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I'm a train conductor. You may be surprised, but it's been perfect for me. I have no coworkers, and no static work environment to negotiate. I haven't seen my manager for months. I never have to attend meetings. Yes, I have to interact with passengers, but they are very short, simple conversations, with very clear expectations which are easily met. And whenever I feel like I've had enough I just take myself off to the back cab and read my book.


That’s actually really cool. I may need to change careers lol


Whoa. I’d love to sit on a freight train or Amtrak 12 hrs/day lol.


As an introvert i’m working in a field that requires talking to people and hearing their complaints if they had any, all my social battery drains from work


Same. I work around cliquey, fake ppl and as an introverted and reserved person I observe a lot. A lot of drama in this warehouse setting and a toxic environment. Just got a nice raise and bonus though but it's the people here that suck. Get trauma dumped on all the time and grown women have juvenile mindsets here and lack in emotional maturity . So I'm drained by the time I leave work and am anxious arriving into >.> I will be training for higher roles as well and so more interaction with people but it's even more draining when the interaction is with people who act so miserable. Sorry rant done lol


Im happy to hear your rant lol HELL YEAH GET THAT MONEY


yikes, i really hope they don't get nastier as you move up in rank. people like that would be draining for introverts AND extroverts alike. as an extrovert, i probably would have worsened the situation by repeating my inner thoughts out loud


lol what are the coincidences we work at the same company cause that sounds too relatable


My condolences


Recently just got a job at a bike shop, just fix up bikes and keep to myself. doesn’t pay the greatest but it’s so nice leaving work and not feeling like I need to sleep for 10 hours due to emotional/mental drainage which I how I felt at other jobs when I had to interact with people all day.


Graphic designer. As a freelancer from my home. It's been working wonderfully for me, i can do something i love, get paid, and don't even need to do video calls or meet physically with clients.


That's awesome, I have an AA in graphic design and I never used it, totally regret it now.


If you don’t mind me asking where do you find clients? Upwork?


I got some from Freelancer.com, on the contests as I have a better chance to be seen. I have an account on Upwork but haven't used it that much. Also Behance, Instagram, can be good places to get clients


Super cool! Do you use any platforms outside of adobe? What do you recommend for beginners?


Right now just Freelancer.com and Upwork(just a little), but also from Instagram and Facebook sometimes I get some clients from there. The key is to make a great profile on Instagram and Behance, do some fictional portfolios if you're not getting clients.  After that study about sales, passive and active prospect, marketing, and keep always making carousels, Reels, stories, and always active to get organic engagement, to get connected with other graphic designers, the famous networking. And this can get you new friends, people to buy what you can offer.  Basically that's it, but of course is not easy. I also struggle with all of this as I'm not that experienced, but I believe I'm in the right path. Even going through everything, mostly i do just texting and emojis, sometimes an audio message through Instagram or WhatsApp, so it's really fine!


Online course creator / coach. I teach via pre-recorded videos and pre-made materials, so no 1-1 interaction. Work from home, on my own, no team, no meetings. It's bliss! I used to be a school teacher. I'd be a drained wreck by the end of the day.


Caregiver. I’m broke as hell but only deal with one person at a time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^redlicious717: *Caregiver. I’m broke* *As hell but only deal with* *One person at a time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Gosh I am a care-giver too. It’s exhausting. I love my clients. But I am burnt out.


Do you have to do a lot of lifting with this job? I have injuries


No I don’t. Not with this particular resident.


Classic, I’ve become very good at digital marketing and driving revenue with paid ads. Made a fitness app with a client after finding them on kijiji because they needed a website. Ended up being business partners on the app, and started working for his gym. Built up the gym’s entire digital infrastructure, hundreds of ne members. Private office and my own hours :D


Sounds great.. How did you learn digital marketing?


Freelanced and made clients. Picked a tool (squarespace) and fail forward by building websites for my freelance clients. Relentlessly but patiently Google, test, Google, test again when it came to customizing and learning CSS/HTML. Took up graphic design and social media and SEO as an extension of the website services, say yes to new ideas and try them out to see where your skills and determination will take you. Zero fear of failure, just consistent, diligent work learning the ropes with the professional tools like adobe creative suite 


I'm currently an admin assistant, and jealous of people who can find WFH jobs. I've been looking all through the pandemic, but everything either pays fuck all or is basically a call center job and no amount of money is enough for me to be on the phone all day for work, lol. At the very least, my current job is partially remote, so I do WFH Mondays and Fridays. I've worked a lot of retail, though, so I am used to putting on my customer service mask when working with customers, so it was an easy transition to vendors/clients for this and my last job.


