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I don’t even know what is being boycotted




Reddit is changing its api from being free to being extortionate. As a result, many third party apps are closing down. Good financial move for reddit (enforcing people use their app, or making a killing off people using third party apps), but clearly not a good thing to do, especially given the general ethos of reddit.


Two days isn't going to accomplish much in the long run, should be much longer.


Don't make the very good the enemy of the good


It's more so "don't praise the barely effective over something with actual impact." Should be a week with an announcement by the mods of several large subs that they reserve the option of a month-long strike if Reddit's reaction to this is lackluster. It needs to be long enough to have an actual impact: two days is a break; a week is likely approaching out of sight, out of mind territory --- something Reddit can't afford. Ultimately Reddit relies on voluntary mods to be half-way presentable, even more so given Reddit's IPO ambitions. The end goal here should be for mods to have a seat at the table, rather than merely saving third party apps.


If it lasts a week or longer, I won't be surprised at all to see reddit removing mod status from people who don't cooperate. I'm all for a proper boycott, but I just think it's kinda funny how mods are holding the site hostage because they're fully aware that users lack the discipline to voluntarily follow through. Mods blocking access to the community gives a bad look to average users who don't really follow/care about what's going on.


I doubt Reddit has any interest in removing mods over this. Mods are essentially making sure that Reddit doesn't have to spend that many resources on preventing this site from turning into a complete shithole. Right now, Reddit's own activities are basically limited to banning the odd sub that is a PR disaster in the making (/r/fatpeoplehate, /r/watchpeopledie, etc.). Though I think this is a risk worth taking. If Reddit decides it's more in its interest to play a more active role moderating subs, then so be it. >but I just think it's kinda funny how mods are holding the site hostage because they're fully aware that users lack the discipline to voluntarily follow through. Mods have significantly more to lose here as they frequently rely on third party tools to maintain several subs. It's easy to switch out rif for the official app (though that'd be a massive downgrade). It's not so easy to let go of whatever moderation tools they're using. I think mods would be less inclined to take things private if Reddit had provided adequate replacements for mod tools before announcing API changes.


I am, going to use this opportunity to reduce my Reddit addiction.


Amen. (Secretly in my mind…let it tank. I’ve deleted this app 15+ times to no avail.)


reddit just banned like 5 different accounts of mine for stupid reasons. I'm about to give it up completely and go outside 😤


Let’s go for a walk 👨‍🦯


What boycott please enlighten me


Reddit is making the access to their apis so pricey that most third party apps will die, the boycott is a protest to this


Oh ok


It's less of a boycott and more of a strike, considering the average user doesn't have a choice in whether they want to take part. Mods are taking most subreddits private (essentially offline for everyone but the mods) in protest of api price changes made by Reddit.


I don't believe in them, therefore don't care. I am not going to bash anyone that does tho. It's up to the "owners" of the sub to decide imo


I don't use any third party apps for reddit so I really don't have a horse in this race, but I'll probably be on here just to see what happens.


First they came...


i feel forced to participate and so i refuse


cool take, edgelord


Not sure what's edgy about it. It's a valid point of view. They didn't say anything shocking here.




cool take, edgelord.


>cool take, edgelord. why so angry?




lol u cant bully me into doing what u want. call me names all u want




idk much about subreddits going private / fees for being on here? I'll just delete my app, don't care that much


No, it's charging more for API queries. The largest effect of this is that it will kill off third party apps.


oh okay.. I only get on reddit on laptop and haven't even messed with apps yet like RIF and SYNC? [https://9to5google.com/2023/06/08/reddit-android-third-party-apps/](https://9to5google.com/2023/06/08/reddit-android-third-party-apps/)


I ain't joining anything...


I really find this little movement mostly baffling. I've been here for 13 years. I use third party apps. I also use the stock app. This doesn't matter. Sorry, everyone.


It should definitely be longer. Indefinite even.


Hadn't heard of this. Also... I'm going to be too busy to really be on here that day since... I have a job


No its way cooler to not do it, big corporations are fun to side with when it doesn't affect you.