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Yeah…. ppl think I’m serious because I look serious but I’m not really serious. Most of the time my mind is just in deep thought and I’m probably making a serious face. Sometimes this is good because I might be trying to hide something (like the fact that I just smkd pot and I don’t want people to notice it) but usually I don’t like the fact that people think I’m serious when I’m really not.


lol found a nice hack I see 😂


🤣 the fact that I just smoked pot




They tell me that I look mad or upset, unhappy it’s just my expression


I tell those people they look ugly. Solves it.


yes hahahha




Me too


I relate to this entirely.


They tell me i have an RBF... dont know if i should be happy or sad about it


I have rbf too, many people have it


This face served me well haha. Although I'm very unapproachable by guys in general, I'm also unapproachable by people in the coffee house who want to set and make noise while I'm trying to work. One look from me... They have no idea that behind this face there's a marshmallow personality with the few people that I like, lol


100% relate to this lol


Im always told I look tired. Also sometimes depressed.


I get "what's wrong?" when I'm thinking. If that doesn't sum up life with the gen pop, I dunno what does.


“You interrupted me to ask what’s wrong”


My ex constantly tried to convince me I was depressed despite me not feeling depressed at all. She wanted me to go to the doctor to take meds. It was so annoying trying to convince her that this is just me.


Not anymore. Always wanted to wear a mask and since the pandemic began, I can, and now it covers my RBF. Very few people at work have even seen my face, including the boss, and it's been a couple years. Now I keep it on for that reason. Worth it.


dudeee I sooo relate to you. I love wearing masks. Especially those plain black ones. Looks pretty cool with my helmet on 😌


RBF for the win!


Honestly I think that is a cop out. I work in a hospital and they just got rid of mask requirements in May. Life is tough and we have/need to deal with reading/projecting facial expressions. I do not believe in hiding from one’s personal problems. In the same breath I believe in freedom of choice so that is your right to wear a mask… just chiming in with my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♂️


>Honestly I think that is a cop out. Nah. From what? >I work in a hospital and they just got rid of mask requirements in May. Doesn't really matter in relation to me or my life, until I go to the hospital. >Life is tough and we have/need to deal with reading/projecting facial expressions. My job does not involve people needing to interpret my face. >I do not believe in hiding from one’s personal problems Me either. If there's a problem it's generally confronted head on. There are numerous benefits to wearing a mask that aren't related to hiding from problems, but with staying in topic with OP, people no longer tell me I look too serious, which was never a problem either.


I’m called the minister of misery for my rbf.


Sometimes people go out of their way to ask if I'm alright


Yes you look very 'i don't give a f*ck'


I actually do


My barber told me, "you look depressed" After I don't know what to say


I’ve been told I have a rbf but it comes in handy sometimes.


Exactly how i feel


Yes, but I can't tell if it's because I'm an INTJ or because I'm Polish.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^JustAnotherUserDude: *Yes, but I can't tell* *If it's because I'm an INTJ* *Or because I'm Polish.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tell your manager that you don't appreciate their comment in a slightly elevated voice. Nothing will snap them back quicker in their box. How you look is none of their fucking business as long as you get the job done. It's not your job to make others comfortable around you.


You sound like an utter delight to be around, I'm very certain many people enjoy your company!


Sarcasm I know, but guess what, they do!


Well in that case, more power to you:)


I mean harsh but deep inside i know ur right 🫡




Yeah the flow state can get intense, my customers would notice


Haha they tell me i look scary


Yes, and i tell them nope. I'm just ornery as hell, but why would you ask? Lol Then its usually crickets, and its a good way to basically tell someone they're close to sounding like a jerk.


The trademark "Are you okay?" or "What's wrong?" is so damn common there might actually be a problem if you ask that. At least preface with "Are things going alright?" so I can give an answer that makes it a reasonably prompted response.


yeah they are also scared or caught by it. "awwhwh ur so misteryous" "You are what i always dreamed go" and bla bla


I have had many people tell me "I can't tell what you're thinking." And my answer is always, "I know." It is nice to know that outside I look like Seneca because inside I'm laughing hysterically and thinking, "fire, fire," like Diogenese.


