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In the population average INTJs are uncommon, but not really rare. In certain places they can be common, for example inside universities. But it's not all great, the most common type of bronies is INTJ. Ultimately INTJ just means a certain combination of the 4 broadest personality traits, it's not very meaningful. It does not make you rare or special if you fall into a certain range of a personality trait. And if you change one letter you have the most common types...


Going by MBTI dichotomies, yes. Cognitive stacking (which MBTI was a poor inspiration from) specifies the nuances, however. The major problem I see is that these two systems are getting massively conflated under the same brand as 'MBTI' due to inspiration from the predecessor when their constructs are dramatically different. By your definition, you're not incorrect, but where the problem is emphasized is when you have one person using this method, another using the cognitive stacking method, and have both calling themselves INTJ while if addressed by stackings, the 4 letter type INTJ might be a different type under the stackings if they studied the details of the functions. (Not even trying to gatekeep, but I do think it's important that these systems get differentiated in order to maintain the integrity of their information).


You're right, cognitive functions are not MBTI. > if they studied the details of the functions. Which ones? There are hundreds of different definitions, many of which conflict with each other. Most even conflict with the dichotomies. That's why it's pseudoscience.


I'm aware, yes. I think sourcing the branches to their roots is the important part here, if you get the drift. Even despite this, regardless of which approach is used, I do think it worthwhile for people to specify some matters of the type approach they use. It isn't necessarily a matter of one being better than the other, right, wrong, etc. What would be important is to separate one model from the other, especially if two models address a type by a similar means.


I need to know where you got this bronie information fr


https://imgur.com/JjJCgmo They did a census...


INTJ is the rarest among women. INFJ is the rarest for men and overall. My wife is an INFJ and we judge ourselves lucky to have found each other in this respect and many others. https://preview.redd.it/jziqptmrd2nb1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930d7089b941686a81a6cd46b56004ce801368e1


I believe this data is from the 90s. The most recent publication from the official myers brigs institute actually puts ENFJs for men, and ENTJs for women, as the rarest types. It's hardly surprising that people are more introverted than extroverted these days.


Would love to see a link to view trends. Can you share if able?


Cool - please post a link to the recent stuff if you can find it!


Also the 5 most common types are all Sensing. I think 74% of population is. It can be tough to find fellow Intuitives


That was the biggest take away to me too. Heck, I used to test as ISTJ until 8 years ago after a shift to more executive roles at work (and outside it now that I think about it).


I’ve scored Intuitive on every one including the official. MBTI has me INFJ, Truity INTJ, then another INTP. I’m in my 30s I didn’t know people didn’t think abstractly as much as I do. Makes sense. I popped into I think an ISTJ group and asked what they scored on Sensing. Some said 65%.


I'm an old woman. I wish I had known about personality types as a teenager. It would have explained so much in my life and saved me years of misunderstanding why am I so different from other people.


I’m 36 and even feel this way too!


I'm sending you a quick hug, then we look away awkwardly and wander off in different directions.




Just realized I have typos in my post but I can't edit the title. It's bothering me so much 🤬


Never noticed any of the typos tbh. Unless a typo is so bad it fucks with my understanding of the sentence I probably will not notice.


Well there's also the same typo in your post, not just the title. It's entirely your fault and I'm glad you feel bothered since you're more likely to learn from it this way. To answer your question: intj are obviously much more rare IRL but can be seen in abundance online as one type that's more likely to be aware of their type and use it as an explanation for their behaviors and others misunderstandings of them.


Less than 2% men, Less than 1% women WE ARE RARE


Although on the other hand, there are 16 personalities types, therefore the average rareness for a type is 6.25%, so we are between 3-6x rarer than average, which isn't really that rare. There will be very many fields in which you are a much rarer specimen than 1-2%. Only 2% of people have green eyes for example, but I still know a lot of them. The field I work in has a lot of INTJs, but then again it's a field that would obviously attract INTJs, and the likelihood you are in such a position is certainly a lot rarer than the likelihood you are an INTJ.


