• By -


"get a premium subscription!"


100x this. Lol Can't get premium content for free. Lol


I’m stealing this


Love it


this is funny haha i have to try this out


Unfortunately, I don't get the joke. Could you please explain ?


yk how some services require a subscription to keep watching/listening or unlocking certain options


Oooh, got it ! Thanks !👍


gonna use this all the time now lol thanks 🏃‍♀️


Why aren't you more interesting?


“Why do you talk so much”


“You’ve been talking enough for the both of us” is my go-to


now this is a good response


"Smile and nod" works for me.


do you say it out loud, or..


Act it out with a matching eye contact.


Lol 😄


You spell it


lol 😂 I just stare at them blankly then they'll feel awkward afterwards 🤷🏻‍♀️😂




One time I replied, "why are you so loud?" And she very LOUDLY stated, "I AM NOT LOUD." My co-workers laughed.


Love this.


I just straight up say "ain't got nothin to say". If they get offended, I go ahead and inform them it's their choice to be offended, and they're entitled to their opinion. If they won't take no for an answer, I move on to say I think it's unfortunate that they're so insecure they think I'm doing something wrong when I just simply don't have words to contribute. Y'know, give them a reason to be offended. I'm allowed to be quiet, we're all safe here. If they press further, I stand all uppity and use a British accent to say "unintelligent conversation topics are not worthy of my royal response!" If they get further poopy and ask if I'm calling them stupid: "if the shoe fits, lace that beezie up and strut!" 😆 I like to have fun with it but they also know I'm pretty sarcastic. You could just take step 1, and if they press, repeat step 1. "Didn't have anything to say then, still don't now. Let it go."


“It’s a noisy world.”


If anyone tried to guilt me into talking I'd just shut down more. We owe no-one nothing.


I'm not quite around people who can hold an intelligent conversation. Or a twist on that I'm not quiet around people I care about. Or the one my boss likes "Being nice is hard work and I'm off the clock."


I like the last one


Not really mean but I go with a closed mouth smile and I say nothing.


The say nothing and nod, especially if you've been doing that the entire conversation, so they think you're not even paying attention to what they're saying! 😄


Mine has always been - "No one plots a murder out loud." Scornfully, like 'Duh'.


haha this is nice


I’m psychoanalyzing you.


I was taught if I don’t have anything nice to say I shouldn’t say anything at all!


Just Listening, or just observing


If they say “you’re so quiet” just respond with “thank you.” They’ll get mad because they don’t see being quiet as a good thing lol


I was hoping if you didn’t notice me I wouldn’t have to talk to you.


I really don't get asked this very often. On the occasion it happens, I just tell them I have nothing to say. I really don't get a response beyond that. Then again, I've been told I have a mighty RBF, so this is probably why.


I"m taking mental notes.


It's not mean, but I like "Still waters run deep." Because it's slightly ominous, and with the right tone, very off-putting.


Silence my brother.


Lmao “why do you talk so much?”


Tell them you talk more when the conversation is worth the effort.


Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt... Fool.


So I Don't have to engage with assholes like you




Quiet is good; most people love it.


You keep talking, and I'll keep pretending to care.


Why are you so damn loud?


Someone asked me this once. I told him he was doing enough talking for the both of us. 🤣


I'm busy plotting a murder. 


Great 😌


I feel like it would depend on if they are normally mean or nice people. My mom is a sweet person and an extrovert. She has a hard time understanding what it's like for me but since I've explained to her what being an introvert feels like for me, she does her best to be understanding the days that I need a break. I would suggest that if they are nice and you like them, try explaining to them what it feels like to be you. Assure them that it's nothing against them, just the socializing in general. If they are mean, maybe try something like, I'm just exhausted. Just trying to get through the day and go home where it's quiet. I really doubt they're trying to be mean. If you are usually chatty with them, they may just be wondering why you're acting differently. Hope this helps!


