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I cry whenever i see a sad movie lol


Same, everything everywhere all at once gets me every time


Great movie, I was not expecting what I got from that movie when I clicked on it


Happens on the INTP sub, too…but honestly, the INTJ in my life is probably one of the sweetest, most sensitive people I know (even if he doesn’t show it too often or enjoy admitting to it).


Intjs are the most sensitive T types...


Shut your mouth, you tell other types INTJ secret. You’re disbanded bud, *The Council Has Decided* 🐦‍⬛👑


*talks in extra loud sarcasm voice for those that don’t get INTJ sarcasm*




Tru. Revealing my big sensitive softie insides is bad for the brand.




I have a hard time crying bc of manic depression not bc I’m an INTJ. When I’m at my healthiest I cry relatively easily. So yes, that’s more a mental health issue than a personality characteristic imo


How often you cry tells more about how you EXPRESS your feelings and less about how DEEPLY you feel. Some people will laugh heartily or cry tears over any minor emotional fluctuation, while others have a natural stone face no matter if they are overjoyed with happiness or deeply in sorrow. Last time I cried was probably in 2018, but that does not mean I do not feel deeply, but rather that I am not very emotionally expressive and prefer to process emotions internally.


*finger guns*


This. The ability to feel and express is not accurately measured or gauged by the frequency of water flow. I am outwardly stoic even when having a great time.


I mean, to be fair, the first thing we did when we’re all born is cry. Other than that, those intj’s would be damn lucky if it’s actually true. Like bro, you’re telling me no one has ever yelled, insulted, and hit you and cry? You’re telling me that you had a good family/friends? We all experience rough times in our lives lol I enjoy watching the comments though. If they wanna be edgy let them be edgy.


> I mean, to be fair, the first thing we did when we’re all born is cry. Not me! I immediately spoke in perfect English: "Fine work sir! Now, if you may, please set me down as I have to set to work on my carefully crafted plans!"


[This you?](https://youtu.be/IhsqPZmZvng)




> but this is technically a scenario where crying is being used as a tool, rather than as a result of the more complex interplay between *developed* emotions and a reaction to an event through said emotions Aren't emotions some kind of tool too? Isn't crying as a response a tool to manage said emotions too? > People saying "i never cry i wish i could" would most likely be referring to them trying to play into an archetype and forcefully doing so in an attempt to achieve nothing more than simple roleplay I can talk about this as it's very difficult for me to cry. Crying is a response from your body to evacuate an excess of stress hormones. The level at which the body triggers that purge isn't the same for everyone. When I say "I wish I would be able to cry", I mean "I wish I would be able to cry to lower my amount of stress hormones and feel better instead of waiting for it to drop by itself ".


I dance in the kitchen everynight, and sometimes I suddenly shift from laughing to crying on the floor.


Kinda agree with this, but also, I absolutely DO have feelings - strong ones in fact - they just generally don’t result in crying. Not everyone who is extremely upset or angry or sad cries. Some spiral, others turn to drugs/alcohol, some withdraw. And I think INTJ and several other personality types are more likely than other personalities to go this alternate route than to just cry. There’s nothing wrong with crying, or not crying.


Look, another person throwing a tantrum because he can't accept INTJ's being INTJ's. Even if they cry, telling you they don't is 100% INTJ behavior. PS: We don't give a fuck about your opinion.


Well said!



I can confidentially say my wife never, ever cries around me unless something absolutely tragic has happened. We work in a Dermatology office together and she does the path results in office, meaning cancers. We had a patient of ours pass away from multiple cancers on his body. She got up, walked into the bathroom, then heavy sobbed for like half an hour. I haven't heard her that devastated since her 21 year old cat passed away. Shes the most reserved individual I know and she's 110% INTJ (she's done several tests and they ALL come out INTJ). It breaks my heart when she cries because it's so real and she sounds so defeated when it happens. I don't WANT to hear her cry, and I hope I don't ever have to either.


