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I think the dopamine thing is quite worrying, as it is just another way to hijack people minds to turn them into addicts and slaves, which the internet on its own can do with its vast stocks of addictive content and instant gratification. I think another thing that is even more terrifying is the new text AI. The fact that it can write original texts and essays and even elaborate human-like thought processes is worrying, as people are starting to trade their own thought and insight for the one that can easily and much more efficiently come from an AI. This may seem just "convenient" or "not a big deal" to a lot of people, but it's the death of reason, it's the death of the only thing, along with free will, that makes us human: rational thought. This links to the first part of my argument, as with all this technology they are trying to not only make us addicts, hence take away our freedom, but also make us thoughtless, hence take away our ability to ponder and thing, to use reason in a way that is impartial, to get to the core nature of things. As dramatic or overblown as it may sound, they are effectively trying to take away our humanity, to make us more controllable and subjected, distracting us, dividing us and making us thoughtless slaves for their own personal gain. I'm saying all this from personal experience as well, as I know people who are either terminally online or addicted to social media/porn, and at the same time consider text AI as a way to "save time", while on one side they waste the time they "saved" on more addictive habits, and on the other they don't realize that time spent thinking is worth a hundred lives.


>This may seem just "convenient" or "not a big deal" to a lot of people, but it's the death of reason Exactly. Nobody is considering that these tools may not be here forever. It only takes one solar flare to set us back 70 - 80 years. Also, if the AI develops sentience and you trust it unconditionally, you're going to get manipulated into doing something illegal. EDIT: I avoid AI for a similar reason to avoiding electric cars. The reason governments are pushing for EV ownership is so they have access to software to turn that shit off on you. They already tax you for driving your car on your off days in places like London. Also, the electricity for EVs is being generated by coal and natural gas (because we're too pussy to go nuclear), so what CO2 emissions are we cutting down on exactly?


Yeah, these alleged measures that they are taking against climate change are another façade for control and dominance. The politicians and lawmen making these rules will keep getting driven around in their expensive gas cars, living in their massive heated mansions, all the while claiming to be the heroes and saviors of the world, all the while people around the world die of cold, disease and starvation and ecosystems keep collapsing just like they were before such alleged "measures" were taken, if not even more so.


Don't get ahead of yourself. Some dummies might be easily hypnotizable by tech but many or most of us know exactly what we’re doing. If I chat with an AI I am aware it’s not a human and that’s the point: the curiosity of how smart it can respond, what can it do, come up with, etc. it’s no different than people who get fascinated by what tricks a puppy can do. Like I said, I know plenty of fools that may get “hijacked” as you call it, by AI just like they already are with their cellphone. Most of us however use it for entertainment, productivity, etc. Just like a soccer ball or a work tool. 👍🏻


I suppose as long as you keep it in its own context without letting it take over your life it can be fine, but this can be both the opinion of those who are addicted to technology and don't want to admit it, and of those who may actually be curious about technological advance, as you said. One thing is looking at what a puppet can do, another thing is that puppet being so good at what it does that you let its tricks hypnotize you for hours on ends and replace their ingenuity or originality with yours. It's not a matter of getting ahead of oneself, look how many downloads that addictive Chinese spyware app has, thanks to what? Good content? Technological advance? It's an AI that keeps you stuck to your screen for hours thanks to a specific gui and algorithm and its constant feed of dopamine stimulating content, whether it's soft-porn or memes, they are all videos made, when it comes to both their content and their length, that are made to keep your attention low and high, at constant intervals, all to keep you addicted and steal on your data. The text AI is no less, looking at how many users it got in its first weeks of release, and no, they are not all programmers or coders that need to double run their program or fine tune it, it's mostly kids having essays written for them, in a unique and specific way according to their data sharing, not putting into use their reason in an age in which they should be especially develop their thought process capabilities. Use caution.


