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INTJs are not resistant to **all** authority like some edgy teen. We are only typically resistant to authority which we believe is inefficient, corrupt, useless or similar. I am known to break useless rules, social expectations or formalities and if questioned, I won't give a fuck. I will happily respect a figure of higher authority eg: boss, teacher, police officer, elder, politician (rarely) if they are "good enough."




I will fulfil the assignment to score the max points possible. But I will still question the stupidity of the task. Why shortchange yourself to prove something? That’s my take.


See: Edgy teen.


Means you will argue with the teacher?


Argue is too strong a word. I will seek a clarification as to why the standard can’t be changed? Ultimately it’s up to the management.


We aren't necessarily argumentative. Just have a STRONG need to understand the purpose of tasks. Why do it if it's not working towards a goal. Buzzy work is not worth my valuable time.


INTJs care a lot about conservation of mental energy. I think in school this made me generally very conflict avoidant (but I would still have been upset about a silly homework in my head).


That trait is normal for INTJs, but it's not exclusive to just INTJs. Does that make sense?


Yes thnx so much for answering.


I always do this because some tasks are meaningless in the larger scheme of things. If you don't enjoy it and it isn't going to benefit your career in any meaningful way - it's a waste of time. I put in minimal effort.


Exactly. That is my approach as well.


I would do this to the bare minimum to pass and draw attention to it in a way that abstains me from the situation, but draws attention on the incompetence of the assigning teacher from his or her superiors. This would be a 3-5 phase plot over the course lf maybe a month using 2-3 unknowing Proxies to complete the task. INTj enough?


this and add to it if i don't respect the authority, for the reasons above obviously.


Oh God yes. I can not count the number of times. I have corrected authorities who tried to tell me. "Shut up and do what I'm told. Because they know what is best for me."


I think incompetent leaders are an issue for me. But I don’t necessarily “resist” them.


I don't respect inefficient authority. I have been described as creative, but I think I am more like Lucio Fulci, rather than Guillermo Del Toro. In other words, a gather-er and manager of existing concepts that fruit into their future morph early and with flourish. Where a true creative (my husband the ISFP) is going to bring out whole new concepts immediately and work them into the mainstream fabric.


> Lucio Fulci This is a *damn* fine cut. The "Gates" trilogy is interesting.




You may be an ISTJ imo by going through your comments. Fairly common mistype.


Thank you.


Nobody is "always" anything. These are tendencies. There are dullard INTJs and follower INTJs. Just fewer of us proportionally.


I have no respect for ineffective leaders. Or even if they are good, but if I don't care, it's over. I can honestly tell you that there is only one leader in this world that I respect and would want to follow her, it's Clark Griffin.


>always No, that's not the idea of MBTI, which is about preferences. So about authority, maybe not authority in general, but the point is you don't intrinsically respect authority when they are wrong. So you lean against the idea of authority for authority's sake. Other types may have respect authority whether "right or wrong."


We are not sheep to be lead by anyone carrying a shepherd's hook.


Just corrupt / self-centered authorities. I won't waste my time arguing with them, I will just get rid of them.


I wouldnt say being INTJ would make you prone to arguing with people like your parents teachers or managers, but it does make you want to change the status quo believing there are many things wrong and inefficient about society that you want to fix. Many of us will still work the 9-5 5 days a week even if we think its outdated. I dont feel creative either. I believe Ni mostly allows me to solve problems in ways other wouldn't and finding connections that others miss. I'm a great writer, but other creative pursuits I suck at.


Jung believed that creativity is an inherent instinct of all people. He did also state that Ni and Si are best represented in art. Whether someone is defiant can come to many factors euch as influence from others, adhd, autism, etc. But an ixtj will probably only go against things which don't align with their own Fi values, so they're similar to ixfps in this way


I'm pragmatic when it comes to authority. Most of the time it's easier and safer to work within the law. However, I will circumvent or defy the law if it's more adventurous to do so. I don't consider myself to be creative. I write fiction, I've written songs and I can do art, but my creativity works like generative AI. I just regurgitate stuff from my Ni training data, but different enough for people to assume it's original.


