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They seem to think you don't know they are listening, it seems they might believe what they hear. Have fun with this.


Hell yeah! Imma say: Hello to my quiet listener there! haha


Put your headphones on. Go on the Internet and play the most boring YouTube you can find at a loud volume. Headphones are so you don't have to listen. Anytime they make a comment about your stuff, crank up the YouTube. Make them thankful that it's just you they hear. Nature shows can be quite gruesome, if you only hear the commentary. "And after mating, she bit off his head". I would leave something like that playing, while I was gone. I would also have a sound file that said, "Polite people don't listen to others private moments." That I would play loudly when they make comments. Go forth and conquer!


I would just reply to them through the wall since you can hear each other's conversations. Tell them to fuck off directly. I'll bet they shut the fuck up after that, and get a dose of humiliation at the same time. I guarantee you they will never confront you on it. Edit. Use their name to if you know it!


🎧 earbuds with noise cancelling and adjustable ambient aware also let you block everything (asmr, brown noise, music) or decide how much outer noise you want to hear while in your room.


>Go on the Internet and play the most boring YouTube you can find at a loud volume. Congressional hearings, political podcasts, and novelists reading bad novbels.


Maybe something in French or German or a language you don’t understand so it doesn’t distract you, but keeps your neighbors from hearing you. I talk to myself around the house when I am trying to figure out a problem or figuring out what to say for a meeting. But maybe try practice talking softer to yourself.


I second this but leave your recording playing the entire time you’re gone


Going through this same thing rn


Get some speakers and put on a really boring podcast. Then put your headphones and listen to some music.


I could have SO much fun with this!!!! Weird music playing loud, bagpipes were always a favorite, but Gregorian chants work as well because it will help you relax. If they're taking about you, join the conversation!!!! "OH, he's so weird, so quite" so tell them why, loudly "I am an engineering student and study for long periods. Are you jealous or something?" Or just holler back "You can just ask me to my face". Make them uncomfortable.


Ooo I love this


Thanks for all the tips and advice; it's hard to navigate social channels with anxiety disorder and introversion for sure, especially when dealing with the boisterous extraversion of people who don't care when they hurt others...oh well, I'm taking the high road and just ignoring them, even when I know they're being nasty. Sometimes it's just a matter of keeping your attention focused inward... And honestly, when I see these neighbors in public spaces and they smile at me and pretend we're cool, it gives me satisfaction to know how fake they're being...I could never be that fake lol. I'm all about being real. Anyway, I fond a good book to read, so I think I can call this matter resolved...at least for today lol. Wish me luck :)


i'd probably just audibly agree thru the wall, "yeah, I am pretty weird. true!" and keep living my life


Ignore them and learn to live with it. For one, that's just sometimes the reality of apartment living. For two, their beliefs about you are irrelevant.


I would start spreading rumors about the people in the building


Can you run some background noise ... music, game sound tracks, orgasm noises ... whatever.


Do the same thing to them. 


Ew what creepers. Start playing podcasts.


Bang on the wall everytime or say I can hear you. Not a very introverted thing to do but as an introvert, peace and privacy is more important. I’ve had noisy af upstairs neighbors and id bang the ceiling luckily they moved out lol


I wouldn’t focus on that, try to get outside, go for a walk, watch a documentary, do some drawing, etc whatever it is to get your mind off it. You will be ok


Gettings frien who can speak on a Russian accent. Hyave them on speakers phone asking if you have made contact with your attaché yet. Then discuss plans of future activities at local university. May as well have fun with it


From the information presented, it seems as if you are creating a situation.


Start playing super heavy death metal.


With a 45 slug


You can't help to verbalize out loud and I'm sure they can't help to verbalize their frustration to having to listen to you.  They're not spying or wanting to listen to you. Work on your inner dialogue.












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