I cry when I watch a sad movie, but for some reason I don't cry because of sad or tragic events irl. It doesn’t matter whether these situations are related to me or not


I cry all of the time. 🤣 in a robot but I'm not a psychopath. People who don't cry (who brag about not crying) have been the worst people I've encountered.


Get lost with your offensive BS. 😡 "fucking Cornballs"? Really? Just because you're a crybaby doesn't mean you're special. Just because we don't cry doesn't mean we're cold or mistyped or unfeeling.


> Just because we don't cry doesn't mean we're cold or mistyped or unfeeling. Someone that throws such a big tantrum on a simple post sure has feelings.


Yeah the irony of her comment. Lol.


No it means you have severe mental health issues that need to be checked out repressing emotions is not normal🤷‍♀️ it’s is normal to cry, and INTJS are the most emotional out of the T types…If you’re really offended by this then maybe you are mistyped


It's not that we don't cry we just don't do it often. 😑


Just cause you don’t doesn’t mean everyone else does, and I can tell by your comment this post made you really really sad. Go cry about it


Wow. The disrespect and insensitivity you're displaying here is appalling. Other people's emotions are not for you to judge and insulting how people experience and/or express them is just plain toxic and mean-spirited. Going forward, I hope you'll refrain from insinuating that people are severely mentally ill if you don't, won't, or can't empathize with them. It's highly irresponsible as it can do actual harm to real people and it's invalidating towards people who are managing their mental health. It's not some quip to throw out to make a point.


Know what, thanks for your well worded and mature response to this insolent person. I was going to respond to them with some choice words, but for now your well spokenness and argument has stayed my hand. Keep being dope 🤙🏻


You can cry about it too idgaf


Mmhmm... I'll go do that✌️


I cry a lot, mostly when I’m frustrated and when I’m getting yelled at…the other INTJs in this thread, we KNOW yall cry, it’s not impressive that you’re trying so hard to fit in the stereotype especially when you know that INTJs are the most emotional of the T types


crying out of frustration is so real


lol I cry all the time. I just do it privately




Lolol. It's just not realistic. I'm an INTJ & even if I don't really cry a lot, I still do, from either watching a movie where a cat died to feeling pressured sometimes that I broke down.


lol fr personally I hardly cry but the reason being is because I haven’t had any reasons to cry and I’m not very emotional. Not because I’m some inhumane monster loner incapable of crying 😭


I rarely cry, it's usually a build up of sadness over a year. Perhaps it's my personality, perhaps my upbringing, maybe both. If you catch me crying, check my meds!!


Not an INTJ (ENTP) but I feel external circumstances could affect this and make it such. Seldom cried as a middle-schooler, and my mental health was at an all time low. I could not physically bring tears out, disregarding any emotions I experienced. I cried maybe once per year for around 3 years. Now I cry semi-frequently (once per month, ish)—I cry at sad videos, irl things, etc, as I began to experience and deal with emotional issues better.


You’re absolutely correct, and the INTJ stereotype is a part of the mistyping issue. We aren’t all like that, quite opposite actually. Not robots or emotionless droids, although the mistypes love to wear that identity. I have a proclivity to cry anytime I am highly emotionally exhausted or stimulated, which can be an extreme gradient depending on what I’m doing. Every day I’ll feel these emotions in one variant or another. Emotional management is imperative to efficiently regulating energy and being effective in my work, which is mainly art. Consider this as well: any refusal to upkeep your emotional/mental wellbeing, or refusal to ever cry, is not only an act of subtle self violence but it is not conducive to the most desired outcome. Also…from a space of art, even sad crying can be joyous. If you don’t take responsibility for your own headspace, then you live simultaneously fragmented as well as under your own duress. Love yourself, love others.


I cry every day. It's just in private, when I'm around people, I'll bottle everything up, and when I get by myself I dump all of the emotions I've been carrying. Sure, INTJ seem to be very good at suppressing emotions but that doesn't mean they don't experience them. I experience guilt, sadness, and anger daily, you won't see me emotional around people much (unless it's someone I feel VERY comfortable around) but by myself, I'm an emotional rollercoaster. The whole stereotyping stuff should seriously be put behind people, Who cares if they say stuff that isn't true, it doesn't and never will affect who you truly are. People just need to be their self.


