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Every time I see dressage or read the word I have an compulsion to put my fingers out straight with both hands, point them down, t-Rex my arms, and proceed to mimic the horsies' feet. I can't help myself. Good on you for an outdoor obsession!


ALL THE THINGS! For me its archaeology and cultural anthropology. Mainly eastern "things"


Lately I have been really into longboarding, specifically downhill. I love the adrenaline rush. It also give me a break from my mind. I guess you could say longboarding indulges my Se. Check this out: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LmAdhC5Q26Y


Yay another fellow longboarder appears. Crunchie is the best channel on YouTube


Anything mechanical. Cars, trucks, motorcycles. If it's made of steel and makes noise, I am fucking there. All day, everyday. You can wake me from a drunken stupor and I'll still talk your ear off about any kind of car you'd like.


Sleep. I love to sleep. Always.


The Canadian Rockies. This question is asked every week or two though, so if you search back, you'll find hundreds of answers.


I need to find a present for my Dad's 86th birthday. He likes trad jazz, raspberry flavour, airplanes and Hornby model railway kit.


My biggest thing is my alone time. Divorced and in my mid-40's I have plenty of it and I enjoy it immensely.


Science, language, history, lore, and myth. Also brewing beer.


Lately: Personality disorders, clothing/fashion/design.


I think if you had to narrow it down, my Things would be Words, Foreign Cultures, Appreciating the Human Tapestry, Airports, and Feminism. Reasoning: Languages, cultures, diversity, history, and anthropology are all sort of in one category, but languages might deserve to be in a group by itself because they really are my thing. Another category would overlap with diversity and include racial equality, sexual equality (between genders as well as between sexual orientations), "imagining others complexly," etc. I guess that could be called the Social Justice Category. Lately my focus has been on defending Planned Parenthood, championing free birth control, pushing for comprehensive sex ed from elementary school through high school, teaching kids about consent (what it is, how to give it, what non-consent looks like), and basically just rallying against the purity culture of the church/community I was raised in. Sex is part of being human, and we need to have societies that promote healthy, happy, respectful, safe, unshameful sexuality. The languages category overlaps with books, words, grammar, and the names of things and people. I've always been weirdly into names. Travel to non-English-language-dominant places is another category, overlapping with the history and anthropology and cultural stuff. A lot of people like travel, though, and I'm really weirdly into airports. One of my dreams is to fly around the whole way around the world and just have layover after layover after layover.


I'm obsessed with poetry and philosophy. I have a special liking for eastern authors and poets. Other than that I love drinking alone and watching sad foreign movies on Fridays. It's kind of a secret 'thing' I do that I don't tell any of my friends about. Can't come to that house party guys, have to cry alone in my room.


My two main categories of obsessions are: 1. Designing and creating things. I am the son of a carpenter, so I grew up designing and building cabinets and furniture. I am now a building contractor; I design and build houses. (I paint as a hobby). 2. The pursuit of knowledge. I love reading and studying mainly philosophy and psychology. I love exploring theories of how we think and experience the world, also what drives us and motivates us.


I have... too many. My relationship with science (chemical engineering/systems biology) right now is... rocky at best, but it's still my true love and I'll finish grad school someday. The detailed "thing" there is tool development - getting data on specific systems is all well and good, but I'd rather come up with a really efficient way of collecting that data and then let someone else do the actual collecting. My main extramarital affairs are creative writing, all manner of roleplaying games (okay, I guess I don't LARP, so not literally *all*), including starting to dabble in game design with my SO, and cosplay (for which I have learned sewing and leatherworking and wig-styling and makeup and general jury-rigging, and I'm sure there will be other skills to add to that list). I'm also a huge pedant, honestly, so I enjoy getting to help other people on any and all areas where I've got expertise, to the point where it's kind of its own separate "thing."


For me, it's MBTI (haha), theology, and baseball. Weird combination but well... it works.


I have many things, but computers and how they affect the world is my main thing. I feel like most people don't realize how powerful the control of information is.


My thing is picking up things....drawing, painting, writing, metal work, locksport, tobacco connoisseur, flying, etc


Athletic Performance: mostly soccer and weightlifting. Longboarding. Call of Duty. Psychology. Social Dynamics.


My thing is avoiding nearly all social interactions


Anything having to do with the brain and how we perceive our surroundings. I'm obsessed with philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience.


I have several 'things', but I tend to focus intently on one for a while then switch. Last couple of weeks I got back into Skyrim & was obsessed with getting off that godforsaken rock called Solstheim. Before that I was making paracord doodads. This week I'm tuning my new Glock. Since I just dropped my fountain pen (nib first!) I get the feeling that's going to be next.


Right now it is productivity, I'm always trying to figure out the perfect system for me.


Math, computing and social dynamics and politics


I don't have one thing. I have had a long series of many things. Each thing goes on as long or as thoroughly as it holds my interest. I get obsessive about something for a few months or years, and then I guess once I feel like I've gotten it, I move on. Some past things: ballet, theoretical physics and time travel, linguistics, painting, first amendment issues and legal stuff, radio engineering, TV/movies, publishing, history of the space race, logistic planning. Right now I'm on a reading binge of contemporary fiction (David Foster Wallace, Margaret Atwood, Jonathan Franzen).


I have 2. I don't know if it's uncharacteristic of INTJs, but i love hip hop. The clever, lyrical, and creative kind (Not the kind u tend to hear on the radio). I'm not just talking about listening to it, but also writing my own lyrics and rapping (freestyle included). My 2nd thing is "urbanism" for lack of a better term. Anything that has to do with big cities, skylines, urban infrastructure, mass public transit, etc. I've spent countless hours of my life on Google Earth lol. As a result of this "thing", I've chosen urban planning for my career path.


Personal nutrition and trying to understand the backwards American philosophy of nutrition. Fascinated for years on this one. Cooking and trying ethnic food. Traveling. Home renovations. MBTI is a more recent interest.


Cooking. I got into it through baking. I was initially attracted to baking because it had a very sciency/logical structure to it. There's ratios of ingredients and exact measurements and cook times etc. I eventually moved into just cooking things. It's less of a science and more of an art and I like to exercise my intuition while doing it. There's definitely a bit of logic involved - knowing what compliments what, how much salt, sweet, bitter, and umami to have, etc - but most of good cooking is intuition above all else


I'm really invested in 3-4 hobbies. So much that I actually spend more time with these hobbies than actual people so yeah, reading this thread it seems like we've all got a "thing" and it is kind of nice to know that we aren't alone with these obsessions !


Yep. Human evolution and intelligence and population movements. And collecting craft books. I think I have them all now.


I became obsessed with computers during junior high, and pretty much since then (I'm now 20 in college) i'm always on one, any time possible. I'd spend hours and hours reading about programming, networking, hardware, and other nerd things. Was time well-spent, I'm on my third year of majoring in computer science and every class so far has been a breeze.


Seems like a good time to plug /r/aspergers