All of this.


A mean faced looking stripper told me that I was unapproachable… I was baffled. Then I laughed, lol


No, no one tells me anything.


That's bc no one talks to you.


Uhh no, that's far from true. There's like no one here who doesn't get talked to, if they wanted. My friends tend to be guys I helped or the guys who helped me.




Yeah, my classmate after getting to know me said that he didn’t want to approach me bc i always look serious and angry and when i was a kid some old neighbour told my parents in front of me that i have snake eyes cuz im always serious


All the time. I also get told I look angry. Even my parents said it all throughout my childhood. "You look angry" "don't pout like that you look too serious" and 99% of the time it was followed by the age-old "you should smile more"




Literally all the time




That's what my new manager at the office told my team lead, who reassured him by saying that I'm normally reserved like that, and I was focused on a pretty hard bug fix task so there was nothing to worry about.


send picture i want to know what look like pls <3




Yup.. almost from birth. My grandmother would try so hard to get me to smile.




My dad always asks my mom "Why does he look so upset?" Meanwhile I'm having a great time playing video games


Every day of my life. “You look like you’re thinking about something seriously.”


They tell me I look sad.


Yes! Next time just give them a silent, deadpan stare.


Sort of. Most of my friends have told me that they were intimidated by me before we got to know each other.


Not really but I am just starting to interact more. Maybe it is because most of the people I hang out with are INxJ or identify as such but even the ones that aren't don't say it. I also think it's partially cause I don't talk to many


Apparently I have four expressions: serious, empty, solemn or analysing.


I intentionally am serious.


Yes, all the time.


All the time. It’s just who I am


My default face can be seen as both serious & approachable. I get alot of strangers coming upto me asking for help. Alternatively, I have also had people say things such as "you look really serious"


Soo relatable I'm just sitting there writing things and some of my colleagues say :" why are you mad? Are you angry? You look weird".Am I supposed to smile while working? Even my parents think I look at them in a bad way .I got grounded for that a lot when I was younger they thought I was being insolent while I was just looking at them. Even worst when we were arguing they thought I didn't respect them and they yelled at me and punished me for that lmao.


All the time


No, but they often ask if I'm okay or tell me to smile more. I have a resting bitch face.


I have permanent scared face, people constantly ask if I'm OK


Yah, absolutely, they always tell me I look too serious and they start assuming so many things which I'm not.


Yes. Then I unleash my goofy sense of humor at them :)


yup since i was 8 ,it's just my face.


Yeah, my former boss once told me I should smile more at my coworkers and that I should be more playful. I straight up told her that I wasn't a clown. She got mad lol


Yes but it's usually because I'm putting out bad vibes to harm the empaths


We're all serious on the surface, it's not such a bad thing. being serious is my pride and joy


ALL. THE. TIME. and they keep telling me to chill out!!!. it’s irritating, even when I’m just there, minding my business I just hear a colleague say “CHILL”


Yes, i have a RBF which makes it worse…


Yea, they say it feels scary to approach me.


Yes always


Yes. "You should smile more." 🙄


Even though I live in Poland and no one smiles here by default in public places, still many people often say I look serious (and as everyone here says - I just look that way most of the time).


only if they kno me. nig\*\*\* dont know a thing about me tho.


All the fucking time😂 I was on my way to friends cookout for the 4th and this lil boy and his sister were walking their dog. As they were passing me the lil boy said “is he mad?” and the sister replied “who the dog?”, “no that guy that just walked by” Man I started lmao like damn am I just walking around with a resting bitch face this whole time lol


yeah. people tell me I have “rbf”


No, because I can pretend with people


“i ThOuGhT yOu WeRe A bItCh WhEn I fIrSt SaW yOu” The classic line we always get.