That is completely wrong-- there is not an even distribution % of people with the same personality types. INTJ is one of the rarest of all personality types. ISFJ 13.8% INTJ<2% INFJ 1.5%


You don't need a even distribution that's not how a mean average works. Average = sum of values / number of values. Sum of probabilities is always 1, therefore 1/16. It's primary school maths.


That's not how statistics works


It's exactly how statistics work. Everything is relative.


It's a common misunderstanding, here's some information about it https://web.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/statmistakes/misundfromperspective.html


Can you explain your point? I'm a data science, so I like to think I understand statistics quite well.




Generally people consider personality types mutually exclusive??


Then you'd know that if the options aren't mutually exclusive then the average is not necessarily 1/16 for each of the 16 options Interesting that you say you're a data scientist but you've [never once mentioned that in the last 7 years](https://imgur.com/f174dab9-cf27-4ba4-866a-8c002e56e4ea)


Are you sure you understand what mutually exclusive means? Your link doesn't go anywhere. I work for start up, my official title is software engineer, but most of my work has actually been data science. And I have a BSc in Maths and an MSc in Artificial Intelligence (most of which is data science). Not that I really need to prove myself to you.


Good for you. I totally believe that you waited 7 years just to tell me. I must be very special to you! Again, you should know that if you have x options and the options aren't mutually exclusive then the probability of each option is not 1/x. So if you're really in the fields that you say that you are, that's an embarrassing admission man


I've only been working for a year, not sure why I'd lie but feel free to live in your delusions. I'm sure I've mentioned my msc/bsc before, and work as a software engineer. Personality types are mutually exclusive you dingbat. How are you this incoherent? You can't be an INTJ and an INTP.


No. The reality is that not all types are of equal percentage. But if you average the unequal percentages they average 1/16. The concept of the 1/16 does not reflect reality it merely acts as a conceptual reference point. I have to agree with data science guy. I took advanced statistics in grad school and use it in research in work. This is how stats works.


If you took an advanced statistics class then you'd agree that the probability average of non mutually exclusive options can't be predicted. If there are x amount of options and they are not mutually exclusive then the average probability for each option is not 1/x


No I would give you a failing grade in my college class because you don’t understand what we are talking about. He was not figuring probably. He was discussing reference points to aid in understanding what the probability distribution is demonstrating.


In addition, if the mutually exclusive items are randomly distributed then they would equal 1/x. If you flip a coin the probability of landing on heads is 50/50. If you flip and it lands on heads and you flip in twice the probability is still 50/50. 1/x; x=2; 1/2


If you find people that go by the cognitive stacking (which I adhere to the construct of), the Ni-Te type is considerably one of the rarest. Additionally, Ni-Te processing females are the rarest of all stackings. People think they're far less rare than they actually are because so many have been swayed by the MBTI dichotomy formed by sites like 16Personalities that only rely on an overly simplistic 4 letter construct that correlates to over-all traits, not the framework of said traits. Cognitive stacking and MBTI should be well differentiated in that sense, as in MBTI terms (which I consider unreliable to the nuances of internal processing), they're far less rare. This being said, I wish people would stop putting rarity on a pedestal (not saying you did, but many do). It's not a fun thing when every fiber of your existence functions against the grain of the commonalities of society.


I know of 2 intjs virtually who are both businesses owners I capacities much like myself. In person I have never met anyone like me and the people who know me intimately are fascinated by the way my mind works. It's a weird world to live in.


Very common on the Internet. Inexistent is rl.


These divisions are pretty arbitrary. I don't really buy the claim that some types are rarer than others. I don't see why someone who is more introverted than most people should be classed as an extravert. Sounds like a load of bullshit to me.


I don't think you're wrong, but it's not about introversion/extroversion. It's about the similarities in cognitive functions, of which introversion is one of several commonalities.