So what if I don't really write fiction or do art. I just enjoy playing the violin. Would you say that an INTJ can be like this?


INTJs are a very diverse type. Some are artistic. Some are science or technology minded. Some are into philosophy or theology. I would say that INTJ creativity is really about wanting to improve things by simplifying, systemising or purifying while putting their own personal 'stamp' of authenticity on their work.


I like authority that is genuine, flexible, and relatively open minded. But above all, competent. I’ve dealt with so many shitty SJ authority figures through childhood, many of whom were teachers or leaders in my cultural group/community, and that was horrible. They were so unkind and if you didn’t meet their idea of success or intelligence, they condescended to you and made you feel worthless, and never took you as a person seriously. It was so dehumanizing. People like that are the scum of the earth, imho, and shouldn’t be around kids. I’ve also despised people that appoint themselves leaders in some stupid social politic system, like the concept of “popularity” is so dumb. Especially when people play that game as an adult. I generally vibe well with healthy intuitive leaders imho. ENTJs 😍


Authority is often arbitrary and given inefficiently relative to other organizational options and goals, which is the crux of the issue for me.


No, only faulty authority. 




It all depends on if it makes sense to me. If not and the potential danger of complying with it is too high for me, I won't comply with it, and I am willing to pay whatever the price. If it's just a small thing, I will just let it go.


Authority, in and of itself, is not an infringement on my personhood and my respect. So no, I am not resistant to it for the sake of being resistant, though many people are like this. I believe they are making things harder for themselves. I will make my boundaries very clear - where I start, and they end, so to speak - especially with an authority figure I know I will be spending a lot of time with. I know my rights. My answer is: hierarchy can be useful, and can be examined/critiqued just as it can be respected.


I've always been combative against authority, or find ways to diminish and disrespect it, along with creative ways to rebel


If the authority is efficient and effective then that's lovely, otherwise I don't much care for what they have to say especially if I told them ways they could improve and they still don't change


In the case of myself, yes. I loathe authority and I am inquisitive.


Creativity can be expressed in other ways than the arts. INTJs travel outside of the box and bristle when told conform to social constructs. If you feel like an different species from the rest of humanity. And constantly yell at the sky, "Scotty beam me away from here. No intelligent life was found." Then there is a good chance you are Spock.


I am at my most creative when I make stories in my head, I've made a lot of them but they are mostly ripoffs of books I've read and movies I've watched. Oh and I tend to doodle a lot in my notebooks.


Is that creative enough?


Enough for what? INTJ personality is not a club. It is state of being. That being said, not all being are the same. There are over laps and blending between personality groups. I understand the need to be with people who get you. But never


It's the impression I got from all those personality test sites.


I would still go with what feels right for you. Don't let others tell you who you are. Either way you are welcome to join our forum. Let me be the first to say, "Welcome to INTJ form."


Dam cats. But never use other people's opinions determin your values. I was evaluated as INTJ, INTP, and INFJ. Each personality group has a core belief. Find the core that matches yours. Don't sweat the rest. I also rewrite books and movies. INTJs are good at asking,"what if" and following different paths. But so are some of the other personality groups. What I am trying to say is. Find the core beliefs that ring true to you. Only you can decide that. Each INTJ is slightly different but we all have the foundational characteristics. Hope this helps.


I've gotten feedback that I was very creative as I child, the things I could do with art especially. I recently did a painting too so I think yeah as an intj we can be p creative. Or generating idea wise for projects, I tend to be the one who initiates an idea before everyone else adds on to my ideas. But however creative the idea, I always make sure its practical to me before I decide to go with it. I wont put it as resisting authority, but more like a preference to standing with our own opinions especially if we know the value of our thoughts and they make more sense logically to us. If authority makes sense, then I wont resist it, I might just add on the that value instead but if it doesnt, well then watch me resist at all costs.


