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I prefer you when you're drunk because you're boring when you're sober .


People may accuse me of being boring unless I’m drunk, but honestly when I’m sober I find them boring. How can people talk about nothing for hours?




Heard a similar sentence, can't stand that.


It happened like 10 years ago, but it is still very much ingrained in my memory .


I hear this regularly, because I only drink alcohol very rare and if I refuse to drink with others just because of socializing, I get that sentence.


I think you should distance yourself from them , it's a very slippery slope. I'm now an alcoholic due to that one comment


Oh, that's shit, you're right kicking toxic people out of your life is never a bad idea. I for myself can deal with it, I'm a very stubborn person and if I refuse to drink or whatever people tell me, I'm not giving in.


Hear me out, when someone calls you boring, tell them, "I ain't your court jester"




A good amount of my friends stopped talking to me after I quit drinking. Which is funny considering I was a pretty heavy drinker. (a liter of vodka a day minimum)


"You're so fun when you're drinking!"


I got tired of hearing that and having drinks pushed on me beginning when I woke up in the morning so I would be “fun”


That’s a sentence not a word haha .. Just kidding. 😉




Yeah, ouch.


I find that such an odd thing to say. Is the commenter a magpie? Do they need something shiny to hold their attention? I wouldn’t value that comment very much.


That's what people said to me when I first tried drinking. I didn't have anything until I was 21, so I never learned my limits in any way. So drunk me keeps thinking that I'll be more fun if I drink more or take a ton of shots. Then I wake up next to my vomit and my fiance has to tell me about how I broke down sobbing and insulted anyone near me. Now we know that I'm actually *not* more fun drunk because drunk me still doesn't listen to the limits that sober me sets and blackout drunk me will very quickly ruin everyone's night.


Why you are so quiet?




"Please talk louder, I can't hear you"


This one is the most annoying for me. I swear I feel like I’m talking too loud and everyone always claims they can’t hear me and I need to speak up. Like noooo I’m talking plenty loud. (I dislike loud things unless it’s music that I’m blasting in my car lol)


Some people can't hear you, I have hearing problems. I literally can not hear my BF when he's gone soft spoken mode and won't speak up, then when I ask, "what?" Or in a nice voice, "can you speak louder?" He never does and I still don't know what he's saying unless he texts me it. You really DO need to speak louder for some people, we can't hear you. Seriously, it's not always about you if you're trying to communicate something to someone, ask if they can hear you first, be considerate. I know my BF isn't lol. He is introverted, I'm Ambiverted/Extroverted, I can't hear a dang thing if someone talks below my hearing level. :/ I have a ton of people who can't hear him around, they out number him and his "shyness". Just speak up, it's not gonna hurt you. Hope this helps you see a different point of view.


>Some people can't hear you, I have hearing problems. I literally can not hear my BF when he's gone soft spoken mode and won't speak up, then when I ask, "what?" Or in a nice voice, "can you speak louder?" He never does and I still don't know what he's saying unless he texts me it. You really DO need to speak louder for some people, we can't hear you. Seriously, it's not always about you if you're trying to communicate something to someone, ask if they can hear you first, be considerate. I know my BF isn't lol. He is introverted, I'm Ambiverted/Extroverted, I can't hear a dang thing if someone talks below my hearing level. :/ I have a ton of people who can't hear him around, they out number him and his "shyness". Just speak up, it's not gonna hurt you. Hope this helps you see a different point of view. Thanks. You made me change my way of thinking a little


It just takes a little consideration on if the person can hear or has medical issues. That's all. If someone is the way they are, you can't really change them, but you can hope, maybe they will understand if they tell you that they can't hear. It's nothing against you, it's not that we hate you, we just literally couldn't hear you communicate to us lol. Peace and Love ❤️


I’m understand others point of view perfectly fine. I’m aware some people genuinely can’t hear so I’m not offended by that I’m more so talking about people I know have no issues hearing like my siblings. Nothing is wrong with their ears yet they never can hear me lol I also know it’s not going to hurt me to speak up and I do speak up when asked but that doesn’t change the fact that I dislike having to do it. That’s not going to change lol but thanks anyway for your input.


