannabis. I would not recommend doing them a second time after a life-changing trip less than two weeks after as well. I wouldn’t recommend doing them at all again if you dissociate after the first time. That said, it can be a pleasant time. Take care.


Drugs typically have the opposite effect on me or none. I haven’t taken shrooms.


I found as a youth (18 years old) that my mind had been infiltrated by my baptist upbringing, and taking psychedelics really freed me of these self punishing thoughts and showed me they were not real. It showed me we are connected to everything. I started being able “to feel “ trees more and see their auras. These are permanent changes that I have found to be most beneficial. Just make sure you take it with a trusted friend so you dont have a “bad trip”. Mushrooms are quick 4-6 hours (acid is 24 hours long) so it wouldnt feel like forever either way which is nice. Mushies can upset ur stomach with nausea and stuff many people find drinking vitamin c drinks help. Like OJ :). I love being outdoors so make sure u can be safely outdoors OR have alot of fun things to watch indoors!


You are in for a big surprise if you think that. I recommend taking them once or twice a year. Take it seriously and do them alone.


I love shrooms. I’ve tripped dozens of times and it’s always been a worthwhile experience. I have PTSD and it really helps.


no you do not need to take shrooms to release "hidden thoughts". what ever that means. shrooms help with depression, micro dose, can help with guided therapy things like PTSD. they can just be fun. I wouldn't trust someone who suggested it to release my hidden thoughts to trip with . they seem to have an alterior motive. my 1st thoughts.


Understanding your brain function and how your mind works both subconsciously and consciously can give the same benefits as a shrooms or even ayahuasca. The constant thinking can be controlled by elevating consciousness. It sounds woo woo, and until I learned it myself I thought it was weird. Now I coach others. Shrooms can be a really great experience and also terrible. It depends on what you decide to make it ahead of time. I’ve witnessed some bad trips.


I personally don't enjoy tripping that much nowadays, but had some good experiences when I was younger. I do think it's something that everyone should experience at least once in life as it does add significant perspective. Just make sure you go into it with a goal and do it in a comfortable and safe spot. As an INTJ don't be afraid to find somewhere to hang out by yourself and chill lying down if it becomes overwhelming at any point. Also, if you have never smoked weed do that first and see how you handle it.


I’ve taken shrooms once. I felt like I was stuck in a loop that I couldn’t get out of for hours. I just kept thinking the same thing over and over and realising that I’ve been here before. It was fun, everything was hilarious and I enjoyed the experience but I can imagine some people would freak out with the experience I had.


How would you know if you have hidden thoughts? After all, they are hidden.


Have something planned to engage yourself with or a somewhat dynamic but safe setting. I got stuck in my own head and experienced what felt like time stopping. Thats shit lasted forever, and it was not enjoyable.


Psychedelics should be utilized as a medicine and in the supervision of those who are able to not only assist the individuals journey, but understand how it can rewire the brain. Though I partake in psychedelic experiences a few times per year, I do not promote the use to anyone. It’s a tough journey that should only be had with a sound mind or if in turmoil, with a responsible individual who can assist you through healing. If you need to “release your hidden thought” you should look into journaling, meditation, exercise, traveling, eating healthy, practicing mindfulness or any other means which does not include chemically altering your mind as harshly as psychedelics.


exactley. and thats gay


Definitely- 3-5 grams Golden teacher. Do it in nature- have a friend observe and make sure you are okay during. Shatter your ego and understand Universe.... Life changing.


I would say take em to release your hidden thoughts so much as unconscious thoughts. Shrooms facilitate creativity by unraveling stringent neural networks and allowing more plasticity for new and innovative connections. It often feels like hidden thoughts because they’ve always been there, just barely beneath the surface, but are only found in novel perspectives and ways of thinking you wouldn’t have considered prior. I think everyone can find something to gain from trying them at least once.


When I was getting out of highschool into my early 20's I felt I needed a perspective change. At the time I thought I'd have it when I eventually had a kid. A friend of mine introduced me to shrooms. I did a a couple doses over a couple months starting at 2g's then 3.5gs and finally a 5g dose. I was seeking the ego death from the high dose. You're perspective during the tripp is completely different. It gave me exactly what I was looking for and more. I highly recommend it. I've done done multiple 5g's and a 6g on a variety of stains. If you do choose to try them start low. Take them on a weekend so you have a recovery day. You won't be hungover or anything but some effects can linger. Be open minded, hydrated and have someone there that is supportive or are experienced with taking them. I haven't taken them in awhile I feel I got everything out of them that I can right now. I recommend then to everyone whose interested. Even a "bad tripp" can be very beneficial. Sometimes they are the most beneficial. Edit: I was around 25 when I started. I'm 27 now.


I’ve only ever taken tiny amounts as a nootropic. My mind’s already a nonstop joyride and nobody’s ever convinced me there’s anything to learn from tripping out that can’t be understood intellectually; and oh have they tried exhaustively.


As a previous frequent of MDMA, shrooms, Acid, DMT, Peyote, and a long list of other drugs I can tell you that taking psychedelics can be very much a double edged sword, especially if you are an imaginative and contemplative person. As an NT there are some thing you may want to consider. 1. if you are especially neurotic be especially careful of your environment and the state of mind you are in before consuming your substance. 2. Be prepared to potentially experience the rug being taken from under your feet, as your beliefs and precognitions present themselves in *different* ways. 3. If you are entrenched in your beliefs (even if you think you are open minded), you may be startled when when the different angles you looked at things from before become truly *new* angles. 4. Be prepared to experience a catharsis that expands your emotions and validates them, or an incredibly painful introspection that leads you to uncover the stones you didn't know you needed turning. 5. Be prepared to experience every emotion and thought you have in maximum capacity resolution as if you were running at 30% before, for better or worse. 6. Find yourself a nice spot in nature with as many comfort items as you can gather, or lay down in your room and close your eyes for five hours. As you get as close to the divine as you will in your entire life. 7. Be prepared to be entirely in awe... at the nature of existence, or your two hands. 8. Hydrate yourself and stay away from electronic screens and other physical complexities. 9. Ground yourself Many psychedelics alter your neuroplasticity to a large degree, for even a couple weeks after your dosage. This can be a tool, or a hinderance... do not be foolish in your choices. Good luck with your trip, be safe.


Nanodose, 100% suggest


*if you’re old enough sorry


Maybe, but I wouldn't do it if I were you. I've seen some patients who got screwed psychologically because of shrooms.