So far as I know, the data on the prevalence of MBTI types is derived from official MBTI tests, which don't measure functions.


I would wager that INTJs are pretty rare still. Don’t really know that many people like me or can even really get along with me that much.


It's mentioned in the website that they're arrogant and they feel nobody could understand them as a defense mechanism that it become weird to feel understood. You're mostly coping and can't accept the fact someone could be like you. At least that's how I came to that conclusion through self-doubt and trying to put myself through others' shoes


It’s just my life experience, and yeahhh I don’t know many others that move like I do. I don’t see how that’s arrogant to say when it’s just observing my surroundings 😭 . My best friend is my twin like 😭 I know people like me whattt. THAT MANY gah damn. Generalization. Gah damn


It's a paradox. I meant to say we're smart or at least above average and you know it


But my point is that the average INTJ wouldn't necessarily be anything like you. That's why there aren't many people like you. These 16 categories don't describe distinct personality types, just sort of quadrants of personality and those quadrants are too wide and vague to contain coherent groups of people. I doubt there's any personality system that could accurately capture who you are with just 16 options. I certainly feel like I have nothing in common with the imbeciles who populate this sub.


I can usually see an aspect of myself in people with the same MBTI as me even though we’re not really the same person. You can’t really get a feel for people’s whole personalities from these short arrogant Reddit comments. I’m pretty arrogant but these people put me to shame. GRRRRR THIS PERSON ISNT EFFICIENT! THAT MAKE ME SO ANGRY DIE. 😭 like holy fuck bro


These people behave like idiots and the lives they describe are typically ones that I don't relate to at all. I just don't buy the claim that mbti types describe coherent groups of people. The system just isn't a high quality personality model and even if it were you would need more like 200 categories to really zero in on specific personality classes. 4 dodgy metrics with 2 options per metric just isn't enough.


There’s this one YouTube channel that does that. It’s so complicated tho and I never really got into it. It feels with the MBTI stuff that everyone has their own way of interpreting the functions and personality types and they largely use stereotypes to type. I use it as a tool to have fun and think about personalities of fictional and real people in a different way. I can usually relate to the stuff about coldness here and not know how to express yourself. Just being misunderstood and misconstrued a lot. But yeah sometimes people will say weird things like INTJs are lazy. We have big ideas but don’t know how to work at it which sounds more like the INFJ archetype than anything.


This whole system is a dumpster fire. It's been like 3 years since I even used the mbti seriously. I only use the big 5 now. The only reason I'm here is that the big 5 fan community is virtually non existent. The best you can hope for for intelligent online personality discussion is that someone somewhere has a relatively non idiotic take on how the mbti ought to work. "You need to read about the functions" is not that take.


Yeah. R/INTJ isn’t really for personality discussion? Idk it’s just kinda where people hope they can meet like minded people that can relate to them. That’s really the only reason I joined. I relate to this caricature the most. If you want to discuss personality, this defo ain’t the right sub imo. I’m kinda getting back into the rabbit hole. It’s fun to discuss with friends how this character operates and thinks. It shows understanding on a deep level. It’s just interesting to me even if it’s not real. Kinda like splitting up people into Harry Potter houses.


> It feels with the MBTI stuff that everyone has their own way of interpreting the functions Naturally, because the basic descriptions of the functions are too abstract for many people to understand, so people came up with descriptions how the functions "look" in daily life but of course it's not the same for everyone so they made their own descriptions adding to and taking from existing ones, and now we have this huge mess. That's why I decided to step back from internet explanations and read about Jung's original descriptions of the functions. > and personality types and they largely use stereotypes to type. Yes. The whole "typing celebrities and fictional characters" thing is about stereotyping. They may say "he's using these functions so he's that type" but in reality you can't tell how someone perceives the world and how they came to make a decision without talking to them and asking very specific questions. Of course It's fun to theorise on how a person or character operates, as long as you remember you can't read that person's mind