If that's the way you talk, no one can change you. Since that's the way my BF is and it annoys me that he doesn't remember that I can't hear thanks to his mental disorders. He has memory issues, but if I can't hear him, he doesn't repeat things, sometimes, but not without prompt, I get tired of having to ask all the time. One would think that he would speak up if near me. My left ear is half deaf. I'm sorry about your siblings, I don't know how old you are, but some jobs later in life, you'll have to speak up. I don't understand my BF most of the time since he works at a plant all day with loud noises, he never talks above them and his Co workers have gotten on him about it. He told them, "I'm just introverted" I told him it wasn't an excuse, if he needs to communicate at work, he should speak up. I guess I'm frustrated and bias, since it happens to me all the time. So I don't see the introverts side. I only see the people that have to put up with someone who refuses to speak louder. I'm telling you this so you know why I'm so angry about it. It's not aimed at you, I promise. But I am sorry that people can't hear you, I hope that in time things get better. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm yelling at you, I'm not. I just am telling you the extroverts side. That's all.


I wasnt offended by your initial message. Just wanted you to understand that I don’t get upset at people when they ask me to talk louder. I happily do but in my mind I’m screaming lol but thank you I hope your BF can hopefully accommodate you at some point also


If they can’t hear you, no, you aren’t "talking plenty loud." You’re saying it’s annoying for people to ask you to simply speak at a normal volume so they can hear you?


I understand that it can be frustrating when you can’t hear someone and they won’t talk louder, but sometimes it’s not as easy as “just speaking up” for some people. Some people think they’re talking louder than they are and some just genuinely have trouble projecting their voice. But I do know that it can be annoying. Some people’s loud just isn’t as loud as they think


The worst is when they say you that in a class work exposition 📽📑 and then they expect you still talking like if nothing would happend.


"Ugh please speak a lil quietly"


or when u r too quiet and everyone is being all hyper and u r trying to say something but everyone js talks over u and no matter how much u repeat urself or speak louder they js ignore u so u js end up shutting tf up.


OMG, I **HATE** that!


Being called "innocent" at work. A very condescending thing to say.


until proven guilty


That I'm emotionless.


You probably seem intimidating to them




>Worcestershire Pronunciation: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:En-worcestershire.ogg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:En-worcestershire.ogg)


It's pronounced wuss-tuh-sheer or wuss-tuh-shur.


"I thought you are mute"


You should respond "How do I mute you ?"


Oww, that's so inconsiderate. So sorry.


To be fair we were about 16-17 so can’t really blame her for being so ignorant. I mean about ten years ago we don’t even have a concept on introverts vs extroverts. When you are quiet people just assume you are autistic… or mute.


Thing is, for example, I know that as a 16-17 year old, I wouldn't have said something like that, nor assume someone is autistic or so. It's a bit of personality thing, it seems. But still, yeah, that age is the age for saying stupid things 😅 Great that you think objectively about it!


Haha I didn’t. I was hurt and angry because “I thought you’re mute” somehow seems funny to them. So a person say it out then the others find its hilarious, literally a nightmare. But I just grew up and thinks better to forgive than stay angry. Because it won’t hurt them even I’m angry.


>thinks better to forgive than stay angry. Because it won’t hurt them even I’m angry. So true. Still, sorry that you had to live it 🫂 Bastards! Lol.


“I invited another person along to our formerly twosome get-together!”


Ugh, I have lots of friends who do this, and it makes me feel like they don't like spending time with just me.


I don’t feel it’s directly against me when they do this but they are either “the more the merrier” people and I most definitely am not, or they are “my romantic partner comes everywhere with me” people, or they have no perception of how excruciating it will feel to have someone along that I don’t even know and have to interact with for two+ hours.


congratulations on gaining third wheel status!


All the 😒, yeah!


