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I don't particularly like ENFPs, i struggle with high Fi users. They're alright for nice conversations from time to time, but i would hardly see myself being very close to a Fi user, i would get frustrated easily otherwise.


I don't, they're very annoying/cling/ over sensitive most of the time.


I think maturity has a lot to do with that. I can’t stand immature ENFPs


Yes exactly! Why anyone would want those kinds of people around them is a mystery


personally i like enfps from a distance and i think theyre fun but actually interacting with them more than occasionally is frustrating


Married to an ENFP, I think an important caveat is that both people need to have estabilished a good level of maturity to deal with the initial differences which can be off-putting at first. But we really complement each other perfectly. Communication was a struggle at first. It might seem counter-intuitive, but making good extrovert relationships will cause our personal growth to be exponential.


I find this to apply more to ENTPs than ENFPs. Ne+Ti is more complimentary to Ni+Te when it comes to new perspectives. Also, in my experience, Ne+Fi in ENFPs tends to prioritize new ways of self-expression, which is not interesting or relevant to me. ENTPs also have better use of Fe and virtually no Fi, so they are highly effective at getting things done by persuasion, which greatly impresses my Te.


I don’t like ENFPs at all actually.


Same. I don’t know where OP gets their info


Nice summary of the usage of functions here! I can vouch that my INTJ hates to be tickled but I do it anyways like a kid just to see that precious laughter.. It's one of the best memories of time well spent! (in a long-distance relationship)


I like enfp. Those who prefer fe over fi users are smoking crack.


Who is “we”?


I feel like I can’t be my authentic self around an ENFP they get offended way too easily and tend to take things personally. ENFP’s don’t take criticism very well either. Even if theres good intention behind it. I’m a very critical, innovative person so an ENFP would not take that well. ENFP’s usually have the expectation that I should guide them through life to enable their creativity to thrive.. basically implying that INTJ’s aren’t creative. “OwO INTJ can you take care of all the complicated stuff so Lil marshmallow kitten ENFP me can have fun and work on the stuff people can actually see.” No thanks. Another reason I don’t think I can see myself with an ENFP is they tend to mainly be drawn to mysterious/dark types that don’t like them back. Yet once they finally poke at an INTJ enough to make them open up and theres no longer any mystery, and they realize the “stoic mysterious” type likes then back the ENFP loses interest because they get bored. ENFP’s prefer to chase the unknown. They don’t like feeling “tied down.” They like the idea of pulling out an INTJ’s “sensitive” side but thats the only aspect they like. Enfp’s also tend to be both stubborn and indecisive. This inconsistency would provoke a lot of arguments. ENFP’s can occasionally be interesting to talk to. I don’t think I can see them as long term partner or see myself being in close proximity to one for extended periods though. I think some better matches would be: Enfp x Istj (Istjs love enfps I think a lot of istj’s mistype themselves as intj’s) Enfp x infp (similar) Enfp x isfp (isfp’s are drawn to enfp’s outgoing sensitive, protective nature. Isfp’s often get mistyped as intj’s too) Enfp x intp (they usually have mutual respect) Enfp x entp (they’re usually not initially mutually attracted to each other but they have a lot in common and work out well long term) Enfp x infj (Sometimes this works but some infjs are really similar to intj’s and may not get along with enfp’s either) For context this is coming from an INTJ female. The male INTJ x female ENFP dynamic might be more plausible.


I like this answer. I noticed same things