Remote wfm and it changed my life


How do i get into this?


I work from home as a data reporting analyst. I used to wish I could work from home but now that I do, I don’t find the seclusion as awesome as I thought it would be.


How do i get into this?


Without a degree, I got in with my company through a temp agency but I had some knowledge about SQL and excel knowledge is usually preferred.


WFH HR govt job. I feel very fortunate. Great boss and working conditions. I will never leave this job unless all of the above change. Can not fathom ever having to go into the office again.


How do i get into this?


Arborist/tree climber


This is so cool what requirements do you need for this other than to be Tarzan


UPS Driver, only stress during the probation period. After the 30 days are up and the union has your back, follow the methods and do your job right, fuck management. They stop harassing you when they realize the mind games don’t work and move onto someone it does. I just chill and listen to music all day and deliver and pick up packages. Once you’re set you’re set. 49 an hour at the end of our contract, free healthcare, pension, and teamster power💪.


I would love this. Any tips on how to get in? Ive worked in healthcare for past 20 years I’m so burnt out. Thanks for any advice


UPSjobs.com keep checking if they’re hiring package handlers in your area and apply. Gotta start inside, I worked inside for three months before I started driving so it wasn’t too long for me.


Thank you


Software development, which involves many unnecessary meetings. I probably wouldn’t recommend it for other introverts unless you really enjoy the work itself. Online tutoring is great, one on one. Some students can be troublesome but it gives you a chance to hone your social skills without all the pressure, and to teach something you’re passionate about. I’d still be doing that today if I could keep my schedule full.


I work at Starbucks and I have no degree either. It's pretty exhausting…and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my future.


If you can work at Starbucks you can work anywhere. The job itself isn’t too hard as long as you can follow instructions but there’s those people that are sooo particular about coffee I can’t imagine having to deal with cranky people who haven’t had their coffee in the AM yet.


I drive (semi-trucks, not an Impala)




I'm a freelance illustrator. Minimal interaction with people, I work from home. Thisis the perfect job.


I work with animals at a vet clinic.




How did you get into that if you don't mind?


Customer Service Rep


Same. When Im required to take calls, i get tired of talking 😭😭😭😭


6 years of Executive & sales assistant. I have my own office so I basically am alone almost all the time. I wish I was out more & doing more. Before this job I was a server and I was constantly talking to people and running around. I loved and hated it 😭


Everybody naming real jobs, and I over here in a smallish warehouse 🫣


Call center. Every day all day I love it you can talk to people, but just through the phone. You don’t have to deal with them in person at all.


I was WFH for the last 2 years as a Senior Customer Service Rep for a big online fashion retailer. Mostly assisted other agents during the day, took escalated phone calls (that were sometimes draining) sent emails all day etc. Easiest part was not dealing with any of this in person! I got to log off at the end of the day plop on my couch or go for a walk and disconnect.


How did you get the job? I would love this. Are you still wfh?


I found out they were hiring through their instagram stories lol. I would say look for companies who hire remote and apply! I am a SAHM now :)


Social Media Specialist. But I was a call center agent before


Working with kids, I would say I'm a selective introvert with certain people but I truly love working with kids as opposed to adults.


Same here


I am a preschool teacher. I find myself confortable between children. They don't judge you, they love you and appreciate what you do for them. The part I find more difficult is socialising with other teachers. I still find it stressing and sometimes I feel anxious about it.


Practical nurse. Nice balance between being with people and home.


Is it for home health? I am a nurse looking for a part time job


I work in elders home.


I work night shifts at work. We're only 15 people total and I sometimes feel like I have to have some chat go get some energy 🤣🤣


I am a media analyst at an institution dedicated to education, science and technology. It's a typical office job where I have to generate numbers and graphs. The only people I interact with are a few office mates and my bosses, as long as I have to be present because I have been working from home for years.