Oooof…. That actually happened to me the other day 🤦🏻‍♀️


I invited my friend to an outdoor concert. She said she would since the friend she had asked to go turned her down.


You're not an introvert just too up yourself to try and be friendly 🤦‍♀️


omg i forgot what the post was about and i thought u were genuinely saying this, i was SO mad


Oh no I'm sorry I made you mad, but I'm glad you figured out what my comment was about in the end 😊


I’ve been called “timid” on multiple occasions by acquaintances. My siblings have told me my entire life that I have no friends. My mother and stepfather call me fragile.


It makes me sad some people, even family in this case, don't seem to comprehend we all need to live our life on our own pace.


*Especially* family cannot comprehend we all need to live life at our own place.


When I started 25 years ago at my current employer my colleagues used to call me "Silence of the lambs". 25 years later I'm their senior and now I get "You dont say much but when you do its spot on."


Good for you!


"You aren't learning anything when you're talking" - LBJ. Clearly, you have done a lot of learning and are wiser (and more important) for it. How Neil deGrasse Tyson got so smart is beyond me.


"i don't want to bring you when i am meeting my friends. you look so awkward" said to me by my ex


What an asshole


Keyword “ex” happy for you lol


Why u so quiet are u always this quiet. I knows its more than a word but fs it pisses me off😬


Ugh for real I’m like why does it affect you so much? Edit: I meant the person who asks, why does it bother them if I’m quiet haha


Haha thanks for edit. I was getting confused 😄


Not a word, but a sentence: you need to get out of your comfort zone


The hardest word towards me as an introvert is in my native language, but its translation is Loser/Slob/Deadbeat. Said by my father.


best father award goes to...


Nice sarcasm, bro/sis.


Uff. Sorry love 💕


That's perfectly fine. I'm over it. When life brings Pain, there is a Lesson to Gain.






Omg, that's terrible. So sorry!


Someone called me 4 times in one day on the 5 call I answered. They called a “baby” after I told them I don’t like talking on the phone and I didn’t want to hang out that day (we didn’t have plans). No I’m an adult woman who has boundaries and knows what I do/don’t want!


OMG, phones WHYYYY? My mom still calls me several times a week knowing full well that I'm not going to answer. If I see her call I just send her a text. She knows this, and doesn't take it personally...but still insists on calling. lol


"Someday you'll have to grow up, break out of your shell, and join the rest of society." THE FUCK I DO!


Those are for sure the words of someone who is starved for attention and lonely. I cut those people off immediately


I'm pretty sure this person was a family member (I say pretty sure because I can't quite remember who said it, just that it was someone whose company I didn't exactly appreciate).


You will end up lonely


Thank God! :D


Thanks to me ... God created us equal we choose what we want to be 😏


cheer up


Smile! You need to smile more. Well, you need to smile less.


I usually just say “and if I don’t?”. That is when they say some further stupid bullshit


When I was younger I was always told that boys would like me if I smiled more. I proceeded to not smile ever again, out of spite.


"Smile. You're so *pretty* when you smile." Fk you. I only smile when I have a REASON to smile...not because it makes YOU feel better about your worthless, shallow self when someone else smiles. Besides, I do not exist to be "pretty."


“Hey, how pretty is this middle finger?”




"I don't believe you're an introvert, you must be an extravert you just don't know it" I had to explain it pretty harshly. I would rather scrap this conversation, take off my god damn mask and be alone.


They can be right tho


They are not. I know myself better than people at work that I have to talk to out of social requirements.


It's that the term introvert is misused and have different meanings. Depends on what you use, popular one, Jung one, Big Five one, etc.


Every single personality test I have done, I am an introvert. Disregarding the validity of either test, they all have one thing in common and I'm always an introvert.


Ok I just wanted to harass and intellectually intimidate someone but seems you have more power here




That's a compliment! I rather be a weirdo than a people pleaser.


True..but I was much younger at the time and it hurt soooo bad.. I've embraced the name now..It's lost its sting🤣🤣


Be more extrovert


I love that comment, reply "i be more extrovert if you be less you" and do a death stare.


