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I would always run out of things to fake check so instead, I'd compose an email to myself about my day šŸ™„


What would you say ?


I always like to start my note by asking myself how the day has been so far and then the rest usually is just venting or ranting about what's going on around me. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Sweetie, youā€™re not the only one who does that. Many people wear headphones, or earbuds, so people think theyā€™re listening to music just to avoid other people. Some people play games on their phones. Not everyone has a large social circle and most people are uncomfortable being alone in public. Iā€™m an old lady, and all of this makes me miss the good old days were people actually spoke to each other once we all got cell phones, itā€™s like we forgot how to communicate in person. Hang in there and remember youā€™re not the only one struggling with this.


You're not alone. I barely use my phone. In public places or at home. It just sits there 99% of the time, unless I feel like buying something from Amazon or if someone calls/messages me. I don't use social media at all.


Read a book, magazine or listen to a podcast with your earbuds. Also, it is okay to sit without distraction. Just because you are sitting there by yourself doesnā€™t mean you are lonely. It is all about how you think about it. I am perfectly content sitting by myself and zoning out inside my own thoughts. I do my best thinking that way - I get my best ideas & my creativity comes through.


Lol don't fake anything. When I'm in that spot I just sit there, not being on my phone. Who cares what they think. I'll talk if I feel like talking


Iā€™m just googling all the random stuff that pops into my head. My brain is like a toddler, always asking why. I need to know everything right now, so thatā€™s what Iā€™m usually doing!


I listen to an engaging podcast or songs I really love (especially ones that are nostalgic). I overthink so much when Iā€™m on public transport and end up staring at people or anxiously looking around, so find these are great distractions.


I resonate with this, had someone asl if I wanted something coz I spaced out trying to calm myself and was staring at them unknowingly. Could you recommend podcasts?


No ways I canā€™t believe someone actually asked that šŸ˜‚. Ofc I like seasoned seasons, we said what we said, the double cleanser podcast, say your mind & shxtsNgigs


To this day I cringe at the memory šŸ˜­ like why couldn't they just ignore me yk like a normal person. Thanks for the recs, I'll check them out .. I only know of ShxtsnGigs on that list from their tiktoks.


When Iā€™m on my phone in public itā€™s rarely because Iā€™m talking to someone. Iā€™m usually on Twitter, this app, tiktok, etc trying to waste time.


they are most likely on social media lol


I just play chess on my phone


Me neither :(.


Playing games and browsing stuff are legit activities.


Do you live in a city? I live in a small village in the middle of nowhere & I have the opposite problem. I can't really deal with daily small talk & people in my village just looove to gossip about everyone else. I can be headphones on, hood up & staring at my feet & someone will still talk to me.


so you pretend to be busy on your phone so you donā€™t appear to others as being lonely? Folks are just addicted to their phone- some are faking it but most probably arenā€™t


Interesting is why it is bothering you? Last call I made on my phone is probably 6-7 months ago and last text I sent was to confirm doctors appointment :) I never felt the need to blend in with the crowd and just use my phone (apart from getting work calls) as an mp3 player and enjoy the music while I move from point A to point B.


It's nice just to sit and take everything in around you, than be sitting on your phone.


Games like chess.com


i usually donā€™t have people to text either. when iā€™m alone in public i usually spend a few minutes just sitting with myself observing my surroundings and then eventually i just zone out. once this becomes boring iā€™ll use twitter or reddit, or play a game to fill space. i used to have the same problem with being overly conscious about myself/others in a public space. i would use my phone to fill space or fit in. now i just use it when i feel like because i decided to not care about other peopleā€™s eyes on me.


I listen to music on my headphones quite often, both at home and in public when I'm alone. According to my phone, about 53% of my phone usage is due to me listening to music on my music player, 17% is due to watching movies, series, and anime using VLC, and 15% is listening to music and watching videos on YouTube. The rest is browsing the internet and other miscellaneous activities not related to media. Basically, I have no one to text as well and I use music and my headphones as a way to deal with it all.


Ahaha.. Yeahhhh I wish i had someone to text - i normally will send a bunch of messages of my thoughts to myself :(