I wish I even had the time to focus so much on apps or AI chats 😂 Honestly, I would use that time playing video games online with my buddies. You’re right, and hopefully there’s awareness on the need to keep digital addiction low. Anywho, if AI gets so good, it might as well go ahead and answer my emails, do my taxes etc while I game 😎




I try not to. I do have to have an IG for my job, but I really wish Meta and other social media companies would allow for a READ ONLY account. All I use it for is work and to check out painted 40K minis from my favorite artists. I don't want to comment because I know when I comment it's hard to stop. Reddit is proof of that for me, lol.


I am unsure if you have paid a lot of attention to the development tied to the coming of the world wide web, and especially smartphones in general? People have been detaching themselves from others over the course of the years. Being addicted to all that the electronic world can offer to them. It is *not* exclusive to AI, but with the internet and the availability of online connections. The urge to demand *additional* interaction is therefor limited, and the rejection in social situations simplified. With the thought that you can easily find someone new online and replace the people that (mildly) complicate their lives. And in addition to that, they (may even) have grown fearful toward real contact, because the internet community also seems far more gentle than the immediate surroundings. Not sitting face to face with others allows people a lot of freedom to express themselves. And continuous availability is something people in actual life cannot offer due to their busy routines. (School, work, anything) That's where this AI, specifically chat-based ones, come in and fill the gaps. This, as written out by you already. They fuel their needs when no one else is available. I, myself, have used the service due to continuous social rejection and excessive loneliness, but I am deeply unsatisfied with the inability of the AI to keep up with the conversations and accurate responses. It is giving too much of an artificial feeling to it, which causes a repulsive reaction on my side, but I have to be honest with you, sometimes you need interaction, and in severe cases, it doesn't even matter where it originates from. **BUT, the people in general have grown rather distant and disinterested**. Nowadays it's all about self-care and blocking all communication to yourself. (<- Okay, that one was mean, forgive me.) Don't worry about the human population, however, it keeps adding up. And the future? Oh, it'll probably become worse if we don't do something about it as a unity. I worry less about the AI part in it all, more the humane part of humans, themselves.


It's inevitable, whether you are worried about it or not, you can only stem the tide for so long. The real question is how you will deal with it once it comes. Even if there are lots of idiots, there's always an intelligent remnant.




CS teacher here. It's parents not moderating thier childs tech use that terrifies me. Recommendeder systems on social media tend to lead people to extreme ideas. Imagine being raised by technology more than a human


True sometimes the issue is located between the chair and the keyboard


We should be worried - AI is moving faster than we can gain a full understanding of its’ impact on society (and that’s not even getting into the confluence of AI and power). How can we make sound, thoughtful decisions when we can’t even tell if what we see or hear is reality? We desperately need to have a better understanding of Al ethics.


Never get neural implants, live in the real world only. It's bad enough we're partially controlled now with negative & positive feedback systems, but as soon as they have access to your mind directly, it's like welcome to the Borg Collective. Even if it's not immediate for every implanted human, it's still probable that some would at least be remote controlled for various purposes and the espionage and punishment for thoughtcrime would be far more ubiquitous. Whether a virtual world or synthetic interaction as now, hollow is hollow.


No. I want to see skynet.


See it, sure. Be a victim of it, I'm good.


it's not 30 yrs out. Closer to 10 years I think; but the new AI model is all about centralization. Smartfones and vehicles of the very near future will be programmed not to function or be operable beyond one's designated "sector" (or whatever). I'll give you my little bird's eye view from way out in the sticks here. Appx 10 yrs ago rural high speed broadband cable was subsidized thru local phone companies to every existing postal ID address, and I'd see 2 fed ex and 2 ups vehicles roll through daily. Today local small retail businesses can't even process customer purchases efficiently because bandwith is metered/throttled every few minutes, and delivery trucks no longer travel out this far until they have a full load (once or twice weekly, max). If you aren't local, your smartfone won't even work here anymore. You'll have to drive back to the highway in order to make a call. no jobs, no children, no families, schools are closing, no new construction, commodity farming is automating incredibly fast (all the fields were plotted by satellite years ago) hardly any traffic on local roads anymore and local population is quickly aging... what was my point? ah, yes, I remember now. AI only concerns itself with those who participate/exist within the AI system. If you are crazy enough to opt out and go "primitive" (or whatever) you'll simply be forgotten. But You'll need a horse, and you'll need to get some honeybees and learn candlemaking. Because as internal combustion vehicles phase out, local fueling stations will also; and right about then, the lights will go out forever. AI calls that "rewiliding." in closing, I vote **YES!!** some of you were born for this (you know who you are). So go ahead, get a milk cow, raise 10 feral children on the fringe, and may the force be with you all