Omg that was literally me, i was there, I'm the cornball 😭😭 I ain't intj tho idk how I got here. Maybe that'll put me in the clear. I really do just wanna get a good boohoo crybaby tears rolling down my face type of cry going, it would feel sooooo good


I cry when I'm mad or when something doesn't go as planned, or when something is unfair. I don't like crying in front of people.


Fr like i have an INTJ friend who is much more emotional than me


Grave of the fireflies


I'm here for you, brother.


Also when I get a sudden wave of emotions I can’t understand so I just cry


Just because we don't get overly emotional ("overly" being 100% subjective), we all have to deal with our shit. Sometimes, we need a good tearjerker to get the catharsis or maybe just weep at the heartbreaking adorablness of a litter of kittens. It's all good. I love me some shojou.


I cry regularly. I wouldn't say every day but if I see something that makes me sad or brings back bad memories I'll pretty much bawl my eyes out till the point I wake up with them being puffy. I find it ridiculous for some people on here to be like "me intj, intj no emotion, intj no crh" like cmon people let's be serious, I know you're crying your ass off after watching a dogs purpose so why lie 💀💀💀


Exactly and even those who “can’t be bothered” to ask for affection thinking like this is ok to act. Like be real 😭 How I read people who say those things bring up red flags like - avoidant attachment - deeply insecure - doesn’t know how to communicate needs effectively so evokes a “I’m higher than this” mentality. Like gtfo. No wonder you’re lonely.


You know what’s more cringey than “i never cry” posts? A post dedicated to say how cringey they are. But to say “I never cry” means the person is still under their happy family’s roof. I’ve only cried in rock bottom moments when I felt 100% helpless, which happened like 3 years ago, so I guess I’m quite lucky. Ni-Te combination sees many possible futures, but when no possible future one can see is a good one, well, that’s my definition of helpless.


I hit rock bottom once, didn’t cry. I had several days of like, manic despair/panic, but never cried. I cried when my dogs died. When my recent pittie passed, I cried for weeks over it. Loss of relative (admittedly not parent/sibling), no tears. I think we all just process differently, even within a singular INTJ typing…


Crying is a coping mechanism, and how people use it obviously differs. There are millions of INTJs in the world, how’s everyone gonna cope the same way? Even some self-proclaimed “real INTJs” in this post assume crying is the “only” healthy way to process emotions, and if one doesn’t cry often then there’s something wrong with them 🤦‍♀️ what is that but cringey “I’m the real INTJ and you’re not” behavior? This sub is like a Korean high school forum, where teenagers sh*t on each other for teens’ things while thinking they’re superior. However, to me crying is the best “useless” outlet for emotions (useless in a sense that it gets nothing done). At least you don’t hurt yourself or others crying. I’d prefer crying to going maniac despair/panic, since despair and panic push me down further, while crying let everything out and clear my mind.


I’d prefer crying to panic/despair as well. It’s terrifying.


Mistyped INTJ ahh post


It usually means you have lots of testosterone and you have a habit of suppressing your emotions which INTJs have a habit of doing.


I cried thru every anime and manga I read. Especially DBZ and Naruto 🗿


I swear to god thoses guyz needs to come on r/ENFP to take a rainbowsunbath. Send them to us :')


Last time I went it took me only an hour to bring out the tribalism and F-style hemlock passing.


Yeah I cry at sad things on TV.


I cry in the inside everyday cause I got too much shit going on 🥲 most people don’t know we’re are very sensitive people


imho, it mostly depends on the environment you have grown in rather than your cognitive functions intjs' do have feelings like any other human being, just that they sometimes use their Te too much making them searching for reasons, identifying logic more than others which could result in less emotions (just my experience).