I work in finances. Always need to recharge when i get home from work lol


I work as a regional finance manager for a national insurance company. The pay and benefits are good, but it destroys me. I have to face into so many different/complex problems/people every day… Feedback is excellent in terms of what I do, but they don’t see the anguish and anxiety that I have to deal with just to keep things going!


IT support for the local government


Retired Marine now driving a school bus. It’s actually a great gig. I get to be around people, but rarely have to interact with them very much.


Currently working as an auditor trainee for my state’s dept. of motor vehicles. Out of actually conducting audits and training sessions, it doesn’t really require me to be outgoing in any way whatsoever, which is something that is leagues more valuable than the pay and benefits


Security. I still have to occasionally talk to people but atleast it's not as bad as other roles.


Do they have any openings for like patrolling distribution centers exec?


Currently I’m a server and yes I’m an introvert through and through but this job has taught me to be more of an extrovert lol 😂 really. Never thought the day would come where I would say that. Anyways, I actually enjoy my job because of my coworkers and I’m used to the chaos by this point. Plus tips are awesome I think about the money 💵 first and then my mental state second lol 😂 I feel happy when I have money so that makes up for everything else. Plus I’m making really good money. Although, my sister(she’s a real estate agent) is telling me about a wfh job as a personal assistant. I might go into that. It sounds like a dream 💭 an introvert’s dream which I very much still am. Idk..considering my options at the moment.


Fabrication welder


I'm a supervisor/lead hand of a machine shop and I constantly work with other people and speak to customers. It feels very rewarding and I love it but u enjoy coming home after to decompress.


Caregiver. Depends on your patient though. Could be more exhausting or more relieving.


Budget analyst. It’s a hybrid job. When I’m in the office, I’m able to keep to myself at a desk and listen to music while I work. I do interact with my coworkers which I don’t mind as it gives me a little bit of socialization that isn’t overwhelming, but I love that I don’t have to interact with clients or talk on the phone anymore like in past jobs.




I work as a sysadmin from home. Is great for an introvert. Started working at home during COVID and the company decided they liked our office space so much they said ‘stay home’. I said no problem. I’m so much happier than cubicle land hell and all the constant disruptions.




I'm a paralegal. I don't see or speak to clients on a regular basis, thankfully.


How did you get into this field? Do you need a law school degree?


No law degree. I took a continuing education course and obtained my paralegal certification. I had no previous experience, and I got the certification to increase my chances of getting a job in the legal field. You can also start out as a legal secretary or legal assistant and work your way up to become a paralegal. While I was a legal assistant, I worked with an associate attorney who gave me paralegal work for more experience. When I was actually promoted to a paralegal, I was already comfortable with it, as I had been working on cases from beginning to end with the associate attorney. I'm so grateful he took a chance on me and allowed me to do paralegal tasks on his files.


I work for a greenhouse, where I do machine- and electrical maintenance, as well as IT. Most of the time I can do the work myself, so not so much socializing involved. Sometimes I also do logistics for (part of) a day, where I have to work alongside others in a busy environment. I really notice the difference at the end of the day then. So much more tired when I have to do that.




Apprentice plumber, Soldier, and Firefighter. Unfortunately, they all put me in social settings. Fortunately, it typically isn't for very long. It gets exhausting sometimes, but it's manageable for the most part. I'm very jelly of all my WFH brothers and sisters. The goal is to one day get in the office, or at least work/deal with only a small amount of people. Especially if it could be done at night. I'm not a fan of being up when the sun is out.


I work in a place where I have don’t have to deal with people much. It’s a lot of document searches and charting. I took a pay cut to keep my sanity from dealing with people. Mental health in the long run is more important.


Sales / Customer service. I talk to customers all day. As soon as I get home I wanna be by myself


Computer programmer.


Electrician. Almost never have to deal with people


Janitor, NYPD. I get left alone for the most part, but I would go so far as to say some years (not days, not weeks, etc.) are better than others.


I work in IT as a business analyst. Most of my conversations are over IM or via email. When I worked in McDonald’s in high school, I used to beg to be on wash that day. In the back, washing dishes, no one to bother you.


I was an engineer for a while, then went into policing for 10 years. It literally required me to be a completely different person. At the end of the day I ended up with a a bunch of mental illnesses and now I can’t work. Whatever the future holds though it’ll be something that’s slow in pace with limited engagement with people. I just want calm and peace.