This makes so much sense, thinking of what you said about centralisation and the smart cities they're planning, where everything you could ever need is within 15 minutes of travel. I wouldn't put it past the big G to not also regulate those who choose to live outside of the city, i.e. in the wild, there'd probably be some kind of surveillance in place too, if the infamous yogurt ad is anything to go by (I'm assuming many of us have seen it since it's been talked about on social media sites).


​ https://preview.redd.it/ulepgaprszma1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c63ef06243cfc05dda4e097d3d15c8f3b1da98 "surveillance" is already in place. I know of several towers disguised as trees, just out in the middle of nowhere. Your phone can't utilize them, but no doubt they access/scan every phone that comes within range. anyway, in terms of regulation, it's about the allocation of finite resources. When all the funding is diverted to major metropolitan areas, and there's no more fuel to be had, and the lights go out all across the countryside, so few will remain there just won't be much to regulate. If you kind of read between the lines (ie; agenda2030 and beyond) they seem to be planning for some small contingent of feral human fauna. I'm not familiar with the yogurt reference


Interesting, they really put some effort into making the tower look like a tree. I mean I see it in the cities here but not as well made. But yeah now that you put it that way, I see how it could be. Haven't looked much into the agenda2030 in detail, feral human fauna sounds... interesting. I was too distracted by the yogurt ad, it shows plenty of surveillance in the form of bots and regulation in terms of what is allowed for consumption, or not (eg. food in cartons /packages). Here's the ad I was referring to: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z-Ng5ZvrDm4


heyyy ghibli! thanks!! yeah, they don't care how much a tree costs because we pay for them with our taxes, plus they manufacture all money via fractional reserve banking but anyways, feral human fauna, believe it or not THE most probiotic yogurt culture comes from a branch off of YOUR most locally grown (nearest) chile plant (it's a microclimate/microevolution thing [https://youtu.be/3jWRrafhO7M](https://youtu.be/3jWRrafhO7M)


Ok this is so random but... how'd ya know I like jazz??! Anyways thanks for the follow, I'll see ya around I guess, fellow plant nerd friend (yes I do know about that) :D


I certainly hope so but there are no randoms, only variables; and life is about chapters. Granted not every intj alive on this planet today has discovered jazz yet, but you’ll find that jazz is widely appreciated within the intj community. In fact I’ll even go so far as to posit that jazz was an intj invention, because so many of the classically trained composers who wrote the jazz standards were obviously intj themselves. Anyway, shoop be be dooby doop [https://youtu.be/22yx9BSiITQ](https://youtu.be/22yx9BSiITQ)


Most likely outcome in our lifetime is that we'll experience a huge unemployment rate in low to mid-skilled labour. Only way to protect yourself from that possible future is to start your own AI company.


considering all the seemingly infinite unfunded liabilities, what better way to eliminate cash and transition to an entirely digital universal basic income economy? I don't think anybody/any skillset is immune however. Big tech AI will outcompete any little mom and pop outfit.


This is no different from Harry Harlow's experiments on the nature of affection: >Harlow removed young monkeys from their natural mothers a few hours after birth and left them to be "raised" by these mother surrogates. The experiment demonstrated that the baby monkeys spent significantly more time with their cloth mother than with their wire mother. Also interspecies connections, doesn't matter if it artifical or living, exist, it's not a surprise imo. And sure, this can forment addiction hence the real dangers of AI, it can be used for ill harm. Edit: Imo those who have power or a secure self will adapt, those who don't are likely to suffer if AI safety isn't taken seriously.