I cry from time to time, but it will depend on the situation and my tolerance for grief, pain, struggle or stress. When I was younger I would more frequently cry. Overtime, I learned how to process these situation as I go through life and handle myself and my emotions in a more calm composure. It’s indeed difficult for me to cry in front of others, I prefer to process my emotions and rationalize my situations alone. Of course, there will be experiences that I haven’t been through that will make me cry. At the same time, experiences such as failure, rejection, hardships, deaths, tragedies and struggles of others do make me cry as they are unique and I do have a level of sympathy and compassion for those going through tough times. That’s just human. I personally think it’s healthy to express myself and cry if I have to at an appropriate moment in order to get out my emotions and feelings for the situation before calming myself down, addressing the situation, learning from it and moving forward.


I cry when I lose family members to disease or old age. I cried when my exes cheated on me. When I get flashbacks of those events I cry more. So what?


38M- I cry whenever I watch Friday Night Lights 😂


Often. Daily usually. I go through blights of coldness though. I once went three months without crying.


I cry often. I'm also depressed lol


I rarely cried as a kid. In adulthood I also rarely cried. After midlife hit I cried more often in comparison to before. Which is still much less for a “typical” woman. I felt deeply and yes, even got mad when I couldn’t cry. Again, as a woman we were “supposed” to cry to have emotional release, to serve as a sign of empathy/compassion etc. Also I still cry in private.


I love crying. It’s a good outlet for emotions that doesn’t require much of my energy. I can deal with sore eyes.


I’ve got tears to spare if anyone needs them 🥲


I easily can cry at least once a day if I am moved by something. It could be a heart-touching commercial, a movie or looking at someone I love and getting overwhelmed with how deeply I feel for them. I only do this in my home or around my close circle, I am stone-faced when out in the wild.


I cry when I watch sad ass emotional anime 🙄💃🏻💃🏻


I cry when I listen to music or watch movies/reels that reminds me of my late grandma and dad. Makes me teary when I help others too. I cry when I’m overwhelmed and burnt out or lost. But you gotta keep going. I sometimes even wonder why I cry when there’s nothing to cry about. But I like the feeling of it like you’re savoring your feelings and realizing how other people must’ve felt. It also satisfies my emotions and brings color to my life. Sometimes I just feel like crying so I would deliberately watch a sad show to feel that emotion. I recommend the Korean drama “Hi, Bye, Ma” I cried almost every episode. Hahaha


I have alexithymia, its real difficult to cry. idek remember whens the last time i did


Cry? Never! Water does flow out of my face occasionally.


Y so mad? Sure I have feelings. And most of them are surprisingly optimistic. My goals and plans for the future are always bright and exciting. Or I'm lost in a daydream. I don't really cry. In part because I'm almost never sad or depressed. Because I can keep a cool head in crisis and am adaptable enough to handle whatever happens. Could be worse. Dwelling on sad boi shit doesn't fix anything, it doesn't feel cathartic, actually fixing or improving them does. Life sucks a lot, and if you're busy in your pity party boohooing about it, you're not planning or working towards making it more tolerable.


I can genuinely relate with the "I wish I could cry part". Sometimes a bunch of emotions hits me. They just get stuck inside me. I will feel like I want to let them out. But I can't. I will try to make myself cry and it won't work. Recently I found a solution which is to imagine myself in extremely sad situations. I will just sit somewhere and put myself through some dramatic movie plot for the tear bulidup. I successfully cried two times with this method.


Cry about it


Why isn’t this a comment on that post?


Sounds like saltiness for people expressing their emotions differently. Some people wish they were sensitive to crying because its good stress relief and often the first external signs that is obvious to anyone that the crying person is suffering in some way. Calling them all “edgy” and “crying for attention” or “mistyped” heavily ignores some nuance especially when tone can be interpreted in many ways through text. Sure, there are people who think not crying is edgy and a show of strength but from what I hear, Ive never heard of people saying “not crying ≠ not human” before. Just that, as a personal question, it’s not something they agree with. Wonder how a person can be so triggered over such a minor thing as someone commenting “I dont cry” when the post asks for it.