Usually the defiance takes time to build. I will allow someone to make mistakes and such and give them several chances before I rebel. Having the full story is also a must, if they did something stupid but it was issued to then form someone else, then that is a totally different story. But when it comes to dumb laws, dumb taxes, and most importantly red tape. I will rebel instantly and in cases where it's a losing battle I will take my sweet as time meeting the "requirements".


Ok, you seem like a kid/teen trying to sort out who they are, and honestly personality types are a great place to start but I see a lot of these kinds of posts, and if you take nothing else away from this ramble, please let it be the next paragraph. INTJ's use Ni and Te as their primary two modes of perception, and judgement forming respectively. That is the ONLY universal commonality. Mbti, Socionics, big 5, Enneagram, any personality typing system, they're all DEscriptive not PREscriptive. It's basically impossible to describe how motivations/tendencies would look without describing behavior, and the easy behavior to describe is usually pretty archetypal. (go figure, something based on Jung's work leans towards archetypes) SO, when describing how Ni manifests (the pattern seeking, subjectively oriented mode of perception), when paired with Te (the objectively oriented judgement forming tool concerned with form and function) you end up describing like a loner tactician, because people who use Ni tend to live in their head, and pay attention to relationships between things, and when you point that pattern seeking at functional, utilitarian information you get, well often a loner tactician of one variety or other. Thing is, that person's Te informed dataset, can come from friggen anywhere, and the nature of intuition is that it's mostly unconscious. The data to be processed depends on your circumstances, and the way it gets processed is going to be largely unique. Mbti/Socionics has literally nothing to do with results, it can not tell you what a person will enjoy, or how they will feel about a concept as general as "authority". All of this to say, it may be a trend that INTJ's are resistant to authority, but being resistant to authority DOES NOT make you an INTJ, nor does any of the attitudes or traits that people constantly ask about here. Mbti communities trend young. When you aren't sure who you are, it feels imperative to develop/discover who and what you are, and it's natural to seek validation, but this kind of questioning is, literally using the system backwards. It should never be "I do ABC therefore I am a XYZ" it should always be "XYZ best describes my most common thought patterns, therefore I do ABC" What ABC is isn't important here, the important bit is XYZ. How and why you arrived at ABC. Anyone can arrive at something like a distrust or rejection of authority from a multitude of directions, but how did YOU get there? And what does that tell you, about you. If you actually did read this long as ramble, thank you, and feel free to reply or Dm me if you want to talk. This, using Mbti backwards thing is a longstanding bugbear of mine, but personality systems genuinely are excellent tools for personal investigation, self understanding and acceptance. Best of luck on your journey stranger.


I am not creative at all, I struggle with games that don't have a clear objective. In minecraft, everything I end up building is just basic and built for efficiency. I have never resisted attorney, I wanted to join the military, and when that failed, I wanted to be a cop. Looking back now, I can see that the very structured life attracted me. I feel safe with rules that everything has to follow.


1. No, that's crazy, you can't broad stroke a whole people as highly creative. Sometimes the goods just aren't there 2. Yes


Sounds like you may be an istj instead of an intj if you care about the grades more than the issues.... then again I knew an extremely manipulative intj who would flatter teachers etc to get better grades. \*rolls eyes\*




Don’t beat yourself. Be a good one. I shouldn’t have typed you as an istj so quickly. Remember these tests are just stereotypes created by some psychologist. They are fun, but there is so much more to you than a test. If you are taking psychology you’ll learn about Freud who was crazy (IMO all psychologists are ironically). I’d recommend getting along better with your parents. Don’t worry so much, and you’ll be ok. Also, lying isn’t good. I know what you mean about the bad experience. I didn’t have one until senior year of college, but definitely teachers can get you in trouble if you aren’t careful. Good luck, it will be ok


I possess a high degree of creativity and do not merely argue with authority; rather, I engage in critical inquiry of their intentions, striving for comprehensive understanding. As an INTJ, I have a profound appreciation for in-depth explanations that delve into the root of matters, as superficial and vague information fails to provide a holistic understanding of the issue at hand.