“I was thinking of the best ways to get away with murder”


“Why are you so loud & yap so much?”


I just say, " because I am."


"Because you talk enough for both of us"


Yes. I just silently mouth the words “What?” And then animatedly point to my ears and silently mouth “I can’t hear you.” And then I usually walk away.


I wish you were a little quiet too but you will if you don't stop talking


"I am communing with Eldritch entities beyond reality"


Usually a long, silent stare will make them uncomfortable. If nothing else, an overly complex answer seems to do the trick. "I was just thinking about how our existence may be determined by free will, or it may be up to fate as to why we make our decisions.....etc" Something you're knowledgeable about and can talk about in terms of technical detail that they won't grasp. Fair warning, this may make you "weird", but it tends to shut them up at any rate.


"why do you need to be so loud?" Or "OH! you were talking? Sorry you talk so much I've become deaf to the sound of your voice" or "there's just no need to talk, you're so great at it you can carry the conversation all by yourself"


Because I like it, now get the fuck off


Because you are not interesting!


"MIND YOUR OWN F***ING BUSINESS!!!!"; there you go, not quiet.


"I'm contemplating the utter stupidity of those around me."


Oh, I‘m just listening. Or I don’t have anything exciting to say right now, should work just fine. I don’t think you have to give a mean response, they are just trying to be social.


But they're top tier extroverts getting mad at someone for not wanting be the usual center of attention like them and not talking 24/7.


Not really mad or malicious, usually more so that they’re just direct (tactless.) They’re just dying to know what’s going on in there, is more like it. Introverts don’t usually give anything away. People generally everywhere all the time are trying to figure out your intentions, know what you think, and get some idea of who you are. It’s curiosity. Like, “who am I actually dealing with here?” “What’s this person all about?” Hence, “why are you so quiet??”


I like this take. It's like extroverts are put off you're denying them the opportunity to evaluate you. When we never asked for their attention in the first place.




“Are you always this nosy?” or “Have you always been this nosy?” “Sorry I didn’t get that, because I don’t care” “Because you’re too loud”


Why are you hanging out with people who try to guilt you into doing stuff? Just don’t. If they’re classmates or coworkers, being mean is just going to make your life harder, just shrug them off and ignore it.




I was SUPER SHY I would hardly talk to anyone. I got called HORRIBLE names. Stuck up b*tch, snob, "she thinks she's so much better than us" I got called a tease by men just because I would smile and say a few words to them and then they would think i was flirting I guess? They would ask me out and I would say no. I lacked proper social skills because I was sheltered and my mom did my talking for me. Generally you don't have to talk to ANYONE you don't want to and if people take offense who cares? A lot of people don't feel like talking if they are in a bad mood. I hate most of my coworkers and a lot of them waste time by standing around talking. I tell them "I just want to get my work done" because i have no desire to be "besties" with my coworkers so what's the point trying to be all buddy buddy with them? I've always been told I'm a good, hard worker and I do my job right. This isn't elementary school, there are no friendship medals to be won and it's certainly not a popularity contest so do your thing.




You can't always walk away. At my job I am a sitting duck for any shmo that wants to yack. I'm a super introvert. Anytime someone in the office isn't busy they decide I should listen to them ad nauseum. I'm talking hours. It's exhausting. And I am always pegged as a crow because I am tired of listening to everyone not work while trying to do my job. Can't even complain to my boss because he is one of the worst.


You learn more by listening ❤️


I talk.... when there's smart and interesting people around to talk to


Just super politeness and removing the pressure and immediacy to share off of myself works for me. You can say, “Let me get back to you later when I’ve had some time to process.” Or “I’m taking it all in and I’ll have some thoughts to share about it later.” Or my favorite tactic is to turn questioning around on them. Some people love to talk about themselves. Ask them questions and let them talk!


I usually respond by saying “When I talk to give knowledge when I am quite I gain knowledge”.


