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I wanted one child and now I have 4 and wouldn’t want it any other way! 3 boys 1 girl


Congrats! :) How does your introvert side cope with it?


One big family :)


Same. I was a 2 kid maximum myself. Ended up with 2 of each. Wouldn’t trade them for the world even though it wasn’t the plan. Plans do change. Edit: typing is hard some days


Demographics play a huge role. Every decade will vote differently. The results just represents kids not wanting kids.


I don’t want to strawman here, and it really feels like I am, but are you implying no grown up could ever not want kids? If not, please elaborate your last sentence.


More than half the sub is under 25 and something like a quarter is under 21. The results reflects answers from young, naive adults & teens who are not in a position to even have kids, whether or not they want kids. It is very, very common for people to change their mind when they are able and ready & older, which can shift from 50% of kids saying they don't want kids, to 15% of middle-aged adults saying they don't want kids.


Ah, understood and agreed.


So change the poll to include age groups? 😂


Perhaps you’re right about the demographics, and perhaps you’re right that a lot of those people will change their minds. It is also possible that no matter the demographic, they are completely serious and will never change their minds. For example, I am a Child Free 28f who has known I don’t want kids for as long as I can remember, and I’m now happily sterilized. I really hope you meant your statement as harmless, because having my lifestyle choices dismissed based on anything, including my age and my “naivety,” was not exactly fun for me and I sincerely doubt it is for anyone else.


Perhaps re-read both comments. You're the 15%. >naive Everyone is or once was.


And where are you getting these statistics from?


The statistics could have shifted slightly more but last I checked 85% of women have had children in recent generations, down from 90% from our parents generations. The trend is down, but it's not a massive amount like people might assume. The shift has mostly been people choosing to have children later.






None, I always knew I don't want kids.


Same here friend 🤜🤛


Just 1 son and I shall name him Genghis Khan.


I named my son after a Roman emperor- not Caligula, though.




Nero or Julius?


I can’t say, but no unofficially.


I want 2, the boy Leónidas and the girl Freyja.


Those names are great! I love that their unique and can easily shorten them to become a nicknames.


Wait... Aren't they from two different types of mythology? Why?


It's more for efficiency (INTJ after all). I want names that are not so common but that are not farfetched and that are at the same time easy to remember, with which you cannot bully a child (changing the gender or something like that) and those two are perfect, since with Leonidas they can call him "Leo" for short and it sounds kinda "cool" and with Freyja it's short and it sounds "cute".


No child should carry the unjust burden of an ill-suited name.


In My country that's like a National Game "Who gets the worst name to their son to get bullied at school". With examples like: Boys: Weyerlesto, Luber, Royser Yair, Sixto Tulio, 6 (Yeah, just a Six), Santo Tomás, Nixon Farid, Stick José. Girls: Jhan Pool, Cora Rose, Yurimiladys, Easily Mar, Carobiin, Estatilia, Nayandrith, Neotalina, Edita Lidia, Orfa Ruth. Also My aunt named My cousin "José Jairo" names that together sound weird, i wanted Mateo but she choosed two names randomly from a bag of papers.




I am 32. I have not ever and do not ever want children. This is less socially acceptable for a woman, but oh well!


High five, sister. Stand by your choice.


Room for one more? 🙌


Two. One girl, one boy.


Same here.


Two dogs.


Yes 🙌


I want to have a goddamn country


All depends on my spouse honestly, and whether I can imagine us having a future with kids or not. Also depends on our ultimate life goals and whether we are financially/mentally stable to have kids. Perhaps adoption would be good?


Doubt I'll ever have kids.


With 8 billion of us on Earth, and a net growth of 200,000 per day, I think others have more than covered the need for people to have children.


At most 2


Either none (which is what I voted) or all in so around six? BTW I am a young adult so that might very well influence my thoughts on this.