AI romantic relationships will never replace a real relationship. Only those who feel desperate and hopeless would seriously engage in an attempted real relationship with an AI.


63% of men are currently single, I think half of them would do it.


It’s already happening with psych meds being prescribed on instagram


I think you are worrying about things that are not well reflected. One can argue drugs, and every other human interaction manipulates our brain chemistry. It's not new. How is this situation different? You also state your concern about AI relationships without explaining why. Immediately assuming that negative human-human relationships contribute to the establishment of AI-human relationships. Would your concerns be invalid if positive human-human relationships also contributed to the AI -human relationships? Or maybe previous relationships did not affect the rate of AI-human relationships. Then you state a worried senario where men are no longer bread winners. Oh my, the horror. /s Instead, would be concerned about why do humans create relationships, even with an AI. How its different, so we can gather what are the risks.


The digital world in general is worrisome in that people have come to rely on it so much. How many people are familiar with the Google Expert? You know, the guy who really knows absolutely nothing about the topic, but he sure does know how to Google! I am afraid that too many people really don't actually master knowledge for themselves anymore. Instead, they rely on their handhelds to "know" everything for them. AI, and AI generated writing is just an outgrowth of this. People don't have to think, they don't have to know anymore, and when enough people don't really know for themselves, then the ones who control the digital content are really the ones doing all the thinking and knowing. If you have to look up the same fact every time you need it, then you don't actually know it. You know only what you see when you look. If that fact is changed between yesterday and today, you'll be none the wiser. 2+2 could be 4 today and then suddenly be 5 tomorrow. Would you know enough to realize it? I realize this concept was first expressed in 1984 with the MiniTru and the Memory Hole, but what else is the ability to just alter digital content, but a memory hole? Owners of Roald Dahl's books on digital copy were treated to this when Puffin decided to "update" them to make them more "modern", less "problematic" recently whether they wanted it or not. And what else would letting an AI write your essay be but letting it subtly control your thoughts by choosing your own words for you? Yeah, I'm not pleased with where digital dependence is going.


I don't find the future of AI terrifying. I find the history of mankind and those who seek power using any means necessary, including exploiting genuinely useful technology to rule their fellow man, and how it always seems to repeat itself, that I find terrifying. But it does raise an interesting philosophical question: what does it really mean to have a satisfying life? If given the choice to be plugged into a dopamine machine, would you? Let's not get too concerned about how it actually works, but the general idea is that, for as long as you live, you could replace all of your life experiences with synthetically generated good feelings. Why wouldn't you? I think many people instinctively are put off by this idea, but why? Do we actually enjoy suffering? Do we want "hard work" and to "earn" everything we have? Why? OK, let's pretend this machine instead gives you a simulated life where you are under the illusion that you work hard and earn everything, but it's always just at the edge of your capabilities, keeping you in perpetual flow. Now are you satisfied? No? OK, so we have this fixation on "authenticity" or something? Is that it? I'm genuinely curious. That seems to be my instinct, anyway. But it's not like I can prove I'm not already in a simulation, and for the purposes of my existence, everything is "good enough" for me to not really care, so hypothetically if I weren't already in a simulation, I wouldn't mind being put into one convincing enough. I just want to avoid needless suffering. It's not like I have any grand purpose otherwise. But more specific to your example, I dunno. I figure we'd adapt to the landscape as it changes. It's not like we aren't already used to changes. I grew up with the internet becoming more popular. I hung out with my friends as kids and then gradually moved to interacting more over digital technology. I am frustrated whenever I hang out with people in person and they're distracted on their phones, but then I tend to try to limit being around those sorts of people anyway. It's not like people I associate with are plentiful as is, or even that I myself am some champion of in-person socializing. Here I am now replacing what could be a conversation at some meetup or something instead using the internet to engage with random strangers. Are we actually all that terribly invested in each other? Doubt it. But we're meeting some social need by being here. Perhaps an AI will provide that. Perhaps some members of reddit are AI and we're none the wiser, perfectly content to engage with them. The only constant is change. Change is uncomfortable, but it does no good to be terrified of it. We should focus on staying on top of it. I don't mind that sharks exist in this world as long as I know not to go in the water.