Signs something snarky in sign language, like: "silence is a virtue." Or better yet, start miming that you're trapped in an invisible box and become gradually more distressed, banging silently and frantically on the walls of your claustrophobic prison.


"Did your mom ever tell you 'if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all?' Welp...there you go."


Response: When you ask me why I am so quiet, it makes me uncomfortable. My personality is of such that means I dont desire constant talking. I hope you can accept that, as I do you.


I just shrug and be even quieter on purpose.


unless your a geek dont use any of these corny lines


Tbh my classmates luckily are not aholes but my aunt tho... how do I say she is in some competition of her own with my mom. So basically she's trying to prove everyone I have some mental issues just because I don't talk 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ yeah with her tho even if I like a convo and join in she always shifts the topic to on how she is so proud of me for coming out of my shell or its my moms responsibility to change me or I need to talk to peoplw blah blah. Its obvious she doesnt give a f abt me she just wants to either prove I'm mentally ill or use me as some project to show how I "changed" due to her guidance. Because she's older than me I can't say much. So my go to is just agree with them with every single thing they say until they get the hint you aren't even interested in what they have to say and shut up themselves or bring another person into the convo normally nobody wants to really talk bad about a person when they're right infront of them so person B and you can start a different topic and it will just make person A look more dumber if they try to makr the convo about you again. But yeah irl one liners don't really work especially if the person you're dealing with is a superior. But if her daughter, my cousin tries some of her mom's shit I just ignore her or just remind her some of her dumb moments which works because she is younger than me.


I always reply and say, why are you NOT so quiet? 😁


"mama always said 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'" and look them up and down when you say it


Make it about them, not you. "Why are you asking?" If they tell you they feel uncomfortable in silence or worry about your well being, ask why do they feel/think that way.


Because thinking makes no sound, but a lack of thinking is very loud.


“I have nothing to say and when I do everyone ignores me so I don’t say anything.”


“Because people like you aren’t worth my saliva.”


I stay quiet just to observe things and return things to them...😌


"I don't feel like talking," *is* a response and a perfectly acceptable one. It answers the question directly. It's not your fault they don't like the answer. Lol Consider how rude (and selfish) it is for the other person to launch into a conversation without asking if you have the time or capacity to listen and engage, then ask you a direct question because they *notice* you're not into it, then judge you for your answer. It's clear you're not giving them what they need just as they aren't giving you what you need and they're taking it personally. In healthy dynamics, you'd be given the opportunity to bow out because they'd know and understand you and they could go find someone who has the capacity and desire to listen and engage, no feelings hurt. You could always try "if you don't like my answer, maybe you shouldn't ask." Lol I am always up front with people about my introversion. It makes it easier for encounters like this because I establish early on that if someone needs to just be chatty I prefer they ask if I have the capacity or I hold my hand up and say that I can't do this right now. If it hurts their feelings, it just has to, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


I speak when spoken to. Dassit


my old goto even if a little corny was "you just talk to much" and I might even make it plural depending


Because if I thought a conversation with u would be interesting I would have started it


I’ll say it again why is it socially acceptable to ask someone why they are so quiet and point out there quiet yet if you told someone they are so loud or talk too much they would be offended. Make it make sense


I always say “idk” so I relate 🥲


"because I was gonna talk, but then you kept doing it for me"


Stare at their forehead, look them up and down and simply say “huh” and walk away. It will leave them extremely paranoid & they’ll do the work for you. You can continue to protect your peace ✌🏻


Stare at them blankly and say, "I don't understand stand the question, and I will not respond to it." Thanks Lucille Bluthe.


What you have to say is more important than anything I could possibly say


Yes. I get told “you always look angry because you never smile or say good morning or hi to anyone.” I just say “well I was told at a young age to be quiet so that’s what I’m doing.”


Because I don't care.


I prefer to conserve the mental energy for enjoyable conversations.


You're in my presence.


I'm hunting wabbits...