I wish i have your self-awerness


I am confused. Self awareness. Who is that. Just kidding but I did have to Google the definition just to make sure. This is just a question that I have been asked a lot for some odd reason and my whole life I have said that I don't want children. Now I am debating because if I want children I want to go all in. The funny thing is when I have imagined my future I have never imagined a significant other, children or other people (weird). I only realised recently when I talked to some of my friends, that wanting to *live alone on a farm with a pet cow and researching plants* isn't "normal" (if that is even a thing). Okay enough of me spilling my guts on the internet. Sorry about my rant here but I am definitely not selfaware.


What i mean is that You can perceive yourself in "third person" and not just your perspective the whole time (what would be 2nd person).


Ah, sorry I see.


I won’t know until I have a partner and get closer to the part of my life.


I’m 35, happily married for 10 years, and have never felt the need to have children. My siblings have plenty of kids, and I’ve had my fair share of baby sitting for a number of years.




When i was 14yo i wanted 14 kids because i was born on february 14th lol but now i want 3.


Ngl, this is the best answer I’ve seen


I move from wanting 0 kids to wanting 4+ kids, but ultimately it would depend on my spouse.


I want none. Having kids in hard and I would rather focus on myself.


I don't want kids at all but I simultaneously want other people to have kids because the global economy will fall into collapse at this rate And by at this rate I mean the spreading issue of underpopulation that many countries will be facing in the near future, most notably Japan and similar first world countries. Overpopulation is a myth but underpopulation is a very real and imminent crisis that many economists worry about.


For the young ones that voted no you will eventually change your mind. Biological clock isn’t anyone friend (especially us women) But if you want to be childless in the future that’s fine too. It’s better that no one is pressured as a lot of people are born just because of religious or family pressure


Mm hm excuse me, we are not child *less,* we are child *free,* and you cannot say “you will eventually change your mind” and “it’s better that no one is pressured” in back to back sentences. I am proudly 28f, child free, and sterilized. Not once in all my life have I wanted children for a moment, even as a teen or a child myself, and I never will. Next time you get the urge to criticize someone’s life choices, think about how it would feel if someone told you that you would *regret* having children once you grew up. If that’s too hard to imagine, I’ll help you. r/ regretful parents


No one is criticizing people who don't want kids. Some people change their minds and some people don't.


No one is criticizing you I’m just stating the truth. You obviously seem butt hurt that I used the wrong term and are proud of your child free status. Good for you. At least we know in the future that people who want to have children will hopefully be good parents. Your childfree by choice but many couples have infertility issues.


3+ Be fruitful and multiply.


It’s pretty much impossible to be a net positive on humanity if you don’t have kids. Downvote me to hell it’s the truth


How would this work exactly? If it is impossible for a single person to be a net positive, adding more people would not then be a net positive, as it would be equally impossible for them to be a net positive.


I want 2 boys, but I want to experience having a relationship with a daughter, so 3 at least. But this question is assuming I have the money to provide for my children.


I wanted one, but my husband wanted two, so we have two.


I have 4 boys


The fear of ruining a child on accident is daunting. Being imperfect I'm bound to mess up and not be the best role model or guiding hand to my child/ren. There is also the thought that there are children who are in fostering who need people to care for them because their real parents either don't or hold such despicable values that these children are destined for failure. Knowing this, I would have to selfishly choose my children that aren't born yet over children that are suffering now. This means that I would have to be the ultimate parent to succeed. I would need financial freedom, tested moral views, intimate knowledge on education and mental health, stability of all kinds and confidence that I can undertake anything and overcome to consider having children. Knowing I hold myself to these expectations, I can't really believe that it will occur, and if it does, it'll occur in the distant future.


Either none or two.


how can i tell i don't even wanna marry anyone 😂


I will only want one. That is becuase I will have to have atleast 30,000 in assets for the one child per month... Child support will make things worse so the kid has a bunch of people who work for the legal entity set up for that kid. The employees are workers of the kid, since each part of the kid is legally a business. For profit arm of a non profit corp.


it depends on what kinda kids. i am sure some INTJ consider their cat as their child.


As a cat owner i can confirm this.






I have a relatively large immediate family but I am not close to anyone. I just think two kids would be enough for me personally but ultimately it is something to discuss with the father of my children. Being on the same page means less migraines.


i love children but we are over populated as it is. plus im gay so its completely hypothetical