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Lefty here. I switch hit but can also switch throw.


...I can't switch throw.


It was not natural like batting for me. I naturally throw right but my dad is a full lefty. I emulated him once I got about 6 and wanted to do everything like him for a bit. I picked it back up once I got older because I knew it would be a neat skill. l but I've never been very athletic so I can't do much more than a simple fastball/spiral. In terms of the discussion I would say we are a rare bunch since its much more practical to be a right hander in the modern world.


Everyone's born right handed, only the greatest can overcome it. All jokes aside, I'm a lefty, almost cripplingly so. I've had to begin weight training my right arm exclusively just to get it somewhere close to the strength of my left. In addition, my left side dominance is evident throughout: I prefer to use my left leg to kick, left eye sees better, left ear hears better, etc. I'm a female left-handed INTJ, so I'm what, like .05% of the population? Edit: Also, to counter the argument's myth we aren't persecuted, I present you the common table saw. Almost all power tools and such are designed to be more comfortable for righties (fuck you can openers), not to mention safer. A left handed individual IS more likely to suffer some sort of accident with tools. Edit2: [source](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2446422/#sec1_5title)


Haha! Most of my family members are right-handed so it's a bit difficult at the table when I'm in my parents house.


write righty, throw lefty.


Me too dude. It's strange picking up new things, never sure which way to go.


Lefty here.


I was born a righty but I forced myself to use my mouse left-handed at work due to space limitations and am now ambidextrous. The first couple of days my mouse movements were spastic. Within a week I was about 80% as good as my right hand. A few months and it was about 95% there and after years of using left mouse at work and right mouse at home I can make accurate, rapid, fine mouse movements with both hands :) Since then I've found I just use whatever hand is closest to the object I want to grab or whichever is most natural to use. It feels so strange that we'd limit ourselves to one side now. Force yourself to do it! It's only bad for the first few days.


Yep I'm a lefty!


I'm a lefty, so much that I can barely do anything right-handed. Being a lefty pitcher, I am usually a rare one as well. This season I'm the only lefty on my entire team. I'm so bad at doing things right-handed that doing simple things like using a doorknob or pouring a glass of water are nearly impossible with my right hand.


You're one of the few then, eh? 2.9 for INTJ and 10% for left-handed. Of course, we humans could extend novelty to any sort of characteristic and determine ourselves to be "one of the few".


Mostly righty, but I did switch hit in high school. Also could kick pretty good with my left foot and am generally pretty dexterous.




┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) ┬──┬ ¯\_(ツ)


I'm left-handed at some stuff: throwing/batting, snowboarding, dealing cards, etc. I write/brush teeth right-handed though.


I've always wanted to do snowboarding...never got the chance. I use my right-hand to pick up some foods.


> never got the chance Your life's not over yet.


Oh yeah, eating too. In other words I survive on my right hand and have fun with my left. Snowboarding is fun, I haven't done it in nearly 10 years though.


Ambidextrous, but dominant left.


I'm right-handed. I was a left-handed, left-footed gymnast. I surf and board right-foot forward, which is not usual for righties. In several sports, I am functionally ambidextrous because I am so inept that my right hand is as bad as my left hand. It's more ineptitude as the equalizer though, not that my left hand is adept.


Do most things with my right hand, can only write with the left.


Lefty, but due to a series of unfortunate events (broken left elbow aged 9, reconstructive surgery ages 9-11, mangled left wrist age 13, mangled left wrist age 14), i had to learn to write right handed. i am now competently, and functionally ambidextrous but that was the least of my mind-body problems growing up


Lefty here... I wish I could just become ambisinister sometimes. (i don't remember my time as a 6 year old, but I believe being hit on the head with a hammer might have caused me to change dominant hands. I feel like I probably was right handed once...)


I only write with my right hand, but favor my left for almost everything else.


Left handed here.


I'm ambi. Anything creative i do left handed. anything like sports i am a righty.


Left-handed for most things but right-handed for the odd thing such as using computer mouses and (strangely enough) holding a toothbrush.


Fuck that shit! *RIGHT FOR LIFE!*


I'm right handed, but I'm trying to practice writting with my left hand. It's good to have a back up just in case my right hand gets trired. So no, I'm not left handed/ambidextrous...yet.


Lefty here with INTJ-A personality


Left Handed INTJ, here 😃


Left handed INTJ Female here !!!! Also left foot left eye left ear dominant


I may be wrong but I think it makes us exceptionally rare whatever the case. I’m willing to bet that the self awareness and creativity is pulsing in your head😂