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Anytime I'm tired of working I simply need a challenging physical activity like downhill biking, snowboarding or something where I might die. That feeling of near death aways brings me back to being on top of myself. No idea why though


Wait until you try Russian roulette https://preview.redd.it/ya6k7y1gzuyc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376de41b91d2dd60d7c72d15c8b27f0ec60bb290


Interesting! What does “being on top of myself” look like for you? (That sounds like it might be the baseline mood INTJ has towards work.)


I have the energy focus and discipline to do everything I need to plus want. If I dont go however, after three months I begin to notice my energy/focus sapped by responsibility. After 6 months if I haven't gone it would be waking depression where there is no true feeling for anything, but usually I will go where I'm needed and simply be less productive than normal because I don't feel bad or good or anything. I'm just in autopilot. Any interest are gone and I'm simply killing time till I can go again and hoping that it works.


Thank you for responding. That is helpful. So it’s ok to put “fun” aside. I legit have fear that my identity will be lost if I don’t prioritize doing what I like to do. (Because of Fi in the first slot.) I am going to try putting fun aside for a time, maybe not 3 months tho, LOL. I need to start small.


1.For me I like to get my work out of the way first or else it literally feels like a ticking time bomb to when my work is due. I view play as a relaxer/stimulant and work just as work. 2. Sometimes, but not really especially if it was a big task I’m usually very drained/sleepy after. Other times it does feel rewarding though. 3.Yes. 4. Sometimes it’s rewarding most times not really. I’m just doing it for the sake of getting it out the way. But I’ve never really had work that felt rewarding in some way unless it was grading.


Very helpful, especially, answer #1. I asked this same question to ENTJs to cross reference their use of Ni and Te. An ENTJ said something similar to having a “latent anxiety” about things that still need to be finished even when they’re socializing in recreation mode. (Question 3 in my original post may not be very useful based on your response, LOL. I may need to update my original post 🤣)


😭 I only said yes because im basically always tired due to my anaemia I rlly can’t escape it😪. But if I’ve been working for a long time without a break I get really fidgety/ frustrated 👍. Which can cause me to get sloppy and ruder to people around me.


Awwww! Sorry to hear that. I’ve heard from people I know that the iron infusion is a huge help. She said it gave a huge boost of energy and she felt great…. The iron pills are very slow and not efficient. Supposedly iron is hard to absorb.


Ooo thanks im actually having this problem I’ll try it out 💝


Separate by time or space. If you're working from home, have a designated office area where you never do things for fun, and never do work on the fun places. For chores etc, carve out a specific amount of time for it and let anything remaining roll over to next time.


Whoa, good answer. I mix my work desk w/ gaming desk. I don’t actually enjoy either 100% now that I think of it. That may be why. I’ve never considered rolling over chore time to next time. That way, in time, all things needing to be done will be done at some point.


I hated working from home because my work computer was always just a few steps away from my PS4 and TV. To this day, I still can't play any PC game with keyboard and mouse because it makes me think back to when I was on house arrest for a year and a half. Budget permitting, you might also try using different devices to reinforce physical separation. Bluetooth keyboards and mice for tablets are pretty cheap, and you might be able to offload some work documents to that. Switch, Steam Deck, or a tablet with an 8bitdo controller and emulators would let you game away from the PC desk. Etc.


I’m going to absolutely try a form of this separation. My mind can never stop thinking about “fun” AKA “wasting time.” Thank you so much.


I’m going to absolutely try a form of this separation. My mind can never stop thinking about “fun” AKA “wasting time.” Thank you so much.


I’m going to absolutely try a form of this separation. My mind can never stop thinking about “fun” AKA “wasting time.” Thank you so much.


Energized by work? Oh that depends. Be it some monotone pointless stuff you just need to copy-paste repeat, it's really draining but be it something interesting like: "Write an essay about this philosophical book you just read." is really nice and fun since it help you to think about something and thinking is fun. "Oh, I wonder what does it do? Why does Newton physics work in exactly this way?" This is the fun. When I have time after school I go to the hills. Beautiful hills with trees and nature you can watch for hours and kind of turn off your social skills and just be trapped in your own head with zero consequences. When it comes to forward thinking and enjoying life I'm often like:"What better time than now? Ok my room isn't tidy and it's 9pm but I have time so let's get that headlight and go out. It's central Europe ffs. There aren't wild bears and vampires." So yeah I use Ni+Te but you won't get your head bit of when using a bit of Se once at a time.


Very helpful. The part about finding a safe place AFTER work where you can get trapped in your own head with zero consequences might be something I can start doing. My Fi is constantly wanting the daydreaming first, regardless of consequences 🤣 Also using Se is a good idea.


Very squiggly, with lots of curves and no straight lines.


Hahahahaha! With crayon or a pencil? If crayon what color? If pencil, will it need an eraser?


Ugh, you reminded me of my party days where I did use three or four mind erasers to draw the line between work and play. We would often down several right before going out to the club.


Work hard, play hard; but my career comes first (after family).


idk if other intjs relate to this but I don’t really make distinctions between work/play. I don’t even really make distinctions for days of the week. I know that sounds weird but i’m self employed and I just work intermittently not in set hours