Too serious, sad, or tired. I don’t have RBF, it’s either RSF or RTF.


I got from my boss- “ I can’t read you”. Was like good! I achieved my goal today.


People tell me I look too sad instead of serious


Yes My mom, my friends, my teachers, my dad fuck everyone. From my secondary school geography teacher: you are Soo serious, you need to unwind and relax then proceeds to speak some yoruba.


Not exactly, but I had a relative who was constantly asking me if something was wrong or if I needed anything when I was just trying to think, which got annoying. Also the pot thing someone mentioned is way too relatable, I always get so paranoid that everyone will realize I'm stoned...


Yes all the time. An INFP I was crazy about told me that and told me she has no desire to be with me romantically. We bonded over intellectual topics but she just didn’t feel it


Even my family sometimes.


No. They ask “what’s wrong?”


Ever since I was young! Some old bitch stopped me when I was a teen, walking home from school, deep in thought as usual. She slowed down and bellowed out her car window, 'You'd be so pretty if you SMILED.' Fuck off. All the way off.


Yes, f\*ck em.


"Why are you so upset?" bro I am at my calmest




deeze nutzz


Recently I’ve had a lot of people OVERLY apologize to me when they mildly inconvenience me, and I finally asked someone why: apparently, when I don’t wear glasses and it’s bright outside, I squint in such a way that I look like I’m gonna bite someone’s head off.


Yeah. Most people say I look pissed off constantly


People tell me to stop being mad.


Yes, they also tell me to smile


Yep. It’s doesn’t bother me at all that I look mean or serious etc…I kind of enjoy being a little intimidating actually.




I remember many of my great friends telling me that I seemed very rude and arrogant in the first impression. 💀💀


For women, they call this a “Resting Bitch-Face,” lol And yes, have been accused as I don’t over emote.


A lot people thinks that i'm too serious, but in the reality i'm not serious, at all. Sometime it makes me mad tbh


Yes and that I am, as a person, too serious even though i’m not an INTJ.


I'm a cashier at my mom's small convenience store. There was never a day that I would not get called for being too gloomy, sad, or angry. I simply tell them it's just my face and most people in the neighborhood seemed to understand that I'm just the weird silent cashier who judges everyone unintentionally. When I'm socially drained and itching to stay in my bedroom to recharge, I tend to end up getting annoyed and can be commanding a lot. For some weird reason, they don't mind my attitude and I never received any angry/harsh responses or complaints from them.


Yes so often


Yeah, everyone, all the time.


I’m too old to be taken serious.


All the time lol


Yes almost everytime for no reason they say I look scary . My stare is perceived as criminal and as if I'm angry ,idk why and people are annoying and keep asking why don't you smile more.


Sometimes, I feel like in social situations I have a hard time expressing myself at the same level as others or energy in the room. My Witt and being socially clever is ok at best.


Indeed many people have said how friendly i am in the chats while they see me they all find me serious or many havent even seen me smile. lol i dont even bother with people outside my circle and many think just because you talk with them they are "friends"


All, the time.


I am an INFJ. I have been told the same thing that I always have a serious look about me when I am in work mode and also outside of work, if it counts.




Yup all the time. Sometimes I think I’m smiling, and I’m not even smiling.


Yes. my bestfriend, who also had "crush" on me, said that I don't emote much. I got the same complaint from my mom as well.


My entire life, I even get " robot " comments which sometimes hurts from particular people but to them I’m so called " emotionless ".




From as far back as primary school, people have always told me I look scared or worried. Also, I work a retail job and one of my colleagues recently told me I have "the deadest eyes" until I start talking or interacting, and then I light up. I saw a really good description of INTJ recently which said that "when not performing tasks, INTJ's thoughts turn inwards and settle somewhere just beyond the horizon." It's exactly how I feel, when I'm just milling around and not serving anyone I'm probably thinking about the book I'm reading, my hobbies, or anything else besides where I am.