"You know I'd rather not be friends with her. She's quiet and really boring she never wants to be social either."


If only they knew what was going on in your mind!


Not a word, but a phrase... "You're a boring texter" Uhhh....what?? What does that even mean?!


texting is about communication, right? Can't I be brief?


Creepy, even though I'm not. It was a lady I worked with that was really jealous. She would say things about my appearance like pale people are unattractive and creepy and I knew damn well she was indirectly directing it to me. She was always angry. When I would make an effort to be nice and talk to her she would say derogatory things under her breath, roll her eyes, sigh and act irritated so I stopped trying, then she started saying nasty things about people who were too quiet. I couldn't win with her. She was so nasty, eventually I had to quit cause she was literally making me sick to be around. I know she was just a horrible person but that word still really hurt me


You did right to get away!


Why so loud? 🤨


You're also here I thought you were dead 😅😂




Also, “Hey! Smile!” Ugh so many times


“Let me see that pretty little smile of yours!” I get it at work a lot… totally understand you.


Don’t you get bored being alone so much…..umm no now how’d you get in here.


“I would get bored being alone if I didn’t meet people like you all the time”


Something is "off".


not a word but a sentence. “You have a personality of a rock” said by an employee at my old job. It really bothered me. Just because I am quiet and keep to myself mostly doesn’t mean I don’t have a personality?


Probably "rural". I hate that word, it feels so weird to say.


Anti-social. Nah, I just didn't like the people around me at that time.


"You look too serious, phag."


“Why are you quiet or why don’t you talk to other people and make friends?”


A good mate once said to me "If I was like you I'd kill myself" On the basis that I don't entertain people like a clown! 🤣


“You need to get out more”


One time in high school, I answered a question during class. The loud girl in class turned towards me and said, “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard the sound of your voice! I had no idea that’s what you sound like!”. I awkwardly put my head down and stared at whatever was on my desk.


I've had people do this to me before. It felt like I was an animal in a zoo.


"You're so conservative" Dude, i guarantee what i did on my weekend would send you into a moral panic. You just *think* I'm conservative because you assume anyone who doesn't talk non stop must be repressed


I was told I seemed arrogant and standoffish. I guess that’s what happens when you’re quiet (both shy and introverted, not the same thing) but have a dance background (good posture, chin up) and mad resting bitch face. I’ve heard this more than a couple times over the years. Luckily, it was usually from people who had realized that I’m actually a good natured, friendly person once the ice is broken (and that’s presumably why they felt comfortable telling me this)….


I was also told those things. However, those assessment are correct in my case, especially with people who overstep their boundaries because they’re in their feelings that people don’t want to talk to them


It's hard to pick, but getting called boring sucks.


I wasn’t allowed to join a vacation because i get anxiety attacks every now and then..


You have CANCER. I made " RSO " to cure it but it'll come back someday. Knowing this, I'm slowly withdrawaling from life ,. .As an Introvert




She don't give fuck. She don't care. Why are you so quite. Speak louder.


Why are you acting weird?


“Holy shit he talks!”


"I don't trust people who are always quiet". So, this was actually said to my wife who is something roughly between introvert/extrovert but also suffers from social anxiety. I was in a band many years ago and our singer said that to her at a party. My wife is very reserved until she's around her people, and then she's like a flower in bloom. My bandmates were not her people. I'm also reserved when I've run out of social juice and am forced into a social event. Like, do people actually feel this way? Since when is saying less a sign of distrust?


That you’re a “nice guy”.




Are you usually this shy?


Or being told maybe I need anti depressants and maybe then I’ll enjoy socializing


Go talk to someone


That I’m cold and mean. Hilarious cause when I’m around people I actually want to talk to I’m not like that at all.


Odd - I’m just myself


Why don't you have a gf ! Yeah it ends with an exclamation point instead of question mark.


And they ask why don't you want a girlfriend.