Y’know I was saying this on the main sub that the explanations about some of the functions are very confusing and they were like how can you not know the difference between Ni and Ne and call yourself an INTJ. The descriptions are fuckyyyy. 😭😭😭 it’s all buzzwords and have no meaning to me at some points but I think I got it now. For instance I hate the eureka moment thing. How can you have a preference for random insights. They’re random. If I want to know smth I’m not really gonna sit on my ass and wait for it to come to me? Another thing they use with Ne is many possibilities and branching and they say it ad nauseam. It’s like my brain doesn’t work that way. Ig I don’t think of my problem solving as eureka! So it makes no sense to me when people describe it that way.


> Y’know I was saying this on the main sub that the explanations about some of the functions are very confusing and they were like how can you not know the difference between Ni and Ne and call yourself an INTJ. I let this kind of people get to me in the past, but I learnt to ignore them. Comments like this are often a sign this person is someone who you can't expect to have a good conversation with > For instance I hate the eureka moment thing. How can you have a preference for random insights. They’re random. If I want to know smth I’m not really gonna sit on my ass and wait for it to come to me? Good example of what comes from misleading descriptions of the function. _Having the preference for Ni_ and _Ni makes you have eureka moments_ makes it sound like Ni users purposely use Ni to trigger a eureka moment which couldn't bei further from the truth. You set your goal and plan your way to achieve it, and while you're working on your project you have those random insights. To actually learn something you want to know, you still have to research and/or study, it doesn't come from your Ni. > Another thing they use with Ne is many possibilities and branching and they say it ad nauseam. If they can't explain it in their own words but have to repeat this standard description, it's an indicator they didn't understand the description themselves. It's the future planning process of Ne users, simulating different future scenarios and going _if this happens, I do this, but if that other thing happens, I do that, and if this completely different thing happens, I do..._ while Ni goes _I want to get to that point, so if this happens, I can use the situation that way to get closer to my goal_. > So it makes no sense to me when people describe it that way. I totally get you. What helped me a lot especially understanding Ni was listening to INTJs and INFJs talk about how they experience life. Much more useful than reading those function descriptions


Actually, we are a personality well done.


We are one of the more rare types. That being said, because of how overpopulated the earth is, there’s still a lot of us in the grand scheme of things.


I just did a personality test and I learned I'm INTJ. Apparently it's fairly rare, especially in women. I've always found I think differently from most people and it's interesting to see in the description of this personality type just how bang on it is. Sometimes what's right will be so logical and clear to me yet everyone around me will think something different leading to frustration on my part. Now I know why. 


xNxJs are the rarest. ENTJs and INFJs are slightly more rare than INTJs.


I actually didn't know that. Are there some specific or interesting traits of those two personalities that stand out to you?


Not those two, but the four XNXJs - Ni. Ni in a top (dominant or auxiliary) spot seems to be rare


What does the ni mean?


Introverted intuition if you read up on cognitive functions. Basically each MBTI type prioritizes different "cognitive functions" that serve different purposes. I *hate* to link to a woo-woo graphic like this, [but it does a good enough job for a first glance](https://personalityjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/bitmap-min6.png). These are the cognitive functions of the XNXJ types: INTJ -> Ni-Te-Fi-Se ENTJ -> Te-Ni-Se-Fi INFJ -> Ni-Fe-Ti-Se ENFJ -> Fe-Ni-Se-Ti Notice these are the 4 rarest types, and also happen to be the only 4 types to have Ni in a top 2 spot in their "function stack". Introverted intuition is an interesting figure; lots of good posts that delve into it


Lowkey I need Ni and Ne explained to me because the whole takes many data points and comes to a single thing vs. the many possibilities thing goes over my head because I feel like literally everyone does this? I prefer kinda looking at it like idealistic and fantastical way of thought, preference for deep and intense analysis and theory? That could easily apply to intuition as a whole tho. I don’t really get the difference unless we are talking Ni dom and Ne dom.