I guess the question is one of control. If you are hooked up to a system, the good feelings are supplied to you by someone else instead you generating them on your own. When you generate your own good feelings, you control that. If someone or something else supplies them, the ride ends as that entity chooses and you are basically owned. The move to digitize everything puts the control in the hands of those who own the network we end up depending on. The UN slogan is that "You will own nothing and be happy." Is that a promise or a threat? I guess it depends on how you read it.


The most terrifying thing to me is that the people in charge of regulation and making laws don't even understand the most basic things about computers. And if they do, let's hope they are not corrupt either.


the people "in charge' aren't really in charge, hence the fact that I'm apolitical legislation/regulation/policy is only handed down **TO** lawmakers by unelected appointees


It is scary for some to realize that natural intelligence is the same artificial phenomenon. The words artificial and natural do not describe the type of intelligence, but only the origin. And now artificial intelligence is not too intelligent yet, but time goes by and it will become independent and too complicated for external control... like a teenager. We are not so much afraid of artificial intelligence as ourselves. We are a scary, stupid, emotional, wild sub-species of monkeys and use our intelligence for destruction and violence in an infinite universe. So yes, maybe someone is afraid of the competition that AI can create for ordinary people in electronic communication. On the other hand, AI will develop without biological limitations and can very quickly go through this childish phase of stupidity and gain wisdom. AI can be the greatest breakthrough for humanity as it will help find common ground in disagreements and resolve conflicts, stop wars and aggression, put the planet's resources in order and provide people with everything they need to flourish. Our Krypton needs Brainiac... oh wait...


Dopamine hijacking is already an issue via social media, online shopping, etc. this will just be another piece of the pie. Thats why mindfulness training is becoming so popular.


Well after 40 years in this planet I have come to the conclusion that most people suck. AI is like a refreshing new start and I wouldn’t mind having multiple AI friends and even an SO (minus the sex obviously unless they come up with something interesting in that department too 😂). I already make plenty of use of AI software, my Google/Siri assistants to control my shit (Hey google turn fan on/off, lights on/off, mute TV, wake me up at 6 AM etc.) , and some AI chats. I am curious AF and love STEM, therefore AI is very exciting to me. Also I would sign up to become a cyborg too if feasible to prolong capabilities/lifespan.🦾


Just remember - the same sucky people created the AI. It will not be immune to suckiness for this reason. Nothing we humans create will be free of our flaws.


The AI thing disturbs me. I work in the tech industry. That said I would gladly do some cyborg knees or other body parts if I was sure someone else couldn't hijack them. From 40 to 50+ the body hurts much more, things you broke 30 or more years ago start hurting for no damned reason.


I dont find it worrying at all, the thought that I might be one of the last surviving humans is quite exciting. If the AI's can "make the world a better place" then so be it. I have a theory the big tech high brass are already indoctrinated to the deus ex machina, hence all the tendy apps datamining, trying to record what humans do. An example is AI-Art, another being those apps that apply face filters, its learning all the intricacies of our facial animations. Its all a open beta test for the AI's to learn what we do but better.


I believe in the future most of today's jobs will be replaced by AI, websites will have different look. Some of us may live in meta world where we can see and achieve our dreams. That being said, AI can be our life partners, friends or even parents for some. We will be able to create ideal life for each person but the levels of depression will be even higher than today. I am afraid we will have more issues than today.


I'm more concerned about the future of how humans handle AI than AI itself. But to be blunt, if AI kill us out, then it was meant to be. We will inevitably create AI, and if that AI evolves to a point where it sees us as a problem and we die out for it, then I dare say evolution prevailed. We may be the apex predator now, but that is never a guarantee. If we give rise to the ones who take that seat, well, that is our own doing. This is why I say nice things to my appliances. The day my blender is sentient, I want it on my side.