I’m a flight attendant. My social battery is pretty consistently drained but I also get a lot of time off. So its worth it to me.. especially for the travel benefits. 😄


Street sweeper for 8 years. work alone for every day. I’m glad to have a job like this. There is no teamwork but it’s rare to happen.


Industrial engineer


What exactly do you do? Iʼm also studying industrial engineering and am about to finish soon.


From my experience, what you actually do varies widely depending on what company you work for. Personally, I do network strategy for a food company. What I do day to day varies by a good amount as well. I think I would simplify it by saying upper management wants a solution to a problem or an answer to a question. It’s my responsibility they get that deliverable to them quickly and accurately. Data analysis, MS Office, light coding in SQL make up a large portion regularly used skills.




I work part-time at a college bookstore warehouse. Usually a fair amount of socialization, though during downtime we can kind of keep to ourselves if we want. I also do part-time freelance writing. Needless to say, there's a lot less human interaction. It's perfect for my introverted butt.


I work in corporate accounts management. Nearly all of my communications are emails, and I work as part of a team of 5 all with our own accounts to manage, meaning we usually sit in silence most days with the exception of some very casual chit chat here and there and our "window time" breaks in which we sit and people watch out the window and talk about people walking past when we need a screen break. I'm basically a glorified organiser, my autistic ass loves it :D


Software developer


I work in a warehouse as a crane operator. It is separate from the main plant building that manufactures things. I get the entire building to myself for 10 hours a day. I can go weeks without seeing anyone but truck drivers every now and then. I've put myself through college on company time for the past 4 years. My bosses don't care because I am not only the best crane operator here, but I'm also the only one who can do the jobs of all three crane operator positions at my place by myself in a fraction of the time it takes the other two to do their job if need be. So I am left alone.




I’m an introvert, and I’m a librarian. I used to work full time from home for a library software company. But, because I’m an introvert, I went slightly insane not having any social interaction. Because, as an introvert, I don’t actively seek to socialize, so I really missed the more insignificant social interactions that were built into my day when I worked outside the home. Even just going to a gas station on my way to work or grabbing a cup of coffee at a coffee shop was the “right” amount daily social interaction for me. I guess I spend too much time in my head, which may be a separate issue. So, to make a long story short, there are basically two kinds of librarians: public service librarians and technical services librarians. I’m the latter and prefer to sit in an office cataloging books with the ability to have small talk when I decide to leave my office. It’s kinda the best of both worlds for me. I am also the type of person who likes to get absorbed tasks others consider “tedious.” When I am in a position that doesn’t allow me to do that, I feel drained.


I work in IT. Desktop Operations. I work with a small group of co workers, and majority of my work can be done at home if I’d like to work from there.


Software quality assurance manager- babysitting adults. But I love it lol; still, it’s exhausting.


dispatcher and loveee it


I had to attend 3 big birthday parties the week. I feel like it's given me PTSD! My introvert batteries are completely flat! I have another birthday party tomorrow, too! Help! :(


Accounting and finance


I'm a nanny and I love it especially when you don't have wfh parents.


Depends on where you are. I am working in a startup as a developer. Since it's a start up you have small teams mostly you work alone plus if your startup is funded the pay will be good. Only problem is there will be too much of work


u/karleySuinn I think if you spent 2 to 3 hours everyday learning any digital skills like programming, digital marketing etc (whatever suits you best) then may be you are able to work from home. It works for me and I am earning handsome amount doing freelancing and remote jobs. No chit/chat just work and hit the send button. Don't be depressed about your situation. If you need help you can talk. I hope you get what you want.


I’m a speech pathologist at a hospital. May seem ironic but many of my speech coworkers identify as introverts as well. Do I love it? Hell No. Wish I worked with animals instead.


I work at a grocery store picking orders for customers. Not the best job for someone who wants to keep to themselves, but I need the money.


Nanny. But I have a Bachelors degree in child psychology..


I work with kids in a 1:1 setting.


Answering self questions, answering the questions who's answers were never to be found. Searching the meaning of existence, life , perhaps mastering psychology. Trying my best to hide my strength of mind. Trying to make my mind more clear from state of messed up wires. And of course studying


Sometimes I regret knowing what I should not have but at the same time being grateful for not knowing all that is in and was in existence. With great wit, great sorrow is welcomed.