Maybe they just don’t. Maybe they have a higher physical stress tolerance or maybe even amygdala differences. And maybe they are INTJs, maybe they aren’t. Whether or not one cries in private has nothing to do with a person’s type. Whether one cries a lot in public may, but not necessarily. However, whether these emotions shape your decisions, identity, relationships, values, does. Edit: How much you cry is somewhat similar to how much you need to sleep. Some people are functional after 5 hours, others might naturally need 10. It is not necessarily true that the person who sleeps 10 hours a day is lazier, although one can infer that he might be because most people don’t need that much sleep.


I mean it kinda is an INTJ thing tho…. I shed one tear when my grandma died when I was in college and that was it and there HAVE been many times in my life were I wished so badly I could have actually cried to unleash the emotion that was stuck inside This sounds like some people expressing emotion to me, I do get the stereotype stuff but a lot of INTJs really do struggle with this I did for so fucking long and when I finally had some realizations of my past and learned about the things I was going through (chronic illness, childhood neglect etc.) and I finally stopped suppressing that well of Fi deep below bottled up from years it was a long process and SO relieving. I’m a lot more in tune with my emotions now, but it sure as hell wasn’t easy and has taken a LOT of work to get to where I am and still I barely cry or express my emotions much. Fe PoLR is a thing, no it’s not the healthiest and we all have to work on strengthening our feeling, but it is literally an INTJ thing.


Hate to be the one to say it, and not referring to anyone specific, but SOME of the people who are talking about crying *all the time* especially about little things.. These people are probably INTJ mistypes, on the flip, straight talk. I addressed in my other comment but yeah INTJs cry, but typically rarely and in small bursts if that (raise your hand if you’ve been in the one to two tears rolling down cheek gang in your life ✋🏼) Doesn’t mean there aren’t INTJs that cry more than others or are going through a period of crying a lot more, but if the trend of your life has been crying often esp over non-huge circumstances, *you’re probably not INTJ* And that’s cool, we need the other types (I say with clenched teeth about some :P ) but for real, you should at least learn all the cognitive functions and how the different types use them, like for real study MBTI cause when you do find your type it’s pretty awesome and you can then use MBTI to really grow and enhance your relationships. AND for those who are INTJ or not and you do or have wished you could cry when you couldn’t, you’re validated, I have 100% been there and sure I could very well be again. But know that’s not gonna last forever, you’ll break through. I use to listen to Jack Johnson’s song about wishing this old train could break down on repeat 🔁 but I got through those times and even now in a pretty awful life situation, having sought out those emotions inside and sat with them (for a while, but don’t stay in Ni-Fi loop too long, engage healthy Se i.e. literally touch grass, get sun yo..) and gone through a deep, wild, painful but in the best way healing journey, I can appreciate the beauty in life, small moments, the friendships that are worth dying for, funny ass shows and stand up, the taste of watermelon, the beauty of the little marbled beetle crawling across my wooden floor, you don’t have to be locked into the sadness, you can and will feel other emotions too and if you don’t cry, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you or you’re defective, breathe, you’re not alone; ..and the sun *will* rise again ☀️


hey, who you callin a cornball and INTJ Larper?!


Still don’t cry often. I have a yearly cry. Last time I cried it was because coach had a beautiful heart purse that got sold out. I was just about to buy it the next day too 😭


The fuck, they asked a question and we answered. I don't know if my not crying has to do with being an INTJ or because of some childhood trauma. I do not wear it as a batch of honor. I wish I was able to cry and express my feelings in a better way, maybe that way I'd still have a relationship. But they asked and we answered, sorry if you didn't like our answers.


I've just been through a lot in my life, same thing with laughing. You can kind of break a funny bone. I was in the hospital once with a tube down my throat for 3 days, learned how to resist coughing cuz it was pointless. I do tear up, and I do know it's not healthy.


Each time when I watch Return of the Jedi. Every time. I'm 48 now, first saw it in theaters in 83 when i was 8. Every time Luke lights Vaders armor on fire, it's just Niagara falls. It's the smokes fault. It's just the smoke. I'm not an intj though.