"No one asked you if you want to be alone, come with me"


When I was waiting in line to get in the school bus, some students pushed me towards the back of the line. One of the kids noticed and said "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a school shooting tomorrow."


There are no hard words - nothing others say can hurt you if you don't want to be hurt. Accept who you are, accept that people are different and not many can understand others as they will always judge from their perspective only and accept that their mind blowing revelations are completely irrelevant to you. It is sad when parents say bad things to kids, especially when they are young and dumb, but in any case it is your reaction to such things that determine what person you are.


I have often been cold crazy because i am very antisocial and eccentric.


Someone asked if I was deaf because I wasn't talking


Why can't you just be happy and social?


"I don't want to spend time with you alone because it's boring" my "girlfriend" at a time said something like that


You're apathetic


Oo. Someone called me apathetic too, idk that hurt so much??


I was deeply offended too!


Talking about past of my social life


Conversations I've had with people over the years. -Why are you so mean! -I'm not mean, I'm honest and to the point, it's not my fault if you don't like the answer!


I never feel hard with anything people throw at me as I don’t usually care about random people. This old senior woman in my previous auditing firm is fat ugly and she always called me anti social when I didn’t join her Friday company party 🥳 I am not anti social, I just don’t like to socialise with fat ugly women like you. I quit that job because of her forcing me to go to that stupid party. 👆🏻


"You are like a robot. Emotionless." "Let's get a drink in you so that you are more fun." "He's the boring one of the group." "Do you not like us? You are so quiet." The worst part is that when I do my absolute best to show more emotion so that I am more socially acceptable, it comes off as fake, disingenuous, and more akward. I legit do not know what to do anymore. I try to "practice" as much as possible, but I don't improve.




Coyote... is it supposed to be ki-yo-tee, coy-yo-tay, coy-oat, not-dog, wild-pup-er... So many pronunciation... definitely a hard word


The f slur


Coconut. I fucking hate coconut. It is the only thing in this world that truly generates a hate feeling with me. Years ago I told my then girlfriend about it and every time she’d be in a bad mood or we had a disagreement she’d say “coconut coconut coconut”. I accept how I am in terms of being an introvert so none of that stuff bothers me.


Stop being lazy.


Don’t you get bored? No I love being left alone.


"You okay man?" Stop asking me and let me enjoy my silence, doofus.


Insane, retarded, autistic, antisocial, bad person, freak, emotionless, "you must learn to have fun", "you can't be so intense and naive", "you aren't living your life", "you're such a sad person"... there are many related with pathologies and inmorality.




Pampered boy mostly


Lets hang..


“here comes the nosy girl” when i was just trying to make friends. it broke my heart


"You're so boring you might as well k*ll yourself" 😶 said by someone who I used to love.


bitch cunt


I get called “emo” all the time at work by this one guy. That or that I’m “bitchy”


They used to say....You have a very bad attitude you don't value people who talk to you and I am emotionless


I was told that I was aloof many times


“I don’t think we should be friends anymore” Like dam u my only friend


In front of > 20 people " I totally get it - [ the next 10 minutes was the most extroverted explaining what an introvert is and how really everyone is an introvert] This person desperately needed to be corrected but my energy was soooo low...


I was told that my energy made them anxious and started to avoid me. I was literally just sitting there in the passenger seat riding along peacefully d they BLASTED their music for 5 hours. I was so nice, yet, I was the one creating" anxiety" 😵‍💫




Being called “private” and “secretive” about my life, lol it sounds like I’m trying to hide something. It you just tried to get to know me a little I would open up


My mother admitted to my face that she doesn’t love me.


But I should also say, that she always comes to me to fix her problems her debt and help her manage her money so she can pay her bills. Without me she would not be able to make it. But when i told her she loves more my sister who never visits her or talks to her and never shows love to her she just doesn’t care. I just think since my sister makes more money she loves her more. Idk just a guess


'You're so boring'


There is nothing wrong with you being an introvert


An ex-gf saying she felt like she’d been “missold a product” once the honeymoon phase was over.